  • Report:  #441940

Complaint Review: K And G Distributing - Crystal Lake Illinois

Reported By:
- Ingleside, Illinois,

K And G Distributing
6472 Factory Rd Crystal Lake, 60014 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

They are out there with numerous job postings. Ref to immediate hiring,no experience,make appr $400-$700,flexible schedule...rEAD THE VAGUE JOB DESCRIPTION...it's telling you nothing about them, (smoke-mirrors)

CALL'EM they won't discuss it over the phone.....mmmmmm

The incentives,bonuses,trips,prizes are all BullCHIT. Ask yourself why if we're all making this vast $$$ Do they have such incentives ??

They even had a character come in during our training (UNPAID) seminar..lol Flashing what was to have been a bonus he received. He's waving this huge watch on his wrist...."ALLL GOLD" I swear this clown was an actor..A prop if you were. No one saw the watch up close !

Why is K & G Distributing inc using what amounts to as a large storage facility as a company location ?

@ 6472 Factory Rd Crystal Lake, IL 60014

Seems to me they could pack up and leave real quick.

Alot of people moving in/out working (sic) busy-busy-busy B.S.!!

They looked like a Stepford-Factory..LOLOL

Why if they are doing so WELL MAKING ALL THIS CASH....are they hiring so many people ??? 25 were waiting when I walked in at 4PM on a cold as hell winter day.....We need work and they know it,they need cash and we're vulnerable....trusting victims for vultures such as K & G Distributing.

7 hrs training in their seminar with 10 min ....TEN MINUTE....BREAK !

An do you know why ? It breaks you down....your tired,sitting in uncorfortable seats with no lunch....NO COFFEE...LOLOL

You won't see their scam for all the curtains....alot of smoke an mirrors.

Think of Dorthy in the Wizard of OZ......


Such it is with their game....ALL YOUNG PRETTY GIRLS OUT FRONT....

Didn't seem like alot of experienced mid level adimistrative personnel to me....

as in not ONE MALE OR FEMALE WAS 30 YEARS OLD. They're what amounts to people who (a) don't yet know the truth about the company OR

(b) They're basicly paid to

act...busy,happy,professional,upwardly mobile ect. "Stepford Employees"....robots !

Working the Vacuum side of the job your an independant distributor.A contractor of sorts,so your liable for the product from start until eternity.Your buying it....then you sell it (general description I know)

7 hrs of training then I was to go out on Fri-Sat-Sun w/o pay and demonstrate their $1,000 vacuum...2 visits each day (prefer you go to elderly,homebound)...mmm? ON MY TIME UNPAD...First I was to submit the Name,address,telephone numbers of the people I was to see...

ALL before 9pm that same day.....VIA TEXT MESSAGE....Do you know why ?? For the same reason why after the intial interview was I to call NICK at 8pm that same night.

To lay the intial high foundation for their high pressure tactics I promise.Same reason why training was manipulated time-seating conditions were made to be in their favor.

LOOK THEIR ADDRESS UP ON A WEBSITE.....THEIR ISN'T ENOUGH PARKING FOR 1 TRUCK AND 1 CAR to get in/out of the parking lot....Why is K & G Distributing inc using what amounts to as a large storage facility as a company location ? It's easiest to pack up, close down

(our 10 min break was given for us to move our vehicles out of the way of employee's)

@ 6472 Factory Rd Crystal Lake, IL 60014

SO NICK HOW DO THE VACUUMS GET DELIVERD ? Not alot of room and the buildings supplies to support such a GOLD MINE ? how are they brought in ? Via Helocopter maybe....

They claim to take in someones old used broken vacuum from company ******* They run water over them an sell'em to the pawn shops in TOWN !EASY FREE CASH THERE !!

They're vacuums did not come out on top for Consumer reports either.Ref 2007 I believe.....Hell these are desperate time....for a system to cost $1,200....LOLOL

d**n it should catch the lint BEFORE IT HITS THE CARPET....they'll show you how they're system can be used for numerous things....LIKE VACUUMING your gutter on your roof.......lolol great so now I'll use that in the HOUSE..LOLOLOL

Why in this new 21st century do they have no coffee ??? at K & G ???

Simple they don't care what you need.

I promise

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Confirmed For The Kirby Company

The __KIRBY COMPANY____ meets all BBBOnLine participation and Better Business Bureau accreditation standards and is authorized to display the BBB Accredited Business seal.

This business has been operating since 01/01/1914

This business was accredited by BBB on 01/01/1942

This business was approved as meeting BBBOnLine standards on 01/25/2003

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2008 Council of Better Business Bureau, Inc.


Ingleside, Illinois


Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Kirby Vacuum

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Retrainor for suckedsess

#2Author of original report

Tue, January 27, 2015

Fool admit it ir not you are NOT AN EMPLOYEE !!!! 

Your an independent  contractor only and likely thats the MOST YOU'LL EVER BE. Hope you have ypur lisence paperwork paid up !


K & G fiscal earnings report

#3Author of original report

Mon, August 13, 2012

Sooo, Slick NICK, HOWS life as slime ball ?? Missed c-ing you around...But ohWELL... So whatd the shop pull in last year ?? What'd u file as earned ? Did. you share it with the cult members ? & Uncle Sam ? Il. Attorney General ?

-KirbyKicker oxox !

Gregory G

OakWood Hills,
United States of America
k & g distributing

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, April 15, 2011

They did same thing to me as mentioned above but get this. They say you will not pay taxes ever. Juan (trainer but had very hard time spelling & was totally unprofessional)has been working there 6 years & never paid taxes. I asked if we are contractors & being 1099'ed & I was hused up fast.


K and G Distributing Crystal Lake Il.

#5Author of original report

Fri, December 18, 2009

We're sorry. There are no stores currently carrying this item. Thank Heavens......

For all the professional salesmen/woman...people Good Job !

For the thieves, scum and turds among us.
Your Making (MR KONDOS and....MS...lol  OF K and G Distributing Crystal Lake Il.)

Them rich,RICH RICH when they bail on you where will you work then?
Do you think they'll pay for your purchased vacuums ?.......

Just what will you do with all the extra SUCKING Noises/air pressure ??....

(Heard and FELT in your $$$ via the vacuum of K&G Running out.)


Nothing new just keeping their name out here lol

#6Author of original report

Thu, July 23, 2009

Still nothing new Just hanging out being a little tiny thorn in Kirby's side. I'm sure Jim Kirby would be pis... off at the company's mentality. PLUS I'M BARE A.SED N.KED ! LOLOLOLOL Three-Day Cooling Off Law In response to the fraud so commonly associated with home solicitations, Illinois has passed laws that protect consumers from home solicitation and other fraud including campground memberships. The most important of these protection laws is commonly called the three-day cooling off law. This law covers anyone offering consumer goods or services away from their traditional place of doing business. This includes traditional door-to-door solicitations and other sales made at temporary locations, such as county fairs or in hotel or motel rooms. Phone solicitations and person-to-person solicitations may also be covered. A sales person covered by this law is required to tell the consumer, before saying anything else, his or her name, the name of the company represented, and the product or service he or she is selling. It is against the law to misrepresent one's identity as a salesperson. A salesperson cannot misrepresent the true purpose of the deal or the true identity of the company and cannot misrepresent the true cost of the good or service by failing to mention additional hidden but required costs. The seller is required to provide a copy of any contract the consumer signs and must give notice of the buyer's right to cancel the contract (if for more than $25) within three business days. To cancel the contract, the buyer must give written notice to the seller within three days. Written notice of cancellation is best sent by certified mail with return receipt requested so that the consumer has proof that the cancellation was sent and received. The three-day cooling off law does not apply to real estate, insurance, or securities or commodities by a registered broker-dealer. Hey NICKY poo try selling brooms instead s.w.a.k.


"UMMMMMM" Is your most intelligent response

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, July 21, 2009

"UMMMMMM" is the only intelligent part of your post. I'll venture a bet that your life is full of a lot of misunderstanding. Susie dear..... Where do you see me referring to a sales class? Where do you see a reference to a product? Where do you see the free? Susie DEAR, YOUR A MORON..... But you knew that.


Nothing new..

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, June 20, 2009

Sorry to hear about your dealings with this type of company.. unfortunately this is how they are run. My sister worked for a "distributor" of Kirby here in Ohio a few years back and I heard a very similar story regarding their business practices. Not only do they expect you to waste your time going door to door every day.. unpaid I might add.. but unless you actually sell a unit you will never get a paycheck. Even if you do sell a unit, they will still not pay you and tell you there is a minimum number of units you must sell before they will cut you a check. Even if you work for months and never meet their monthly minimum, yet are selling units.. you will NOT get paid. They do this so even though you are doing the work for them, selling units, they can weasel their way out of paying you a dime.. legally. Meanwhile they are pocketing the profit of the units that do get sold. This type of business only benefits one set of individuals.. The people who own the business that gets you to sell for them. They rely on making their payment guidelines so ridiculous and absurd that people just end up quitting instead of fighting it and give up on their paycheck. Kirby knows all about these business practices as well and they do not care. As long as units are getting sold they don't want to hear about how it is done. Not only are the units insanely priced for the barely above mediocre quality.. that along with their stand on how their sellers operate will ensure that myself, nor anyone in my family, will ever buy a product from this company.


Respect.... No Problem No Worries

#9Author of original report

Thu, June 04, 2009

To Bad NICKY didn't teach you about s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g, p-u-n-c-t-u-a-t-i-o-n.... Sorry to hear you have been there for 16 years...tough break. I like thousands of other people men and woman, have been serving my country for 20 years...No biggie great to have done it. Gave respect to the children in a HIV+ Bulgarian hospital...w/o a thought.. One baby boy dying of aids and can't complain....but he got out of bed to see my shipmates and I come too visit...carried him around all day long...was a great time. Carried water with girlfriend's 4 young kids...everybody had coffee cans or jugs...We walked some 2mi....with the youngest (4yrold) leading the way..Because it's how he spends his playtime...trekking through bamboo the whole way...He got my respect. As to the respect I give it where it's deserved...they of K & G haven't gained mine. Regardless of your feelings being hurt,I have experienced enough to spot a sham when I see one...It's happening in that building. Read the training packet ! lol d**n dude top page indicates the place is run via 2 couples ! How about those "Help Wanted ads"? K & G post's on Cragslist.....d**n now there's something of professionalism deserving of my respect....If you can't see those ads as trying to hide something then it's best you stay where your at for another 16 years. I'll bet you think this is the only company the family owns.....Wrong ! lolololol The actors are there and in place,maybe your to busy working to see it.... I finished the training seminar just fine, I pulled out early (lol) prior to working for free the next weekend (doing 8 demonstrations) Most ALLLL computers have spell check somewhere !!! Whatever you do "Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain"

Trainerfor Success

Some see different sides of story

#10UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 03, 2009

I guess your prospective of things maynot be so true, as an employee(NOT ACTOR) of company I would have to state YOU ARE RIGHT NOTHING IS FREE! You have to work for it which obviously the conplainer isnt willing to do for a company that has made me successful, yet i had to pay my dues. This company has opened 8 new locations this year, you think a company doing this good could use some credit for offering opportunity to people, young, old, vets or non vets! But there is always someone to complain, funny 16 years in Crystal Lake AND ONLY COMPLAINER IS THE "KIRBY KICKER" of the 50 plus employees and Independent Contractors with our company all winning incentives, By the way we get deliveries to side door, well developed companies that are successful and make $$ arent as stressed as you I hope those who really want an opportunity can look past one that didnt even finish a training class because they didnt get paid for orientation! By the way you call superiors by their first name, its probably best you arent with this company (Ive alays had more respect maybe thats why ive been here for so long)


Nothing is free

#11Author of original report

Tue, May 05, 2009

Thanks for posting Susan but the answer is no. I went to the job interview and was told repeatedly that I wasn't going to be selling.We were told the customers were already contacted an as such we were going to the locations to demonstrate the product.The fact is K and G doesn't represent themselves honestly. Any Guy or Girl out there trying to make a living is at the mercy of this B.S. All it cost me was half a tank of gas and 2 days wasted on the interview. Many others won't get off so easy. I started posting here due to sitting next to an ex-Marine,prior to the training. He told of having just returned from Iraq and needed this job real bad. Where I've just retired from the USN after 20 yrs. He has to home to find no work available. His job just a few months prior was searching minefields for explosives FOR 2 YRS ! this is what he comes home too ? this is what he's hanging his hopes on ? This guy is who companies are abusing for money...... So........ummmmmmm I guess your right I didn't like the free price


This City,

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, April 08, 2009

So your complaint is that you went to a FREE sales class, knowing the price of the product, and didn't like the sales class?

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