  • Report:  #953023

Complaint Review: GARLYN SHELTON IMPORTS - Bryan Texas

Reported By:
genioboy - , , United States of America

3100 Briancrest Bryan, 77802 Texas, United States of America
254 771 0128
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Consumer's Original Complaint :

They did not repair the car in the time they told me and at the end  even thought I had an appointment.

Complained to Manager and threatened me

*               On Wednesday June 29, 2012 we took our son's Mazda 6 2009 for oil change at your dealership and we were 
greeted by Mr. Jerry George.

*               When we returned to repair shop, we were informed by Mr. George, that the car needed 2 new tires, probably alignment and change the cabin filter

*               We told him we need them by next day because on Friday we were traveling to Houston.

*               Mr. Jerry George never call me back

*               On Friday morning, before traveling to Houston, we went to the shop and was told that Mr. George did not work that day and that the tires were in but they could not do the work because they many cars waiting.

*               I told them that my car was priority because the work was supposed to be finished yesterday, but they did not care.

*               I made an appointment for Monday at 9 am for the work to be done.

*               On Friday, I had to travel to Houston at low speed, because I was afraid the tires were not in good condition.

*               On Monday Morning (July 2, 2012), I decide to express my complaint to the general manager before going to the work shop.

*               I entered the dealership and nobody was in the floor.

*               Finally I saw some men in a cubicle

*               I entered and asked to speak to the general manager.

*               A good (Mr. Brian E. Dude) told he was he manager but that he was in a meeting and that I should wait.

*               I told him I believe customer came before other things.

*               I move out of the cubicle

*               I returned that to speak to him and told to better hurry because I had an appointment at 9 am at the repair shop with Mr. Jerry Gerry and that felt was given bad service.

*               He told me I better leave

*               I waited in the show room and told again to leave because he was going to call the police and I was going to be arrested

*               I asked who was his boss and he responded he was the only person in charged. I ask myself why not anyone gives your name, if they felt they treated me as I deserved.

*               Even though, Mr. Duble was agitated and raised his voice to me, he accused me of screaming to him.

*               I asked the sale personnel if I was screaming and they seemed afraid and accused me raising my voice.

*               Once again I asked the sale personnel who was Mr. Duble's boss and they stated he was the maximum authority.

*               I went to the cubicle and asked Mr. Duble for a business card and he responded "here is four".

*               I responded to Mr. Duble, that I only need one and there was not need to waste trees.

*               I gave four cards and took them.  It seems he is wasting company resources.

*               In shock, I decide to leave but I told him that when they sold me the cars they promised everything and later they did not deliver.

*               Mr. Brian E. Dube responded "I will not sell a car to you".

*               I shallow my pride, and went to speak to Mr. George and told him I was mistreated by Mr. Duble and asked for Mr. Duble's boss and was told Mr. Garlyn Shelton was an old man who lived in his ranch and does not come to the dealership. Mr. Jerry George told he had only seen Mr. Shelton once.

*               Mr. George told I could speak the manager of the work shop.

*               I remind him of the thing pending:  change 2 tires, alignment, change cabin filter.

*               I went to Target and waited for call from Mr. George.  He never call me back

*               I called Mr. George and was told the car will be ready in 10 minutes.

*               When I arrived, Mr. George told a mistake was made and that the cabin filter for that car was not available and alignment must be done but that they did not have time.

*               I told him I had an appointment.  He responded only for changing the tires. I told him we discussed the alignment. 

*               Mr. George told me come back in Friday; I told him I will out of the city.

Consumer's Desired Resolution:

In first place I want to know if the alignment was included in the change of tires and if it was included I should get the money I spent in other place to have the alignment.Also I would like to get an apology from Mr. Brian E. Dude.I would his boss, Mr. Ed Whittle to call me and follow the due process with Mr. Dude and discipline him.

BBB Processing 07/06/2012     WEB      BBB       
Contact Name and Title: brian duble
Contact Phone: 9797767600
Contact Email: [email protected]

In response to Mr. K****'s letter dated June 29, 2012. Mr. K**** entered into the store on July 1st 2012 at approximately 8:45 AM. He immediately entered a private meeting that I (Brian Duble) hold each morning between 8:30 and 9:00 AM. This meeting involves discussing private matters of the stores business. I told Mr. K****that I was completing a meeting and would be with him shortly. He then stated in a loud voice ''NO you will talk with me right now'', I re-explained that the meeting would only last a few more minutes and would then be with him.

Mr. K**** then left the office only to return seconds later again demanding to speak with the owner. I told him that the owner was not in the office that day. He continued even louder and more upset that he speak with the highest authority, I told Mr. K**** I was the highest authority at the store at that time.  I then told Mr. K**** that if he was going to continue to yell he needed to leave. Mr. K**** then asked the three individuals in the office if he was yelling, all responding yes.

I then told him that he needed to leave the dealership, he continued in the same fashion so I told him if he did not leave I would call the police to remove him. Mr. K**** then agreed to leave but first wanted my card. I have cards for 4 Manufacturers and asked him which card he wanted. He said ''I don't care I just want card'' so I gave him all four. Mr. K**** continued ranting about the dealership on his way out and said he would not buy a car from us, I told him that was ok with me, I would prefer not to sell him one.

Without question we should have done a better job for Mr. K**** in replacing his tires at his requested time. We unfortunately had a service advisor leave early due to throwing his back out and prior to leaving did not communicate his workload..  I have spoken to our Service Manager and he has spoken with all advisors to better communicate workloads prior to leaving.

For Mr. K****'s trouble we would be happy to complete an alignment for him.

BBB REVIEWS CONSUMER REBUTTAL TO BUSINESS RESPONSE : (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

Mr. Brian Duble is lying.  He was in a cubicle so there was not door.  When he informed that I was in a meeting I told him that first customer service.  I never screamed to him, I just told he that he better hurry because I had an appointment at the repair shop and he stood up and threated me to call the police,  Yes asked his employees and they stated I was yelling obviously because they were afraid of their boss.  The proof that he lied to is that when I asked for his boss, he told me he did not have a boss, and this is lie.  He was afraid.  He has a boss, Mr. Ed. Whittlo.  He is lying, I told him that they sell cars and do not provide service. His answer is that he would not sell me a car. He is liar. 

Also if we assumed that I screamed which is not true, he should have been professional and calm his client and call the repair shop and talk to Jerry George.  Mr. Duble had the wrong attitude because he misrepresented himself as the general manager, and he is only General Sales Manager. When I entered the dealership I had to go back to the end to a cubicle.  They should do the work meeting off work time, what would have happened if I wanted to buy a car. Also when I asked for his business card he gave four so that proof of this attitude towards clients.  Mr. Duble is a liar because when he told me he was going to give me four cards I told he should not waste the environment.  It is unprofessional to have meeting when the dealership is open and nobody is available to welcome the clients.

Mr. Duble is a bad employee. He should have referred me to his boss.  Since he was afraid he tries to blame the client which he should not do.  Once more I will repeat myself, I was not loud.  He entered the cubicle and he told to wait, I told him first customers.  I waited for about five minutes and returned and told me he should give me my time because I had the appointment at the repair shop.

In conclusion, I went three times, the charged for the tires but did not do the alignment and they did not replace the cabin filter because Mr. Gerry George did not order the correct filter.  I had to go to NTB to align the tires, they understand service.  The cabin filter issue is still unresolved.

In conclusion, Mr. Duble is a liar and bad employee.  Why if someone asked him for his business card, he would inform that he has four when all have the same information, only when a different logo.

I wrote to his boss, Mr. Ed Whittle and he has not had the courtesy to answer. I have called Mr. Ed Whittle several times and he is never available since he supervises 6 dealerships.  Maybe Mr. Garry Sheldon should write to me. 

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