  • Report:  #332597

Complaint Review: H & R BLOCK - Kansas City Missouri

Reported By:
- SHANGHAI, Other,

1 H&R BLOCK WY Kansas City, 64105 Missouri, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
You definitely do not want to go to fast food when you can fix a meal yourself. Another wrinkle is that, if you visit a fast food outlet, you don't receive much, but you do receive something for your money. At storefront "fast food" preparation firms, whose goal is to get you in and out in 15 minutes; take your money, get you to take a monstrously usurious RAL, get a loan on a fraudulent card, not prepare you for future years, you pay TO PAY HIGHER TAXES. That's right: it's that bad. I've had ex-block and ex-jackson-dimwit taxpayers come to me and I've seen their work.

Do FreetaxUSA, Free1040now, or TaxAct on line. Click "no" when the software asks you to upgrade to "deluxe" and all that. Some states do not have free eFile on their website. One taxpayer emailed me and said it was only 10.00 to do BOTH Federal and State on FreeTaxUSA. Turbotax is 30.00; 60.00 if you need to print out and eFile; TaxAct is 17.00; 32 if you wish to print your State return as well as eFile Fed and state. H& R ripoff's taxcut is 45 and there have been complaints about the software and even the accuracy of the software. Several States do not charge on their website to do income taxes. So you may be able to iFile {eFile} the State return for free. If the IRS accepts your return, you should get your State back in 5 business days {except NY} and your Federal in 10-15 business days depending upon how late in the season and what date you actually submitted the return or they received via U.S. postal mail. This also depends upon the software not messing up. You have to keep checking to make sure it went through. I've bought very expensive software before {Drake } and it didn't go through. I got all kinds of lies and excuses for why it didn't go through, depending upon which rep answered the phone.

H&R rip off the taxpayers and many of them poor must cease to exist. Firstly, the firm is not to print the SS# of the client on any of the Tax software they send out.

Secondly, they are not to advertise "refund anticipation loans". Not only were they never necessary, they are not ethical and the interest rate annualized is outrageous. Senator Schumer testified that it is as high as 1700% APR. In addition, it is unwise to do what boiler room sleazy, unscrupulous so-called tax pro tax preparers do. Their motivation violates IRS ethics in IRS Circular 230. Block should not want to be associated with such unconscionable shenanagans. In the case of refund anticipation loans, the motivation is NOT

to help the client. It is reprehensible. If the taxpayer is due a refund, it means that the taxpayer has given the government an interest free loan. Rather than show the client the importance of keeping their money and the time value of money, block, jackson-hewitt and a few other storefront seasonal preparers fast talk the prospective client in to getting a loan on money that is the taxpayers!! The taxpayer overpaid his income tax. Instead of receiving his money back with interest, he is bilked into getting a loan on his own money which has not grown!! His income tax liability has been fraudulently increased!!! The income tax liability has not been increased by the government, but by nefarious shysters. It should be made illegal, but our do nothing Congress has no interest in serving nor educating their constituents. Furthermore, the client is seldom informed that he/she may be turned down for the loan due to a government agency seizure or the IRS wanting to examine the return. That means you pay the ERO and bank fees in vain.

Back-up: "In 2000, I had HR BLOCK do my taxes. The refund they projected was a little over 4,000. The IRS ok'd it and HSBC sent me the check. Now in 2008 Im receiving documents that I owe HSBC over 4,000. 00 because IRS never sent (HSBC) them the money for the RAL. "

Here's a couple that may be decent: Free1040Now, TaxAct {but double check it if you buy and sell or rent out}, FreeTaxUSA. Not block's Taxcut! They are free so long as you only do the Federal and ignore all the pop-ups to go to a deluxe or use Lasser and do not have to print out. Unless you are in a complicated tax situation, you do not need expensive software. Go to an EA, if need be. I found this out the hard way.

Outrage! One thing to watch out for: refund anticipation loans {RALs}: Don't do it. What they do is USURY and should be illegal. These "emerald" loans are just as unsavory as the mutual life + whole life insurance companies. Instead of being remorseful and ceasing to attempt to bleed the public, they came out with universal life. An out and out "stick 'em up! Now, Block with their refund anticipation loans, instead of ceasing such things, have come out with the emerald loans, emerald card, emerald debit card. The hucksters want to trap you in to having no choice but to return to them. So don't go to Block. Here is a testimonial:

"If you got an emerald advance line done from them in December probably yes {you're trapped in to returning to that outfit!}. If you can, do not go to H&R Block this year. My sister got an advance done in December and she paid through the teeth this tax season. She paid almost double what she did in 2006. Also, they are not issuing checks anymore, either. They are giving the early anticipation loans now on a debit card. My advice for you is to go to a local private tax preparer who will probably do the return for under $100. They can e-file the tax return and you won't have to pay the outrageous fees. So if you did have H&R Block do an advance in December you'll have to have them finish the other part of the return for 2007. If you didn't then you won't have to return there."

Another testimonial. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. Certainly applies to H&ripoff: "Beware of the H&R Block Emerald card..Tell your friends!? {sic. Means ! or !!} I got my 2007 taxes on the H&R Block pre paid {sic} emerald card. I was buying my wife a car and had the guy run the card. The card machine didn't say or print anything. We didn't know what to do, the guy said 'for some reason this card isn't working'. We paid with a different card. When I got home and checked my account, the money had been deducted from the card and put on hold for an 8 week length to be paid to the dealership. We essentially have paid for the car twice! The dealership has done everything they can to get the money released. My wife has went {sic}into the h&r block office and made dozens of calls to the 1 800 number. Most calls you get hung up on. All I want is for them to release my money back to me so that I can pay off the other card. I am being charged interest on the amount. I am thinking about taking them to small claims court and exposing them to the media! Warn everyone you know....this card is a hoax!"

Any one working for H&R ripoff is to get out right now. When you know you are working for a dishonest business, you get out. Have some principle. Your

grandparents did.


By the way, this website won't work for "&": AT&T H&R Block - like that. You have to file under "HR Block" or "Block".

When my former spouse and I went to H&R dilldocks at 230 Main St, Luray {Block there has since moved}, we found we "owed" a large tax bill when we did not. They calculated penalty and interest for us! That's up to the taxpayer and the IRS!! We had claimed a few exemptions. Then the H& dumbbell rep said "drop 'em". That's what she said. All the things you can legally do to save on your taxes; all the deductions and credits; all the ways you can save on your income taxes and you can find more ways every year. That's what she said: "drop 'em" {!!!!}. No questions; no time consuming, exhaustive, digging earnestly and more and more diligently for deductions; no asking about receipts and diaries of expenses; no list to prepare to save on taxes in future years, no advice, no giving of their time to their clients: worse than worthless! In a subsequent year, the moron told us that we were employers and had to withhold social security from our babysitter. The limit for reporting income then was $400 or $500 per quarter. We didn't have to file Schedule H!! So we didn't have to withhold Federal taxes!! H&Ripoff lying thieves are to make restitution for the double charges plus interest and penalty! We only paid around $50 to the babysitter for the entire year, if that much. Yet H&R nosey nit wits told us that we were employers and had to withhold tax from this poor lady!! We were NOT employers!!! We did not have to fill out a W-2 nor did we have to fill out a 1099, for that matter. They did not tell us to get a second opinion!!! Those idiots did not know the income tax laws that they profess to know!! Further, the brain dead and thief told us that their company {H&R ripoff} would graciously amend our income tax return. We didn't need the return amended!! They didn't even know the tax law for child care providers!! Then they charged us the equivalent fee without any advance warning!! They said they would do it. They did not have to; they lied. then they made it appear as if they would do it without a fee, since there was only one entry to "change". They lied to us!! We did not need to file a Schedule H!!!! Whether we babysat or not was none of their business!! They had no business even asking that question !!! They added interest and penalty on that we were not liable for!!!!!! They certainly are not interested in you the client paying the least possible legal tax! The fact that they are still in business show how illiterate taxpayers are about their taxes. That's what started my business. I got tired of overpaying frightfully on my taxes. I went into competition with H & dishonest and exposed them. If they had been right, they would have mentioned the state unemployment tax administration that employers are required to pay in to !!!! They did not mention the state nor FUTA!!!! H&R lying, abominable criminal thieves are the most lying, conniving, double -crossing lowlife on earth!! They have no business calling themselves "income tax preparers"!! Don't tell me I'm ranting. Put your money where your mouth is. I'm telling the truth. If you still think good is evil and evil is good, then YOU make the restitution to I and millions of others who know that we were ripped off by leeches whom are determined to fleece, extort and do all manner of stealing from mostly low-income taxpayers!

Another testimonial. You see how this all ties together. H&R is not looking out for you, the taxpayer: "Dont! They work with the government to screw you! Yes I've had them done there. I also have a {sic} accountant friend who worked there one day and quit when she saw how they were doing people. She was trying to help save people money and her boss pulled her aside and said 'we don't do that here!' "

And I won't forget this as it doesn't apply to but a very few blockhead outlets but it DOES apply to some Jackson-dilldock franchises: There's a lot of riff raff coming out now telling the public to bring their last W-2 and they can do their taxes. That's nonsense. No confirmation with the W-2 when it comes; no questions; no digging and digging for deductions; no tax planning; no telling you what you need to do to lower your tax bite in subsequent years; and, to make it infinitely worse, pressure on you to get a refund anticipation loan {RAL}. The usury is frequently over 1000% if you take in consideration the fees and annualize the interest. Now, there's this "emerald" stuff. H&ripoff digged up refund anticipation loans and now they've gotten worse with these "emerald advance lines", another idea from the nether world. They are giving the early anticipation loans now on a debit card.

The solution is not to go to shysters whose motivation is to fleece you. I call them boiler room operators: HR Block, Jackson-Hewitt, Liberty {owned by Mr. Hewitt and a few others} Block is the only one that is not seasonal, but it turns for many reasons that that is not a plus for Block. It really is important to learn how to do your taxes yourself or least have an idea what's going when you do them on your software . You can do your taxes yourself unless you are in a complicated situation - a proprietorship, partnership, lot of real estate deals with depreciation, foreign taxes and regulations, own a mutual fund - along that line. If you are not comfortable, get on the National Association of Enrolled Agents- naea.org - web site. Click on "Find an EA". Type in your town, state or zip code. Enrolled agents do not work cheap, but your taxes will be done right and they will go with you if you are audited by the IRS. Not always are they lawyers but have the power of attorney with the IRS. Enrolled agents are professional tax practitioners who have technical expertise in the field of taxation, and are licensed to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service at all administrative levels. Moreover, enrolled agents are the only tax practitioners required by Federal law to maintain their expertise through continuing professional education. Tax attorneys and CPA's used to have that requirement, but lobbied and no longer are required. It was too hard for them to pass the EA examination and to maintain their EA certification through continuing professional education. A CPA is worthless to the taxpayer unless that CPA is an Enrolled Agent. Note all the scandals. Accountants can't account. Ask an accountant to do taxes for a taxpayer who lived in 3 different states last year. They cannot without a computer, unless they are EA's. I've been to seminars where the EA's did the 3 states by hand! The reason is that the computer is not going to try to find the lowest aggregate Federal and State income tax liability overall. Lawyers lose on your behalf and lose radically. Bankers are insolvent. Journalists can't report: they never tell the truth. Economists can't predict recessions and depressions. There have been ZERO scandals in the vast majority of enrolled agent chapters since the founding of the NAEA in 1982.

block's online taxcut: "Has anyone else had an absolutely HORRIBLE experience with H&R Block premium online service? I am amazed at the mistakes the program made with my tax return. The mistakes didn't cost me money, by finding them I will get a larger return, but it made me realize how awful the program is. Then the customer service is as bad or worse. Some of the employees try to help as best as they can, but most of them don't have a clue. I talked to a supervisor who told me that I was refunded 19.95 for the program that I paid for, however I didn't pay 19.95 for anything. He was obviously lying, but why? { You were charged more and he wanted to get away with giving you only a fraction back -Nextaxpro} I highly recommend NOT using HRBLOCK premium online service. Unless you did your taxes yourself and you can check the program to confirm that it did everything correctly, which rather defeats the purpose."

Update: I forgot to include in a previous thread that block violates your privacy. If you make the mistake of going to them, block will send you their software WITH YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER IN LARGE NUMBERS on the software through the mail. Any dishonest postal worker; any one who looks in to mailboxes; a salesman who knocks on your door and peeks at your mail, a socialist worker who peeks at your mail and/or who walks in uninvited could see it - any one. I know: I've seen them in people's houses, mailed from H&Ripoff.


"Problems is a light word. I installed their software and it rewrote all the file permissions on my program files directory, giving a user level account admin rights on the PC and making that account the only one that could even see program files. Ive been on hold for 40 minutes now with their compliant department. Not like their software saved the previous permissions, to restore my system to a secure state Ill have to rebuild it. This is also a known issue their article number 42998. The article also says its fixed in an update.... but you don't get the update till after the software is installed.... which is when the problem occurs........ DONT INSTALL THEIR SOFTWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I'm blogging. Now you get busy. All of you whom have been ripped, call your Congressman, the FTC and report them to your local Better Business Bureau now! -R http://nextaxpro.spaces.live.com/

Block even refused to give a customer's W-2 back! The block office

charged $30 for their "time". Time! Time to do what! Rape you because you pay more in taxes and are made to pay!!

More block's nightmarish Taxcut: If you think this is wrong or incomplete, file a rebuttal:


And Jackson-nitwitt is not any better in any aspect.

Consult the rock


China, People's Republic of

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on H & R Block

5 Updates & Rebuttals


New Orleans,
Response to pnate-Brunnell

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 21, 2011

I have read your complaint, and it does not seem that you understand what happened about your return.  Some fault lies with your not understanding your return, and the rest with the tax professional for not thoroughly explaining everything to you, and talking down to you.

First, the only return that was prepared by Block for free was the 1040-EZ, and that ended in mid-March.  An EX form assumes no deductions, dependents, and only W2 income.  Anything else would elevate it to a 1040A or 1040.  The IRS is requiring all returns be filed electronically except for some rare circumstances.  The electronic filing is free, the return is not.  Block is in the business to make money, therefore you can always expect fees.

You stated that the tax professional prepared seemingly unnecessary forms.  While they may seem unnecessary to you, there may well be a requirement by the IRS (worksheets for example are used to determine the eligibily for filing status, but are not submitted as part of the return)

There is no tax credit that stipulates you cannot deduct equipment expenses for the next five years.  There are depreciable equipment expenses, but they depend on the type of business that is being operated.

You stated that you were not shown the final bill until the last minute.  Well, the final bill cannot be determined until the return is esentially complete.  It would beone of the last things that can be shown.  You mentioned that Block charges for each form they prepare, that is correct.  Therefore it stands to reason they cannot provide the final total until everything is completed. 

You stated the dude made it more complicated than it need to be in order to get his hand on whatever he could for the company.  He more likely did what he was required to complete the return.  The commission formula for Block is complicated, and usually the tax professional rarely gets a bonus, but rather works for a salary against his drawer.  It is too complicated to explain here.

You stated that your BF received $1,000 in refund and owed $600 in social security taxes.  That tells me that your BF is self employed and had to pay his Self Employment taxes.  That makes the return significantly more complicated, requiring a schedule C, deductions for expenses, computation of an SE form, and preparation of a 1040 (vice 1040A).  That makes sense since you mention the equipment deduction previously.  That also means completing a depreciation worksheet, where the deduction is likely spread over a 5 year period.

The $320 fee seems reasonable in light of what was likely prepared by the tax professional.  The other hidden fees were likely RAC fees charged by H&R Block Bank ($32.95) so that the fees were deducted from your return rather than paid by your BF.  You also did not mention if your BF purchased Peace of Mind protection, which would have been another $35.  He may have elected not to take that.

I wasn't there so I do not know what the tax professional told you, but it does seem to me that it was not clearly explained.   Tax returns are actually more complicated than people understand.


New Orleans,

#3UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 21, 2011

I read your report very carefully, and I can see many problems with your preception of what happened.

First, be advised that Block does not offer RALs any longer.  The IRS effectively ended that for 2011 by not providing a debt indicator to banks that offer these loans.  Companies that advertise RALS rarely give them, with only about 10% of their clients receiving them, and usually for less than the full amount.  I personally do not like RALs because they are costly and only get the money to clients slightly faster than the IRS could get the money to taxpayers.  It is not worth the cost.

Block does not list SSNs on returns except those that are retained by the client OR are required to be sent to the IRS.

Many of the complaints you listed were for back years when there were some problems with how taxes were filed by Block, but most of those are been eliminated and/or revised.

If you took a RAL from HSBC Bank for $4,000, and the IRS did not send the money to them, then you received the money as a loan and are obligated to repay that.  If the IRS kept your money, it was for a debt owed for child support, student loans, prior taxes (either federal or state) or some other obligation you failed to pay.  The IRS did not ok your loan, but only accepted the return, they had not yet reviewed the return for correctness, completion or prior debt.

If your tax professional recommended you not include some deductions, it likely was because they ere not legitimate or acceptable to the IRS.  It is the tax professionals responsibility to advise you on what is legal or acceptable.

As for the babysitting charge, I am not quite sure what you are talking about.  If you provided babysitting services for a fee, then it must be reported as income (that is the law), and the tax professional must ask pertinent questions to determine what you can and cannot report.

Block does not work with the government.  Rather they are trained to look for all legal deductions, which it seems your tax professional did. They do not report suspicious returns nor do they conduct audits.  It is the responsibility of the IRS to question returns that appear incorrect or report incorrect filing status.  It is the tax professional's onligation to prepare the return as well as possible given the information that is provided by the filer.  That is why they ask questions.  You seem to not understand the myriad tax laws that must be adhered to in preparing a proper return.

Block does not prepare returns using your last paystub, and has not for the last 5 years.  Some companies stilldo, and that is where errors can and do occur.

I will not dispute that an office did not return your W2s if you were not satified, but that is not a Block policy. Their policy is that all tax information is to be returned if the client is not satisified with the return.  Until the last button ius pushed, which effectively transmits your return to the IRS, then you are not obligated to complete your return with Block, and all tax documents are to be returned.

I take great pride in finding deductions for my clients, and AI try to thoroughly explain all facets of their returns so they can clearly understand what is happening.  After all, I not not responsible for their return, but rather the filer is responsible for their own return.  It is incumbant on me to explain what I did so the filer understands what is legal and deductible.  I do not prepare the fees, that is determined by the number of forms that we must prepare.  The fees is determined at Block corporate headquarters.


United States of America
That's right, HR Block is sleazy and unethical at best

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, April 17, 2011

Please, folks, think twice about using BLOCK to prepare your taxes.  There are plenty of alternatives out there; real professionals that have actually been through college and actually have your best interest at heart. 

Please be advised that Block will charge you per FORM that they 'prepare' for you.  Especially if you are self-employed, this will absolutley run you $350 OR MORE, depending on the size of your return. 

Here's a real life example of this---We went to HR Block, Bunnell FLA location two days ago; I had everything all prepared, it just needed to be 'free-filed'...we went there because we ran into someone my boyfriend knows working there.  He told us that the basic form would be free due to the new e-file requirement. 

When we got there, he put my boyfriend's taxes on the chopping block, and screwed the whole thing up.  He filled out forms that are so confusing and seemingly unnecesary.  In fact, I believe that he filled some form out that stipulates that my bf will recieve a certain tax credit on the stipulation that he cannot deduct equipment exspenses for the next five years.  What the heck!!!!!!

To make matters worse, he waited until last minute to show us the bill:

1000 in refund

600 in soc security taxes

400 return...better than nothing...

320 to pay the HR crooks

30 or 40, hidden charge we were not informed of to use 'their bank to take the 320

50 tax check we are supposedly getting back.

This is rediculous...in fact, the dude made it more complicated than it needed to be in order to get his hand on whatever he could for his company...I aint stupid, I worked in sales for a long, long, time; I know that incentives are given to employees fore every extra 'service' they provide...even the 30-something $$ to 'use their bank'. 

I knew something was up when I asked a simple question about wheter the outragous fee was going to be debited from the account; I mean, you have to be really careful these days...the dude started talking in this way, real slow and patronizing, basically trying to make me feel stupid so I would shut up...

I ended up going out to the car and waiting for my bf to finish signing his live away to the devil...it wasn't my tax return and I knew that I would end up getting really mad in there

Moral of the story--beware of HR Block; they are blood-sucking Thieves that are only there to take money from people who don't know any better.

Consult The Rock

China, People's Republic of

#5Author of original report

Fri, May 30, 2008

Well, Tim, with all due respect: I would ask you to read my ripoff reports again. There is some material regarding taxcut submited by users on another thread. Please type in "taxcut". There are more reports about how taxcut will not land you with the least possible federal income tax liability. And, from the standpoint of an EA, these are not going to be complicated income tax situations. But block's taxcut software sometimes has problems despite. If you can't scan your taxes to make sure the software did it right, it is wise to look me or some other enrolled agent up: naea.org We are responsible for our own taxes. If a taxpayer isn't comfortable doing it himself, he should look up an enrolled agent. Enrolled Agents are professional tax practitioners who have technical expertise in the field of taxation and are licensed to represent taxpayers at all administrative levels before the Internal Revenue Service. Moreover, Enrolled Agents are the only tax professionals who are required by the IRS to maintain their expertise through continuing professional education. Whether you're talking about a few enrolled agents, or run of the mill CPA's, or H&Rripoff, jackson-dimwit, they often charge by the number of forms they have to fill out. That's pretty rinky-dink, so there are not many enrolled agents that charge by how many forms they fill out. When a taxpayer comes to me, I charged by how much I used my brain. And the reason is, because I know how to do even the most complex tax situations. When I sign my name to the return, it means I will back the taxpayer up in the event of an audit. And I'm going to win 100% of the time. (((ROR redacted))) You will please note especially the second report {as of now there are 4}. Another serious complaint. Not confirmed yet: Taxcut sells your email address to spammers far and wide. To me, a software company that offers online tax filing, with all that personal info flowing through, should not be in the business of sharing any information about their customers. If you're in a really simple situation, taxcut MIGHT get it right. But with all that you have available on the IRS website, you don't need to risk your return being inaccurate and being faced with numerous losses on the one hand OR the IRS hounding you the rest of your natural life on the other hand. I remind you of this one was I had posted. You are urged to study and to remember: "Problems is a light word. I installed their software and it rewrote all the file permissions on my program files directory, giving a user level account admin rights on the PC and making that account the only one that could even see program files. Ive been on hold for 40 minutes now with their compliant department. Not like their software saved the previous permissions, to restore my system to a secure state Ill{sic} have to rebuild it. This is also a known issue their article number 42998. The article also says its fixed in an update.... but you don't get the update till after the software is installed.... which is when the problem occurs........ DONT INSTALL THEIR SOFTWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!" CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


I agree, for the most part

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 16, 2008

I've used Taxcut for years and also compare their results with my own, paper calculations. I have never found Taxcut to be a bad system or a ripoff. However, I see, time and time again, people who go into H&R in person, only to have deductions overlooked, credits missed, etc. And yes, the RAL at least borders on usurios. So I would recommend the H&R Block software, but I would NOT advise an in-person filing or and RAL. You can e-file using Taxcut, TaxAct, or any other software. If you have direct deposit, you can expect your refund in a very short period of time. So why pay $175 today for what you can get free in five days?

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