  • Report:  #435894

Complaint Review: Indianapolis Traffic Court F13 - Judge William Young - Typical Money-leeching Greedy Hoosiers - Indianapolis Indiana

Reported By:
- India no place - naptown - shitty place, Indiana,

Indianapolis Traffic Court F13 - Judge William Young - Typical Money-leeching Greedy Hoosiers
9049 E. 10th Street Indianapolis, 46229 Indiana, U.S.A.
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I had to go to traffic court this week here in Indianapolis area due to a speeding citation.

Accused of speeding in a school zone, when there clearly was a 40 mph speed limit sign.

The judge presiding in today's traffic court, judge william young, clearly was biased in favor of the police and IMPD. This guy should be booted from the bench.

I guess my pictures of the intersection clearly couldn't seep through judge young's think skull.

Also the police lied about clocking me "450" feet or whatever BS number he can crap out of his mouth.

Heck, the police can lie and say that he clocked me 600 feet way from his location in a far distance school speed zone. judge thinks that any BS from a cop's mouth is good evidence, whereas I had concrete evidence that I was in a 40 mph speed zone. I now learn that hot air/fluff from IMPD's mouth is a piece of evidence that's weighed heavier than a defendant's fact and information.

Lastly, I'm a dirt poor student, and at least this greedy judge, william young, could give me a chance to reduce the court fees. But no, he added $50, plus $200 for court fees. Such bullshit! I hope some deja vu happens to the Indy court system. Or maybe the fact that william young will also get fined for something with a huge fee that he will then know how it feels like to be in my situation.

This guy is a complete scum!

Stealing plenty of money from a graduate student who is already in debt, and also is waiting for more student loan disbursement later in the summer.

Again, the judge, william young, had a chance to give me a lesser court fee, but he chose the upper end of the court fee to give me hard time.

Pissed off driver

India no place - naptown - shitty place, Indiana


15 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
I agree with victim

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 22, 2012

Yea I know what he has gone thru with the judge siding with cops and not be the neutral factor when pleading the case! I know from being a professional truck driver (and taking online safety course thru bmv) that the speed limit is not a uniform law throughout the state! Each county/city/local laws differ when it comes to school zones. An I have seen them all. For instance city of Indianapolis has a speed limit of 25 during the hours of 7am to 4:30pm (some places may vary) and starts with the posting of the first sign and ends at the posting of the sign no the other side of the road! There is no footage before and after the sign so that's wrong there it begins and ends at the posted signs! And if no signs are present (one was taken down on one side) then it ends at the next intersection. And when in other counties it can vary in speed limit and times like one I seen was 15 and only started when yellow lights were blinking and started from one yellow blinking light to next. Another I did see was 35 and times were 7am-8am and 2pm-4pm! Same thing starts at one posted sign and ends at next posted sign, meaning u have to b at that limit the moment u hit that sign point and can't speed up till u pass the next sign. My own personal dealing with a judge that favored police over victims was last year. I was involved in an accident due to an outraged driver claiming I cut him off when I never did! I was in the same lane on cruise control the whole time. So he pulled in front of me slammed on his breaks and flipped me off and I almost hit him then, so he speed up and I went down the roa further and there he was in the right lane going slow so I was back in cruise control doing the speed limit when I came up on him so I moved over to the left lane to he around him. He sees it's me an pulls right in front of me slamming on his breaks! So I slam on mine and honk my horn which makes hims slow down even more and get doing this till we were doing 5 in a 65 and finally he pressed his breaks to stop making me hit him, I couldn't get aroun him cause he kept swaying in front of me slamming on his breaks. Well I called 911 and wen the cop shows up the guy said I was the crazy driver which hit him and I was put in handcuffs. Now the cop wouldn't accept my evidence (I taped the whole conversation showing who was the maniac) and the cop didn't want to hear it. So I got a ticket for fallowing too close causing an accident. Well when I had my day in court the judge asked me how I plead an I told him not guilty and he said he knew the cop for years and knows that if he said u was fallowing him too close and caused the accident then he has to take his word cause he knows he doesn't lie. And I said your honor he really didn't see it happen so he really didn't know who was at fault and was going with what the other driver said and I had evidence proving the other guy was the one who was outraged and caused it, he said really? Then why didn't u show this to the cop? And I said I tried but he wouldn't hear it. So I let the judge hear the audio and he said you r right! Looks like this guy was trying to scam u cause at one point he said give me 250.00 and I'll leave! So my smartphone saved me from getting a ticket added to my record and a good judge takes in the evidence and is supposed to rule base on that evidence! Not by only what the cop says, even though the judge said he knew the cop wasn't a lire and he said I could face higher court cost to scare me into not defending myself I still went forward and proved my case right!


United States of America
Poster was correct. Judge suspended.

#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 28, 2010

Looks like the poster was correct.  The judge has been suspended for judicial misconduct.  What a scumbag.

Marvin Ballard

Pissed Off Driver

India No Place,
Robert is a pro-judicial sheep! LOL!

#4Author of original report

Sat, May 16, 2009

Hey rob, I bet that you're not living in California, but some judicial idiot, maybe the judge himself claiming to be living in Irvine. LOL! If you're a regular lay-person, why the hell are you so infatuated with my blog? I guess people like you have lots of money to spend, squandering it to the corrupt government system of america. Loser!



#5Consumer Comment

Wed, May 13, 2009

Ashley you better watch trying to use logic and the rules of the road with this person. He may start to call you names also. With the last post it is clear that he was speeding and probably gave at least some of this attitude in court. Which is why the judge gave him the upper limit of the fine. If you go into court acting professional you are treated like a professional. If you go into court acting like a brat, you get treated like a brat. So to the OP, if calling people names makes you feel better then just go ahead and keep posting. It is a great laugh.



#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 13, 2009

So you were inside the school zone and could see a sign coming up that was 40mph? The new speed limit does not START until you get to that sign. If you were still in the school zone, the speed limit was 25mph.

Pissed Off Driver

India No Place,
Yakamashee johnny boy you dumbdumb

#7Author of original report

Wed, May 13, 2009

Hey john (I have to pee on a john? lol!!) Perhaps you think you're so perfect that you can tell me not to drive? Puleez. I have NEVER received a speeding citation in my entire life, up until this point when that cretin money-hungry pig/police motioned me to pull over. Heck, he was facing the wrong direction, east bound direction, when I was driving in the west bound direction. For him, there was a 25 mph school zone sign in front of him, and this sign is facing westward for east-bound drivers. As for west-bound drivers like me, there was a 40 mph speed zone sign 100 feet in FRONT of where the pig was clocking drivers. He had to lie in court that he clocked me 425.356 feet (using his decimal #s like a smart a$$ in court) behind that 40 mph speed zone sign. I guess he had to use that BS excuse after other drivers complained to this moron who didn't position himself accurately in the view of the west=bound drivers, that there was a 40 mph speed limit sign zone in front of his nose. So before you open your flap and run your mouth like dee and jimmy, I suggest you get your facts straight before mouthing like a dummy.


New Jersey,
You shouldn't be drving at all.

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, May 10, 2009

The fact that you think there is some retarded conspiracy to catch you breaking the law proves you have no idea what the real rules of the road are as laid out in driving school and you shouldn't even have a license to begin with.

Pissed Off Driver

India No Place,
Tahnk you Tiger2k

#9Author of original report

Sat, May 09, 2009

I am glad that a fellow Indiana resident knows what I'm talking about. Unlike Dee and robert who like to mouth off to people. Typical left-coast idiots who don't know that the road I was travelling on is a HIGHWAY, and not even near the entrance of the school parking lot or typical places where students would loiter. dee and dumbdumb robert should come out to Indy and take a look at the 38th street HIGHWAY and you can clearly see that doing 25 mph on this highway is very slow for this kind of road, and 40 mph is slow enough to be a safe speed on this highway. It's just a way for the cops to make money off of people. Anyhow, tiger2k, if you do decide to fight your phoney fraudulent speeding ticket in court, good luck. Hopefully that so-called judge, bill young, drops dead one of these days.


I think the rebuttals

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, May 06, 2009

are addressing the original poster's idea that he can do 40 mph in a school zone. He seems to be missing the concept that the speed limit is a lot lower when school is in session.


A Closer Look...

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, May 06, 2009

I think those that posted a reply here to this person are missing the point. First of all why can't he express his anger? You all act as if he doesn't have the right and assume he is a jerk because he did.... Let's look at the this.... He mentions he has evidence that supports his position and I would agree.. Why? Because it just happened to me... I travel the same road everyday.... All of a sudden there are now School zone signs where there never used to be.... Ok..not a problem.. I slow to the speed posted.... Now... past the school itself and property lines by more than 250 feet... I resume speed like I do everyday at the same location I do everyday.. but today. I get motioned over and receive a speeding ticket. I point out that I am beyond the posted signage and school zone posted but I get a ticket anyway. So I visit other school zones and notice that the signage being displayed at other locations are far different than those I just got ticketed in. Almost 90% of the others have a begin zone and end zone. Mine does not... In fact, all of the 4 school zones along my travel on this road are all the same.. and they are all new signs. A begin zone but no end zone at any of them. So where does the school zone end if not posted? At the end of the property line? Most schools with an end zone sign are located at the edge of the property line... At the next posted speed limit sign? In this case that would be over 2 miles at one school and close to 4 miles at yet another... Surely this can't be the case.... My point is there are most certainly variables that support the person getting a ticket sometimes that perhaps puts them in the right.. They may not have been just arbitraily zooming thru a zone and pissed they got caught..... Besides.. if you really think it's all bull? WTHR just did a show on this exact topic this morning, including the signage I mention coupled of 2 speed limit signs right next to each other posting diffrerent speeds.. It's just a confusing situation and each one has it's own nuances.. Go up on their website and check it out yourself. I'm not defending somneone who speeds thru a school zone intentionally and all that...However, judging based on someone's anger and outrage to a situation that you yourselves were not a part of? Come on..... really? Lighten up and understand.. It may be different than you think....


Las Vegas,
I'm willing to bet...

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, March 30, 2009

...that if you paid attention in Driver's Ed. or read the Rules of the Road provided by the IN DMV it will clearly state the speed limit ALL drivers are expected to reduce their speed to in school zones, statewide. It's common sense and such rules are set in stone. Growing up in Chicago I knew that anytime I was near a school I was supposed to reduce to 15MPH, all across IL. Why should the judge have considered any defense at all? You endangered the lives of children/minors whether they "hang out" around that area often or not.


Tough guy

#13Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 30, 2009

WOW Aren't you a tough guy to run your mouth on the internet. All you are doing is making yourself sound more and more stupid. You have reitterated my point, you are a moron. Profanity is the language of the unintelligent. I rest my case.



#14Consumer Comment

Fri, March 27, 2009

If you gave the judge the same attitude you wrote here, it is no surprise that you got the upper limit of the fine. In fact if you did, you are lucky he didn't hold you in contempt which would have been more fines. You admited there was a school zone. But in your opinion since it was a small one and the traffic engineers put it there just to catch speeders you figure you don't have to abide by the rules of the road. Unfortunatly, that does not work so you got caught and have to pay. If you take anything positive out of this it is that I hope - You learned your lesson and lower your speed in School Zones. After all one day it may be your child walking in a school zone when a speeder drives by. - That if you get a ticket, check your attitude at the door. But since you already apparently know everything, go ahead and call me any name you want. This was just some advise when this happens again in the future. Just curious what was the speed they "clocked" you at?

Pissed Off Driver

India No Place,
Dee, STFU if you don't know what happened!

#15Author of original report

Fri, March 27, 2009

Hey dee, you smart a$$. The school zone is a small stretch of a HIGHWAY that is usually 40 mph. Perhaps the engineers designed the highway so that police can catch speeders near a school zone, a school zone where students hardly hang out, just to MAKE MONEY off of speeders. I think you ought to get your head and hands out of your a$$. Easy said than done moron.


school zones

#16Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 20, 2009

You are an idiot. The speed limit is ALWAYS lower in school zones during certain hours. These zones, speed limits and hours are ALWAYS posted BEFORE you enter the school zone. Get your head out of your arse so you can see the sign next time.

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