  • Report:  #1371595

Complaint Review: Joe/Sandra Goodrich - DeSoto Texas

Reported By:
ED Herndon - Red Oak, Texas, USA

Joe/Sandra Goodrich
DeSoto, Texas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

When I was newly divorced and about to lose my home to foreclosure, I get a postcard in my mailbox from some man I'd never heard of....Joe Goodrich. I called him and he was quickly knocking down my door. He quickly wanted to give me a "deal of a lifetime." He knew I was a single parent and would soon be out on the street w/a car to live in along with my 2 kids. He "thought" he was doing me a huge favor by paying me $2000 for a home I had lived in for 13 years. I certainly didn't have savings or I'd have been paying the house payments besides working as a FT teacher. He KNEW I was in a no-win situation, so he did nothing but prey on the weak. He had been doing this for YEARS, I would find out much later!!

So, I packed up my beautiful home and he paid me the measly $2000 and said that should pay for us to pay payments on an apt for "several months" and to buy the furnishings we needed, etc. Since I'd never had to live in an apt, I had NO clue what they cost ( it would be as MUCH as my house payment!!!) so, no big help really in the end. He also told me he was going to pay the house payments that were late and catch them up and it'd be FREE and CLEAR and not ruin my credit....sure enough, he DID do that. I was shocked!! So, he SEEMED to be telling the truth, so I considered that he'd ripped me off royally, but what could I do? His niece, Sandra, had to sign off on all of the papers, but I only heard her name and saw her signatures....nothing more.

SO, one day, I hear from some collection agency, not long after this deal went down and they called me at my place of employment.....they said I still owed $5000+ on our home that HE said he was paying off, and we had our papers from Chase Manhattan bank that the title was free and clear and paid off and we owed not ONE cent!!?? So, I called everyone and sent a copy of that to the person who'd called me and I never, ever heard another word. They said they'd write it off and said they were sorry for bothering me. that was in the year 1996-1998. I've paid/filed my taxes EVERY single year since.

I also got a call about 6 months ago from someone in Illinois. I then called the IRS and they said I didn't owe anything to them....not one red cent. So, I filed my taxes this year, as I do every year......and today, when I should've had a credit to my bank account, instead....I have a letter telling me that HUD took my money???  And my home wasn't a HUD home...well, not until Joe Goodrich and his niece took it over and turned it into a HUD home. This is WRONG and now, I sit here, I have Lupus and have just been diagnosed with cancer that's metastisized.....and this joker/crook who has been moving all over the country b/c I am positive he's ripped off many other people...but, mark my WORDS...he WILL not get away with this!!!  He somehow flipped this around and put it in MY name after my house was paid off FREE & CLEAR. I have proof from Chase Manhattan and if I can't find that copy, they will gladly make me another one. He's a CROOK and while he says he's a pastor, I call BS on that!! He might run, but his sins will find him out. Pastor my foot!!! Joe, here we all come and you will pay this all back, one way or another. Hey, do you still shop at ALbertson's on Beltline? Well, I'm going to be hanging out there watching for you....you've got a face NO one can forget!! So, we'll have a nice conversation when I see you next time. Sincerely.

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