  • Report:  #253346

Complaint Review: Family Dollar Stores - Tryon North Carolina

Reported By:
- Tryon, North Carolina,

Family Dollar Stores
331 Jackson Tryon, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As a twenty-two year veteran of Family Dollar Stores, I can attest to the fact that many of the ripoff reports that I have read regarding this company are true. This is based on my experiences with the company and the treatment that I received while in their employment.

To those person reading these reports who have never had any dealings with the company on an employee, employer basis, perhaps to them some of the statements made about the company seem ludicrous, and highly exaggerated. I can unequivocally and without hesitation say that they are not.

The company has a propensity of hiring individuals to work in the local stores who are not astute in business ethics. This is done so that the company can maniplate the employees into doing what ever they want them to do, whether wrong or right. For example working sixty-five to seventy-five hour work weeks.

During my twenty-two year tenure with the company I have seen a lot, and heard a lot regarding the company, but had a nonchalant attitude, because what I saw did not affect me.

Most of the unethical behavior that I witnessed came from the middle-management supervisors, therefore such behavior could not be linked directly to the company top executives and president, therefore the company got away with this over and over again.

Several years ago I posted a grievance against Family Dollar on this Ripoof Report forum stating that the details of my experiences with the company was being put in a book.

That book has been published and is entitled, Covered by the Leaves. This book records discrimination, bigotry, entrapment, racial slurs, and wrongful termination, the same as most of the comments that I have read over and over again in this forum.

It is time that Family Dollar Stores be held accountable for the unethical behavior of all their employees, especially those in a supervisory position.


Tryon, North Carolina


1 Updates & Rebuttals


I want to do the SAME with the PRIVATE SECURITY COMPANIES!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, November 03, 2007

Unlike you, I WAS affected by what I saw and was victimized by. Like you, I want to write a book about what I saw happen. A lot of it has been posted on Rip-Off Report already. This place sounds like a HELLISH place for the ignorant, uninformed, desperate and naive people to get an initiation into MINIMUM WAGE HELL! If your stories are anything like my stories about private security companies,what DOES that say about American Employers???? And does anybody care as long as they can have the rock bottom low prices and employers can continue the race to the bottom to find the lowest possible wage! Maybe what Alex Jones says on (((link redacted))) is true about the New World Order ? CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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