  • Report:  #1172543

Complaint Review: ITT Technical Institute - Nationwide

Reported By:
krb - Portland, Oregon,

ITT Technical Institute
Nationwide, USA
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I attended ITT technical Institute, in Portland, Oregon. I started in CADD but after 3 terms switched to a new program they had just added. Multimedia Design. I very excited because it was actually more along the lines of Graphic Design, which was what I had originally wanted to pursue. Boy was that a mistake. They had instuctors that they had brought in to fill the teachers desk in many of my course. ITT had just thrown the curriculam together and were not even using the current versions of the programs we were paying big bucks to learn. Infact the were a few versions behind. At the time I did not realize that was the case. Also for Graphic or Multimedia disign a MAC computer is used in most buisness. When we worked on projects for the classes I would ask for assistance to correct or clarrify a problem I was having, most of the time the teacher had no answer for me and would just tell me to turn it in done incorrectly and grade it. How are we suppose to learn if the teacher has no idea what is going on or how to fix it. We would lose teacher in the middle of a class, they would bring someone in to "teach" the class, but they had no background or helpful knowledge in that subject. We were told to pair up and work with each other.

They even closed the school for a few days to audit their student files involving the money aspect. Once reopened they suddenly were upgrading class rooms. Before that we had old chalk boards, miss matched tables and chairs, dirty carpet and so on. Once I did graduate, I took and internship with a small graphic design company...I was stunned by how much I did not know and so was my boss. This was just basic photo retouching mind you, and all on a MAC. I did get a job later thur on of their referals but it was not really anything to do with my degree. So during that two years I rarely if ever used any programs I should have been keeping up with.

My loan was consolidated and turned into 2 loans in my name for differant amonts to 2 different holders. It took me months to get that all straightened out. Finally I start repayment of my loan to one of the holders and pay on it for about 4 years, close to 8k. Hard times hit and I end up in default and collections (my own fault for that happening). So I got to file bankruptcy and low and behold there is that second student loan popping up again. So now my loan gets turmed over to collections and I am trying to get it straightened out because it is now back up to 30k, which is more the when I graduated it was at 29k. So I am trying to figure out where the 8k went that I had paid. I realize there are collection fees or interest but 8k worth ??? It was only in default for over a year. Now no one seems to be able to produce any records of payments previously made for me. But they sure can garnish my wages and take my tax return. I now am not eligable for finacial aid, and was not eligable when my loan was in good standing either. They said when I applied for it to go back to a community college and get a degree that would actually get me some where in life, that I had a degree that I could be using to work therefore I did not deserve of qualify for any help. Even though I had not been able to find another job in my degree field due to the lack of knowledge I had for any of the position which were entry level that ITT had done so well to prepare me for.

Now I am unemployed in horrible debt. Have not been able to find a job that is not seasonal in over a year. Stuck not being able to afford a decent education and will be paying on the unusable sad excuse for degree till the day I die. It just breaks my heart that I made such a horrible decision and the fact that I am smart and have so many aveunes that I would love to explore carrer wise. But again most of them take College which I cannot afford while I pay back this useless degree I worked so hard for. I am saddened by the greed ITT has shown and can't understand how they get away with ruining lives. Not to mention nothing for their school transfers, they don't tell you that either. Please somebody stop theres greedy monsters.


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