  • Report:  #964976

Complaint Review: Future Classics LLC - Lakewood New Jersey

Reported By:
Kevin - lexington, South Carolina, Albania

Future Classics LLC
1200, RT. 88 Lakewood, New Jersey, United States of America
732-987-4494 or 732-370-2
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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Some may stumble on to this site while doing their due dilegence, and for others this was a destination spot.  Eithe way, pat yourself on the back, but not in haste unless you choose to heed the warnings.  Granted, I'm sure they've got SOME satisfied customers...I (along with others) am not one of them.

Listen, I would not waste my precious time if e/thing was "as described" and I was dealt with in an upright, professional & honest manner.  Geesh...we've all got better things to do, right?  Hey JT & Nick...while you THINK you're getting away with this crap, you're missing much more business than you can imagine.  The fact is, there are more people than you can count that will not even frequent your website or retail location due to folks like myself who reveal the dirt about you folks. 

A/ways, for those of you about to delve into this fiasco, please read on...

1st of all, I have TWENTY THREE emails from Future Classics, or should I say JT their Sales Manager.  He was the one I dealt with from start/finish.  I asked him rePEATedly about certain issues, and they were either, A. Never addressed or B. Lied about.

2ndly, I have pictures to back up each claim other than you can't film foul odors.  Yeah...the interior of the vehicle wreaks of a foul odor.  Listen, I've owned a '56 Chevy that had no odor, so JT (and I truly hope you're reading this), don't offer up the lame rebuttal for this and other claims of mine by saying, "This is a 39yr old car".

Let me go through the items that were either NOT disclosed to me, or lied to me about. 


Listen, as I told JT, I only drive the cars & buy them if they look good.  I'm no mechanic, and wouldn't know if I were looking at 318 or a 426.  If s/thing breaks on a car, I take it to the shop.  I simply turn the key and drive 'em, ok?  Well after we did the deal as far as exchanging monies for title, I was told the A/C was not hooked up...didn't know if it ever HAD been hooked up, and therefore didn't know if it worked.  JT tells me, "You can look at the engine pics and see it's not hooked up."  I told JT that maybe HE could tell that, but I surely couldn't identify if it had/had not!

2ndly, if that was "obvious", then why wasn't the fact that the car has an 8 1/4 rear end in it and not an 8 3/4 like the listing states?!!  "Oh says JT, that was an oversight". Oh really now?

3rdly, I was told all along the way that the engine had been rebuilt, but AFTER the fact I was told that the previous owner got it from an estate sale and that THAT owner was told that (was he?).  The fact is, I'll never know unless the engine fails at some point and a mechanic has to get into the engine?


1. Several HUGE paint chips near the license plate area.  Never told about that, and guess what...they put on their "Future Classics" paper tag so they knew clearly WELL the paint was all chipped up in that area.

2. Several scratches on the roof of the car that were never noted, and again...I asked JT a number of times both by email AND phone about the condition of the body/paint.

3.  A 4" crack in the paint job on the trunk deck that had been painted over when the car had a repaint.  Ha...the owner (Nick DeMartino) in his reply to me from the BBB suggests that it was done by the transport company, NOT!  This is UNDER the paint/clear coat, duh!

4.  This is the biggie...a HOLE, that's right a HOLE in the dash!!!  This is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DRIVER that stares at you which is HIGHLY visible!!!  Want a picture?  I've got 'em!

5.  The front seat (I am afraid and have not even sat in the rear seat) has lost most of it's support due to metal fatigue and old rotten foam. This is highly evident when you sit in it, and when you get out of the seat, you can see that there is a large depression as the cushion underneath does not fill the seat cover.

6.  ODOMETER & SPEEDOMETER BROKEN!!!  And DeMartino in his reply to the BBB says, "We didn't know about that"?!?!?!  Wait, why do you think that that lame excuse is usable each time?!  Hey, you folks drove the car to an off site location to photograph the car, right?  Would you not have viewed the speedometer during that trip?!!  Did you not document the mileage when you took the car in for consignment?  Did the previous owner not disclose that to you?  What BS do you want to claim here JT and DeMartino?!

7.  The healiner. WHOA...I aksed JT several times about ANY issues with it, i.e. sagging, tears, etc?  He simply said, "No rips".  Well wouldn't you know that the headliner is a hard/cardboard type material in this model?  Well of COURSE it wouldn't be sagging, but tell me...why didn't you disclose the two large areas that are nicked up/scratched?  Again, OBVIOUS!  This is a dark green color, and when the paint is scraped off, it is NOT painted, DUH!


1. There is a bad leak in the master cylinder.  I have only driven this car one time, which was to a mechanic.  I wanted to see if he could lower the car by adjusting the torsion bars.  It was at this time that the leak was spotted.  Guess what, they had wiped it clean before having it shipped, and it obviously begins leaking with the next push to the brake pedal.

2.  There is a "flat spot" when you push the accelerator...it can probably be fixed by an adjustment to the carb, but why was this not shared with me JT?


Not a long story here, but suffice it to say that I waited over a MONTH to have the car moved to me less than 700 miles!  I live just off a MAJOR interstate, I-20.  The MAJOR interstate that runs from New Jersey to my home is I-95, so prey tell...why couldn't they move the car sooner?!?!  

They tried to post the car on an auction board for a transport company to pick it up, but low balled the price because they didn't want to cut into their profit!  When nobody bit, they raised the price a smidgen, but STILL no company was biting. 

At the 30+ day mark I called JT (had contacted him prior) and asked, "Just what would YOU do if you didn't have your car that you paid for in full over 30 days ago?"  He had no response.  At was then that I told him I would be taking "some sort of action when we hang up, but I'm not sure what that will be JT."

The company (1 man operation with his son helping) that moved the car for me was never used before by Future Classics.  They moved the ETA three times on me due to "getting a late start"/etc.  Nice guy as far as personality, but his work ethic and job performance was slack as a dog's hind leg.

Look, this company fully intended to falsely misrepresent the car and not fully disclose the true condition.  Guess what, THIS IS CRIMINAL!!!  When I got a hold of the BBB initially, I said I saw a complaint that was registered against the company to which she said, "There have been several".  Keep in mind, MANY won't even bother to file a complaint due to the BBB not really offering any solution to complaints...they simply deliver complaints/rebuttals to each party.

From the few pics they posted up online, I was able to enlarge them a bit and noticed some small nicks to the door edges.  Upon seeing them, I asked JT if there was a/thing else on the body that would detract from the overal quality of the vehicle.  I said that many cars look good at 20', 10', etc but how does this look close up and personal?  I asked him to put on a BUYERS set of eyes and take off the SELLERS glasses.  He said, "You've spotted them all...that's all there is!"  I say, "LIAR!!!".

Again, he failed to mention all the above...the chips by the license plate, painted over crack on the trunk deck, several scratches on the roof, hole in the dash, nicked up headliner, lost support in the seat, broken odometer, broken speedometer, no 8 3/4" rear end, no A/C, a car that has a foul odor, a car that has a flat spot when accelerating.

To those still reading this, you can email me for copies of my emails from JT if you question any of this, and I'll be glad to send you pics as well of the blems that were never pointed out.  There are several other sites that echo similar complaints and confirm that these folks are in the habit of getting away with all they possibly can.

I've bought 11 cars or so online.  One was shipped from California, and the only issue I had with it was with the SHIPPER,  NOT the car or condition of the vehicle.

After I took possession of the vehicle I tried calling the owner at his home, Nick DeMartino.  I was only able to leave him a voice mail.  I simply told him I had some concerns and wanted him to contact me.  When I got no response, I sent a certified letter to him that was delivered and received.  In that letter I spelled out all problems with the car just like I did above here.  After no reply from him, I then proceeded to reach out to the BBB and the Dept of Consumer Affairs.

Posting on this board is yet another step in trying to halt the criminal crap from these folks, and it won't stop here.  Potential buyers...BE CAREFUL!!!

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