  • Report:  #796676

Complaint Review: JP Morgan Chase - New York New York

Reported By:
Misty2011 - Mesa, Arizona, United States of America

JP Morgan Chase
270 Park Avenue New York, 10017 New York, United States of America
(212) 270-6000
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am not sure but I think I may have stumbled upon a case of fraud being perpetrated by Chase Bank. I want to tread lightly here but if what I have found is true then...God help the good people of the State of Arizona.

I received a call from the AZ DES Unemployment Insurance office on Tuesday Oct 18, 2011. I answered all of the standard unemployment questions and began waiting for my benefits card to arrive. I waited nearly three weeks and on Monday Nov 7th I called the AZ DES unemployment insurance department. The automated system gave me a number to call JP Morgan/Chase Bank so I called them next.

Initially their automated system said it could not locate me by my social security number so it then transferred me to a customer service representative; unfortunately I did not get her name. Initially she said they seemed to have an old mailing address in their system so we updated the address. Next she said that their systems showed a previous card had been issued but since it wasn't this calendar year, she could send me a new card. I was then given two options. First she said the card could be sent by standard mail and it would arrive in 7-10 business days. The next option was to have it sent by Federal Express which would have the card arrive in two days. Since I'd already waited nearly three weeks, I opted for the Federal Express delivery. She indicated that there would be $10 taken from my account.

My card arrived today, Wed Nov 9, 2011, via Federal Express delivery. I recalled my partner also having gone through the same thing when she initially set up her unemployment back in 2010 so I began my own investigation. I called Chase Bank today and reviewed the charges to my account. I found there was a $15.00 charge instead of the $10 charge I was expecting. I spoke to customer service again and this time I recorded the entire conversation and there is a youtube link included further down. I spoke to Cindy and I advised her of the $15.00 charge. She said their system showed a card was previously issued to me July 2008 and that card was good for three years. She stated the $5.00 additional charge was due to the previous card being replaced and she stated it was issued on Nov 7, 2011.

I advised her, much to my amusement, that the previous card she was referring to was no good since today is Nov 8, 2011 and this is past the three year mark. She then stated the original card for this year was issued on Nov 7, 2011 but then she said that was the second card that was issued this calendar year. I questioned her on this and advised her that was the very card I received today. I explained the options I'd been given by the previous representative and she said she could not refund any fee's and then offered to transfer me to a supervisor. She then came back on the line and said the supervisor advised she was able to issue a $5.00 refund; I accepted this and then I tried calling your offices but the call volume was too high and I was told to call back later.

So reviewing the facts here is what I see. I was charged a $10.00 fee by Chase Bank for what? I still don't know because they admitted initially they'd never issued me a card this calendar year and then tried to change their story saying the first card they issued was on Nov 7, 2011 which is the same card that arrived by Federal Express today. Can you image how much $$ they are raking in if they charge every new person collecting unemployment this "fee"?? It really, honestly, seems like a big scam to me and it needs to be stopped.

My video can be viewed at http://youtu.be/4kcDT153bEo and I emailed AZ DES fraud department and the AZ Attorney General as well.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


No Rip Off here.

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2011

It sounds as if there was a mistake by Chase not sending out a replacement card when the old one expired. Or maybe the card was sent out but returned when it couldn't be delivered to the wrong address they had on file.  Either way,  when you called they said they would send it out.  You were in desperate need of your funds so you opted to have the card express shipped to you.  When you received your card you verified the charges on your account and found another error in the form of an additional $5.00 fee.   When you called, and I'm sure you were very polite, they reversed the erroneous fee. I've read your complaint and I can't see the rip off here...to you or to anyone else in, "the big picture."  Mistakes, while annoying, are not a rip off.  But at least you brought up a good point. People, be very careful expressing a dissenting opinion to someone, because you never know when that person, who can't take it, will opt to threaten you or call you names for doing so.

Good luck.


United States of America
You're not looking to the BIG PICTURE

#3Author of original report

Mon, November 14, 2011

to  Susan - (USA) First I'd like to say that I didn't collect any unemployment three years ago. I applied for it and was denied but they sent me the card anyway. Besides, I was only out of work for two weeks and didn't need it. You shouldn't judge people Susan.

You people are completely RUDE and personally I think someone should teach you some real, life lessons. We don't sit around collecting unemployment. Maryann lost her job back in 2010 because she was ILL. She had a baseball size tumor removed, along with her left ovary. It took her months to recover due to a nearly fatal infection after her surgery. She is now trying to get enrolled in school so she can get a better paying job in a field that's actually still hiring.

You make judgements when you have no clue as to what you are even talking about. I don't give a (beep) about my $10 or even $15. LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE. They may potentially be charging THOUSANDS of people these same bull**** fee's!!!! I care about losing $10 but YES I AGREED TO PAY IT but only because I was DESPERATE and could no longer afford to wait.

The State of Arizona had the account set up and had already issued payments; I was not sent a card by Chase so therefore had no way to access those payments. So I guess it's just ok for Chase Bank to not send a 1,000 plus people their benefits cards and then rake in an extra $10-$15 when they call to complain. Ok, there's no ripoff there, sure right.

"How about you and Maryann work and pay bills instead of doing youtube videos on phone calls?" SERIOUSLY?? I worked for an ISP for the past three years and unfortunately I lost my job. I am working with a grant program right now so that I may go get my A+ certification and get me a job that pays $25-$30 an hour. God forbid I try to better myself right? You never know Susan. I may be the person you cal when your computer gets a virus and you can't get to your Facebook account anymore LOL.

Report Attachments



#4Consumer Comment

Fri, November 11, 2011

Where is the rip off? 

From your video the first and only credits to your account were on November 7, two deposits for $240. each. 3 weeks after you were approved for unemployment. You chose to pay for the card to be sent by FedEx and you had it in two days. 

The only place you might have a complaint is with unemployment for waiting 3 weeks to pay you.

So their system missed by 4 months when you sat home and collected unemployment 3 years ago and charged you and extra $5.00, they also refunded it two days later.  Where is the rip off?

How about you and Maryann work and pay bills instead of doing youtube videos on phone calls?


I don't get it.

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, November 10, 2011

  Throughout your report you confirm that you were expecting to pay the $10 FedEx fee.

I opted for the Federal Express delivery. She indicated that there would be $10 taken from my account. "

"I found there was a $15.00 charge instead of the $10 charge I was expecting. "

  Then it appears that you lost your memory at the end of the report.

  "  I was charged a $10.00 fee by Chase Bank for what? "

  Umm, how about the $10 FedEx fee you agreed to above.    They refunded the $5 that they mistakenly charged you for replacing an old card that would have been expired expired anyway.   While I think it's sad that their employees have trouble counting to three, they did refund that erroneous charge.   I have no idea why you think you've been ripped off.   



United States of America
OMG really?? Maybe you should work for Chase!

#6Author of original report

Thu, November 10, 2011

Well first the card they sent me over three years ago was EXPIRED. Maybe you need to go work for a bank since you too apparently can't do simple math. AN expired card doesn't work, it's no good, so even if I had that card it would have been worthless. What part of this do you not comprehend?

Yes, I opted for the express delivery because I'd already waited THREE WEEKS. So maybe you can tell me exactly how I was supposed to have access to my unemployment payments with NO CARD. I, like most everyone else, have bills to pay and I'd almost exhausted my reserve money. I simply didn't feel I could wait yet another week for the card to arrive.

Chase was contacted by the State of Arizona and a new card was supposed to have been mailed. The State of Arizona provided them with my current mailing address and requested that a card be sent. Chase never updated my address as well as NEVER MAILED MY CARD.

Tell you what bozo, relinquish your bank card for a MONTH and see how you can live with no money. You're an idiot.



#7Consumer Comment

Thu, November 10, 2011

its not a ripoff. You opted for express delivery of the card and the 10$ was to pay for express delivery. You would have paid nothing if you had it shipped ground. They likely didn't send you a card in the first place since their records indicated you already had a benefits card. How would they know you had discarded the previous card from 3 years ago? Did you call them and tell them taht card was gone?

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