  • Report:  #684569

Complaint Review: Josh Sands & Hollywood Film and Acting Academy - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
hwfaastudentgraduate - Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Josh Sands & Hollywood Film and Acting Academy
1786 N. Highland Ave. Los Angeles, 90028 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Josh Sands has knowingly mislead me with his scam school. He says he would make movies and promised imdb credits but it didn't happen.Reasons are not important,what matters is that he did promise me those movies and credits before I signed up.He also promised he would take care of my studentvisa tru the Huntington Career College, but when it came down to actually helping he backed off and later I found that Huntington Career College is a fake college just existing to help,mainly, Koreansto obtain an expensive studentvisa.It has 2000 students who supposewdly study fulltime but at any time any day hardly anyone is present.Josh Sands caused severe problems for me as a foreigner by geting me in touch with this fake school and by not helping as promised.I did pay hm extra money to help too,but he later wojuld twist his stories.TYhe contract he had me signed is fake because it does NOT state his obligations and promises towards students,so it is very difficult to prove what he actually promises,although there are proffs of previous website screenshots where it becomes clear that he was using misleading advertisements.

While I stayed in the actor's house connected with his school Josh Sands has stolen belongings from me, especially grave was the cleaning out of my room without my notice and in my absence because I was abroad taking care of the visaproblems Josh caused. During mu time away from the US I did continue payments to his "School" so he had no legal reason to have my room cleared out by students on his explicit orders.He has then gone through my stuff I have learned later and has taken my US social security card as well as many items he has then thrown away or distroyed later, such as dishes clothes and other personal belongings.

Josh Sands has continuously disrespected me as a student and not paid me back what he ows though I have paid my tuition for the whole program i signed up for.

He has not paid back the security deposit of 500$ and the tuition deposit of 500$.Since he had me kicked out of my room while I was abroad yet still collected on me for 6 weeks i do want that money back as well as compendation for what was stolen.

Also Josh has treatened to have me deported and said numerous times he could call USCIS or fed's to report me.He lured me into fighting with him,but I didn't take his bait,though he then would blame me for having no respect and being in need of anger management.THis intimidation which almost led to a real fight was a set up by Josh in order to create a pretense to have me evicted out of school .He denied me classes for 2 weeks yet collected full tuition.

When i returned from abroad with the visa,which i arranged myself,I found Josh had the remainder of my things put in my suitcases which i had left and had me put in a room where I later was confronted with a mental insane roommate who was agressive and later put in an insanityward.Josh had this Jose then sign a nondisclosure paper so it would not be known that Josh was aware of the mental prblems before. I have then chosen to leave the house and live in a hotel,the costs of which i also claim

In total I have been robbed of time and money in the worth of 9 x 1500 tuition = 13.500$ but did not get my money's worth, to put it mildly.Also through Josh's criminal intentions and lies and mistakes I had to spent 3 monts in a hotel which cost me 800$ per month.The costs of which could have been avoided when Josh had not kicked me out of my room without any reason and illegal,without notifying me before and without my consent.

In fact i should not have signed with his scam operation and therefore claim my tuition and all made expenses back.

My advice to everybody is: stay away from that place!Do not sign because you willonly loose money which can be better spent on quality teaching and schools and housing which is safe.

Josh Sands should be going to jail for his crimes as he has illegally had me as an international student which he was not allowed to have,but he is in the educationbusiness for profit with his fake academy.Please stay away!

I seek money back and excuses but I won't bet on it.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Please remove the complaint, it is defamation of character with out merit.

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

This complaint should be erased, there are no examples, only attacks on the names of mr. Sands and Mr. Bibo.

Please remove the complaint, it is defamation of character with out merit.

Bibo came to Hollywood Film and Acting Academy to learn how to make movies and act in them. For no other reason. He has completed the entire course and has participated in the next course for 2 months.

Mr. Sands created his school to help people like Bibo with quality education, he is only interested in making movies and teachin people how to do this. Mr Sands has helped many students to land roles in projects which can be verified on the IMDB website, the official Internet Movie Data Base and the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and related content.

Should past experiences with Hollywood Film and Acting Academy have led to complaints from students then it is the believe of HWFAA that it is in the best interest of all to solve these disputes on an alternative way, for which the school has an independant counsellor.

Internet is not the right place to settle arguments, or to vindicate or take revenge.

Visitors to this website should be aware that anyone can post under false names and that posts to this website are not verified, as can be read in the terms of Service of RipOffReport.

 Contributions to Ripoffreport may have been posted to harm people's reputations whether for good or bad reasons, and have in this case nothing to do with actual events.
HWFAA is aware that contributors here have used fake names to post here.

 Something  is not true because it is online, however in the end the Truth will prevail.

Please remove the complaint, it is defamation of character with out merit.

Thank you


misuse of individual names in these reports

#3General Comment

Sun, February 24, 2013

Dear sir,madam,

It has come to my attention that someone posing to be me has posted comments on your site.

now there is a response and my name gets mentioned.\I have nothing to do with this comment.
i have not posted on your website.

I think i is quite true that the hollywood film and acting academy is a school which could have better leadership. i have attende this school and indeed there have been issues between me and mr sands.
i havw talked then with him and was allowed to stay in the school,yet when many people were leaving after it became clear that it was not working for us students there i left as well.

I have since then opsted one comment on google user accounts about the school.

`i habe not posted anywhere else abou the school because it does not help.

What does help is to talk to the school and send them a personal email,and that is what i have done.
unfortunately it did not help me to get my money back,which was a securitydeposit of 500$.

I have written the amount off,and have not been trying since two and a half  years to contact the hollywood film and acting academy.

It is sad that someone has posted here and used my name henri bibo and that in the first post the name of josh sands is used.

i tink this website is only about complaints about the company?

it does not help ripoffreport that individual names are posted here in this context,does it?

can you hep me to remove these names from these reports.

also the whole reaction to the first post is with lies.there was never harasment. so that is why there is no file of that.there were no problems with other students.i am in touch with a lot of them and have never heard that,also not in the last 2 years.

it is true that is not the greatest school in the world,but there are good teachers there,and i have learned a lot.it is not good that people go online and post under alias names , pretending to be mr sands or me or someone else.

if you have a problem  and you want to post about it.be a man and use your own name.

that is my opinion.

you understand that it is not good for mr sands and me to have our names here.

can they pleae be removed.

thank you for your help.


United States of America
Henri Bibo is a dishonest person

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 29, 2013

I am a former student who was in class with Henri Bibo, the student who has made this complain.

What Henri "Bibo", failed to mention in his complaint it that he was expelled from The Hollywood Film and Acting Academy for bullying fellow students, sexually harassing male students and being a general trouble maker at The Hollywood Film and Acting Academy.

Josh Sands gave Henri Bibo more then enough opportunities to stay in the school, Henri Bibo took advantage and he was expelled.

Henri was jealous of Josh and always talking behind his back saying that he would teach Josh how to respect the Germans like all Jews should. He said would destroy Josh.

Josh Sands is a great guy who created The Hollywood Film and Acting Academy for people who want to come to Hollywood learn how to act on a budget and it's trouble makers like Henri Bibo who ruin it for everyone else.

Henri Bibo should be ashamed of himself and tell his friends, family and employers that he is a lair and extremely immature for not taking responsibility for his actions.

Henri Bibo is not an honest person, be warned.

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