  • Report:  #1024747

Complaint Review: Executive Officer- Vincent P. Caprigno - Tampa Florida Internet

Reported By:
Stratton Brothers Investigation - Penn, Virginia, United States of America

Executive Officer- Vincent P. Caprigno
Tampa Florida, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
As director of Blessed Be Baskets Executive Officer- Vincent P. Caprigno was fully aware of his Mothers Scam Activities which involved trading diapers and donations for weed, currently the charity is under investigation by Florida Authorities Vincent will often use his affiliation with a Tampa Youth Group to attack others who are exposing his Mother for her wrong doings.
Vincent is believed to be involved in money laundering with his Mother and Grandmother

19 Updates & Rebuttals


Tom Raspotnik and Sheep Robert Edwad Fraize

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 09, 2013

First on the list why are you attacking my son and his organization? Because Tom told you to do it? You attacked him once before when you said "f*gs like him should shoot themselves", remember that?? As Vincent's mother; regardless of age, he is my son and your committing more hate crimes on Gays and discriminative behavior for him, to him, because you hate me? and your attempts with the charity. That is about as intelligent as rocks. 

Why does the ip you posted all over the internet look like ours? You and Tom, or the Church hacked our system, we know because we received the warning that someone was attempting a password to access. You have all successfully under your 4000 accounts contacted me as Magus Jordan Lee from Haverhill, Mass, telling me about it. Although that account and many more are blocked, you have so many accounts it is a sifting process. Why have you assumed that you have been talking to me in any of these forums?? Unless it has my name, my account to it, its my son. He is the senior executive.

Please do not bother us with your pettiness to create all these accounts duplicating the charity and my personal websites. As stated above by Vincent there are real emergencies that require help from as many people as possible. If you pay more attention to reality TV like NBC? you would know about the sink hole issues happening around here. That is where our attention is at. Why Tom asks over and over again about "the charity doing nothing" . In the Dictionary is this apparent mysterious word, its called Mobile, it means to move. Therefore, if none of us from the charity are online? we are in the field. 

I have not crated any accounts anywhere, Tom needs to realize when he incites riots with people, some will retaliate. I have no idea who created the gofer/ghost buster thing. I have nothing to do with things I have no control over to take down, the craigslist in MI, I did not create it, anything else about books, I was sent the information, but its not me. I received a invite to the page. I thought it was funny, and blocked it. I am sure its another Tom and Robert creation, just like Stratton Brothers Investigations??? Do you really think I am that stupid, it does not exist.


My aging 75 year old mother does not need to be dragged into this. Given you are both self-proclaimed Satanists out to destroy old ladies and children in ritualistic killings for a god, is so disgusting words can not explain it. The charity has work to do, If you wanted documentation about the legalities of the charity, all you had to do is ask. However, I know that would of taken the pleasure out of trying to "get to me". Cheers Kids!!!~Sylvia Nagel CEO


United States of America
Lies again

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 09, 2013

You continue to think we created these websites and stuff about you. Do you really think we are that much about you? We have a charity to work on we have little time to spend on 20 something - 40 something children


Church of Leviathan Robert Edward Fraize and Tom Raspotnik

#4UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 09, 2013

First on the list why are you attacking my son and his organization? Because Tom told you to do it? You attacked him once before when you said "f*gs like him should shoot themselves", remember that?? As Vincent's mother; regardless of age, he is my son and your committing more hate crimes on Gays and discriminative behavior for him, to him, because you hate me? and your attempts with the charity. That is about as intelligent as rocks. 

Why does the ip you posted all over the internet look like ours? You and Tom, or the Church hacked our system, we know because we received the warning that someone was attempting a password to access. You have all successfully under your 4000 accounts contacted me as Magus Jordan Lee from Haverhill, Mass, telling me about it. Although that account and many more are blocked, you have so many accounts it is a sifting process. Why have you assumed that you have been talking to me in any of these forums?? Unless it has my name, my account to it, its my son. He is the senior executive.

Please do not bother us with your pettiness to create all these accounts duplicating the charity and my personal websites. As stated above by Vincent there are real emergencies that require help from as many people as possible. If you pay more attention to reality TV like NBC? you would know about the sink hole issues happening around here. That is where our attention is at. Why Tom asks over and over again about "the charity doing nothing" . In the Dictionary is this apparent mysterious word, its called Mobile, it means to move. Therefore, if none of us from the charity are online? we are in the field. 

I have not crated any accounts anywhere, Tom needs to realize when he incites riots with people, some will retaliate. I have no idea who created the gofer/ghost buster thing. I have nothing to do with things I have no control over to take down, the craigslist in MI, I did not create it, anything else about books, I was sent the information, but its not me. I received a invite to the page. I thought it was funny, and blocked it. I am sure its another Tom and Robert creation, just like Stratton Brothers Investigations??? Do you really think I am that stupid, it does not exist. 


My aging 75 year old mother does not need to be dragged into this. Given you are both self-proclaimed Satanists out to destroy old ladies and children in ritualistic killings for a god, is so disgusting words can not explain it. The charity has work to do, If you wanted documentation about the legalities of the charity, all you had to do is ask. However, I know that would of taken the pleasure out of trying to "get to me". Cheers Kids!!!~Sylvia Nagel CEO


United States of America
Fake people

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 09, 2013

Your ignorance is quite entertaining.    Once again you are posting Fraudulent accusations.  Vincent Caprigno has done nothing to you or Flagship Radio ( FAKE RADIO )  and we have reported Flagship as well as Church of leviathan due to harassment and fraudulent accusations based on zero evidence proposed by administration.    

Vincent Caprigno has not contacted any one of you until recently and that was a email stating "Tampa Youth Project has nothing to do with this feud please leave us out of it.  Thank you"   And due to Childish people we are now dragged into a situation that has NOTHING to do with us.   But thats okay..   We have contacted our national headquarters and a investigation has been started on all of the suspects in this "battle"  

Try again......

Flagship Media

United States of America

#6Author of original report

Sat, March 09, 2013

We uncovered this fraudulent charity, we posted pictures of her in a state of euphoria, a.k.a. high as can be, eyes swollen, and pupils small, so her claims to being sober are unfounded, as far as her son we are contacting other charities in the area warning people of this family which is involved in a ring of exchanging diapers and donations for marijuana and possible other narcotics, we have several reports from her neighbors of a considerable drug trade at her home.

Even this person posted a meme of Robert Fraize here showing her level of stupidity. Her son and Mother is involved and we will expose this in the days and weeks ahead. Thanks


United States of America
Prove it

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 09, 2013

Prove that it was our IP address 

Robert E Fraize

United States of America

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, March 09, 2013

answer me this why is it that your ip address was all over that site?


United States of America
Lies again

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 08, 2013

You continue to think we created these websites and stuff about you. Do you really think we are that much about you?

We have a charity to work on we have little time to spend on 20 something - 40 something children

Robert E Fraize

United States of America
Sylvia fails again

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013

Sylvia we have managed to get into that gozer wordpress page and obtained. A few ips One matches dementia one matches yours and we got some others. Those memes where tracked to the creators ip. this is now being taken to our attorny and local p.d today. You are screwed


United States of America

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 08, 2013

You are accusing Vincent for supporting Sylvia's actions which are believed to be false.

Your fude is with Sylvia and yet you bring Vincent into it and the Yourh Project which has nothing to do with this.

If you had the proof that Vincent committed any crimes or actions that have wronged you then show us. Other than that you have nothing.


United States of America

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 08, 2013

Top every official document sent from blessed be baskets is recorded before being sent out.

Any document can be digitally signed using copied signatures.

The real point is that regardless if what you think the charity did. this is way passed a cease and desist. We can go back and forth for decades claiming you signed it or you saying we did (which I believe we did not do). The real issue is not the document. All of this is a personal fight that is being blown out of proportion and is being used as leverage to attack a charity who has don't no harm what so ever. You attack anyone related to Sylvia even if they have NOTHING to do with this situation just because you refuse to act like an adult and settle this as adults.

If you choose to settle this as adults then let's handle it that way. You have Vincent's contact information send us a proposal of what you want done and we will reply with the same. IF needs are met then the situation is settled.

Act like an adult and be professional.

We also do not support others sending photos of you in a insulting matter. We can act like civilized people but we have yet to receive it in return.


United States of America
Just outright Lies

#13UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 08, 2013

How dear you slander. I know who you are and want anwsers. How dear you drag my child into this. Your so immature I feel sorry you. Not only I want I want historical facts where u can prove mrs sylvia traded diapers for drugs. Someones going to pay for this

Report Attachments

Robert E Fraize

United States of America
about the forged document

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013

i never used a digital signature on the original document that you see on the soc page.
My cousin eric fraize sent me a legal document through certified mail which i signed relieving him of his duties i sent it back to Eric. and he sent it to the Massachusetts sec of state page then they photo copied it and put it on the soc site. again sylvia you fail. and the soc has the original document and eric is a witness to this. do you really want to involve him he does not mess around with legal issues. now if and when i decide to press charges on this issue eric will be a witness and the original document will be taken from the sec of state and you will lose in court. 

thanks you play again.

Report Attachments

Robert E Fraize

United States of America
straight lies

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013

Sylvia that signature is so much like the other one even the little dots when you look close made by the printer when the original church document was scanned. so again you lie I never signed your paper you committed fraud forgery and identity theft using your charities name.
You must have had been drunk. or you must be real dumb to think people believe you even my cousin the one you talk to was pissed about that because that document was something i mailed to him through certified mail.   everyone knows that document is false and my local pd know it also. 

are they sick of you calling yet?  By the way you say they have bee sent to my house?
I would like you to post that report. because it never happened again that is false information and they are getting pissed about this. You are wasting there time. and as for calling dss we got the screen shot where you claim you had a psychic vision that i abused my child we showed the officer that also and he laughed he talked to my son its all on file :)


United States of America

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 08, 2013

The documents shown in the images where emailed to you BLANK and received with such signatures.... The signatures where digital and can be created with programs such as adobe reader. Since you have a identical signature on a official document you use it would be likely you used a similar signature to sign a document we sent you.

In addition the document does not take presence any longer due to failing to comply

Report Attachments

Robert E Fraize

United States of America

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, March 08, 2013

We have proved sylvia has forged documents using blessed be baskets to slander myself and church. These documents where printed and brought to the haverhill police and our court. My attorny may be charging sylvia with harassment fraud forgery amongst other charges still being looked over


United States of America
Sylvia Caprigno history

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 07, 2013

Sylvia Caprigno has been through rehabilitation and has been clean since 1987 and this is one of the major reasons why Sylvia and Vincent started Blessed Be Baskets. To provide support for those who need it regardless of background or history.

Sylvia uses the medication Celexa as proscribed and is needed do the the after effects of using drugs as a young teen before rehab. Vincent has nothing to prevent because there isn't anything that is being done

Once again your allegations are false and you still have yet to provide concrete evidence that shows that Blessed Be Baskets or Tampa Youth Project has done any wrong in any matter.

Robert E Fraize

United States of America
drug use and fraud.

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, March 07, 2013

Ceo sylvia nagel the mother of vincent is a self admitted drug user.

she has also on more then one occasion threatened my family with false law suits and she has threatened to call dss for no reason other then malice.

Vincent knows about his mothers scams drug abuse and fraud but he has not taken apropiate action to stop her.

here are some screen shots of sylvia admitting to drug use and some evidence of blessed be baskets committing forgery and fraud. they are now also committing identity theft but that evidence will be in another report.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Fraudulent Accusations

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 07, 2013

Blessed Be Baskets Charity is a mobile food pantry in which we deliver Dippers, Gift cards, Food and any other items available at the time to families that have reached out to us or families we have contacted.  The executive Director Vincent P. Caprigno is our Youth liaison,  Vincent is in charge of many youth families such as Teen Parents, Homeless Youth ETC.   

We do not support Drugs, Alcohol abuse.  We help find individuals help to cure it.    We do not trade goods for drugs.   Sylvia Caprigno and Vincent P. Caprigno are willing to take polygraph tests to prove that these accusations are FALSE and the persons making these accusations are spreading FALSE claims against our charity  such as a Fake Website that  Tom Erik Raspotnik created.  We have Proof of this and are willing to provide such information.   

The "Tampa Youth Group"  that was stated is ONCE AGAIN A FALSE STATEMENT.   For one,  The person can not even get the correct name.  Which shows that these accusations are false and just another way that he is trying to lie his way though the books....      Tampa Youth Project is the correct Spelling.     

Tampa Youth Project is the Youth Department of GLSEN Tampa Bay  GLSEN being a national organization for creating safe and affirming schools for L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.S  - (And so on)  Youth.  Vincent P. Caprigno started the Tampa Youth Project with GLSEN tampa bay because he wanted to make a difference in his community and change the way his High School was handling bullying policies.    

This person is Attacking the Youth Project (TYP) only because the in charge Vincent P. Caprigno  is the son of Sylvia Caprigno (Blessed Be Baskets owner)     We have emails documented showing that the person that created this report is only attacking Vincent because he is mad.      Threats where made by this person that states "You will pay for your mothers attacks" when there where NO attacks what so ever.   The only contact the Tampa Youth Project has with Tom is one email sent to him stating " Tampa Youth Project has nothing to do with your feud with my mother and the charity"   in which Tom replied  " I do as i please speed bump"   

We have contacted our local authorities and will be taking further action on this matter.

Thank You

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