  • Report:  #114043

Complaint Review: Jeff Paul Systems - Jeff Paul Millionaires Club - Mentoring Of America - Van Nuys California

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

Jeff Paul Systems - Jeff Paul Millionaires Club - Mentoring Of America
7030 Hayvenhurst Ave, Van Nuys, 91406 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After reading other reports I feel like "Deja Vu"...

On October 4 I purchased Jeff Paul's Millionaires Club program after watching an infomercial on TV (29.95). I received it, read it and found it quite intriguing. The information in it made sense.

The following Tuesday (10/12) I listened to Jeff Paul's Tele-Seminar and by the end of the call I decided I wanted to give this business a serious try, so I called up and placed an order for $1,995.00 in 4 monthly payments and with a 60-day unconditional money back guarantee (which is the only reason I signed up).

Needless to say the "bait-and-switch" came a couple of days later (10/14) when I received a call from one of their associates (Jed Johnson) offering to refund my $1,995 investment and rather get me into a fast-track Mentoring program (which would take me by the hand and ensure my success in this business). I was promised to make back my full investment by the time I needed to pay my credit card.

After sensing some interest and excitement from me, Mr. Johnson then transferred me to Mr. Shane Jones to close the deal and get me to commit $8,500.00 on my credit cards. (After they tried my Master Card and reached its limit they called me back to ask for a second card to complement it)

This guy got me all fired up and excited about the prospect of making around $100,000 a year in a few months (and personally guaranteed that I would make my initial investment back in 2 to 6 months, or they would continue to mentor me until I did for free) I decided to give it a shot.

Now here's what's happened so far:

First of all it was never made clear to me exactly WHAT was included with my investment. All I was told is that I would get the products, ads and mentoring. (With my initial purchase of Jeff Paul's millionaires club ($29.95) I knew exactly what I would get.)

(Even with the second offer ($1,995) I knew that I would get the masters to the manuals and recording, the rights to the book Business Owners Guide to Little Know Marketing Secrets That Work, Marketing Critique Coupon and the Automated secret marketing weapon (Software).)

I never received a confirmation e-mail or letter stating the terms and conditions of my investment. Everything has been done verbally and very vaguely.

They did record the conversation and are trying to hold me responsible for it.

Late at night on Friday 10/15, I went online to show my wife the business and, after a simple search query, I found some very disturbing warnings about this company (including a negative report and series of complaints filed on the Better Business Bureau and many reports on this website).

I called Customer Service the next day to cancel my service and they asked me to call back on Monday because no-one was available to help me).

On Monday 10/18 I called Mr. Jones and expressed my concerns. He dismissed them as being Buyer's Remorse.

He told me that he could not cancel my subscription because the 3-days had passed (even though I tried calling on Saturday).

He said that he would be able to cancel everything except for 15% re-stocking fee. He convinced me to not quit before I even started. So I decided to give it another shot and wait for my first meeting with my mentor.

On Tuesday 10/19 I got a call from my Mentor, Ms. Peggy Koschin at the scheduled time, and in that conversation she asked me to start thinking about an advertising budget

(WHAT!!! I was told by Mr. Jones that my investment would include all of that). She also asked me to complete a few assignments for the next meeting which included calling ePower and Profits to activate my subscription with them and start doing business on E-bay.

When I did a search for Epower and Profits I was bombarded with warnings from other consumers who were scammed by that company and extremely dissatisfied. (Here's one of the many articles I found http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff109900.htm )

I called Mr. Jones and when I asked him about the negative postings, he got extremely rude and defensive and replied: You're just looking for excuses not to do this business, you're focusing on the negative! Stop trying to find bad comments! He also said that Ms. Koschin was a new mentor and she shouldn't have told me that I needed to invest more money in advertising. He offered to assign me to a new mentor.

I asked again for a list of products, terms, services and guarantees included in my investment and, once again Mr. Jones was very vague and evasive.

I asked him for an e-mail address so I could communicate with him more effectively and he provided me with a free address (very unprofessional).

As you can see, when you add all these factors, it seems that something is not quite right.

At the beginning I was very excited about getting into Direct Marketing with this company, but right now I feel like I'm being taken advantage of and this deal is sounding shadier and shadier every day.

So far I've called American Express and Master Card and initiated a dispute.

I have not received any products from this company (or e-mails confirming my purchase)

...wait a minute... i just got an e-mail from Jeff Paul customer service saying the following:

((("RE: Credit Card ***************8, Exp *** for $2180.32, Thank you for your order. Unfortunately the credit card listed above was declined by your bank. If that is an incorrect card number or expiration date, please provide us with the correct information.

You may provide a different credit card number or send a check or money order instead. We will process your order upon receipt of your new financial information. You may send check or money order to Po Box 570 Van Nuys CA 91411")))

I don't know if they're trying to charge some more to my credit card or what...

If anyone has any suggestions I would be very happy to hear them.

Best regards

By the way, I discovered that this scam is also going under John Becks Amazing Profits Free & Clear Real Estate, (apparently they use the exact same ("Mentoring Company").

Robert San Diego, California

17 Updates & Rebuttals


John Beck's Programs Are SCAMS!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 06, 2005

Hey there Everyone, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirits and health. John Beck's Free and Clear/Amazing Profit's, Mentoring, Seminars and ALL of the other crap this crooked "attorney" is peddling via PAID infomercial are All SCAMS! I don't blame this decrepid pansy for not coming forward to protect his reputation, because the fact that he is a con artist shoveling $h!t PROVES, that he has no morals, and obviously doesn't make a good attorney in the first place. John Beck's programs like the many other real estate investing courses are ALL fraudulent. So called "gurus" have absolutely nothing to gain by sharing their wealth building strategies to complete strangers. At this point, FULL DISCLOSURE of the exact success to failure ratio of a "gurus" program, would be the only chance for one to PROVE reports erroneous and or to the contrary. Of course if a business is fraudulent, it wouldn't be interested in DISCLOSING such pertinent information. Until next time, take care Everyone cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. Special thanks to the Badbusinessbureau.com for providing such a wonderful service, which provides actual and factual experiences.


Blatantly Crooked Attorney John Beck!

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 05, 2005

Hey there Everyone, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirits and health. As I have mentioned many times before, PAID Better Business Bureau memberships, PAID Infomercials, PAID merchant accounts and yes, being an attorney means and or proves absolutely NOTHING about a particular business. John Beck's Free and Clear/Amazing Profit's and his bogus "mentoring" program are definitely scams. My unacknowleged experience, along with God Knows how many other victims of the unscrupulous John Beck programs are irrefutable proof of his fraudulent and dishonest activities. John Beck is just another low life peddling $h!t via PAID Infomercials. It's no wonder why he has no success as an attorney. LMAO at this f%ck!ng decrepid pansy and incestuous scum bag. He is definitely a disgrace to not only practicing attorneys, but to the entire human race. Until next time, take care Everyone cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. P.S. F% you Mike Evans and thank you for ruining my life. You still owe me BIG TIME!


Being An Attorney In The United States Say's Absolutely Nothing About Ones Character!

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 05, 2005

Hey there Everyone, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirits and health. YES! John Beck's programs, the marketing of his programs, his "mentoring" program and just about all programs related and or affiliated with his name are ALL SCAMS! This sickly, decrepid, ready to kick the bucket looking, incest f**ker's "mentoring" company attempted to steal $6,400.00 from me a little over a year ago. John Beck is an attorney?????????? LMAO. Absolute proof, that it's easier and more profitable to be a con in the U.S., than a crooked attorney! Absolute proof, that one needs no morals, is entitled to be very dishonest and still become an attorney. Absolute proof, that placing your hand on a book and swearing up and down, means and proves absolutely nothing! John Beck has no morals for continuing to allow this fraudulent third party marketing company to sell their scam using his name as an endorsement. Until next time, take care Everyone cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless.


There is a way to get rich!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 20, 2004

No, you don't buy a ready-made business from some fraud you found on the internet! And, no, you don't buy secret information from an idiot who claims to have found the gold at the end of a rainbow. What you do is supply a legitimate need to society! Look at Bill Gates. When the personal computer first came out, he designed the software for it. A little luck and some smart alliances with IBM put him in the lead. Once he was off and running, he never looked back. And, because so many people have personal computers, the market is huge. It was enough to make him very wealthy. But, his success was based on simply supplying a need in society. Ask yourself, what do you know how to do? What skills can you sell? If you can't do much, you can still succeed. You just hire others with the skills, and make a business. Find a need that you can fill. See what the profit available is likely to be. You see, unlike a normal job, a business allows you to keep the profits. In a job, the employer keeps the profits. All you ever get is a salary. Never the profits. In your own business, you keep all the profit. It allows you to reinvest and expand. That's how to get wealthy in this country. It's not hard work. It's smart work. If you're interested, check your library for books on this subject.


San Diego,
It's not too late yet! DO NOT SEND THE $8,000!

#6Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 20, 2004

First of all DO NOT SEND THE $8,000!!!! Remember that you'll have to agree that they're non-refundable. I had the exact same case. I bought the first kit for 2,000 and then they upsold me the Mentoring Program. Fortunately the 2,000 deal is refundable for up to 30 days (they make you feel safe and cozy before striking). Return averything as soon as you can via certified mail. Make sure you receive your money back and keep copies of the invoice and any other documents. In my case I was extremely lucky. When they got my 8,500 in two credit cards I immediately filed a dispute with the credit companies. I fought like a rabid dog sending letters to everyone and their mothers... In the end Mentoring of America (Jeff Paul and John Beck) never disputed the chargeback and I got all my money back. But, as everyone else on this forum knows, it was a very bad nightmare. As Reid wisely says: Take your money and invest it or put it to work on your own. As for myself, I decided to take my chances in an online business of my own (no mentors, no partners... if I mess up, it'll be my own fault) Regards and good luck


St. Augustine,
Thanx for the feedback!

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, December 19, 2004

To everyone who responded to my posting, thank you for such a quick and informative response. Everyone of you makes complete sense and you've snapped me back into mine. It is so easy to be drawn into these scams because they promise everything that everyone is after. This is the end of my indiscretionary "buying off" on these so-called programs that will make you wealthy in a short period of time. Thanks for saving me a ton of money and heartache!


Jeff Paul Scam Is Possibly Associated With John Beck Scam.

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 19, 2004

Hey there Bill, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirits and health. Alan and Paul are absolutely correct. You shouldn't even be considering sending them your check. As a matter of fact, right about now you should be plotting your course of action, on exactly how you're going to get your $2000.00 back from these genetically imbreded scam artists. There's no such individual who's going to "mentor" you to success for less than the income potential, that he or she claims you'll be making. EXAMPLE: Mike Evans from the fraudulent John Beck Mentoring Institute claimed, that I'd be making $10,000.00-$15,000.00 a month. For $6,400.00? What a fool I was! GO F%CK YOURSELF MIKE EVANS! I used to be the most gullible person, but today am fully aware, that all businesses selling "Biz Ops" are scams. Why should anyone pay a business to participate in their "Biz Op"? Doesn't make any sense! Wouldn't it be the primary objective of interested opportunity seekers to bring said company business? Would you pay your employer to put you on the company payroll? Contact the FTC, your Attorney General, Consumer Protection, Dept Of Commerce And Consumer Affairs, and every law enforcement and media companies imaginable and explain your situation. Have the genetic imbreed, that stole your money come forward to this website to discuss the situation with EVERYONE in the public eye. Until next time, take care Bill, cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless.


Do not buy into this mentoring fraud!

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 19, 2004

Bill, you've already lost $2,000 for information that you could easily have gotten for free at any public library! Now, if you follow up with $8500 more, then you're a complete idiot! What exactly are you trying to do? I never get involved in any of this nonsense, so I have no idea of what Jeff Paul is hustling off. Hell, the name alone is fake! Can't you see that? I can guess what his con is. It's more than likely a sell-on-the-internet hustle. Let me ask you something. If this idiot claims the internet is this big gold mine, then why the hell isn't he doing it? Why is he hustling you, instead of pushing trash off on unsuspecting fools over the internet? The answer is that there's far more money in selling the internet con! There's no fortune waiting for anybody on the internet. The real money is in convincing some starry-eyed rube to part with his hard-earned savings. Trust me, anything you want to know about the internet, or real-estate, or direct marketing can be found in the local library. For free! All you did was piss away good money you could have spent on your friends and family this holiday! Keep it up, and you won't have any friends or family! Anything else you're not sure about, Bill?


Do not buy into this mentoring fraud!

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 19, 2004

Bill, you've already lost $2,000 for information that you could easily have gotten for free at any public library! Now, if you follow up with $8500 more, then you're a complete idiot! What exactly are you trying to do? I never get involved in any of this nonsense, so I have no idea of what Jeff Paul is hustling off. Hell, the name alone is fake! Can't you see that? I can guess what his con is. It's more than likely a sell-on-the-internet hustle. Let me ask you something. If this idiot claims the internet is this big gold mine, then why the hell isn't he doing it? Why is he hustling you, instead of pushing trash off on unsuspecting fools over the internet? The answer is that there's far more money in selling the internet con! There's no fortune waiting for anybody on the internet. The real money is in convincing some starry-eyed rube to part with his hard-earned savings. Trust me, anything you want to know about the internet, or real-estate, or direct marketing can be found in the local library. For free! All you did was piss away good money you could have spent on your friends and family this holiday! Keep it up, and you won't have any friends or family! Anything else you're not sure about, Bill?


Do not buy into this mentoring fraud!

#11Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 19, 2004

Bill, you've already lost $2,000 for information that you could easily have gotten for free at any public library! Now, if you follow up with $8500 more, then you're a complete idiot! What exactly are you trying to do? I never get involved in any of this nonsense, so I have no idea of what Jeff Paul is hustling off. Hell, the name alone is fake! Can't you see that? I can guess what his con is. It's more than likely a sell-on-the-internet hustle. Let me ask you something. If this idiot claims the internet is this big gold mine, then why the hell isn't he doing it? Why is he hustling you, instead of pushing trash off on unsuspecting fools over the internet? The answer is that there's far more money in selling the internet con! There's no fortune waiting for anybody on the internet. The real money is in convincing some starry-eyed rube to part with his hard-earned savings. Trust me, anything you want to know about the internet, or real-estate, or direct marketing can be found in the local library. For free! All you did was piss away good money you could have spent on your friends and family this holiday! Keep it up, and you won't have any friends or family! Anything else you're not sure about, Bill?


Do not buy into this mentoring fraud!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 19, 2004

Bill, you've already lost $2,000 for information that you could easily have gotten for free at any public library! Now, if you follow up with $8500 more, then you're a complete idiot! What exactly are you trying to do? I never get involved in any of this nonsense, so I have no idea of what Jeff Paul is hustling off. Hell, the name alone is fake! Can't you see that? I can guess what his con is. It's more than likely a sell-on-the-internet hustle. Let me ask you something. If this idiot claims the internet is this big gold mine, then why the hell isn't he doing it? Why is he hustling you, instead of pushing trash off on unsuspecting fools over the internet? The answer is that there's far more money in selling the internet con! There's no fortune waiting for anybody on the internet. The real money is in convincing some starry-eyed rube to part with his hard-earned savings. Trust me, anything you want to know about the internet, or real-estate, or direct marketing can be found in the local library. For free! All you did was piss away good money you could have spent on your friends and family this holiday! Keep it up, and you won't have any friends or family! Anything else you're not sure about, Bill?


Don't Send Them A Check!

#13Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 19, 2004

Hey there Bill, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirits and health. I don't know what you were told, that interested you in Jeff Pauls "metoring" program, but would strongly advise you to request a written and "signed" money back guarantee, before agreeing to anything. When I say money back guarantee, I'm not referring to any guarantees regarding income, but rather a guarantee, that all that's promised to you is delivered according to the agreement. A little more than a year ago, I've been scammed by what has now been proven many times over, a fraudulent "mentoring" program. John Beck Mentoring Institute is the name of the fraudulent Company and Free and Clear/Amazing Profits is the name of the fraudulent "mentoring" program. Check out the many unacknowledged and unresolved reports regarding the fraudulent John Beck Mentoring Institute and exactly how easy it has become to kick their a$$ in a credit card dispute. As much as I don't care to witness people being ripped off Bill, I cannot twist your arm and or beg you to not get involed with this program. All that I can do is provide you with factaul information about my experience and hopefully it will open your eyes so that you may ask the right questions to the salesperson, that's attempting to sell you on Jeff Paul's Mentoring Program. 1. Why is the cost of their "mentoring" program directly proportioanl to ones "available credit"? 2. Why does their "mentoring" program cost each individual a different amount? 3. What's the success rate vs failure rate of their "mentoring" program? If he or she fraudulently claims a high success percentage, they should have absolutely no problem backing the claim up with a written, detailed and signed money back guarantee. 4. Why does Jeff Paul feel compelled to "mentor" total strangers to use the same strategies, that have made him so successful? 5. If their "mentoring" program is so great, why isn't everyone in their office practicing it, as opposed to shoveling the bogus "mentoring" program? 6. Why hasn't anyone from the Jeff Paul Team been willing and able to come forward in the public eye and provide answers, not excuses, to the many negative reports? Understand Bill, that many fraudulent "mentoring" programs send out contracts, that are heavily filled with clauses which protect them from having to refund their many victims. ONE SIDED contracts, which places fraudulent businesses in a position to make false, misleading, and unsubstantiated claims, not deliver on the agreement, but still have a legitimate shot at receiving the investment in which have been agreed upon. Many fraudulent businesses even tape records their victims agreements to enroll, so that they may attempt to later use it against them, in the event they sense that someones possibly interested in cancelling. NOTICE: Fraudulent businesses that tape records agreements NEVER record their fraudulent sales pitches and bogus claims, but rather only their victim's agreement to enroll??? Think about it Bill, If Jeff Pauls "mentoring" program were really as good as claimed, he would be doing the program himself and would definitely not be trying to peddle the information. Jeff Paul would have absolutely nothing to gain by making others successful, unless his program involved Multilevel Marketing, where the compenstaion plan was structured to reward someone based on his or her recruiting efforts. I have to go for now, but feel as though I have provided you with more than enough facts as to why "mentoring" programs are nothing but scams. I am extremely confident, that you will make the right decision. I only hope, that you will ask the right questions, which will protect you from easily parting with your $8,000.00. FOR EXAMPLE: If Jeff Pauls system were so great, why would he be willing to teach you, a complete stranger, to use his techniques? And for $8,000.00? Whatever you decide, definitely DO NOT mail them a check, but rather put the tranaction on one single credit card. This will allow you a chance to dispute the charge when you later discover, that the Jeff Paul Team is not living up to their end of the agreement and all of their fraudulent claims. Sending a check is comparable to sending cash and should you do so, you might as well kiss your $8,000.00 goodbye. Keep in mind that I, along with Everyone else that have posted our experience on this website have absolutely nothing to gain by sharing our unacknowledged and unresolved reports, while fraudulent businesses do. Until next time, take care Bill cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless.


Saint Paul,
Bill don't send that check

#14Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 19, 2004

Bill I read how you were also sucked into the false dreams of the so called mentoring scam. What ever you do in life, the promise of riches does not exist just read the reports on this website. There should be no doubt in your mind at this point that if you send that check for 8500.00 you will regret it forever because it will be lost. Try to get back your initial 2,000 investment and take the rest of the money and put into mutual funds, or a CD. Put it into a wise investment because if you send it, those scam artists will just put it into their investments and you will be left with your pockets hanging out alan


Saint Paul,
Bill don't send that check

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 19, 2004

Bill I read how you were also sucked into the false dreams of the so called mentoring scam. What ever you do in life, the promise of riches does not exist just read the reports on this website. There should be no doubt in your mind at this point that if you send that check for 8500.00 you will regret it forever because it will be lost. Try to get back your initial 2,000 investment and take the rest of the money and put into mutual funds, or a CD. Put it into a wise investment because if you send it, those scam artists will just put it into their investments and you will be left with your pockets hanging out alan


St Augustine,
About to get involved with Jeff Paul

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, December 18, 2004

After reading a few of stories regarding Jeff Paul, I'm really concerned about my choice. I too bought the $1995.00 course and just recieved it the other day. I haven't gone through the material and am afraid to now, not to mention I went out and got a personal loan for $8500.00 to join the mentoring program because I was told that the people everyone sees on the infomercial is in the program as well. I haven't sent the check off yet and now I don't know if I should. Really looking for some strong advice here from anyone, positive or negative. Thanks and God Bless.


A Suggestion For Robert. cancel the card and request to be issued a new card

#17Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 25, 2004

Hey there Robert, I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirits and health. I've just read your report again for the second time and noticed, that the credit card you used had been declined. Lucky you. I hope, that you haven't provided this company any more credit card information. Immediatly phone your credit card issuer to inquire about the transaction. Find out whether or not the transaction has gone through. If indeed the transaction had been declined, cancel the card and request to be issued a new card, containing an entirely different account number. Next, call the company and cowbell the ears of Mr. Jones. LOL. Just kidding, don't do this. That's all for now. Until next time, take care all cause I care Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless. P.S. Good things, happen to good people. LOL


A Little About Shilling!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 24, 2004

Hey there Robert, along with Everyone else. I hope that this rebuttal finds you in good spirits and health. Your story sounds all too familiar. Reading it felt as though, I had been reliving it all over again. What we have here is a case of the same scam, taking on many different faces (different "guru" names). Envelope stuffing is a good example of a popular scam, in which many different companies participated in. Sounds good in theory, thus allows the scam to successfully thrive. I to, have fallen prey to this "mentoring" $h!t. I have named it the lure and trap scheme. A scheme specifically designed to lure victims into traps. The trap in which I fell into, is named the John Beck Mentoring Institute. John Beck Mentoring Institute got me to enroll into their fraudulent program, by using today's high tech fraudulent sales pitches, deception, and blatant misrepresentation. John Beck Mentoring Institute tried to keep me in their fraudulent program, by using today's high tech threats, aggravating insults, duress and a huge arsenal of other dodo. Funny how the cost of John Beck's fairy tale "mentoring" program, is directly proportional to their victims available credit. Whatever ones available line of credit may be, that's how much he or she will invest. Coincidence? I think not! Now these fraudulent/non-existant "mentoring" programs are starting to send shills to defend theses scams. They are beginning to submit retardo rebuttals (result of them being products of incest). Shill rebuttals however, are very easilly picked out, for they stick out like a sore thumb. Here are just a few examples of shill tactics. 1. Rebuttals, that do not acknowledge and rectify complaints, but rather attempts to make it seem as though the complainants are at fault for failing in the fraudulent program. 2. Rebuttals that are attacking in nature, hypocritical, insulting or has nothing to do with the vast majority of other complaints. 3. Rebuttals that prove nothing false or to the contrary in some way, shape or form. 4. Rebuttals that have been submitted by employees and ex employees of a company in question. Not all rebuttals by employees and ex employees however, are shill rebuttals. Constantly keep your eye out for shills and definitely respond to any and all illegal shill activities and rebuttals ASAP. Until next time, take care Robert along with Everyone else, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless.

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