  • Report:  #1393137

Complaint Review: Holistic Home Philadelphia | by Ginger Kuczowicz owner of Soap Box in Philadelphia | www.HolisticHomeLLC.com - Philadelphia Internet

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Treated like a slave by Holistic Home LLC - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Holistic Home Philadelphia | by Ginger Kuczowicz owner of Soap Box in Philadelphia | www.HolisticHomeLLC.com
616 S 6th street (Between South & Bainbridge ) Philadelphia, Internet, USA
215 421 4050 or 267275140
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These people are breaking the law. They make you work hard in million dollar homes for $13 to 15 dollars an hour then make up reasons not to pay you. They charge clients a lot of money for "Holistic " cleaning but don't provide transportation to workers, they want you the worker to pay $52 a month out of your check for liability and give them $100 deposit on top of Kasia being an hour late to jobs, etc.. You don't get lunch breaks either or any break at all ... not even for 2 minutes. Kasia the Polish slave driver likes to practice passive aggressive racism towards me because basically im black born in Africa so I might steal from her precious white clients because she apparently this company doesnt doesnt care to obey the United States Of America's human rights and labor laws. And Ginger Kuczowicz thinks she doesn't have to pay you even when paid your own transportation to a job, worked hard for hours without any food or water breaks. You have to drink water while you're working burning energy constantly without food. The Beginning:

 I came into Soap Box seeking a job but they were only hiring for cleaning because they can't keep workers there due to their unethical treatment of their workers. They want you to clean and scrub quickly 3 to 5 or more story homes for 12/$13 an hr. with no breaks for food perfectly using natural products they make with a small amount of water. They're very unorganized , s****.>

Kasia kept telling me my work was perfect but then made sure to scold you to flex her muscle and feel powerful over someone she isn't nice at all. On the Morning of August 3, 2017 I was told to meet Kasia (Director Of Operations a.k.a my "trainer" ) at 9am to do a job but she was late. I had arrived at 8:53 am before Kasia and the other Worker that I didn't know would be there. Kasia didn't arrive until almost near 10 o clock am and we were told we were supposed to clean a 5 story home in a few amount of hours perfectly with no lunch breaks. The place was very filthy , messy and dirty with choking hazards laying everywhere in the Baby's room. The woman that owned the house kept popping in to ask me random questions as u cleaned as if I was going to steal I could tell I was not welcomed there. Kasia had left me instead of "Training " me as she said she would for at least a couple weeks. I was left to clean and share 1 vacuum with another woman in a 5 story home which means I would have to run up and down to get the vacuum and then bring it back to the other woman while she blasted rock music in their home you couldn't hear anything or communicate either. The place was filthy!

The other woman had left without finishing her part of the job to go do another and it was so bad that the customer had to vacuum her own floors downstairs where the other cleaner was responsible for cleaning. Meanwhile I was upstairs cleaning like crazy especially the babies room because it was very dirty with grime in between his crib and choking hazzards laying everywhere with dirty women''s panties on the floor. I worked very hard but Kasia came in taking out on me what the other worker who was Caucasian/White didn't do because Kasia is prejudice and plays favorites. Her complaint was that the floor was wet where I was cleaning. I had laid cleaning product out in the shower to disinfect while I clean the other rooms and she complained about that even though on our very first's job she told me that's what I should do. I was hot, tired, hungry with pain in my knees I couldn't take her yelling that this is horrible and scolding me over what another worker did , especially when Kasia was a whole hour late , didn't stay for my training and I had to run up and down many flights of slippery marble stairs for the vacuum cleaner ( which I was made to share for cleaning in a 5 story house made of nothing but marble and glass with open steps I could easily fall through and bust open my head if I'm not very careful) while sweating like a slave for free.

I will alslo add emails and text to this because the rest is to long to write. The main issue is that they make you work hard but don't pay you and practice racist bullying on the sly. I wish I never went to these people for a job but because they claim to practice "Holistic" health I had good faith that I would be dealing with ethical people Now I am sitting hwe after working and paying my own transportation to jobs without my check that I earned. I was told I will only be paid for my first job and not my second even though I work hard through both. Total ripoff and I have emails and text to prove everything. .... To Be Continued

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