  • Report:  #901692

Complaint Review: Kaplan University - Internet

Reported By:
n3rdyg1rl12 - Newalla, Oklahoma, United States of America

Kaplan University
Internet, United States of America
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Kaplan University is a very big scam. I just signed on for the first term a couple weeks ago. I am still in the free 5 week program, but I emailed my adviser and said that I wanted out. Haven't heard from her yet. 

The classes are very pathetic. I was learning the stuff they are teaching in my Comp 1 class at Kaplan in my Freshman English is high school. It was ridiculous. When I asked the professor, he said that "High school English classes will overlap with your courses here". So basically he just said that I shouldn't have busted my butt in high school to make good grades and pass AP tests? That seems suspicious. 

Also, the discussion boards! Ohmigosh, the people on there have such bad grammar and I cannot stand to read the posts. One student put up one day in a seminar, "Prof, we read dis paper now?" I'm like "Dude, where are you from and how did you get into college?" Then I realized that they just let anyone in. 

The skills held by the professors who are supposed to be "very qualified in their fields" are not even close to what my high school teachers had. I actually TAUGHT the professors something that my HIGH SCHOOL teachers learned in college, but the professors had no clue what I was talking. I often times ended up teaching the students on the discussion board. Like writing a good essay? I taught 3 students the words that should never be used. 

I also got snoopy and looked at the professors' Facebook pages, I found them because their names are not very common. One teacher is not only very "homely" looking, but his profile pic is of sitting in a chair in a very bad looking look shirt and he looks like he's missing a few marbles. Not the kind of person I want teaching me. (Did I also mention that he is the English teacher who got a degree in Mythology?) The other teacher, a Legal Skills study teacher, has a profile picture of herself partying. Are you serious?! I know that it's a personal Facebook, but profile pictures are supposed to be professional if you work in a professional job. 

I had a perfect 100% grade until this past week. (Yes, I know it was only the first week before, but still). Then I check my grade in my Comp class to find that I now had an 88%. So I scrolled through only to find that I had been docked points on a discussion and given a 0/10 on a Journal entry. So I emailed the professor and asked what was up with the journal. (I didn't need to ask about the discussion board, since it was explained when I clicked on the grade.) He replied 2 days later, (mind you, I emailed him in the middle of a seminar WHILE HE WAS ON HIS EMAIL), with "Maybe you didn't cover the topic well enough or you went off topic." I did not want a MAYBE, I wanted a real answer as to why I was given a 0 on something that I worked for 30 minutes on. (For those who don't know, the journals are just 1 paragraph about whatever topic they give.) I have decided that I am just not going to go back to class. 

The advisers are not good at all. I have called and she has lost my file because it was transferred without her knowing it and she has also put me on the line with several other advisers because she wasn't going to be in. Once, she even called and put me on the line to finish enrollment and then the guy I was talking to said I needed my diploma first and my adviser goes "oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you didn't have your diploma." Later when talking to financial aid, I had to strain so hard to hear the guy that it wasn't even funny. He talked so low that I had to even turn the fan off, it was making too much noise. 

The books suck horribly. 1) they are written solely by the college. and 2) they are all online. I cannot stand them all being online, I get a headache staring at the screen. Not only that, they are poorly written. They have more color than my sketch book from high school. (Yes, I am being very serious.) The reason I mention the color thing is because I have read from college level books before and never once have they EVER had pictures except maybe a small drawing on the side to point to something important. It is very unprofessional. 

The seminars (lectures) are pointless because half the time the students have a completely different conversation going on to the side while the professor is talking. Not only that, I bring up again "how did you people get into college", one student did not know first person, third person, second person and another did not know the difference between Martin Luther and Martin Luther King. 

That brings up another problem. In this past seminar, which was Thursday June 21, 2012, the professor had us stop to look at a paper written as a sample essay. What do I notice first-hand, the sentence structure. It was very poorly put together if you ask me. It was filled with contractions, which I have been taught since Freshman year in high school are not what you put in a college-level essay. AND it switched verb tenses between past and present. He was writing about Martin Luther, and in the third paragraph he said "this IS a courageous action"--really, so it is still going on? No! It should say "this WAS a courageous action". And this was written by the English professor. 

Now, could that have been a mistake? Yes, it could have. If he wasn't trying to show us what a college level essay looks like. He also told us in the beginning that if he is in a bad mood, OUR GRADES WILL SUFFER FROM IT! That is not right on so many levels. 

Once my adviser calls, I will tell her that I am going to withdraw early from the 5 weeks. If she doesn't call, then I will fail out. But I'm not a complete student yet anyway. It says so on the paper. During the first 5 weeks of classes, the Kaplan Commitment program for those who don't know, you are not responsible to pay anything and you are not considered a complete student. If you choose to stay, then you will be considered a complete student. If she doesn't call by Monday, I will call someone there and tell them I want to withdraw and that is final. I may even call them out on the game they are playing.

If anybody is considering Kaplan, DON'T! It is not accredited by your local state college or a University you will plan to go to. If you want an online college, I suggest going to an actual on-ground college and speaking to them about online-courses. Many offer these now-days

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#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 23, 2012

They will try ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get you to change your mind. DO NOT BUCKLE. You have discovered the real meaning of for-profit schools. PROFIT. The student is a distant priority.

Make sure you notify Kaplan in the agreed manner. They may require a certified letter. Better yet, have a lawyer contact them on your behalf. It's worth paying for his time to get this ended cleanly.

They may try to stall you......... refuse.

They may try to lay a guilt trip on you..........blow it off.

They may say you don't qualify........... mention how the local news media is always looking for a good story......or your lawyer

Stand firm !!!

Go with a local community college. You won't regret it.

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