  • Report:  #45332

Complaint Review: Hp Hewlett Packard - Palo Alto, California

Reported By:
- mountain view, California,

Hp Hewlett Packard
3000 Hanover St Palo Alto, CA Palo Alto,, 94306 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I discovered Ripoff Report.com about 2 weeks ago. BusinessWeek recommended this website as most excellent. I have now read hundreds of reports on this Ripoff Report.com

Hes got low pockets and short arms.

When I give a check to a charity,

I dont sign it. I want to stay anonymous.

My friend in a restaurant, Look youve paid the last 6 times, lets flip for this one.

Auto repair service: Free pickup and delivery.

Try us once, and youll never go anywhere again.

Your reports have amazed me, entertained me, humored me, scared me and educated me. I thank all of you sincere reporters. I thank and greatly appreciate the editors of Rip-off Report.com.

I have great sympathy for all the consumers ripped off by every conceivable business and government agency. Dishonesty, obliviousness, and incompetence abound everywhere.

But dishonesty appears to be more prevalent in some geographic areas (Mesa, Arizona?) and in some industries like auto repairs, banks, and phone companies.

To be fair, in my experience, honesty is more prevalent in the USA than in most other countries. Dishonesty is rampant in many parts of Asia, especially in South Asia. More about that in another column.

Stock up and save. Limit one.

For rent: 6 room hated apartment.

Chiseler: One who follows you into a revolving door and comes out first!

Im sending you to jail for 6 months.

Whats the charge?

Theres no charge. Everythings free.

Moneys not everything.

Who told you that?

My boss.

Rip-off Report.com validates my feelings.

Rip-off Report.com makes me feel not alone.

Rip-off Report.com validates my experiences -

with Priceline.com which burned me several years ago-when I had a problem they had no 800 number at all and absolutely no way to reach a live human at all to resolve a problem they had created.

with Hewlett Packard who never sent me the free paper they promised me after I had spent thousands of dollars with them their outsourcer - Young America was a bad joke-hello Epson printers.

with a 100 other big impersonal unethical companies, and

with dozens of small idiot companies which lack ethics.

Our small business BEST AIRPORT YELLOW CAB

Mountain View, CA Tel 650-852-1233

is very experienced


our signature, our motto - the major way we differentiate

ourselves from all other transportation companies

We dont over book.

We educate our consumers on the different companies names and reputations. Some consumers are moving too fast and not paying attention until there is a problem. You have to know who you are dealing with. Some customers dont even know who ripped them off and falsely accuse the wrong Yellow Cab.

Everyone needs to pay attention to exactly what company you are doing business with. Companies with similar names vary enormously in reputations. Dishonest companies know this and purposely try to confuse inattentive customers.

We dont try to be/do everything for everyone.

We engage our customers in conversations so that they leave enough time if any problem arises.

We have a long list of back up drivers and companies who are 100% honest whom we use if we ever encounter a problem.

We have extremely few problems.

We have very many positive and wonderful interactions with our customers. We like them and they like us.

We experience only 1 problem out of 5,000 trips.

We have many many loyal customers and we get extremely many repeat customers we get many referrals from our many loyal customers.

By contrast, all other taxi companies play a numbers game.

They try to be everything to every customer.

They over book calls.

They lie to customers (hell be there in 5 minutes)

They have very few repeat loyal customers- they are hurting in this large CA recession.

and they are clueless why we

(Best Airport Yellow) are so successful.

I always said I would rather service 10 happy customers in a happy way than serve 13 customers in a dishonest and late manner.

Honesty is so simple and easy. Why dont more business-people understand that honesty is so simple, natural and easy?

The most focused company wins.

The most honest company wins.

Our small business BEST AIRPORT YELLOW CAB

Mountain View, CA Tel 650-852-1233 stands head and shoulders above all other taxi, limousine, and airport shuttle companies I have ever worked for or seen or heard of. But we are not a full service go-everywhere taxi company. We are exclusively an airport bound taxi company.

Please reply, if you dont get this message!

It was a 2 story house. The real estate agent told her

one story before the sale and another story afterward.

We buy junk and sell antiques.

If you want home cooking, stay home.

Cheating happens everywhere 15% cheating - generally in the USA ethnic cheating -60% is normal amongst some other cultures

If you are traveling on a US freeway and you see 60% to 80% of the drivers cheating on the safe speed limit, (plus dangerously tail gating) dont you think that 60-80% of those same people might cheat you in business, given the chance?

Who rips people off?

A few companies rip-off customers

A few customers rip-off companies

Monopolies sooner or later exploit many customers.

A collusion of economic and political power creates

unfairness for consumers. See Mesa, Arizona

To whom can you complain?

Dont blame the victim.

BBB a sham.

Attorney Generals too busy.

A fair and speedy trial doesnt exist in the USA,

and yet that is our constitutional right.

A fair and speedy trial is a joke everywhere in the USA

How to avoid rip-offs?

1) Ask your friends who is reputable?

2) Ask Ripoff report.com who is disreputable.

3) Check out before you buy

4) READ THE FINE PRINT BEFORE YOU SIGN ANYTHING Add your own clauses. Add your own conditions. If they wont agree to your conditions, walk away. Watch them run after you begging to agree with your terms.


5) Dont be time-pressured into signing or agreeing to anything. Todays Great deal will be there tomorrow, too.Time pressuring you is always a con job.

6) Walk away if you get a bad feeling about a company or a situation. Only do business over the internet with companies who give you their real address and their real telephone number. Call them in person first.

7) Ask the company you are dealing with what will happen if worst happens with your rental truck? Get their answer in writing

8) Do business with more than one bank, etc. you will get treated better and you will see the advantages of each bank

9) Have a backup plan if your taxi company, etc. leaves you stranded

10) Leave enough time if a problem arises

11) Less is more, live a simpler lifestyle

Where is ethics taught?


in schools? Ha?

How many schools, parents, business schools teach honesty?

If our last President was lying to his wife, mistresses, and the American public

and our current and temporary President seems to care so little about housing education, and income of average Americans,

Why do you think you can trust some fly-by-the-night internet company you never heard of, that you have no way of contacting directly by phone or in person with your hard-earned money on a get-rich scheme (for them)?

For sale: 89 Chevy. Completely refinished. This one wont last long.

What a classy hotel. The towels were so thick and fluffy, that I could hardly close my suitcase.

Why did you give the hatcheck girl such a big tip?

Didnt you see the nice coat she gave me?

foreign aid: money taken from poor people in rich countries and given to rich people in poor countries.

Van Gogh painted 72 pictures in his lifetime,

300 of which are in the United States.

BEST CASE SCENARIO How a company can perform greatly

MY SONY MONITOR STORY- - - I bought a used Sony monitor which did not work with my Macintosh computer. I called Sonys 800 number. They answered immediately.

Sony said they would send me a free monitor adapter

it was the wrong adapter

Sony Fed-Exed me a second adapter

it was the wrong adapter

they Fed-Exed me a third adapter

FREE, FREE shipping, NO QUESTIONS asked,

without ever asking me for any receipt, any UPC label

WORST CASE SCENARIO How a company can perform poorly


I lived one mile away from HP headquarters. I had been using Hewlett Packard products for years. I spent thousands of dollars with Hewlett-Packard.

HP promised me a free pack of experimental paper (value $5 dollars?) I would have to send in a receipt for an HP product to their outsourcer - Young America, Minneapolis, MN, 1800 miles away, even though I lived a mile away from HP headquarters.

HP mailed back my 6 receipts, saying I hadnt sent in the right receipt. I mailed 6 receipts back to Young America 4 times which they rejected. I told my story to 6 different HP employees who all told me they would take care of their promise. They never did.

Come on, Hewlett-Packard is a computer company and computers do billions of calculations and easily keep billions of records. They can look up their records and easily determine that I spent thousands of dollars with HP. What is a $5 package of experimental paper to HP which they had voluntarily offered me? Is this The HP way?

Do you think I would ever again buy another HP product? To how many people do you think I badmouthed HP? Is it really effective, Carly, to accuse your customers of lying?

Take care of yourself.

David Conlon, President, Vice Pres., Chief Mechanic, #1 driver, and head janitor,


Silicon Valley (30 miles South of San Francisco, Ca)

Mountain View, CA

Tel 650-852-1233


A 56 year old janitor-writer-taxi driver.*** A graduate of Harvard.* I have 5 college degrees. I graduated from Starbucks University, Dunkin Donuts University, and I spent three hours at Oracle University, before I decided that customized databases are not my thing. I was also ex-communicated from McDonalds (Hamburglar University).

*Harvard Elementary School in Harvard, Massachusetts -

I did remind you to read the fine print, didnt I !?

I have written 4 books -

three books analyzing and cataloging jokes-

and one book on running a small business - -


all available from Prosperity Press-David Conlon-

-my own publishing company ! $20 each postage-paid

1531 Todd St, Mountain View, CA. 94040

How many books have I sold?

Well, in the first printing of


I sold 53 books, (52 to my mother!). I love you Mom.

Thanks, Rip-off Report.com for the self promotion!

*** I was walking by the Psychology Dept. at Stanford University one day. I saw a sign which said Free IQ testing It didnt look like Scientology, so I took their free test.

Three weeks later they called me and said

Were sorry DaveyBoy, but we checked your IQ

and we found that you dont have any.

Thats when I decided to launch my career as a janitor- writer- crab diver.

Is life fair? Ill answer that question in another column.


I ordered a medical policy through the mail. Some of the provisions are good, but if I want a second opinion, I have to ask the mailman.

Never lend money - it gives people amnesia.

Disney World ? (Dismal World) - -

a people trap operated by a mouse.

I take great pride in my humility..

For years I thought I was a failure.

Then they told me to think positive.

Now Im positive Im a failure.

I owe money that hasnt been printed yet

Im carefree. I dont care as long as its free.

Let me sum up my coaching career:

I was desired, wired, hired, inspired, admired, tired, mired, and then fired!


Mountain View, California

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Hewlett-Packard - HP

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Mountain View,
Ripoff Report.com praised by BusinessWeek news magazine

#2Author of original report

Fri, February 14, 2003

CONGRATULATIONS RipoffReport.com, editor and think tank Your hard work and dedicated creativity is being recognized by the national press. I read praises about your Website in BUSINESSWEEK, Feb. 10, 2003 page 83, in an article titled SLEUTHING STOCKS ON THE I-WAY.- "a few clicks can yield surprises about companies and brokers" Sincerely, David Conlon, Mountain View, CA. MBA = Myself Before Anyone If you fall out of that tree and break both your legs, dont come running to me ! Expect the worst and you wont be desapointed ! OUR COMPANYS NEW VOICE MAIL: If you want to order a new hard drive, press * 1 If you want to order a new Scanner, press * 2, If you want to register a complaint about one of our products, press * 5323346778GHE37568689956456547GHDFDF343535.

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