Niantic,#2Consumer Comment
Wed, August 11, 2004
I have been posting since August 4th on this fradulent company. If you charged by credit card, then I am assuming you should be able to recover any monies deposited with Furniture USA. Some folks that have written reports were able to do this with no problem. For me, I am writing my VISA company daily with updates as they come in. I was told that that even though Furniture USA was reported to the Attorney General's office in North Carolina, there appears to be little they can or will do. My suggestion is that everyone who has been ripped off to file a complaint with the AG's office. Perhaps if they get several hundred complaints, they will do something. My other suggestion would be for people living close by and who have been ripped off, to find them and pay them a visit and demand answers and their money back. I'm not advoating violence, but making a public stink is just as good sometimes.