  • Report:  #295399

Complaint Review: Jenna - Nationwide

Reported By:
- lausanne, Other,

Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The abovenamed Jenna promises a readin with this first letter.. then there is no reply after he/she obtains a $60 fee for a follwup reading that should be more detailed...

Paul, this is the Free Personal Astrological Reading

which you requested from me...


Hello Paul,

I am really very impatient to announce to you everything that I have discovered about you while doing your personal astrological study, using all the personal details you sent me on the 12 December 2007. As a matter of fact I wanted to get back to you so quickly because I have some very good and very important news to announce to you. I have discovered that not only you are soon to live through an event of great astrological importance but also that you were going to blessed with a period of chance and opportunities. Even though we are now in a time of year that is very active astrologically with a great number of influential planetary movements because of the current Equinox, the movements in your personal configuration are set to be even more intense than this and you will be part of a very important period which I could even qualify as exceptionnal and very rare. There will be some very significant repercussions on your life.

Let me tell you a little more about myself. I am passionate about my activity and I am lucky enough to be gifted with a natural talent which I have cultivated and I have now being working professionally for a number of years. I have consulted for many people throughout the world, may of whom are rather well known, and it is in fact because of this that I was in Europe for a few days recently - to participate in and host a number of conferences. I am telling you this now because I think I am lucky enough to have a range of valuable skills at my command and a great deal of experience and so I am qualified to tell you when I feel such a powerful jolt (as I felt for you Paul) when consulting an individual's details for the first time. I only can explain it by the creation of a strong psychic connection between us when we first entered into contact. This bond has an enormous advantage for me as I am able to discern exactly what you are feeling at this time. Then I can compare and contrast this very personal information to your astrological configuration.

Paul, I am now going to tell you what I have discovered about you. What I am now going to tell you is very important and of course I have checked and double-checked everything before telling you, and as a matter of fact I work in a cabinet with several other astrologers and psychics and I asked a few of them to check and confirm what I am about to tell you. So here is what is is all about: a very important Transit period is on the way for you and you are perfectly positioned to get the very best out of the opportunities it is set to bring. Indeed, in a very short time you will find yourself in the glare of several powerful astrological influences, I told you that this period is generally an intense astrological period but for you it will be different because the Transit which you will be living through will be a very powerful time with very decisive consequences in your life. As a matter of fact, these influences will place you in a rare astrological Transit which will not occur again in your skies before a very long time. This is a period of 72 days during which a great number of opportunities are going to be offered to you. These opportunities are going to have a great impact on your life and here is what comes out of my analysis:

During this period you can expect some very positive business developments and a number of very important opportunities will be open to you. You will have the chance to work on a project which will be very important for your business and for the rest of your Future. This project is large-scale and it will allow you to make lasting, positive changes to your financial situtation. Three major factors are apparent in your astral configuration:

- First of all you must come to terms with the fact that this period of 72 days will be capitally important for your current business activity and it's influence will help you reach a new and decisive turning point in your career.

- An encounter with someone you do not already know is signaled in your astral configuration and it seems that this person will play a very important role in the development of your business. You must not miss out on this very important encounter.

- The events of this period will have a direct impact on your finances, those of your business but also your personal fortune. In this area of your life you can also expect some very benefical changes.

This period will be very important for you on a whole range of different levels however as far as your love-life is concerned you can expect some great news and you will experience an intense joy! You are going to have the opportunity to reach a new turning point in your life, and you can expect changes in your relationship with this special person you have in mind. This will all happen in a number of different stages which will take place during these 72 days and it is very important that you know exactly how you should act to make the most of these moments. I must warn you however that you could encounter certain difficulties which may try to prevent you from establishing a relationship with this individual but don't worry, you will be able to overcome them. You just need to be aware of everything that is set to happen.

Paul, I must insist on the fact that this Transit is going to have an enormous influence and a great importance in your life. You need to be ready to seize all of the opportunities which are going to be open to you during this period as it represents a real chance in your life. For this, of course you need to have much more complementary information about many points, but let's proceed step-by-step because I think it is first indispensable to note that you will soon be living through a very important event in your life and then grasp all the necessary details about this event (where, how, what, when, with who...). This is why I have put a page online especially for you, Paul, where you can ask me to research this information.


However before you go to this page I invite you to continue reading this first reading as I have some more important information to tell you about.

Firstly you may be wondering at this point how I can be so passionate about your particular case. Well let me explain a little more about what I felt about you when we first entered into contact and how this has allowed me to know you even better,Paul.

My very first feeling is that you have overcome obstacles and accomplished many things in your life. You are now at a difficult moment, you need to revitalise and rest to recuperate your ressources. As I have already told you I know that you have gone through some difficult moments in your life and I also know that you are not necessarily happy with the life you lead at the moment, even if for a while now you have felt a certain vibrant energy and positive excitement. You hope that things will evolve, especially as far as your lovelife is concerned and I can see that at the moment your energy is focused on one single person who matters a great deal for you and this focus boots your energy and motivates you tremendously even though it does also bring you certain doubts and uncertainties (as I told you at the beginning of this email, do not worry too much as certain very positive changes are rapidly going to take place in your life and will directly concern your lovelife).

As far as your character is concerned I am getting the ditinct sense that you are street smart and you value this ability much more than the classroom smarts that others have. Without a doubt you are your own strongest critic and your unique perspective in life has been foreged from the school of hard knocks. You know deep down inside that you are better for having gone through what you have endured however you sometimes have a tendancy to be too hard on yourself. You like to get what you want, to have things your own way and you are a bit spoiled in that respect. You tend to be quite judgmental and you are probably hardest on yourself. Concerning your relationships with others, although you don't always consciously admit this, deep down inside ou need the respect and admiration of others and this is particularly true at the moment. As a matter of fact, my sense is you have an appreciation for beautiful things, especialy where women are concerned and you have an unusually strong intuition. Being in touch with this power may be one of the reasons why you are drawn to astrology readings and psychic experiences. There is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrtions from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients.

Lets get back to this period Paul as I should warn you about one particular point. If you do not act in a very decisive manner concerning this period then it is extremely likely that all of these important opportunities will simply pass you by. I have often seen people miss out on key moments in their life simply because they don't know what they should do and when they should act and this is how I want to help you. I must remind you that this Transit is a very rare event which will not come around again for a very long time to come and it will allow you to discover important and favorable changes for your business and establish your relationship with this person. To achieve this it is important that you find yourself in the right place and at the right time to take the right decisions and this is what I want to help you to do.

So you need to remember that if you do nothing there is a big chance that you will miss out on the full impact of the period, and I also want to tell you that only a professional astrologer can read your Skies correctly to bring you the information you truly need concerning your Transit of 72 days. Paul, you need precise and deep knowledge of all of the implications of this Transit in order to get the very best out of it's chances and opportunities.

Paul, I warn you in this way because the stakes concerning this period are too high. You need a professional to help you through this vitally important time in your life. This Transit is too significant and too important not to try and get all chances over on your side.

I must mention that I am not the only professional who could help you. You may of course consult with someone a little closer to your home or with an astrologer you are already familiar with. This person should be able to help you in exactly the same manner as I would be able to.

Of course as far as I am concerned I am also 100% ready to help you Paul. I have a wealth of important and exciting information to share with and I can give you full details on the following points:

More precisely, I will determine all of the information concerning the influence of this Transit on your business:

- why this period is more important than any other for the future of your business

- what this project is that you can begin during the Transit and why it is so important

- how this project will bring radical changes to your business practice

- what all the other opportunities are that you can expect over this period and how you can seize them

- who you will encounter and why this person will be so important for the future of your business

- what financial changes you can expect, both personally and professionally

- how your business will evolve in the long-term

- what other business opportunities you can expect in the future

- what pit-falls you should try to avoid

- what are the real causes of the missed deadlines and other professional worries that you have experienced recently

I will also let you know exactly how this Transit will influence your love-life :

- which dates of this period will be the most intense

- what kind of things will happen to bring you closer to this person

- when you should act

- what is going to change in your relationship to this person

- which important turning point will be reached and why

- how this person will react towards you

- how you appear to this person

- how your lives together could evolve over time and in the long-term

- which elements may disturb your relationship

Here is again the web page where you can request my help, Paul. As soon as I receive your confirmation that you want me to work on your reading I can get straight to work on your complete analysis. On this same page I have also given you a link to some testimonials from other customers that I have also helped through my clairvoyance and astrology.

Here is the link: https://pro16.abac.com/atoll1/j.php?p=request.cgi&r=2a&c=4t344&f=cnhy

Have a good day and speak to you soon,

Your friend and astrologer,


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