  • Report:  #1163668

Complaint Review: J & A Mobile Showrooms - Internet

Reported By:
jnjd2010 - Weatherford, Texas,

J & A Mobile Showrooms
Internet, USA
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My husband mistakenly made an appointment with John Segovia, Owner of this so-called business thinking it was the real Empire that you see on the commercials. He even told this guy that we have been dealing with them for years for 2 other homes. Rather than John correcting him and advising him he must have had the wrong company, he went with it and even said we would get a 60% discount for being return customers. Even when my husband asked why the salesmen we had before was not coming back out to sell us carpet for our 3rd home, John just said that April Segovia, his daughter was now the sales person for the area.


I met with April in my home on July 11, 2014. She showed me samples and we talked prices. When she originally quoted me over $2k for 3 bedrooms with carpet, I was shocked! I asked her if the commercial they are running about buying 2 rooms and getting the rest for free was a better deal. She said no, her quote will be better since we were returning customers (again furthering my belief this was the real Empire). When I told her that we have had 2 homes both 1500sq ft done for under $2k, she looked shocked and came down on the price.


Eventually, we agreed on a price after she said the work will be completed within 48hrs. Since this was a Friday evening, I asked if they worked on Saturdays and she said no. She then said that the carpet I picked would have to be ordered but the work would be completed Tuesday or Wednesday the upcoming week. I agreed and paid $1450 in full because she said the offer would not be valid after that day.


She then handed me a paper to sign. For whatever reason, I did not read it, but just signed it. I did not feel uncomfortable with signing it because I have done business with Empire Carpet on 2 other occasions over the last 5 years and never had a problem (keep in mind I still believed this was the real Empire from TV).


Before April left, she once again stated that she would order the carpet on Monday and give me a call. I had told her I was interested in wood floors as well but would have to talk with my husband over the weekend. She said if I wanted the floors, then she can order them when she contacts me the following Monday and all of the work would be done by that Tuesday or Wednesday.


After she left, I looked over the contract. It did not seem out of the ordinary but did notice at the bottom it stated they were not affiliated with Empire Today. I did not know this at the time, but Empire Today is the actual company I thought I was doing business with! I never realized Empire Today was the company on the commercial until the following Thursday.


Monday evening (7/14) came but I had received no call from the company. I did not sweat it because we decided not to get the wood floors anyway. The next evening I still had heard nothing so I asked my husband to call.


As he was calling, a man by the name of John called me. I did not know at the time that John was the owner of the company because I was still under the impression this was the real Empire. He told me there were some issues with the installer but he said they should be at my home Thursday July 17th. He said he would call me the next day to confirm. He never called so that Wednesday evening I called him.


He confirmed a crew would be at my home Thursday July 17th at 11am to install my carpet.

Guess what, they never showed up. To their credit, it had been raining. At 12:10pm, I called the number I had for John. When John answered, I asked if it was him and he said no (I was a little taken back because that person sounded like the person I had talked to previously). I asked him if we needed to reschedule because no one showed up. He put me on hold, then came back and said he had to check his files and he would call me right back.


He never called back. Therefore I spent the next few hours calling every number for the company listed on the contract. It was only then that it dawned on me after re-reading the contract that this company was not who I thought they were and that Empire Today was the company we had done previous business with.


I then started to perform internet searches for this company and to my horror, found numerous BBB complaints and other consumer complaints lodged against John and April Segovia for theft and failing to provide services. These reports revealed that if they did come back to do the work, it was awful and the homeowners were out even more money. Many of these homeowners filed suits and won, from what the complaints stated but unfortunately after doing my own research, John Charles Segovia and April Amanda Segovia are notorious for filing liens against peoples homes because they refused to pay these people any more money (mind you the consumers had already paid upfront most if not all the money and got little to no work done).


I finally left two voice messages on the business numbers I had telling them that I want a call back or I would file a small claims suit against them. I then contacted April Segovia via her cell phone. I remembered she had given it to me before she left that day she sold me the carpet.


I left a message telling her that the workers never showed up and that if she does not call me back then I would file a suit against her, John, and her company. She quickly texted me back ranting on and on at me about how she is just an individual and I cannot sue. Also, if I cancel the contract they would only reimburse me 40% of the money due to a restocking fee.


She then said she was tired of me harassing and threatening her the entire day to which I responded that I had only called and left her a voicemail no more than 15min earlier and had not contact with her at all other than the few text messages with her. She refused to tell me why no one showed up or even gave me a courtesy call. She just continued to say she was only the sales person and she knows nothing.


My husband was finally able to get in contact with John Segovia via phone. It was then John Segovia demanded an apology from us! My husband, fearing that we would lose our close to $1500 tried to calm him and told him we just wanted our carpets installed as promised. My husband then said John Segovia told him that he "runs the show" and that he had someone quit and he would get a crew out when he could. My husband asked when, and John Segovia said that he would call my husband the next day and set up an appointment for Saturday (7/19) or the following Monday (7/21). John Segovia also refused to refund any money.


The next day (Friday) John Segovia never called as promised. I sent him a text message that evening advising that I was just following up with the appointment time. Over an hour later, he sent a text back stating the work would be done "next week at the earliest". I texted back and asked if he meant the week of July 28th or this coming Monday. I also asked why there was a no show and lack of communication. He then texted at 10:04pm "28th.. I told your husband already, ask him!"


I then texted John what my husband had told me the previous day; that John said he would have a crew out Saturday or Monday. John's response was "That's not what I said! One last time.. I will call when I have a crew lined up to do ur job"


I then just asked him to do what was right and to reimburse us the money if he cannot get someone out when he promised because the 28th was unacceptable. He did not respond to the text.


The next afternoon on Saturday July 19th, I sent John a text message trying to resolve the issues. He has our money and we have nothing at this point. I told him that I would be willing for him to do the job by Monday July 21 at 10am. If he does not show up or refund my money by that time, I would file a civil suit against him. I asked him once more to do the right thing and just do the work, to communicate with me, or refund the money. He never responded.


For the last couple of days, I have been diligently researching this man and his family. He has a criminal history for theft $1500-$20k and was just recently arrested in March of this year.


Do not do business with this man. He and his daughter have multiple businesses and DBA's in their name and from my experience and from the BBB complaints I have read, they have been scamming people out of their money for years. Empire Carpets and Showers is another name they use for J & A Mobil Showrooms. They also run a business called CAS Remodeling out of Dallas. Beware of these people!

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