  • Report:  #62404

Complaint Review: Fairbanks Capital Corp Aegis Mortgage Corp American Servicing Co. & UC Lending - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
- Akron, Ohio,

Fairbanks Capital Corp Aegis Mortgage Corp American Servicing Co. & UC Lending
10401Deerwood Park Blvd. Jacksonville, 32256 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
UC Lending, got this loan and lied to me about my insurance and taxes being included. I found out it was just one payment of insurance and half taxes. Made first payment to Aegis Mortgage and second payment was sold to Fairbanks Cap. I send the first Payment to Fairbanks March 2003, which was mailed Feb. 25. This payment never posted until April no penalties, said it was because of new transfer.

Second payment was sent 2nd of April, because the first was so late. They claimed they never received the payment 12th of April, call back maybe it just wasn't on record. Now late payment is due 16th still not cash. Was told to call back in week. Called back the man got nasty and said I was delinguent and needed to make payment over the phone. Yet if my check would show up they would cash it too.

So, this cost me almost $90 to cancel the check, late fee and over the phone charges. This made an overage to my checking account because it went through before my automatic deposit. Being on a strict buget my next two payments have been late so I sent them priority mail with comfirmation. Isn't this funny, the checks were received and cashed in three days.


Akron, Ohio

23 Updates & Rebuttals


Correct the Lenders Mistakes

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 11, 2007

I am a Mortgage Broker and worked in Credit Repair for a year. I have never serviced loans but I am very aware of relly poor Customer Service with many lenders. If what you say is in fact true, here is the course of action to take. 1. Order a payment history from the lender and review the posting dates of your payments. 2. Get copies of your cancelled checks of the payments that you have made. 3. Go to "freecreditreports" and order your credit history from all three bureaus. This is a free 1 time/ year service provided by the bureaus. 4. Dispute the lates that the lenders have reported to your credit and send in your pay history and cancelled checks noting the cleared date on your checks. The lender will be forced to respond or remove the lates reflected on your credit.


Check who's servicing The person you should be complaining about is the servicer of your loan

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, March 24, 2005

The person you should be complaining about is the servicer of your loan, not the person who originated it. The originator of your loan (Broker...looks like Aegis to me) put together all your documents and found you a loan with a 3rd party. That means they didn't give you the money themselves, they just found someone who would. So...whatever you qualified for when you got the loan somewhat determined who could possibly do that for you. You ended up with a servicing company that purchased your loan on the open market (aka Wall Street) so your grief shouldn't be with Aegis, it should be with whomever services your loan after it gets where it's going. Fairbanks and ASC have serious issues...look at their record here. Those people are hideous...but stop blaming the place who got you the loan in the first place....once sold, they have nothing to do with it at all. That is the case with most everyone who acts as a broker in any loan situation. They don't always know where it'll end up once it is put on the open market, nor do they have control of that, even if they wanted to do that. I would suggest when you send your payments in, send return receipt requested (no signature so that it doesn't have to have a human response) and then take those to the county with a copy of your NOTORIZED check and record your payment at the county clerk. Then when they report you not making payments, take it up with them that you have recorded documents showing you did make it...that will go a lot further than your checkbook ledger or cancelled check. You'll have solid proof of when you paid, how sent, and when they really got it. It's bad that some servicing companies do this, but the margin on those types is so small, that's how they make their money...by charging late fees and interest on late loans. Blame the servicer, not the originator. Good luck.


Check who's servicing The person you should be complaining about is the servicer of your loan

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, March 24, 2005

The person you should be complaining about is the servicer of your loan, not the person who originated it. The originator of your loan (Broker...looks like Aegis to me) put together all your documents and found you a loan with a 3rd party. That means they didn't give you the money themselves, they just found someone who would. So...whatever you qualified for when you got the loan somewhat determined who could possibly do that for you. You ended up with a servicing company that purchased your loan on the open market (aka Wall Street) so your grief shouldn't be with Aegis, it should be with whomever services your loan after it gets where it's going. Fairbanks and ASC have serious issues...look at their record here. Those people are hideous...but stop blaming the place who got you the loan in the first place....once sold, they have nothing to do with it at all. That is the case with most everyone who acts as a broker in any loan situation. They don't always know where it'll end up once it is put on the open market, nor do they have control of that, even if they wanted to do that. I would suggest when you send your payments in, send return receipt requested (no signature so that it doesn't have to have a human response) and then take those to the county with a copy of your NOTORIZED check and record your payment at the county clerk. Then when they report you not making payments, take it up with them that you have recorded documents showing you did make it...that will go a lot further than your checkbook ledger or cancelled check. You'll have solid proof of when you paid, how sent, and when they really got it. It's bad that some servicing companies do this, but the margin on those types is so small, that's how they make their money...by charging late fees and interest on late loans. Blame the servicer, not the originator. Good luck.


Check who's servicing The person you should be complaining about is the servicer of your loan

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, March 24, 2005

The person you should be complaining about is the servicer of your loan, not the person who originated it. The originator of your loan (Broker...looks like Aegis to me) put together all your documents and found you a loan with a 3rd party. That means they didn't give you the money themselves, they just found someone who would. So...whatever you qualified for when you got the loan somewhat determined who could possibly do that for you. You ended up with a servicing company that purchased your loan on the open market (aka Wall Street) so your grief shouldn't be with Aegis, it should be with whomever services your loan after it gets where it's going. Fairbanks and ASC have serious issues...look at their record here. Those people are hideous...but stop blaming the place who got you the loan in the first place....once sold, they have nothing to do with it at all. That is the case with most everyone who acts as a broker in any loan situation. They don't always know where it'll end up once it is put on the open market, nor do they have control of that, even if they wanted to do that. I would suggest when you send your payments in, send return receipt requested (no signature so that it doesn't have to have a human response) and then take those to the county with a copy of your NOTORIZED check and record your payment at the county clerk. Then when they report you not making payments, take it up with them that you have recorded documents showing you did make it...that will go a lot further than your checkbook ledger or cancelled check. You'll have solid proof of when you paid, how sent, and when they really got it. It's bad that some servicing companies do this, but the margin on those types is so small, that's how they make their money...by charging late fees and interest on late loans. Blame the servicer, not the originator. Good luck.


Fairbanks Capital Corp, Aegis Mortgage Corp, American Servicing Co. & UC Lending - America's Servicing Company and Wells Fargo doing the same thing...

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, January 27, 2005

I just found this post and wish I would have found it sooner. I know exactly what you have been going through with payments being posted late to your account. Believe me when I say, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more going on with these problems than you think. I bet a lot of you do not know that Wells Fargo does business as America's Servicing Company. Interesting huh? If you are using payment coupons, there are probably property inspection fees, a BPO (Brokers Price Opinion) charges, administrative charges and various other charges being added to your account without your knowing about it. Some of us get monthly statements and some do not. These monthly statements do not show all the charges being added to your account. Nor do they show how your payments are being applied to your account. You ask questions and get no straight answers or lies. You request account information and they refuse to provide it. You start getting odd notices stating that your account is in default of payments you know you paid and on time too. You provide the proof and they refuse to correct it. In fact they ignore the information you send. You send in receipts and letters and get no responses. How about insurance? You have your own policy but they force insurance on you and refuse to recognize the insurance information you send to them. Does this sound familiar to any of you? If it does, please read the RipOff Reports already filed on America's Servicing Company and Wells Fargo to see what others have been going through and what they have done to try to straighten out their situations. There is a lot of eye-opening information contained in many of those RipOff Reports. Please follow the advice on how to keep accurate records of your transactions with these companies. It's very important that you read this information it may save you from being set up for a foreclosure on your home. You are not alone with these problems, there are a lot more people going through this same thing.


Please read and make you own decision!

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 16, 2004

It truely is not a matter of if someone is a Sub-Prime borrower or not. Anyone is at risk of this and it is something that should be stopped. I work for a mortgage company and I can honestly say that in my time the clients I help get out of debt that get themselves back in to debt. I give you the information you need to successfully get out and stay out of the financial nightmare that seems to plaque all of us at one point in our lives. It has been by experience that when dealing with these types of companies that one thing can be sure....they do not care. They will make there money one way or another. It is up to you the client involved to make sure that this does not happen to you. Whether you want it to or not, whether by refinancing with the company, or being sold on the second market.I have successfully gotten clients into a better situation and but them back into the situations they were in before. But there are some steps that you need to following in order to get away. 1. Make sure you have proof of payments. Cancelled checks or for that matter money order receipts are fine. Bank statements are fool proof. 2. Make sure when (and if) you get to speak to a live indidvidual that you get there full name and there extension or employee number. Something to identify them. This way when they lie and you know they will you can say " Well Tom Thumb at extension 22783 told me...." This always makes them spin in the mud. I am not trying to get you to do anything. If you are fine where you are and like losing sleep at night worrying about losing your home...be my quest. However, if you are ready to get with a company that has proven to be a leader in the industry give me a call at 1-877-598-1426 at extension 2521. If you want to know more about the comany I am part of and soon you will be as well check us out at www.novastarmortgage.com. You will be glad you did! Thank you. Sincerly Glenn E. Fleureton


Please read and make you own decision!

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 16, 2004

It truely is not a matter of if someone is a Sub-Prime borrower or not. Anyone is at risk of this and it is something that should be stopped. I work for a mortgage company and I can honestly say that in my time the clients I help get out of debt that get themselves back in to debt. I give you the information you need to successfully get out and stay out of the financial nightmare that seems to plaque all of us at one point in our lives. It has been by experience that when dealing with these types of companies that one thing can be sure....they do not care. They will make there money one way or another. It is up to you the client involved to make sure that this does not happen to you. Whether you want it to or not, whether by refinancing with the company, or being sold on the second market.I have successfully gotten clients into a better situation and but them back into the situations they were in before. But there are some steps that you need to following in order to get away. 1. Make sure you have proof of payments. Cancelled checks or for that matter money order receipts are fine. Bank statements are fool proof. 2. Make sure when (and if) you get to speak to a live indidvidual that you get there full name and there extension or employee number. Something to identify them. This way when they lie and you know they will you can say " Well Tom Thumb at extension 22783 told me...." This always makes them spin in the mud. I am not trying to get you to do anything. If you are fine where you are and like losing sleep at night worrying about losing your home...be my quest. However, if you are ready to get with a company that has proven to be a leader in the industry give me a call at 1-877-598-1426 at extension 2521. If you want to know more about the comany I am part of and soon you will be as well check us out at www.novastarmortgage.com. You will be glad you did! Thank you. Sincerly Glenn E. Fleureton


Please read and make you own decision!

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 16, 2004

It truely is not a matter of if someone is a Sub-Prime borrower or not. Anyone is at risk of this and it is something that should be stopped. I work for a mortgage company and I can honestly say that in my time the clients I help get out of debt that get themselves back in to debt. I give you the information you need to successfully get out and stay out of the financial nightmare that seems to plaque all of us at one point in our lives. It has been by experience that when dealing with these types of companies that one thing can be sure....they do not care. They will make there money one way or another. It is up to you the client involved to make sure that this does not happen to you. Whether you want it to or not, whether by refinancing with the company, or being sold on the second market.I have successfully gotten clients into a better situation and but them back into the situations they were in before. But there are some steps that you need to following in order to get away. 1. Make sure you have proof of payments. Cancelled checks or for that matter money order receipts are fine. Bank statements are fool proof. 2. Make sure when (and if) you get to speak to a live indidvidual that you get there full name and there extension or employee number. Something to identify them. This way when they lie and you know they will you can say " Well Tom Thumb at extension 22783 told me...." This always makes them spin in the mud. I am not trying to get you to do anything. If you are fine where you are and like losing sleep at night worrying about losing your home...be my quest. However, if you are ready to get with a company that has proven to be a leader in the industry give me a call at 1-877-598-1426 at extension 2521. If you want to know more about the comany I am part of and soon you will be as well check us out at www.novastarmortgage.com. You will be glad you did! Thank you. Sincerly Glenn E. Fleureton


Please read and make you own decision!

#10Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 16, 2004

It truely is not a matter of if someone is a Sub-Prime borrower or not. Anyone is at risk of this and it is something that should be stopped. I work for a mortgage company and I can honestly say that in my time the clients I help get out of debt that get themselves back in to debt. I give you the information you need to successfully get out and stay out of the financial nightmare that seems to plaque all of us at one point in our lives. It has been by experience that when dealing with these types of companies that one thing can be sure....they do not care. They will make there money one way or another. It is up to you the client involved to make sure that this does not happen to you. Whether you want it to or not, whether by refinancing with the company, or being sold on the second market.I have successfully gotten clients into a better situation and but them back into the situations they were in before. But there are some steps that you need to following in order to get away. 1. Make sure you have proof of payments. Cancelled checks or for that matter money order receipts are fine. Bank statements are fool proof. 2. Make sure when (and if) you get to speak to a live indidvidual that you get there full name and there extension or employee number. Something to identify them. This way when they lie and you know they will you can say " Well Tom Thumb at extension 22783 told me...." This always makes them spin in the mud. I am not trying to get you to do anything. If you are fine where you are and like losing sleep at night worrying about losing your home...be my quest. However, if you are ready to get with a company that has proven to be a leader in the industry give me a call at 1-877-598-1426 at extension 2521. If you want to know more about the comany I am part of and soon you will be as well check us out at www.novastarmortgage.com. You will be glad you did! Thank you. Sincerly Glenn E. Fleureton


Do your research

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 30, 2004

Wow Matt, Your spelling is really "Sub-Prime". If I were you, I would stop posting responses on-line. Maybe you could call them in! You sounded ignornant, uniformed, and uneducated (if you do indeed have some degree of formal education, it is not apparent from you postings). These web sites are important and they do serve a public interest. There are companies that do take an interest in ripping off the comsumer. They are not usually the type of companies that have a solid reputation. These organizations usually deal with the part of the population that has less than desirable credit. Now with that being said people make mistakes and "rebuilding" is often (more than not) a task. While trying to rebuild one must beware of predatory lenders. There are a few of great web-sites on predatory lending, just go to www.acorn.org, they can direct you from there. Credit worthiness is very important, so try to rebuild with a firm that has a solid history. Check with the BBC(they often have histories and complaints). When sending payments off to this company be sure to send them certified with return receipt. This way you have proof that the company has received your payments on time. The public has a right to "b***h" Matt if there is a reason. Now, Having a higher rate for those with less than desirable credit is understandable, one has to pay for mistakes and they are Deemed as a credit risk, however not posting payments on time is unethical. So please, to all those who have fallen victim to this company,in the future do your research and to Matt, take a grammer class and maybe even an elementry spelling course.

Nd Anyone Who Thinks ThJoAnna

See the light

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, November 20, 2004

To Matt and others like him. People who struggle to make ends meet are charged much more to have anything than people with money. We are charged huge interests rates which make paying our bills even more difficult. My rate was 13.250% had I have been allowed to get a decent rate the payment would have been much easier to handle. We pay the price in order to HAVE something. Then when a company like this comes along, intent to steal what little money we have it gets worse. I was two months behind on my payment because of surgery for cancer. Then when I tried to get things on the right track they refused to take my payments, told me I was losing the house. Six months later, they said I could go into repayment then turned my $330 payment into a $798 payment. I was earning less than $1000 a month. I could no longer pay my bills and my mortgage. I paid the mortgage, on time by western union, and at the end of a year of total sacrifice and ruined credit my mtg debt was $7000 higher than when I started! My credit continued to show I was in forcloser and said I hadn't made a payment in months. I went to a CPA who proved I over paid. My attornies told them they had to straighten out my records. The next month, Sept 2003, they began refusing my payments and will not speak to me. Last week they contaced my attorney and said they are taking the house in Feb. After everything, all the work, sacrifice I am left with a BK and no home. They told the attorney I am $10,000 in arrears. Figure it out, one year at $330 payments? Three law firms have advised me to walk away, I cannot win, they are too big and to evil to beat. Perhaps everyone that is in this situation should walk away at the same time...what will they do with 3-10,000 properties? Anyway...unless you know the WHOLE story DO NOT judge us! Perhaps you need to look in the mirror and decide what you want to be a part of. I fought these people for 4 years, I'm done. I won't give these people another penny.


New Lenox,
It Doesn't matter when you make your payments ,it's when they decide to post them.

#13Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 18, 2004

I have dealt with this one for years too... I send payments every month cashiers check Receipt requested. with the green card they have to sign and date the day they recive it. They do this and don't post the payment for 10 to 15 days later. They want everyone one to make payments over the phone so they can charge you their fee's being anywhere from 8.00 to 12.00 dollars but that is still not a garantee it will be posted on time. Stop and think if all the 600,000 loans they hold pays $12.00 for this service wow what a great scam that is by it's self on top of late fees they impose because we all know how long it takes to type our names addresses phone numbers and an account number with date paid would take... even if i were to hand deliver it in person but they make sure you can't do that anywhere because duh if you could pay it at an office say like in Chicago your payment wouldn't be late but that is the whole trick ever notice all the different addresses they have...to confuse people so they have an excuse why it wasn't posted on time... it was sent to the wrong address... been there too after sending to the address the idiot on the phone gave me... but hey I just woke up after I fell off the turnip truck so what would I know ...


El Paso,
"They" lose the checks....l iars!

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 18, 2004

I can't say that I've been in that situation, being a 19 yr. old college student, but I work full time at a contract Post Office station, and I thought I'd share some suggestions for dealing with these people. Off the bat - know your options. How and WHEN you can make payments. 1) On the phone is instant providing you have your bank account number ready, but there is usually a hefty fee associated with this. It is usually much less than a LATE FEE though. 2) Online - some companies allow you to make payments online using your bank account. These are very simple to set up, but be aware that not all companies do this service. They would rather you risk the mail route or pay them for phone service. Cheap bastards..... 3) Money Transfer - Western Union Quick Collect will cost 12.95 (or less in some cases) and the money is credited to their account in 5-15 minutes. Note that not all companies offer this service and you should check. Be sure to get the company's full name and also the "Code City" needed for the transfer. Ex: Countrywide Home Loans' Code City is "Countrywide, TX" 4) Mail the check at least 5 WORKING POSTAL DAYS early. There is delivery confirmation for .55 cents.....useless. It could get misdelivered still. The delivery confirmation scan is when it is recieved at the delivery post office - NOT THE DELIVERY ADDRESS. It could still somehow get lost between the post office and the delivery address, not likely, but it could happen. Signature Confirmation gets a person's signature AS WELL as the address it was delivered to. This costs 1.85 instead of the .55 for the other confirmation. And send it with a stamp for postage if you are feeling confident! haha. Even five days sent Priority Mail is stretching it depending on the time of year. Remember not to fall for the commercials or advertising. - Priority Mail AVERAGES 2-3 days (not including holidays or Sundays) and is NOT A GUARANTEED service. This is usually the cheapest way to go if you mail your stuff on time. Anyways, these are the suggestions I give our customers. I've only been at this job for 9 months, but the number of people with the same problem is enough to make me remember these suggestions the rest of my life. I hope this info is of assistance to some.


New Lenox,
Oh Please! Matt you should be ashamed....

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, November 16, 2004

First of all Matt, you evidentally have no reason to be here reading these reports because you are a "lucky one" who has a wonderful mortgage company who doesn't take the money from your pocket that you need to feed, clothe and house your family. You see we had wonderful credit... the best.. until we went to get a second mortgage to fix the home we love... Unfairbanks is the all time worst company ever to be placed on this earth! They hire employees who must have trained with Hitler... First they go for the knees then the throat.... been there done all that ...wore out the shirt....it's even got blood stains. GO find another sand box to play in because this one is full ... full of people who have actually been ripped off so bad or they wouldn't be here kickin up the sand. Place the bucket on you head and walk away .."I think I hear your mortgage company calling you...."


Hint Hint... go work for someone better

#16Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 10, 2004

Just a suggestion....Don't do business with this company. Obviously this company is doing something wrong or people wouldn't be complaining about it. Matt you should leave the company and go work for someone better... Someone not on ripoff report.com


Hint Hint... go work for someone better

#17Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 10, 2004

Just a suggestion....Don't do business with this company. Obviously this company is doing something wrong or people wouldn't be complaining about it. Matt you should leave the company and go work for someone better... Someone not on ripoff report.com


Hint Hint... go work for someone better

#18Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 10, 2004

Just a suggestion....Don't do business with this company. Obviously this company is doing something wrong or people wouldn't be complaining about it. Matt you should leave the company and go work for someone better... Someone not on ripoff report.com


Hint Hint... go work for someone better

#19Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 10, 2004

Just a suggestion....Don't do business with this company. Obviously this company is doing something wrong or people wouldn't be complaining about it. Matt you should leave the company and go work for someone better... Someone not on ripoff report.com



#20Consumer Comment

Thu, November 04, 2004

Mathieu unless you have had personal dealing with this company I don't feel you should make comments about it I have had dealings with this company and wish I had never heard of them


Also received lates

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, November 03, 2004

I have had similar issue with this company, causing issues with 2-30 day lates. please see my new complaint also.


I don't work for Fairbanks Mortgage and I never have

#22Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 02, 2004

Lourdes, I don't work for Fairbanks Mortgage and I never have. I'm sorry you don't like my grammer. I didn't realize that I was stupid and I thank you for bringing it to my attention. I was just trying to express that people need to take responsibilty for thier actions. I do know that people get ripped off by Mortgage companies. I'm just tired of the Poor me attitude. People need to learn to live with the choices that they make and learn from them. If you get ripped off once and then you let it happen again your the stupid one. I have a better idea we should just turn country in to a socialistic hotbed and let the government make all of our choices for us. We as a whole obviously won't take responsibilty for ourselves so lets let someone else make our decisions. I Sincerly appologize for any misspellings, please forgive my stupidity.


Matt... could it be that you are the stupid one?

#23Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 02, 2004

From your response Matt, it seems to me that the stupid one is you. You can not spell or write, making you a perfect Fairbanks employee. That explains why the company is running the way that it is, with employees like you.


Please look at the whole picture

#24UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 13, 2004

Lets look at it this way, Aegis and most other direct lenders are working with "Subprime" customers. These are customers that have less than perfect credit. Lets say 679 too 500. Most of these clients are addicted to debt. I have see people in this category refinance to pay off thier debt and in 6 months are right back to where they were before. Then they blame the mortgage companies for thier woes. When are people in this country going to take responsibility for thier actions. I know that people do get ripped off. I've been ripped off. Sometimes it is because we did not educate our selves. I'm not saying that in the case above that the mortgage company wasn't in the wrong, but maybe just maybe this person never pays anything on time and just wants to b***h about thier own problems.

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