  • Report:  #40011

Complaint Review: Fairbanks Capital Corporation - Salt Lake City Utah

Reported By:
- Cedar Hill, Tennessee,

Fairbanks Capital Corporation
3815 South West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84115-4412 Salt Lake City, 84115-4412 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I sit at my computer in awe of the stories here. Many so similar to my own. How do these people keep getting by with this? I hope I am at the right place to find lots of people who are getting involved in a class action lawsuit so we can stop them!

I had a problem with insurance coverage that began in 2001. I have always had the same insurance for at least 10-12 years--same company. I received letters stating that our insurance was about to end and if we didn't show proof of continuing coverage, they would add their own, making our monthly payments go up. I faxed and called repeatedly asking that this be fixed and showing proof of our coverage. I then had my insurance company fax proof of our coverage on more than one occasion. I have names of several of these "insurance department employees" who promised "I'll get this put in the computer and taken care of. After a while, the insurance was still added, making our payments go up.

I started calling again and having the insurance company still fax proof to try to get this coverage taken off because I already had more than enough coverage for my home. Still again, I was promised over and over that it would be credited. I continued to make my mortgage payment at its original amount (I had NO intention of paying more than I owed). So, in November, I received letters by mail and by certified mail showing they had begun foreclosure proceedings on our home.

I had 30 days to dispute the situation. After making phone calls, knowing that this was a mistake (since my Oct 2002 payment was in the mail to them and my Nov 2002 wasn't due yet), I found out that they still had this insurance added and they had been posting the amount I paid (except that it looked like I was making a payment for less than the amount I owed--because of their "unnecessary" insurance coverage).

I asked them if I sent them proof once again of the coverage, would they get it fixed, and of course, they would. I called back on a Monday to be sure they had gotten the fax and was refused being able to talk to the same employee I had on Friday. I did find out they had received the proof but it would take 30-40 business days to credit it. I told them I didn't have that long because my house was in foreclosure already. That afternoon I saw an attorney who did get the insurance credited "that same day!" WOW they actually put something in the computer the same day.

So, I figured with proof in the computer of my insurance coverage, a 3-page letter in their hands (that I sent certified mail to be sure I had proof they received it) with all my check #'s, amounts, & dates--all 41--not just the ones in question and a listing of check #'s, dates , & amounts for my insurance payments for 2 years along with a "nice" letter about the abilities of their staff to do things the way it should, copies of fronts & backs of our most recent payments, I just knew they'd get this straightened out. BOY was I wrong!! I got my Oct payment back in the mail refusing it saying I was in default with my payments and they couldn't accept this because it was less than the reinstatement amount.

Here I am 5 days--or should I say--3 business days before my home is sold; and it's still not fixed. They knew they had me fixed from the beginning because they have 2 months from the day they start the foreclosure to sell your home. We have so many "business days" to fight them--which through Thanksgiving & Christmas & New Year holidays amounts to about half their time to take my home. By the way, they managed a week off at Christmas while mine was being ruined by the fact that my home was in foreclosure (with 3 kids here I might add--when they should have been enjoying Christmas).

What does it take to make a company realize they can't get by with this? I have had my husband and my names now printed in our hometown newspaper for everyone to see (when we were actually caught up with our payments) and now have my Oct, Nov, and Dec payments here ready to send and I can't because I won't send them these extra fees they've added.. I want all of you to know that I did print a "letter to the editor" explaining the situation for our county to see also in our paper. I have had people offer to pay the amount for us to get the foreclosure stopped, but I have NO intention of paying them this amount because as I see on here and printed in my letter to the paper, if it's taken me almost 2 years to get them to put insurance coverage in a computer, when would I get back money from them for foreclosure & attorney fees that I shouldn't have owed to begin with.

I have prayed and have many people praying that we will straighten this situation out and I have an appointment on Monday with an attorney to try to get this foreclosure stopped. I have also talked with an attorney about what my rights are with a lawsuit. I hope someone here can tell me there is already a lawsuit being filed, and I can become part of it. If not, I have talked with an attorney to begin one of my own. I do not intend to let them take my home, nor do I intend to let them get by with this.

My husband already has health problems and this has been terrible for him and, mentally, it has affected both of us. How can companies do this to people?

I never dreamed as long as you paid your bills, you'd have to go through what we have in the past 2 months. I hope everyone here will look into their rights with these situations.


Cedar Hill, Tennessee

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Fairbanks Capital Corp

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Do you know who the parent company is?

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, February 19, 2003

Fairbanks is a subsidiary of Bank of America. I thought this was interesting.


Why isn't anything being done

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 19, 2003

I see all these complaints and responses including my own complaint but are we getting any where? FairBanks Is still taking houses and putting good people out of home what a wonderful country.


RESPA Truth in Lending violations

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, February 18, 2003

It sounds like when your home loan was sold, the incorrect information was transferred to the outfit buying the loan. Consumers have protections in place, and RESPA outlines the responsibilities of both the agency buying and the agency selling the loan. You are supposed to receive written notification from both lenders regarding the change with appropriate contact information. To take a home loan with no previous late payments and push it to the point of forclosure certainly sounds actionable. Research your rights by doing a search on the internet under "predatory lending" "truth in lending" "fair credit reporting act" and "RESPA". Each of these areas are governed by different regulating agencies. I would encourage you to file a complaint with as many state and federal regulating agencies as possible. With interest rates so low, many lenders are sliding into predatory tactics in order to try and stay profitable. Lost paperwork, tacking on insurance or other ridiculous charges, not giving consumers payoff information, not reporting payment information to credit bureaus so consumers can have their good payment histories on their credit reports, etc. There are all kinds of tactics that taken individually might look like an oversight or a mistake (and in some cases might be) however, put together and examined, you will see how the behavior enriches the bank and sticks it to the customer in a number of ways both financial and emotionally. Why should a customer have to spend hours on the phone or writing letters trying to straighten out a problem not of their making? If the regulating agencies see a pattern of abuse, the outfit will get cited, fined, and have to answer to their regulating agencies for quite a long while, as well as offer restitution to customers hurt by their predatory tactics. Look at some of the recent settlements-- Household Finance,Conseco, Citibank, and some other big names have been fined millions of dollars for predatory tactics. Notify the regulating agencies in your state as well as HUD of your problems with your mortgage. Good luck with your case!


Pre-mediated Stealing

#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 18, 2003

It seem that Fairbanks has a great interest in accounts in trouble. They made a mistake trying to steal my home as my account was current when they received it. The company that sold my loan to Fairbanks held back $1,000. of monies paid, making my account seem to be in the rears in order to complete the sale with Fairbanks. Even when Fairbanks realized that one month of the monies they were demanding was due from Country wide, the company that sold the loan, they are still to steal my home. I sent our story to Oprah's web site for consideration to be broacasted on her show. I also directed her to look up Rip Off Reports for Fairbanks Capital Corporation so her producers can see more so what is going on. This also will help those who does not have internet to express what happened to them and yet they lost their homes. The more contacts we make with the Media the better. Thank You,


Cedar Hill,
No sympathy for what you've been through

#6Author of original report

Tue, February 04, 2003

I want to update what happened with our home. On Monday, Jan 6, before our home was to be sold on Wed., Jan 8, of 2003, I received a phone call from Fairbanks lawyer who was covering our case. Thank God for getting a lawyer who seemed to truly care!! and help me. We found out the foreclosure had been dropped. First of all, I never got that "phone call every week until this thing is finished" from the person at Fairbanks foreclosure department. I had to explain everything that was going on to their attorney. I also sent a package to their attorney just like the one I sent Fairbanks. Anyone who has paperwork to back up the fact that Fairbanks screwed up, be sure to send it to Fairbanks and their attorney who sends you a letter about the foreclosure by certified mail. Hopefully, you'll get an attorney who will care and try to help you since you can be sure you will not find that in any office that belongs to Fairbanks. Their attorney had the paperwork I sent them turned over to the problem resolution department. She stayed on the phone or e-mail with this person taking care of our case until she got results. The foreclosure was dropped but we still can not make payments until Fairbanks gets their mess straightened out in their computers. I was told that all the late fees, foreclosure fees, attorney costs, everything but our payments will be taken off. We'll wait and see about that. I won't pay more than our payments! Now we have found out that we could file a lawsuit against Fairbanks but since they did drop the foreclosure, there's a slim to none chance that we'd win anything. "because no judge or jury cares that you suffered mentally, you have the best cases when your home is taken from you wrongfully." Wow! what this world is coming to! So, I now have a phone bill for $50 for out-of-state calls to their attorney to try to get this fixed along with attorney costs (thank God for a friend of my aunt who is an attorney and helped us out with getting the forced insurance taken off). Also, we won't go into the 2 months of crying, worrying, explaining to our children why we stayed upset constantly (through Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's)--what about pain and suffering??? What about a poem that my 11-year-old wrote about now realizing how her house became a home to her and what it meant to her for someone to try to take it, and for the Lord to "please take me away". What about the fees I paid out to send this paperwork to them by mail to prove that we were in the right (something that they're getting paid to take care of). What about the countless hours I spent on the phone begging someone to please take this insurance off and fix our account (before and after the foreclosure started). What about my insurance agent who took time out of her work (not the first time but the numerous times) to send them over and over again proof of coverage for the same year. What about the days I spent at home waiting by the phone for the call to tell me this is over--when I should have been out taking care of things for our home or taking our children to the library--a routine for us every two weeks--or the countless nights that we lay awake thinking about what was going on and what was going to happen. Yes, I am very thankful for the foreclosure being stopped and not having to file bankruptcy to keep our home and for the attorney that helped us, but no one should ever have to go through this! I hope everyone reads the report filed on Feb 3, 2003 from Pompano Beach, Florida. I have been sending out paperwork by mail to news media but I am going to e-mail these two stations as well. I have also sent my e-mail to our state Attorney General. If I can't get even an apology for what they've done, and have no grounds for a lawsuit, I do intend for the news media to get this and for everyone all over our country to know what's going on. I also sent a "Letter to the Editor" to be printed in our paper the week after our foreclosure notice was printed so people would know the circumstances and know what can be done to them by big companies. The best way to stop things like this, is to let others know. I am very thankful for this website and have been telling others about it as well. I am still in disbelief how widespread this problem is with this same company and how many complaints there are here on them--and they're getting by with it.


Record your conversations

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 04, 2003

Another consumer being taken to the cleaners suggested recording all your conversations with every agent you talk to. Start your recording by first getting their name, then state what the problem is and get them to agree that you can fax your proof of insurance etc, then state what you have been told previously by another rep and that you had no success getting the issue resolved, and then tell them that you are recording this conversation. Next, fax your proof of insurance and call back. Again, start recording by getting their name and tell them you faxed proof of insurance, tell them what you discussed previously and then tell this rep that you are recording the conversation. Do this until you get results. The person that made this suggestion said that he always got results fast. If I remember correctly, a supervisor even cut into the conversation and made sure that everything was taken care of. It's worth a try. Personally, I put this suggestion in my 'file xyz' for future reference.

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