Round Rock,#2Consumer Comment
Sun, March 13, 2005
i keep getting the same call. they are obviously of foregin decent and try to tell me they have american names. once it was shawm smith the a tammy barnes and they say its a government grant. they have used the name Amerigrant and given me numerous states they are from.
Seattle,#3Author of original report
Tue, December 28, 2004
There was also a shipping company associated with the wire transfer scam listed above known as [email protected]. I have also been getting calls from this place posing as the Government Grant Info Center and I tell them I think they are a scam but they just chuckle and try to tell me that if I give my bank account # to them that it is secure. None of them speek english as a first language and I wonder how they have gotten my contact info concidering that they called me once before at my prior address. This makes me think that these scammers are part of a larger network where perhaps people may be blindly working for a telemarketing group passing on all of our personal information
Seattle,#4Author of original report
Tue, December 28, 2004
To follow up a little on this situation I would like to add that as Washington Mutual froze my Bank accounts thier services through the actual branch didnt offer any juristiction but instead insisted on calling the fraud department. After speaking with several people they all gave me mixed information, one man said that they would probably would not send me to collections for the overdraft. Then after recieving a letter not honoring my fraud report they would not let me have access to any of my money not even to pay rent. I explained that I needed that money otherwise I may not be able to make my rent but I was basically told there was nothing i could do and sent to collections. Most of washington mutuals reps told me that it is the local banks juristiction to determine wheather or not to put a hold on the check. Apparently Cashiers checks are suppose to be the same thing as money even though they are printed as a check. I do not understand how it is that the teller could not have said anything because now seeing the check again I am questioning wheather this could be a third party check. It is written out by two people with one as vice president and president. Then has a purchasers name on it but it was endorsed by me.