  • Report:  #32266

Complaint Review: Eyeglass World - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- Las Vegas, NV,

Eyeglass World
3819 W. Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, 89102 Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My report is 6 pages of chronological documentation, which cannot be entered here. If you have a fax number or address, I can provide you a copy. However, a Very brief summary follows.

It began on 8/17/02. I went to Eyeglass World to get my new prescription filled. Their famous "buy 1, get 1 free" is a ripoff to begin with. I picked out 2 pair of frames, and wanted to order Adapter progressive lenses. Was told they carried a comparable brand, called "Younger Image". I also had 2 pair of my own glasses, to get upgraded lenses for. I decided to pay for the 2 I was buying and the 2 I was going to buy (the ones I had) up front, and requested they make only 1 pair, just in case they weren't like my Adapters. They agreed. I decided to pay for all 4 pair up front. BIG MISTAKE. They said the 1 pair would be ready the next day.

8/18 - Went to pick up glasses. A man put them on to see if they fit, and then took them right off. As soon as I got home, and took them out of the case to try to use, and one of the lenses fell out, so I could never try and use them.

8/19 - Called store and explained. Brought glasses back. At first, was told they needed a different screw and took them in a back room. When he came out, he said the lens had been cut incorrectly, and would need to be re-done. I would have to come back again.

8/20 - Went to pick up glasses. Put them on and everything was blurry and gave me a headache. I knew Younger Image was not comparable to Adapters. A woman, Barbara, re-measured and said the original measurements "might be a little off", and they should be able to order the Adapters. The 2nd pair of frames had come in, but weren't as big as I was told they would be. Since I coudln't see out of the 1st pair, I felt they would not be able to make the Adapters correctly. Therefore, I said I would just take back my old 2 pair of glasses, so I would have something to use in the meantime, and since I committed to buying the 2 pair, I felt obligated to buy them, as long as they were being re-done. I then said to cancel the 3rd and 4th pair and was told they did not accept returns or issue refunds. I explained there was nothing to return, since I never took possession of the 3rd and 4th pair of lenses, only paid for them. Also, they were never cut or made yet. The blanks were still in the box at their store. They still said that was their story policy and they would have to talk to Corporate in Florida to see if anything could be done. I became extremely upset. They said they would check and call me the next day.

8/21 - When no one called, I called the Corporate Office in florida (561-965-9110), and the girl said I would have to speak to Eric, the Store manager, and he would need approval from the Regional Manager and proper paperwork would have to be submitted in order to issue a credit back to my DISCOVER card. I called Eric and he said he would complete the paperwork and I would hear from him in a few days.

Heard nothing from anyone. On 8/30, called Eric and asked about the credit (for half my bill, the 3rd and 4th pair of lenses), and he said it takes about 2 weeks, and would call me back that day. He did not. I called him twice more, and was told he was with customers.

9/3 - Called my sales rep, Bill Forsyth, since I hadn't heard anything, and he said all the paperwork had been properly submitted to Corporate for a partial credit, but did not know or give me the exact amount, and I would be hearing from Corporate directly. I then asked about the first pair of glasses, which were supposed to have been ready. he said I needed to speak to Barbara and "listen to what she has to say". She said the lab they used to make the lenses had a "black out". Instead of the Adapters, which I was promised, those those to use another brand, called Signa Armorlight. She tried convincing me they were a better brand, but obviously, I didn't believe it. She said the new lenses were ordered today and it takes 2 days to get them from Florida, so they should be ready by 9/5 or 9/6, and would be called when they were ready.

I then called DISCOVER card and explained about the dispute, and was told my payment had to be received by 9/25 to avoid finance charges.

9/9 - Went to pick up glasses. First pair were a little difficult to see out of, but they said I would get used to them. Was told they were definitely Adapters, so I had to take them. The 2nd pair were entirely too small, and only way I could see out of a portion was to hold my head down. Bill talked to the Manager, and said there was nothing they would do, since they had special ordered the Adapters. Got fed up, took both pair and left the store.

9/16 - Went back to my eye doctor to hve eyes re-checked, since I could not see out of the new glasses. They said the basic curve is 4.75 on both pair of new glasses, when it should be 6.75, and I needed to take them back to Eyeglass World to be re-done. They also said they were not Adapters, but a cheap imitation. When I arrived at store, Manager argued with me that they wre in fact Adapters and made correctly, and I should be able to see out of them. He said he would call my doctor the next day, but never did. I gave him a copy of the note from the doctor, which also said the Adapter code was "III". Was told the code on these glasses was "II". They said the third "I" was cut off due to how they were made.

9/23 - Bill called to say glasses were ready. Went to pick up and could not see out of either pair. Top was blurry. A man called Jesus said to take one pair and try them for a day. since it was 7:10 PM and they closed at 7 PM, I could come back the next day to look for a 2nd pair of frames, since the second pair didn't even fit me.

9/24 - Went back to store and started looking at frames. Barbara approached me and asked what I needed. I told her Jesus said to come back to look at frames to pick from, and she walked away. Another man came up a few minutes later and said his name was Eric. H ewanted to see the pair of glasses I had taken with me the evening before, so I gave them to him. He took them in the back room, came back a few minutes later and said "there is nothing we can do because we received notification from DISCOVER that we are not going to get paid for any of the merchandise". Therefore, he kept both pair. He said he had also received his copy of the ltter I wrote to the President of the company in Florida. I was very nice to him and told him we would just have to start all over again from "square 1", since they didn't get paid and I got a full credit.

10/8 - Received letter dated 10/1 from DISCOVER which only enclosed a copy of the receipt I already had. Called DISCOVER and spoke to Rose in Dispute Dept. She informed me no credit of any kind, full or partial had ever been issued by Eyeglass World. Eric had told them an entirely different story than what I explained to her really happened. Therefore, Eric had lied about the partial credit, and what he told me on 9/24 that they were not going to get paid by DISOCVER card for their merchandise, so he was keeping the glasses, was also another lie. Faxed all information to Rose. She believes I will have to bring a civil suit against Eyeglass World.

In summary, today, 10/10/02, I have paid $651.76, and have nothing to show for it. They kept the glasses.

Since they are liars, unreliable, and I was deceived by not being told the truth all along in addition to not being able to get a refund if I decided the first pair wouldn't work, although I pre-paid for 4 pair, I do not want any store credit from them. I want a full credit issued to my credit card. I will never set foot in an Eyeglass World store again. They sell inferior merchandise and can't be trusted. They have stolen money for me and I have nothing to show for it except lost time from work, the cost of gas, wear and tear on my car, from having to drive back and forth 6 or 7 times (I've lost count), only to get the runaround, and did not receive any merchandise. These people should not be allowed to stay in businss.

After so many times dealing with that store, I do not need to sign my name to this. I was told by Bill that everyone in that store know who I am by now.


Las Vegas, Nevada

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West Palm Beach,
Rip Off by Doctors ..licensed Optometrist who has worked for the owners of Eyeglass World

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 20, 2003

As a licensed Optometrist who has worked for the owners of Eyeglass World, I can advise people who want to go there for their eyecare of the following problems. The equipment barely works and is not fully equipped with regards to laws governing the practice of Optometry. The owners will and have hired non-licensed doctors to perform the eye examination. The doctors with Eyeglass World are "required" to change the prescriptions, even if it is not needed. Since all the equipment is not in the office, the doctors cannot perform an adequate dilated examination. Furthermore, they do not want people who are being fit with contact lenses to return for a dilated examination. I have told patients that it is illegal for opticians to sell eyecare, the warranty agreement they sell for contact lens care. The opticians know nothing about contacts or their care. My advice, check out the equipment, look for licenses and if they are not immediately visible, ask to see them. They require city, county and state licenses to be conspicuous.

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