  • Report:  #1296754

Complaint Review: Hughes Net - Nationwide

Reported By:
Susan - Marienville, Pennsylvania, USA

Hughes Net
Nationwide, USA
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I am very upset with Hughes Net. They are a total rip off. I had Hughes net from 2002 to 2008 and never lost internet at all. I just got it back hopping they are as good as it was then, well its not. Yes I get 59.9 mg bits but they seperate it between to different times. From 8am to 2 am we are alloowed only 15 mg bits to use in the day time then between 2am to 8 am that is when it is the bigger mg bits. So now in 3 days time you lose mg bits because just open emails or face book it is used all up in the three day time, That doesn't have no games or nothing. Unless a person stays up late at night time between 2am to 8am you have the all unlimeted they say you have.

  When I had called them they said that it is an unlimted internt for the price of $ 59.95 But they didn't say that it is only 10 mg bits for that price in the day time. I had to up grade to get 15 mg bits and it still in the day time only.  Sad of it all they don't tell you that you have to pay their fee to rent the dish and the service either. Just the prie of the $59.95. Now that I have had one month I am paying for their fee of $ 79.95 for the three month of the 15 mg bit for the day time and then after the three month it will go up to $ 95.95 for the rest of the month till my two years is done. If I get rid of it before the two years it will cost me $ 400.00 and send it all back to them. It cost me $195.00 to get it hooked up pluse the $79.95 for the service. They rep and the one that came to hook me up said it is unlimited useage of the internet. They have lied big time. I wish that they would take it back give the money back what I put in take their dish with no charge and I can get out out of the contract they put everyone in once a person get it. They don't tell it is a 2 year contract till a person get it all put up and running. They have mislead all way round. I wish something would get done. They need out of business and pay back everyone that is dissatified with them and pay back them as well. They are getting money for nothing and ripping people off with their lies. I hope something can get done. I have 3 days that I can only use the internet and have to wait 19 days for it to rest again so I can use it again. I hope something can get done.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


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#2Consumer Comment

Wed, March 30, 2016

 In the process of signing up for this service, all they gave you was price? There was no description of services and disclosures? Did the contract detail the limitations? Or was this just another case of you didn't even bother to read what you agreed to and now that you discovered these provisions, it's all their fault?

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