  • Report:  #1251105

Complaint Review: Fifth Third Bank - Chicago Illinois

Reported By:
Stafford - Chicago, Illinois, USA

Fifth Third Bank
53rd street/Hyde Park Chicago, 60615 Illinois, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

If you are looking for a bank. Good service. Professional customer dialoge. Do not choose "Fifth Third Bank". I have been with this bank for over 15 years. Back when this bank was a "little guy". I recently had the worst experience you could possilby imagine, considering we had death in the family. On July 22, 2015 I deposited a $1,200 money order into the ATM branch bank on 53rd street in Hyde Park Chicago. The money order was valid and endorsed to me. (issued August 30, 2014). I was told by a fifth third rep 1-800 that my funds would be available  the following day. On the following day there was no transaction noted in my online account. I thereafter called fifth third 1-800 and was told my money order had expired. Mind you ..the money order is good for 3 to 6 years and we are not at the 1 year point. This is also clearly printed on the money order. From July 22, 2015 til today August 26, 2015 Fifth Third Bank has illegally held my money. Refuse to cash my money order. And also refuse to return my money order. But has the nerve to charge me a monthly service charge for services I am not receiving. Deliberately misled me for 34 days and to top it off had reps who told me there was no documentation of my deposit. This conduct and process has been deliberate, stressful, and malicious. No business should have the right to  do people this way. Finally, my blood pressure has went up, stress level is high and I am taking medication. I could not contribute anything to the family of my in laws. Funeral expenses are high. And they went through a lot of changes paying for this funeral. Because of this unprofessional conduct by Fifth Third Bank I am seeking legal recourse. The provocation, agitation, and enticing is obvious. Someone must be held accountable. This is where I begin. Avoid the stress and find you a bank who cares about his or her customer.

20 Updates & Rebuttals

Phone recording!!!

#2Author of original report

Tue, September 22, 2015

I am not hearing from Robert anymore. What happen Robert the cat gotcha tongue? O.K. readers I have a phone recording from a 5th Third rep and myself a month after depositing my money order. This call is among maybe 20 recordings. Ranging from 15 to 30 minutes long each time. Only a few reps agreed to monitored and recorded calls. This will give you an idea of what I went through. If you have time to listen to a 27 minute hold/recording follow my information. I am unable to add audio to youtube and of course I can not add it to this web site; however, I did find a way. I can send it to you via email. That's right Robert or anyone else for that matter. If you send me your email address I can send you the recording. You can thereafter be the judge. Nothing like proof in the pudding huh.

23 years of service 2

#3Author of original report

Sun, September 13, 2015

I take in to account and respect everything you had to say. If you notice I hadn't had a bad experience with 5th Third Bank for almost 16 years. You never openly doubted me. I have no reason to lie. Robert said something about a blurred copy on youtube. I did the video over. Its called "Fifth Third Bank Crooks 3". You can go to youtube and type this in the search box. Thank you for reading.

23 years of service is good.

#4Author of original report

Sun, September 13, 2015

I understand the many things you had to address; however, it still doesn't change the facts of what I experienced.

Grateful Grace

Fifth Third Bank customer since 1992

#5General Comment

Sat, September 12, 2015

In all my years of banking with Fifth Third Bank 23 years total, I have never had one dispute with them, and if there was a problem, overdrafts I wasn't aware of, they helped me, even refunded fees.  They call to see if they can help us with any new financial needs we might have, their home equity loan was done over the phone, they seem to foresee your needs, and everyone knows your name when you go inside the BRANCH, i DO not own a debit card as I do not pay any banking fees, and if I had a $1200.00 money order and deposited it, I would go inside, I would get that receipt they print out, and I would either deposit or withdraw the money, unless you did not have enough money already in your account.  Fifth Third's policy is to hold the deposit for 2 days for checks, I'm not sure how money orders made out to myself would work, as I've never seen a need to do that.  I do not work for Fifth Third Bank, and they are not the only bank I use, but they are the longest business account I have had, and that says alot.

Image 2

#6Author of original report

Fri, September 11, 2015

Sorry readers. This guy Robert is not a believer. So I will take my time and post the necessary images. I have 4 left. Thank you for your patience.

Report Attachments

Image 2

#7Author of original report

Fri, September 11, 2015

I am trying to upload 6 images but its only allowing me to upload 1 at a time.

Thank you

#8Author of original report

Fri, September 11, 2015

I will try to address as many of your questions as possible. First of all Robert, I did try to add images to this site. The images did not download either. Secondly, the reason I did not mention "stop payment" here was because I was going through the process with 5th Third bank. The only way for me to retrieve my money was to put a stop payment on the money order. If you would have followed the dates you would have seen this. Monitored and recorded phone calls by me and 5th third reps can prove the 1,200 deposit. There was never a question about the deposit. The question was more so about what happen to the deposit.  Far as my last name or any other personal information given...it doesn't matter. I am more concerned about getting this message out. I will attempt to add "still images" with this rebuttal as well. Finally, if you had noticed on the 1st video the ending was cut off. Part of what I was saying at the end was 5th third bank turned me down for a small business loan 14 years ago. My credit score was 823. I had money in the bank (substanial amount) (collateral). I had a good job making nice money. Not only that 5th third bank approved someone elses loan the same day. Someone a few vestibules down. How do I know this? Another story on another show my friend. Anyways I came back the next day and withdrew all my money. Why would I leave my money in the bank to be loaned to someone else? Does this make sense to you Robert? Once again everything I say is the truth.  By the way Robert it doesn't matter what I have as evidence. Any and everything can be subpenoed.  O.K. O.K....its only allowing me to add one image at a time. I will follow up 1 image at a time.

Report Attachments



#9Consumer Comment

Fri, September 11, 2015

Well first off I must give you "profs" for actually coming back and posting your "evidence"...at least you tried.

Now, what did I expect from your "evidence"...well I didn't expect much and that is exactly what we got.

First was your 7 minute video of you talking(totally in focus by the way).  Then as your "Part two" we get a 6 minute video where 99% of your "evidence" was so out of focus you can't tell if you were showing us a receipt for the money order or last night's chicken dinner.  Did you even review your video before you posted it? 

Now on the Part two you give a reason as to why you had a money order you purchased and made out to yourself.  To keep it for a "rainy day".  Umm...that is what a savings account is for and since you already have a bank account that should be a no-brainer.

We then get to your fuzzy evidence. Based on your description we have the following

A copy of your Money Order Receipt

A print out presumably from your bank's on-line statement showing a deposit and then an adjustment. 

A Stop Payment Order(this is the most interesting and unexpected item)

The back of a money order showing the fees

All of those is a far cry from what I was expecting from the descriptions of your previous posts.

Now, let me explain a couple of things..Anyone can "say" they made a deposit for any amount.  You could say you deposited $25,000 and your on-line statement would show that.   But the banks Audit the ATM's daily(or almost daily) and if they can not find your deposit they reverse it.  So since you like my "what if's"..what if you actually never deposited the Money Order.  But perhaps you are totally honest and did deposit a 1 year old(almost) money order made out to yourself. 

But the strange explanation is the Stop Payment Order.  You reported it lost/stolen and got your money back(remember $1180 and 2 rolls of quarters).  Yet how come you did not once mention you actually have gotten the money from the money order here?

Now, I don't know why you think you must address or try and prove anything to me.   You can also say you are right and all of these things prove your case without a doubt...but that doesn't make it so.  So if you ever do end up suing them for all of your distress I hope you post the information here.

By the way, you are right this site does not allow videos. But they do allow pictures, so how about posting CLEAR pictures of your "evidence".  One final item...if you are going to post things on a site such as YouTube and cover your last name, you probably shouldn't post it to an account that shows your full name.

Good Luck

Simply bored Robert!!!

#10Author of original report

Wed, September 09, 2015

First of all Robert I did not say I cashed the money order on Rip off report is because the money order hadn't been cashed yet. Secondly, I will not try to entertain you any further. You have too many negative things going on in your life. The evidence is here. I did the best I could in posting these items. If someone needs to see physical proof. I have it...simple as that. Another thing is...why would I go through these changes to belittle "fifth third bank"? Why would I go through these changes to belittle anyone for that matter? Finally, I do not have to put my money in a savings account. I can put my money under a mattress if I like. You sound very suspicious. (((REDACTED))). Good luck to you and your perception as well my friend.

Problem uploading video evidence!!!

#11Author of original report

Wed, September 09, 2015

Greetings to our readers. As promised I made several attempts to upload video documents. "Ripoff report" site only allows certain files. I also made an attempt to shut down my firewalls and add different browsers. No excuses right? Absolutely...what I did Robert was create a video on youtube.com. The video is to prove everything I stated in my complaint. If anyone has any other suggestion or rebuttals please feel free to speak out. Once again I have nothing to hide everything I wrote is the truth. Maybe I had a difficult time getting my point across but the truth is the truth. Now when you go to youtube.com go to the search box and type in "Fifth Third Bank Crooks" and the first video will come up. Afterwards type in "Fifth Third Bank Crooks 2" and the second video will come up. Finally, thank you Robert for being skeptical. It motivated me to be elaborate in my complaint. I hope to be compensated for the many things I had to endure for over a month and a half.

The Evidence!!!

#12Author of original report

Wed, September 09, 2015

 I would like to thank Robert for being skeptical. His rebuttals encouraged me to be elaborate and indept. I was offended in the beginning by the comments, statements, etc. made by "Robert", however, after taking everything into account I realize others would probably have the same opinion or conclusion. There is nothing like evidence. Once again some things stated on the "rip off report" is difficult to believe. But I have no reason to fabricate anything. I would like someone to help me achieve compensation for the many things I had to endure for 45 days. It has to be illegal for Fifth Third Bank to do me this way. I will not stop. There are so many things to this truth. I will eventually go to the media.


#13Author of original report

Fri, August 28, 2015

I have an idea Robert. Since you are such an highly educated gentleman. Some things in life are difficult for you to grasp huh? What I am going to do ...Oh by the way I never said I was nervous. What I said was my blood pressure and stress level had risen. Because of all the different back and forth argueing about my money for 34 days all day. What I am going to do is post everything I said on this website in about a week. Once I finish taking care of a few things. etc. I will post the proof on "rip off report". As a matter a fact I will even post the original statement showing the money had been deposited July 22, 2015. The truth is easy to prove. Thank you very much for opening these doors for many to see. You see Robert...what brought me here to complain is something outrageous. What's outrageous is difficult for you to  believe. But once again what if everything I am telling you is the truth? One thing for sure...you will look foolish to the readers once I post the evidence. 

Responding to issues!!!

#14Author of original report

Fri, August 28, 2015

Robert you are assuming too many things. You have too many issues going on in your life. Maybe the experiences you encountered leaves you to think and believe the things you do. Let me talk slow O.k.? I never said anything about a blank money order. My money order is in my name. Secondly, red flags huh? What part of your life does the red flags exist. Stop thinking negative. It is what it is. I have no reason to lie. You continously ask me questions "why did you not go into the branch?" Simple because the line was too long. Why did you wait a year to cash your money order? Wow...that's a lot of money to hold on too for a year huh Robert? You would have cashed it a long time ago huh? It has to be something huh Robert? By the way Robert if you haven't read. Fifth Third Bank called me last night stating that my money order will be here within the next 3 to 4 business days. LOL.....you will not help Fifth Third out of this one buddy. However, I do thank you much for giving me a reason to elaborate more about this issue. You see...the more you rebuttal it only gives me the opportunity to explain my circumstance more. Once again I have nothing to hide. I can prove everything I say. Its all about what the reader believes. Also I believe you work for "Fifth Third Bank". You guys messed up big time. Shyster crooks!!!


Who in the world are you talking to

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, August 28, 2015

You talk about reading closely.  I suggest you follow your own advice because the person that wrote the comments you are referring to were NOT made by me.

However, here is what I am going to say....

There is obviously more going on here than you are saying.  Why you are doing that..only you know.  But if you are trying to convice people that this bank is doing illegal things you aren't doing yourself much of a service.

Being nervous or stressed out does not cause a person to make such contradictory statements such as stating that a Money Order is good for 3-6 years, and asserting that it is written on the MO.  Then when they are called on that to say that..no it actually says that after the first year there will be a $0.45/month charge.  Especially when they are inferring they still have a copy of it and would be able to look at it at any time.

So my original request stands.  Since you are now getting the original MO back...post a copy of it showing this.  In fact why not post all of your proof(with any personal information such as names, addresses, or account numbers blocked out)

This Money Order was obviously not made out to you AND it was almost a year old.  These are two very big "red flags" to banks that there MIGHT be some "funny business" going on.  You say you have "legal paperwork" that gives you the right to cash it.  Okay...so then why did you not go to the bank and deposit it with a teller?  

But then when they denied the deposit, what did they say when you took all of your proof to a branch office in person.  By my count you had a copy of the MO, your ATM receipt, a "legal document" showing you can deposit it ANYTIME you wanted, your Drivers License, and for good measure your State ID.  That was it right?  Or did I miss something?

I am Robert and I approve this message.......

I never said that!!!

#16Author of original report

Fri, August 28, 2015

WoW...this is becoming very interesting. I never said I had no ATM or money order receipts. Read closely readers. Its strange how you are assuming many things Robert. What makes it strange is that this is the exact same thing "Fifth Third Bank" assumed. This is why they treated me the way they did. They thought I could not prove I had a money order. As of today I have yet to state that I have a money order receipt or proof of deposit. What I did say was "a fifth third rep stated that there was no documentation of a deposit". This is what happens when you have burecrats (managers/supervisors) trying to run a corporation. Too many assumptions. An assumption comes from your personal experience in life. You can not legally make a subjective decision against someone according to what you think. You have to be objective. Lets get away from the small talk. This is the bottom line Robert. I rendered a legal document with my name on it. 2 I have a valid Illinois drivers license and state I.D. proving who I am. 3 If you are not going to cash my money order give it back to me. Real simple. What is so complicated about this. Now that you have the information you need maybe you should consider getting youself a lawyer. Have them to explain to the courts why you deliberately held my money order for 35 days. 


South Carolina,
Very interesting???...

#17General Comment

Fri, August 28, 2015

Certainly not consistent.

You say that you don't have the receipts for the ATM deposit and the money order. And yet you say that your story can be proven by the receipts. Do you honestly not see the conflict between these two statements that would make someone question the veracity of your story???

Robert fix it all!!!

#18Author of original report

Fri, August 28, 2015

By the way Robert. Filing a complaint can be tedious and stressful. Especially when trying to state all the facts involving any situation. However, I will do my best to entertain your fancy but at the same time be concise. You are absolutely right. Money orders do not state a range of 3 to 6 years. What it does say is that after the first year there will be a .45 charge per month with the cap of $37.00. I am sure you can do the math right? Secondly, I have no proof problem. Sorry I gave you that impression. Everything is legal and solid here. Once again, my situation sounds unbelievable huh? But think for a moment. What if everything I stated is the truth? How would you feel about everything you wrote? You have to understand when people come here its usually because something  happen terribly. Finally, you sound like someone who works for "Fifth Third Bank". Well Mr. banker my complaints, reviews, etc. will cost you many customers. You see Robert. Millions of people come to this site for assistance. Many of these complaints are investigated. What separates an opinion from an insinuation is the facts and the truth. And what I write is the truth and I have the evidence to prove it. You have a great day sir and good luck with your next job. Because if you were apart of this systematic provocation I am sure you will be terminated once the "big wigs"  (corporate) track you down...Lol!!!

Very interesting

#19Author of original report

Fri, August 28, 2015

You ask many whys and assumed many negatives. Let me address many as I can remember. First of all I have a legal document in my name for 1,200 giving me the right to cash it whenever I like. It doesn't matter who brought it, why I did not cash it earlier etc. The point is ..I deposited this money order and did not receive my funds. Secondly, I do have the receipt from the bank and the original money order receipt as well. By the way this is not a story this is the truth and the whole truth. You appear to be a comedian with many what ifs, whys this, whys that, I can not explain to you why people do what they do. Just like I have no idea why you think the way you think and why you write the things you write. I do know outrageous as everything I wrote may sound...it  is the honest to goodness truth. Oh ...by the way everything I wrote can not only be proven by receipts, but monitored and recorded phone calls as well. Good luck on your next distraction loser!!!

The Audacity of the "Fifth Third Crooks".

#20Author of original report

Thu, August 27, 2015

After writing a review yesterday on "Yelp" and "Ripoff report" Fifth Third Bank had the nerve to call me. Informing me that my money order will be in the mail and that I should receive it within 3 to 4 business days. Wow!!! for real. You mean to tell me all it took was to write a complaint or review against your company for you to do what should have been done 35 days ago. Systematic provocation huh? Entrapment huh? People will do things to you and expect you to respond with negativity and call the police thereafter. This is what I call Entrapment. The truth should reach the door steps of our: attorney general, state representatives, senators, etc. People will some times read the things you say and think its unbelievable for some of the things stated. Some would think its outrageous. Until they look deep behind the scenes. Looking for the motive, finding the culprit, and finally executing authority. Thank you for reading.


Please post....

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, August 26, 2015

The solution to your problem is simple.

Post a copy of the money order that states it is valid for 3-6 years.  While you are at it post a copy of the ATM receipt(with any personal information removed) showing you made a deposit.  With those two pieces of paper your claim gets a lot of credibility.  Without it you have none.

Now, why do you sense a bit of doubt?  Well for one a Money Order will not give such a general valid date range.  It would be very specific.  Such as stating it was valid for 3 years from the date of issue.  It would not say it was valid by a range and definatly not by that wide of a range.  Once we realize that the rest of your story sort of falls apart.

Of course I know what the answer to this will be.  You will amazingly no longer have a copy of the Money Order because you figured you deposited it and didn't need it anymore.  You also won't have a copy of the receipt because the ATM didn't give you one(almost like it was intentional...right?).

Why did you go to an ATM for this amount?  You waited an entire year(almost) and couldn't spend the extra few minutes to go inside the branch?

By the way...why would you wait almost a year to cash it?  Are you saying that this $1200 was issued to you a year ago with the knowledge that it would be used for funeral expenses in the next 3-6 years?  Because it is a Money Order which is CASH....why wouldn't you cash it then.

But even if it did expire, it is a simple fix as well(although may cost a few dollars to have a new one reissued).  Just have the original person who bought the money order go and have them issue a new one.  Or did the Money Order come from the person that died?  If so I think you may have other issues that really put a whole new(negative) light on your attempt.


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