  • Report:  #300108

Complaint Review: Kasamba.com Emily Rose Robin Bluedragon - Internet

Reported By:
- Gypsum, Ohio,

Kasamba.com Emily Rose Robin Bluedragon
Internet, Worldwide Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
i am extremey unhappy! i do not think that the rating system on kasamba.com really reflects what these people are doing to unsuspecting innocents!

i went to two different five star experts, robin bluedragon and psychic emily rose they both had good reviews and nearly perfect stars. i have went to both of these experts for two months now and i now have reason to suspect that they are friends and have talked about me. i was not aware that the kasamba readers branch off into groups and share personal details but now it all makes since and i feel really stupid.

i went to psychic emily rose first and robin bluedragon about two weeks later. i have spent over 800 dollars on readings with emily and 900 on robin. now i realize that they both have told me the same things and none of it happened. they both told me that my friend felt the same about me and was ready to enter int oa relationship but she told me two days ago that she is straight and will never look at a female in that way and cut off our friendship. i emailed both of the psychics and i got a message from emily saying she could not provide my service and i cannot get her on live chat now, it says she is unavailbe so i guess that means that she blocked me.

robin told me that i was cursed and that i messed things up but that he will do a spell for me and that i have to have the spell or that she will never like me but i do not think that she will like me anyway because she said that she does not desire females. robin says that for 500 dollars for the spell and 100 dollars for materials he can make her turn and i said no that i did not want to do that and he said that i was never going to find someone for me and would always be if i didn'd have his help and and as of 10 minutes ago i got a message from kasamba service saying my account is suspended until further notice but i still have funds in the accoutn so

i do not understand will it be gone now?

these readers are liars and i think that they are friends because when i went to emily she was a little vague but got some things right but some things wrong but robin knew my name and my friends name and what i wanted from the beginning but they are the only two i have went to. i thought that this meant that he was really psychic and not ripping me off because he knew all thie information but i had given it to his friend emily before now i see!

so i cannot use kasamba because i will not pay for a spell to turn my straight friend gay but i do not think that is right robin and emily told me that she was secretly in love with me and would ocme forward but now i do not understand why i need a spell and why robin is saying ugly things and now i cannot use the funds i have available.


Gypsum, Ohio


155 Updates & Rebuttals


Why is it so bad to defend a client is what I want to know.

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 24, 2010

I always see all these posts saying I did this,and I did that...never any proof,just accusations,and hiding behind their many names. There are actually only 2-4 people posting all this stuff against me and all are former or current experts on Liveperson. I have offered to refund anyone with a real complain,all I need is the session number and the name they gaveme...if they arent happy I want to make things right. But as of now,after more then 2 years of making this offer,I have not had ONE SINGLE PERSON come forth and say " hey I feel the readings was BS,my session number is #***** and my name was ****** " ...now if I was doing a bad job dont you think someone would have responded to this ny now?

Also I do NOT understand why anyone who wasnt a crook or scammer would defend the readers who go about ripping off clients. I have  a post telling people to avoid a group of men who posed on Liveperson as women in order to abuse their trust and take their money. Now some pepole...the aforementioned ex readers and current con artists..jump right out there and start talking bad about me,instead of looking at the proof I gave...and the proof they have themselevs incurred such as feedback calling a man 'Ellen',and the pictures they used ( usually a busty blonde with lots of cleavage....) and how their feedback changed as the got more comfortable sharing the information with each other.

Is there a reason that those against me all seem to be backing the real con artists? I think so...they want to protect their own.


Once more Mr Psychoc shows himself to be a total moron...

#3UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 14, 2009

He is also a pedophile and has stalked an under aged girl for 4 years now that I know of and wont seek help...he may even be in jail by now,because the girls family was talking to the police and trying to get a restraining order. Anyone wjho listens to that nut case,please, dont come to me for help,because you are already too far gone. Its so obvious he is a deranged and distrubed person seeking revenge because I dont read for him and tried telling him that he needs help,and he would rather stalk this girl then get it.




Ile Dupas,
nice description

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, July 11, 2008

WOW Robin Bluedragon just made us a good description of himself on who he thinks he really his. Unfortunately he was too shy and made it under a anonymus posting here is his description of himself "How old are you people anyway? All I can picutre is a bunch of unhealthy, over weight, borderline diabetic, mid-life/stretching toward Medicare, couch potatos with their greasy fingertips, hunched over a computer screen while their kids are starving and malnurished in the other room. Get up, turn off the computer, go outside, get some fresh air... Keep it up... this is hilarious! Congrats, you all are complete wackjobs." You see he sees himselff as a total wackjobs with no future. that is why he have to open multiple yahoo accounts to stalk other experts. Open new liveperson expert profiles everyday. If you did not know robin bludragon is Thinker bell also know as steven carees also knows as Amy howling - psychic elmo, silvermooncircle and ms.zeena are part of his group. If he was not a counch potato then he would get a real job and stop keep it up this like a wackjob. Don't you wonder why he receive a disabelity check it's for mental illness yes he is mentally ill that is why he can'T have a real job


New York,
FBI, lawyers, lawsuits....

#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 08, 2008

FBI, lawyers, lawsuits.... If all of you who claim to have filed lawsuits and contacted the authorites over fraud, slander, libel, etc... then I maybe you should think about getting new representation or contact the right individuals. Any self-respecting, knowledgable, professional lawyer or FBI agent would tell you to not speak of the matter, stay away from this 'he said/she said'.. 'I know you are but what am I?' 'he did it/no she did it' nonsense and stop bickering on here like some litte teenage *itches on MTV message boards.... ROFL How old are you people anyway? All I can picutre is a bunch of unhealthy, over weight, borderline diabetic, mid-life/stretching toward Medicare, couch potatos with their greasy fingertips, hunched over a computer screen while their kids are starving and malnurished in the other room. Get up, turn off the computer, go outside, get some fresh air... Keep it up... this is hilarious! Congrats, you all are complete wackjobs.


New Castle,
Tired of the same old crap

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, July 04, 2008

I have been a client of kasamba for 2 years. I have experienced "good" readers and "bad" readers. It is the freedom of speech that allows us to voice out our own experiences. As stated in a previous response, this site is not a legal site and is more of what seems to be gripe sessions more that anything and has become some personal vendeta. The orginal poster has a right to their opinion and to express their experience, what I would like explained is how does this post end up discussing PCB and her qualifications and etc,etc,etc!!! These posts and rebuttals and arguements are more comical than sitting and watching soap operas all day long on cable. I hate to say this but this has been going on for so long it's gotten so out of hand. If all these accusations are true that each one of you have been complaining about for over a year, don't you think it would have been resolved by Kasamba by now. And Robin Blue Dragon/Erik or whomever, I personally know someone who works in the FBI in Washington D.C. They would not waste thier time on such nonsense, if this were true over half the sites over the internet would not exist and would take up so much of these lawmans time they would not be able to tend to the issues of real importance. And if you want PROOF of this statement, just call the information line at the Federal Bureau of Investigations on Independence Avenue, Washington, D.C they will be glad to assist you! And one more comment you must be paying your attorney alot of money for the timeframe it is taking to remove the frauds and stalkers, he must be very dedicated to handle this for a company "You" are only an employee of or is this attorney doing this with the written permission from kasambe cuz it seems that he is getting involved in some things legally he shouldnt be based on the Disclaimer Kasamba has for memberships! You better be careful of what you are getting into it my backfire back on you eventually. This is just some sound advice! Back to the bickering amongst you...... My thoughts are this.... YOU ALL THRIVE ON DRAMA!!! Think about it what would you do if all this went away, you would all be soooooooo bored! This is sick, there are so many more things in life to do than bother with these boards. Continue helping people as you say you do, put your energy into that. Why bother so much with the drama life is to short you should be enjoying it!!! enough said. Good Luck on your road of "Drama" I hope you find the end soon!!


Kasamba LivePerson frauds Charlotte58 your so right on

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 04, 2008

Everything you posted about PCB slash Penny Clark Babson slash Love Psychic Penny was true . you hit the nail on the head girl . when ever someone does that she runs over w a fake account and pretends to be some client defening her powertful visons! U can tell by her horrid god awful spelling and grammar. she's a crackpot , she can't even maintain a respectable average. Do you know how hard it is to get as many ratings as she has and still have a low average? horrid feedback wrong predictions fake clients running in to do damage control and on and on . she ;s posted several times in this thread, doesn't realise how rediculously transparent she is. thanx charlotte58, have had two readings w penny clark Babson and not only didn't materialise but wanted to charge me and arm and leg to move the date up one more time. I don't think so ! Wish i had seen these reports on here before .



#8Consumer Comment

Sat, May 10, 2008

As to Emily Rose, it's good you were not able to get a read because I had one with her several years ago and not one iota of it ever played out. It was about a new situation to come up and it never did and she was quite specific with details etc. I tried her as she was referred in Mirror of Life's bio. I never went back to her and from reading the public boards back then when they were public it came out she joined the KU group and helped in ousting MoL (according to the boards). So she is someone who gets involved with work politics rather than just reading which can get messy and then the read wasn't accurate either. As for bluedragon I only had one read long ago and it really was more of a rational read along the lines of a Dr Phil (from TV) so I really do not know his ability.


I have read with Robin Bluedragon

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, April 11, 2008

I have read with Robin BlueDragon and didn't find him like that, although I am only one person. I found him to be nice and polite. He did offer me a spell but when I refused he didnt seem upset or anything, just told me if I needed anything to email him, or something like that. But didnt have a problem. I can say that I didnt really have a good experience with Emily Rose though. She clicked out before I even got my name out. I am not sure if she was just busy or what, but would have been nice for her to say so. Other than that I don't know.


Ile Dupas,
pathetic man

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, March 13, 2008

To answer to Patti Kasamba don't even listen to their own advisor writing to them about issues. Their experts complain that they keep on writing to kasamba but they receive no answer and they don'T act. So why in the world would kasamba do if a client write to them or if a third party write to them when they don'T even listen to their own expert. Also it has been rumored that Mr.Dragon have very good tight with management like he knows Nathan G the one owning who rule the kasamba website. That alone could protect him in a way. It's like Triple H by being the son-in-law of the chairman of the board he can do politics. Anyway Mr.Drangon is at it again with another account "Sofias Mystic Wonders" you can see the the description of this account is excentially the same as his main account. Just look at the ratings to.


I'd like to say one more time that it has been more than a week

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 07, 2008

It has been more than a week since it was announced that Robin's picture wasn't Robin's picture. The same picture is still up on Kasamba. I can't imagine Kasamba would allow the picture to remain if, as reported, the owner of the website was contacting Kasamba to complain that the picture of her dead brother was stolen by Robin.


North Carolina,
Thank you P from Maine

#12Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 03, 2008

What you stated is very very true!


20 per MINUTE - amphora blue

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

I believe the poster referred to SunShining but yes many readers charge that exhorbitant amount and I agree clients should pass them over. Advice, psychic insight would have to be extremely correct to pay that amount and I think we can generally agree that does not come out on Kas. So please clients do pass over readers charging these incredible per minute fees. Just because they are permitted to charge that much, does not make them worth that much - it is more useful to have set fees for a 15 minute chunk of time for instance than this per minute arrangement. As for Amphora - had several reads years ago under her previous name - seemed empathetic - however not one prediction ever panned out and there were several strong ones - all incorrect. SunShining - again seemed empathetic - nothing happened. Empathy is useful however when things go reverse, or not at all, then it is not worth the funds.


20 per MINUTE - amphora blue

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

I believe the poster referred to SunShining but yes many readers charge that exhorbitant amount and I agree clients should pass them over. Advice, psychic insight would have to be extremely correct to pay that amount and I think we can generally agree that does not come out on Kas. So please clients do pass over readers charging these incredible per minute fees. Just because they are permitted to charge that much, does not make them worth that much - it is more useful to have set fees for a 15 minute chunk of time for instance than this per minute arrangement. As for Amphora - had several reads years ago under her previous name - seemed empathetic - however not one prediction ever panned out and there were several strong ones - all incorrect. SunShining - again seemed empathetic - nothing happened. Empathy is useful however when things go reverse, or not at all, then it is not worth the funds.


20 per MINUTE - amphora blue

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

I believe the poster referred to SunShining but yes many readers charge that exhorbitant amount and I agree clients should pass them over. Advice, psychic insight would have to be extremely correct to pay that amount and I think we can generally agree that does not come out on Kas. So please clients do pass over readers charging these incredible per minute fees. Just because they are permitted to charge that much, does not make them worth that much - it is more useful to have set fees for a 15 minute chunk of time for instance than this per minute arrangement. As for Amphora - had several reads years ago under her previous name - seemed empathetic - however not one prediction ever panned out and there were several strong ones - all incorrect. SunShining - again seemed empathetic - nothing happened. Empathy is useful however when things go reverse, or not at all, then it is not worth the funds.


20 per MINUTE - amphora blue

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

I believe the poster referred to SunShining but yes many readers charge that exhorbitant amount and I agree clients should pass them over. Advice, psychic insight would have to be extremely correct to pay that amount and I think we can generally agree that does not come out on Kas. So please clients do pass over readers charging these incredible per minute fees. Just because they are permitted to charge that much, does not make them worth that much - it is more useful to have set fees for a 15 minute chunk of time for instance than this per minute arrangement. As for Amphora - had several reads years ago under her previous name - seemed empathetic - however not one prediction ever panned out and there were several strong ones - all incorrect. SunShining - again seemed empathetic - nothing happened. Empathy is useful however when things go reverse, or not at all, then it is not worth the funds.


lol...so that applies to your friend Susan from SouthHampton/Mary Anne

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

Karen wrote: A lawyer WILL have success in regard to a lawsuit when someone purposely goes out of their way to slander and harrass by KNOWINGLY posting and planting FALSE statements about a individual's BUSINESS which result in that individual having a loss of business by the direct deeds of the harrasser. In cases like this the harrasser/slanderer is purposely planting lies and false statements attempting to negatively effect the person's business. Thus trying to cause a loss of business. I guess that applies to Susan/Mary Anne's statement that I lost my job because of mental health issues. That didn't happen and she contradicted herself and libelled me in other posts - particularly about my work. In one post she wrote: "right now she is laid off from her job because she cannot cope with her reality." In another post a couple of days later she wrote: "and works for a hospital in Australia". and according to Susan/Mary Anne (she) "works in a medical hospital and gets health insurance," and "She works as a senior researcher". So your statement about someone purposely going out of their way to slander and harass by knowingly posting and planting false statements can be applied to me. I am referring to the post by your mate Susan (Mary Anne from Wyoming) that said "right now she is laid off from her job because she cannot cope with her reality".. This statement and another statement made by this woman about my access to patient records is also libellous. Both statements could have a severe deleterious effect on my job if they were believed (although no-one would believe the first statement) and the second statement, about my access to patients records is untrue because i don't have access to them. It is not the kind of research that I do. I do not have a log-in to the patinet database at the hospital because I don't use patinet records for my work. You actively supported this woman and her libel. You failed even to see that she was contradicting herself in her attempts to libel me in posts written several days apart. How stupid is that? No, you supported her because she was against me. But that is your approach. You have a profound inability to engage in critical analysis. Instead you pick on a few people and twist and manipulate and ultimately get it wrong. You really DO have a few Roos loose in the top paddock (as we say in Australia) Karen. What is worse I think is you have a habit of backing the wrong horse. Your stupidity, hypocrisy and pathetic attempts to twist things to TRY and give the impression that you are right are so transparent. And you know what Karen, I am back posting not because I am bored but because after a slump due to work (we have just had a couple of articles accepted for leading journals) I am rejuvenated and finishing the report. Don't believe me? A lot of my published work over the past few years is accessible through google Australia. You are pathetic and have NO IDEA what research entails....none...neither does your friend Susan/Mary Anne. Talk about backing a lame duck Karen! Susan from South Hampton didn't do one bit of work for the report yet she tried to take my work and use it for HER financial gain and when I slapped a copyright on it she decided to try an exact some sort of revenge. She couldn't even write a decent revenge attempt (contradicting herself in various posts) and libelled me in the process. But of course you will come up with some unintelligible rationale or tell me it is 'not about me'...some excuse to cover the fact that you are just plain insane or evil-not sure which - maybe a bit of both.


This is getting old...

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

You know? Whoever it was that e-mailed Amorpha Blue about why she charges $20 per minute for her services? E-mail the rest of the THOUSANDS on Kasamba who charge that. Don't single out one reader. Her rates change regularly and her common price is about $10/minute. Also too, as most readers say, your destiny is your own....if you don't like a price of $20 per minute then simply don't pay it. Don't read with them. Move on. This whining about what readers charge is getting as old as this consistant stupidity about Robin Blue Dragon and all the other readers who are supposedly screwing everyone and yet not ONE of you (ok MOST of you because some HAVE stepped up) have ever admitted any responsibility to HIRING all these hundreds of readers who are screwing clients into believing things that just aren't so. The people who keep doing this? You get reads and then come here to whine about how you spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on reads that never came true. Instead of blaming yourself for being STUPID enough to keep going back you blame the reader for taking your money. Clients? YOU gave it to them when YOU made the decision to click hire. I'm not saying that what they are doing is right or in anyway ethical because it's NOT. BUT for CHRISSSSSEEEE sakes people YOU have a choice. Hire. Don't Hire....but when you make the choice to hire and hire and hire and hire? Don't come here whining. Sure--Kasamba is LOADED full of readers who are just thriving off someone being JUST stupid enough to keep coming back but if you want to STOP this? BE SMART. STOP GOING. Geeee...that's a novel resolution eh?


It has been a week or so

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 03, 2008

Well it has been more than a week since it was announced that Robin's picture wasn't Robin's picture. The same picture is still up on Kasamba. I can't imagine Kasamba would allow the picture to remain if the owner of the website was all that bothered about him using the picture.


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. William Shakespeare


District of Columbia,
Good Lord Karen!

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, March 03, 2008

You have shown yourself to be one of the most imblanced posters in relation to the threads at hand. I pray that you are not truly a therapist, (and I can assure you that my intuition tells me that you are not), because if you are, how can you possibly claim professionalism for your field with the way you present and carry yourself here. I would be beyond appauled at the thought that I, as a client of yours, ever confided in you. Quite frankly, you need help. You are beyond imbalance, and I state this after having followed these thread for the last 6 months. For the rest of you, no one here comes across as credible. And the more that weigh in here with "proof", the more it shows me that none are truly accomplished at detective work. Fist and foremost, none of you would ever tip your hand. You would, instead, collect your facts as quietly as a church mouse, with the slyness of a fox. So far, all of you miss that mark.


North Carolina,

#22Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 03, 2008

This is a quote from a post written by Karen from Henderson on 1/14/2008. If anyone wants to waste a bunch of money dragging ANYONE who post to this site to court for whatever inane reason go right ahead. The only one going to get paid will be the lawyer and what makes you think any of them would want to waste their time with all this nonsense? *****since you want to post that let me clear it up for "YOU"!! THAT comment is in reference to clients using kasamba for readings and being told lies and STILL going back giving readers FROM THAT VERY SITE THEIR MONEY STILL! They continue to go from reader to reader year after year and then expect to sue the site and get lawyers, etc. NO, THEY will NOT be taken seriously! NOW FOR "EXPERTS" WHO WERE SLANDERED, LIED ABOUT, AND HARRASSED VIA THIS SITE BY ANOTHER "EXPERT" POSING AS A CLIENT HAVE A LEGITIMATE REASON TO SUE THE "EXPERT" WHO HAS DONE THIS TO THEM! ESPECIALLY IF IT HAS EFFECTED THEIR" LIVLIHOOD" OR PERSONAL LIFE IN A NEGATIVE MANNER!!! I am talking about the EXPERTS in regard to lawsuits NOT clients. A lawyer WILL have success in regard to a lawsuit when someone purposely goes out of their way to slander and harrass by KNOWINGLY posting and planting FALSE statements about a individual's BUSINESS which result in that individual having a loss of business by the direct deeds of the harrasser. In cases like this the harrasser/slanderer is purposely planting lies and false statements attempting to negatively effect the person's business. Thus trying to cause a loss of business. Which, from the statements here that this individual's statments on this site and others is a attempt to do JUST THAT! For heavens sake get it right for ONCE. Instead of trying to do a smear campaign. Where are you from, the Hillary Clinton campaign? LMFAO. She can't do a smear campaign correctly either. ***** The next time you make a attempt to try to call someone out MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE you know what you are talking about and in what context. I do not stand up nor stick up for PERMA VICTIMS and experts who purposely slander others for personal gain by pretending to be ripped off clients. No one really cares about what your posting about in regard to Karen from Henderson, NC. So give it a rest. Who cares!


North Carolina,

#23Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 02, 2008

These posts are about ROBIN BLUEDRAGON the fraud NOT about Karen from Henderson NC. Stop ranting about things no one cares about and they surely do not care about what you, janice, or anyone else is saying about me! Thank you. Charlotte and the rest, keep up the good work in regard to exposing robin /erik. For those experts he has hurt and slandered seriously consider a lawsuit against HIM!


North Carolina,

#24Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 02, 2008

These posts are about ROBIN BLUEDRAGON the fraud NOT about Karen from Henderson NC. Stop ranting about things no one cares about and they surely do not care about what you, janice, or anyone else is saying about me! Thank you. Charlotte and the rest, keep up the good work in regard to exposing robin /erik. For those experts he has hurt and slandered seriously consider a lawsuit against HIM!


North Carolina,

#25Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 02, 2008

These posts are about ROBIN BLUEDRAGON the fraud NOT about Karen from Henderson NC. Stop ranting about things no one cares about and they surely do not care about what you, janice, or anyone else is saying about me! Thank you. Charlotte and the rest, keep up the good work in regard to exposing robin /erik. For those experts he has hurt and slandered seriously consider a lawsuit against HIM!


North Carolina,

#26Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 02, 2008

These posts are about ROBIN BLUEDRAGON the fraud NOT about Karen from Henderson NC. Stop ranting about things no one cares about and they surely do not care about what you, janice, or anyone else is saying about me! Thank you. Charlotte and the rest, keep up the good work in regard to exposing robin /erik. For those experts he has hurt and slandered seriously consider a lawsuit against HIM!


United Kingdom
Thank you Mgs...

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, March 02, 2008

Karen from Henderson, only a couple of weeks ago, posted a "goodbye" post, stating that she was now "bored" with this site and would not be back......well.. I don't know what she expected, begging for her to stay, goodbye's back to her or what, but it didnt come if she did and.....next day she was back!! Thanks for finding the post contradicting her latest advice about experts getting together to sue other experts. There are so many contradictive posts by Karen from Henderson...to many to post. Like you say, she switches from one side to another on almost a daily basis. She slags off real clients and makes random insults because people have been ripped off and dare to post they have on here. She decides' people are "perma victims" although she knows nothing about anyone, so could not be in a position to make judgement one way or the other, and then admitted that she got "done" on keen....I have a sneaking suspicion that she is probably the biggest "perma" victim of them all!!!! A few months ago, she made enemies by slagging off people for attempting to do something pro-active to clean up K, and now is encouraging people to be pro-active, dishing out advice about how to sue, collect info, get together to share/collate information!!! my eyes popped out of my head when I read it I swear to god. AND ON TOP OF ALL THIS, she says she is neither an expert or a client/ex client of Kasamba, so what the hell would she know about anything on either side of the fence?!!! The fact is, the only thing Karen from Henderson said that was in the slightest bit real, is that she was "bored" (although unfortunately that didnt last for long). She didnt have any friends to "play" with (she was getting a little over exited in her abusive posts with Toni as one recent example) and then the Amber and Simone thing came up and she, becuase she has not had readings with K experts or knew anything could not get involved and be the centre of attention. Postings at that time were very specific, Karen from Henderson can only do RANDOM. RANDOM abuse, RANDOM suggestions and RANDOM responses to what ever side of the fence she happens to be on that day. The fact is, you are absolutely right Mgs. She is not stable or well in the head. I would normally not have a problem with that...it takes all sorts to make a world and tolerance is a virtue. But this little cookie is a dangerous cookie. She has frightened people off from telling their stories, and that affects all clients of Kasamba. People don't come here to be abused because they got ripped off for whatever reason that happened. She is not the judge, or jury for that matter. This is I repeat a ripped off client from KEEN slagging off ripped of clients of KASAMBA..how more hypercritical can you get than that!!! Its bad enough when the experts use this site to bring each other down, thus making the truth even more difficult to decipher for genuine ripped off clients, without looney draws posting with whatever "face" she happens to have on that day.

Screetchin' Hippy

North Carolina,
Robin is mysteriously quiet when backed into a corner

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, March 02, 2008

The Bluedragon has been very quiet. Which means he obviously realises that his blabbering and bloated ego, and avoiding the facts only prove his obvious guilt. The picture on the mullet site is proof that this man is a total phoney. Kasamba's self-proclained "most ethical and honest reader" has been exposed for the fraud and bully that he is. For those of you screeming about legal action, I hope you have more proof than Rip Off Report. As your lawyer will tell you ROR is more or less heresay in court and has about as much weight as a hand written receipt signed by yourself. You sound as silly as Robin claming to be in talks with the FBI. Everyone knows the FBI would make him pay back the disability payments he's scamming while taking in earnings from readingz!


Mount Joy,
Clarification of the Expert Advise on Kasamba

#29UPDATE Employee

Sun, March 02, 2008

I want to start by saying that I am listed as a COUNSELOR on Kasamba and not a psychic advisor. I also realize that the complaints are mostly about psychic advisors, tarot readers, palm readers, etc. and not the counselors. The counselors are verified for their expertise. Specifically for me Kasamba checked to make sure I indeed had a degree, a professional license to counsel and the certification in addictions I reported to have. Some of us even have the state and the license number that could easily be verified by you as a consumer. I am not aware of any verification of the psychic advisors. But what do you think the verification process would be for a psychic advisor? Have the Kasamba staff ask a question and see if they get it right? There is little research to support the extra sensory skills. This is not to say that I do not believe that some people have these skills but it is a wild card for sure whether you will get a legit one. As for your concern that advisors are collaborating among themselves about your personal information, I hope that is not happening but again the ethical requirements for psychic advisors is just not there. As a counselor, I could lose my license for something like that. There is nothing really stopping an advisor from doing this other than it just being in poor taste. I just want to make sure that people reading this understand that it is not everyone on Kasamba. There are many decent experts on there and there are also some people that are probably ripping people off. Many of the psychic advisors are charging anywhere between $5 and $20 per minute. Take your destiny in your own hands and save your money. DME Lancaster, PA



#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 02, 2008



Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom
Karen the Hypocrite from Henderson

#31Consumer Comment

Sun, March 02, 2008

In January Karen wrote referring to taking legal action against someone on this site. This is a quote from a post written by Karen from Henderson on 1/14/2008. If anyone wants to waste a bunch of money dragging ANYONE who post to this site to court for whatever inane reason go right ahead. The only one going to get paid will be the lawyer and what makes you think any of them would want to waste their time with all this nonsense? So lets just quit with the melodramatics and posting under multiple personalities please. Sighs. I REPEAT there are some of us intelligent enough NOT to be easily fooled by all this nonsense. NOW Karen from Henderson writes in this thread using the title Get together: The suggestion of the readers getting together to sue this man is a excellent idea. It would be nice if it came to fruitation and all the bickering amoungst each other would stop. Unite with one another instead of being divided by this man. So Karen writes in one post earlier this year that suing ANYONE on the website is basically a waste of time. NOW she suggests that readers getting together to sue someone on the site is an excellent idea. But this is just another example of Karen's hypocrisy. She changes her views contingent upon the person she is trying to attack at that time. Or, maybe she has multiple personalities. Now there's a thought....lol....who knows which personality is going to surface at any given time. Anyone who traces her posts over the last few months could certainly get that impression. One thing is certain is that she is a bit of a looney tune as well as abusive, and really quite strange. Don't get caught up with her. Treat her as an amusement. On a rainy day if you are bored read her posts spanning the last few months and have a good laugh. Seriously though,Karen derides anyone considering legal action in one post and then in another posts suggests that people band together to sue someone. I mean doesn't that scream hypocrisy....or insanity...


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom
Karen the Hypocrite from Henderson

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, March 02, 2008

In January Karen wrote referring to taking legal action against someone on this site. This is a quote from a post written by Karen from Henderson on 1/14/2008. If anyone wants to waste a bunch of money dragging ANYONE who post to this site to court for whatever inane reason go right ahead. The only one going to get paid will be the lawyer and what makes you think any of them would want to waste their time with all this nonsense? So lets just quit with the melodramatics and posting under multiple personalities please. Sighs. I REPEAT there are some of us intelligent enough NOT to be easily fooled by all this nonsense. NOW Karen from Henderson writes in this thread using the title Get together: The suggestion of the readers getting together to sue this man is a excellent idea. It would be nice if it came to fruitation and all the bickering amoungst each other would stop. Unite with one another instead of being divided by this man. So Karen writes in one post earlier this year that suing ANYONE on the website is basically a waste of time. NOW she suggests that readers getting together to sue someone on the site is an excellent idea. But this is just another example of Karen's hypocrisy. She changes her views contingent upon the person she is trying to attack at that time. Or, maybe she has multiple personalities. Now there's a thought....lol....who knows which personality is going to surface at any given time. Anyone who traces her posts over the last few months could certainly get that impression. One thing is certain is that she is a bit of a looney tune as well as abusive, and really quite strange. Don't get caught up with her. Treat her as an amusement. On a rainy day if you are bored read her posts spanning the last few months and have a good laugh. Seriously though,Karen derides anyone considering legal action in one post and then in another posts suggests that people band together to sue someone. I mean doesn't that scream hypocrisy....or insanity...


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom
Karen the Hypocrite from Henderson

#33Consumer Comment

Sun, March 02, 2008

In January Karen wrote referring to taking legal action against someone on this site. This is a quote from a post written by Karen from Henderson on 1/14/2008. If anyone wants to waste a bunch of money dragging ANYONE who post to this site to court for whatever inane reason go right ahead. The only one going to get paid will be the lawyer and what makes you think any of them would want to waste their time with all this nonsense? So lets just quit with the melodramatics and posting under multiple personalities please. Sighs. I REPEAT there are some of us intelligent enough NOT to be easily fooled by all this nonsense. NOW Karen from Henderson writes in this thread using the title Get together: The suggestion of the readers getting together to sue this man is a excellent idea. It would be nice if it came to fruitation and all the bickering amoungst each other would stop. Unite with one another instead of being divided by this man. So Karen writes in one post earlier this year that suing ANYONE on the website is basically a waste of time. NOW she suggests that readers getting together to sue someone on the site is an excellent idea. But this is just another example of Karen's hypocrisy. She changes her views contingent upon the person she is trying to attack at that time. Or, maybe she has multiple personalities. Now there's a thought....lol....who knows which personality is going to surface at any given time. Anyone who traces her posts over the last few months could certainly get that impression. One thing is certain is that she is a bit of a looney tune as well as abusive, and really quite strange. Don't get caught up with her. Treat her as an amusement. On a rainy day if you are bored read her posts spanning the last few months and have a good laugh. Seriously though,Karen derides anyone considering legal action in one post and then in another posts suggests that people band together to sue someone. I mean doesn't that scream hypocrisy....or insanity...


Manchester, UK,
United Kingdom
Karen the Hypocrite from Henderson

#34Consumer Comment

Sun, March 02, 2008

In January Karen wrote referring to taking legal action against someone on this site. This is a quote from a post written by Karen from Henderson on 1/14/2008. If anyone wants to waste a bunch of money dragging ANYONE who post to this site to court for whatever inane reason go right ahead. The only one going to get paid will be the lawyer and what makes you think any of them would want to waste their time with all this nonsense? So lets just quit with the melodramatics and posting under multiple personalities please. Sighs. I REPEAT there are some of us intelligent enough NOT to be easily fooled by all this nonsense. NOW Karen from Henderson writes in this thread using the title Get together: The suggestion of the readers getting together to sue this man is a excellent idea. It would be nice if it came to fruitation and all the bickering amoungst each other would stop. Unite with one another instead of being divided by this man. So Karen writes in one post earlier this year that suing ANYONE on the website is basically a waste of time. NOW she suggests that readers getting together to sue someone on the site is an excellent idea. But this is just another example of Karen's hypocrisy. She changes her views contingent upon the person she is trying to attack at that time. Or, maybe she has multiple personalities. Now there's a thought....lol....who knows which personality is going to surface at any given time. Anyone who traces her posts over the last few months could certainly get that impression. One thing is certain is that she is a bit of a looney tune as well as abusive, and really quite strange. Don't get caught up with her. Treat her as an amusement. On a rainy day if you are bored read her posts spanning the last few months and have a good laugh. Seriously though,Karen derides anyone considering legal action in one post and then in another posts suggests that people band together to sue someone. I mean doesn't that scream hypocrisy....or insanity...

Emily Rose

Psychic Hecate ripped me off while on Kasamba

#35Consumer Comment

Sat, March 01, 2008

Hecate is a fake psychic. She was fast to tell me what psychics to not go to when she was on Kasamba, so it makes her no different then Robinbluedragon. She should be ashamed of herself.


North Carolina,
Get together

#36Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 01, 2008

The suggestion of the readers getting together to sue this man is a excellent idea. It would be nice if it came to fruitation and all the bickering amoungst each other would stop. Unite with one another instead of being divided by this man.

Debbie Bridges

Kamsas City,

#37Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 01, 2008

If I was being a behind I am sorry also. But I tend to get over heated when I read lies. I have to ask you about these people who told you this stuff; was it in email. and have you met them face to face because if you haven't . If they called you, they could be faking a call. I know for a fact that the only Brooke Penny's knows is a girl that works for her named Brooke Weston. You can see her on Penny's web site. I have read all kind of stuff that claims she is fake and isnt real so I was really happy to meet Brooke this summer because again I travel to see Penny twice a year. I have known Penny for a very long time. I met her long before she was even on kasamba, again in pogo games. I asked her if she has ever had a client named Kathy so doesn't recall one. I am feeling that you may have fell victim to the KU group or experts. Robin Bluedragon and his friends. They have done this before. They rated two books of Publish America experts saying it was her and even emailed another Publish America author sending her abusive emails claiming to be Penny when they had hacked her yahoo email account and changed the pass word. She couldn't even get into it! Its great that you research kaplan but you didn't research the other schools she went to. She never went to kaplan for nursing or Education. One thing I haven't heard you mention in your research and that is you have never said that you sent Penny's office a letter through snail mail and ask for her company policies. She does run a real business with a tax id and everything and sends that information about her business and who works their when asked. So if we are researching someone wouldn't that be a nice place to start? Compared to the thousands of ratings she has on kasamba do you really think taking the word of two people who are possible made up by Robin BlueDragon and his friends are wise. For that you would want to have at least a thousand or even a few hundred complaints right? Check the BBB there are no complaints on her. I know this much as fact.. she has always been right when she has read for me.. my friends and co-workers and their friends and family. She has never charged us big amounts. She just did a 6 page email reading for me for 20$ She has always been honest with me even when it was what I didn't want to hear. Did you also see by your research that she set up the " Eugene Clark Memorial award" It started at the school in West Pawlet Vermont but now she gives this award to 6 area schools in small town areas, two children in each 6th grade class gets a 50$ savings bond , a plaque and money to get school supplies to start 7th grade with. This is for low income children who have worked hard to improve their grades. She does this because the children of the area meant so much to her father. Her books, Both of them are about her father. They may not be something that you'd see on any top ten listed but they are full of heart and help for people who are going through cancer loss. And that is what she wanted. To help people and mark her fathers place in history because as she told me, he was afraid after he died no one would remember him. Now they will. This is how she handled her grief. How can we knock that.. even if it is publish america. There is nothing psychic in them what so ever! Did you buy them at amazon? That should be part of your research too. So knowing what I know about her Can you see why I would get so over heated. I ask you does this sound like the actions of someone who is a fraud who is out to get people. I think not! She is a lovely, wonderful, caring , person. You should get to know the real her and then make up your mind. She is not a saint. No one can claim that.. But she also isn't anything like these reports say about her either! I'm proud to be her client and even more proud to call her friend!



#38UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 01, 2008

From what I have heard of of Rhiannon and Athena they are older ladies between there 40's and 50's and are American. PH is in her early 30's and comes from Ireland. I was born and grew up in Ireland same part as PH, untill I was 17 then my family moved to Pittsburgh, and I am in my late 30's. If you do the math's PH started reading for others when she was 11 years olds and has been doing readings for 21 years, Digger, so why don't you do the math's and get the answer of 32 years of age for her. Now last time I looked there was a big difference between somebody in the early 30's and someone in their 40's and 50's. Digger your statement is just so untrue and you just trying to blacken Hec's and my reputation. It wont work, as long as any true psychic can proove to people that they are psychic, any feeble attempt no matter how under handed is just plain stupid. Neither of us is stalking anyone, granted I myself, as in me Charlotte am responsible perhaps for a few errors in my last post, but just think for a moment would anyone who was an underhanded liar publically in a place like this stand up and Apoligize for an error, no of course they wouldn't. There are loads of readers on Kasamba know who PH is and what the PH stands for and knows that neither she nor I are these two people. And your attempts to brand us with these types of people are disgusting. Neither PH nor I got threw out of Kasamba for anything under-handed we are not fake nor frauds we have both since been tested by numerous high reputation psychic companies for positions as readers and have passed with flying colours. PH has been helping out with alot of volunteer work - missing person helping to find people for FREE, cold cases even set up a FREE missing persons support site to families of missing children and adults. PH and I are Genuine psychics who just want to try to get rid of the bad apples/frauds at places like Kasamba and Keen and other sites. Digger I have a feeling you are not a client but a reader who is in thick and thin with some of the people who have been looked at for fraudulent practices here. I hardly think that for one minute you have written your post off your own bat. PH IS NOT RHIANNON - PH IS NOT AN AMERICAN AND SHE IS NOT IN HER 40's - 50'S. THE SAME WAY I AM NOT THIS ATHENA. There are some of the long stayers at Kas who know PH and Know that she is not this Rhiannon person. DIGGER YOU ARE A DISGRACEFUL LIAR BUT KARMA PILES UP FOR ALL THE LIARS IN THIS WORLD AND KARMA IS PILING UP FOR YOU TOO. Stop Posting Lies about PH, she is a very dear friend to me and I will not have these shameful lies spoken about her, shame on you and your lies, Digger is that all you and those little friends of yours can do is spread lies.


Charlotte58 and PH are lying to you guys! Sorry to say!

#39UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 01, 2008

I hate to have to inform all you very nice people here but you have been mislead by Charlotte58 and her so called friend. They are actually two psychics who use to work on kasamba. Charlotte 58 is a psychic who calls herself Athena and this friend " PH" is her leader a women who uses The Name Rhiannon Waits! Rhiannon waits owns her own self publishing company. These are her so called " Publishing Connections! And through her site she talks about fraud psychics. The pot calling the kettle black with both of these two. These two have it out for all kasamba psychics and kasamba itself. I know what they are saying sounds nice but its the same c**k and bull story they have been through around for about 7 years! They are lying to you all. They have no connections , they make up alot of lies and they stalk any expert that they feel will get them attention. If you will notice they were attacking Robin BlueDragon in these post and stuck up against the lies he has told about PCB then someone posted about PCB and they made a post against her! Check post about kasamba through out this site. You will see a trend. They were both fired form kasamba some what I heard. I have seen these people stalk many kasamba experts thats why they were fired , that and taking clients off site. These two chicks are in the same mental arena as Robin BLueDragon but because there are two of them they encourage themselves more . again guys I am really sorry you had to fall prey to the lies of these psycho wenches. But you should have guessed they were blowing hot air when they started posting here. If they were that important and powerful they wouldn't be posting on this site Charlotte58 aka Athena This Manchester Review you mention, I looked it up and found out it is a small news paper/class that runs on a local level through Western Vermont and is owned by a Man whose last name is " Manchester". So dont stop working at your day job to become a PI your very piss poor at it!


we'll see

#40Consumer Comment

Sat, March 01, 2008

Did you know that one of the 'readings' that I got was from a woman who is selling US visas on Kasamba of $50,000...no, of course you didn't Karen. You 'assumed' about the fact I admitted I used Kasamba and then twisted it to try and discredit me. What I found out is that Kasamba is allowing a practice that appears to be highly illegal-at least that is the opinion of the US immigration attorney I contacted. To me it was worth the money to get the information. And before you throw off and say why would an imminent attorney answer an email from me...well the title helps. I am not at all trying to start up some verbal war with you lot. I am just pointing out that you are a hypocrite. As for boredom-well you are the one who is always posting, fanning some drama, and believe me. any exchange with you is NOT a cure for boredom. I just like to pop in now and then and point out what sort of person you are. That is a person NOT to be trusted.


If I or WE were WRONG WE ARE big enough to Apoligize To PCB

#41UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 01, 2008

I researched the Kaplan stuff myself last night, that client or reader friend I should say of her's is just plain rude and there are nicer ways of handling things in a professional way than the way her client/reader friend has handled it with insults. It is obvious she knows nothing about media contacts on first hand info otherwise she wouldn't have spout her BS nonsense. It's those kind of client's /reader friends that get people's back up and dis-honest people could make it an all out war of over analyzing and investigating things. But what you all got to understand is that we have been given a list by clients and ex-clients and maybe some readers/ex-readers of Kasamba, a list of readers on the site to be checked for fraudulent practices and no matter who they are we will do our best to research, though PH and Diane are the media and investigative reporters. I do some of the research, e-mailing, ringing companies etc. We have a duty in fairness and honesty to investigate ever single reader that we have on the list, no matter who they say they are or who they know and if PCB is as you say truely a Genuine reader then she would ask for no less than a fair investigation. It is clear to everyone this morning that I myself have no qualification in media research but the other two do, and should not be got at for my errors and bad research. The last thing any of us want to do is to abuse or hunt down a Genuine reader. When PH read what I had written last night she was very angry, as although she has never been a big fan of PCB, she thinks that she has had a really tough road and wanted us to confirm the info we had received as fact before any writing or posting was to be done. I went on my own and posted before checking with PH and Diane as I usually do, the should not be got at or put down for my actions. If as you say I WAS WRONG about PCB, then PH has told me to APOLIGIZE TO PCB. Which I do 100% I am SORRY I HAVE UPSET SO MANY PEOPLE THIS MORNING AS THAT WAS NOT MY INTENTION. PH has not decided whether I should continue posting here if I can't be fair to everyone. PCB if I am in the Wrong, then I hope you will take my APOLOGY as Genuine. The people who contacted us about you were called Brooke and Kathy. They said they were ex clients of yours, so if you or your friends can shed light on whether these are real client or disgruntled readers it would help us to illiminate your name from the list. Thank You all For Reading This Charlotte

Know It All

O! The tangled webs we all do weve!

#42UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 01, 2008

Dirty business this Ku stuff. I perfer to call them Kasamba Underdogs because they can't stay on top so they have to knock other people down from high ranks to even look halfway dazzling & still somehow end up looking like idiots. The only reason they haven't been sued is that all the victims of Erik and his crew won't come forward for a joint effort. My best suggestion goes like this. Cali, PCB, and Psychic Visions, you all appear to already know each other pretty well concidering you are all sharing a website. Iris and Dr. Love, you two were said to be frinds in another post. Iris and Psychic Visions were said to be also. On the other hand. Mirror, and Third Eye Psychic were frinds so there is another link. Christopherp is said to be married to Seydali, another link. Simone Patrice and Amber Robinson are frinds, and said to be frinds with Lucid Visions, another link. Anna proports to have been a frind of Simone Patrice and Amber Robinson and have a feeling this is another jousted expert. I have done my homework on the Rip Off Reports as you can see. I suggest you all get to talking about your stories because I have a feeling if all the above mentioned went into civil suit against Erik, we would never hear from him or see his romance mullet picture again. The one thing that Robin-Bluedragon can bank on is that all of you are going to keep quite because you all hate each other, and you are all scared that he will go after you further either on Kasamba or the other websites you work on but Strange as it may be you all seem to know someone who knows one of the others, they say that every person in the world is linked by only 5 other people and in this case only one or two people. Sue this clown!

Know It All

O! The tangled webs we all do weve!

#43UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 01, 2008

Dirty business this Ku stuff. I perfer to call them Kasamba Underdogs because they can't stay on top so they have to knock other people down from high ranks to even look halfway dazzling & still somehow end up looking like idiots. The only reason they haven't been sued is that all the victims of Erik and his crew won't come forward for a joint effort. My best suggestion goes like this. Cali, PCB, and Psychic Visions, you all appear to already know each other pretty well concidering you are all sharing a website. Iris and Dr. Love, you two were said to be frinds in another post. Iris and Psychic Visions were said to be also. On the other hand. Mirror, and Third Eye Psychic were frinds so there is another link. Christopherp is said to be married to Seydali, another link. Simone Patrice and Amber Robinson are frinds, and said to be frinds with Lucid Visions, another link. Anna proports to have been a frind of Simone Patrice and Amber Robinson and have a feeling this is another jousted expert. I have done my homework on the Rip Off Reports as you can see. I suggest you all get to talking about your stories because I have a feeling if all the above mentioned went into civil suit against Erik, we would never hear from him or see his romance mullet picture again. The one thing that Robin-Bluedragon can bank on is that all of you are going to keep quite because you all hate each other, and you are all scared that he will go after you further either on Kasamba or the other websites you work on but Strange as it may be you all seem to know someone who knows one of the others, they say that every person in the world is linked by only 5 other people and in this case only one or two people. Sue this clown!

Know It All

O! The tangled webs we all do weve!

#44UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 01, 2008

Dirty business this Ku stuff. I perfer to call them Kasamba Underdogs because they can't stay on top so they have to knock other people down from high ranks to even look halfway dazzling & still somehow end up looking like idiots. The only reason they haven't been sued is that all the victims of Erik and his crew won't come forward for a joint effort. My best suggestion goes like this. Cali, PCB, and Psychic Visions, you all appear to already know each other pretty well concidering you are all sharing a website. Iris and Dr. Love, you two were said to be frinds in another post. Iris and Psychic Visions were said to be also. On the other hand. Mirror, and Third Eye Psychic were frinds so there is another link. Christopherp is said to be married to Seydali, another link. Simone Patrice and Amber Robinson are frinds, and said to be frinds with Lucid Visions, another link. Anna proports to have been a frind of Simone Patrice and Amber Robinson and have a feeling this is another jousted expert. I have done my homework on the Rip Off Reports as you can see. I suggest you all get to talking about your stories because I have a feeling if all the above mentioned went into civil suit against Erik, we would never hear from him or see his romance mullet picture again. The one thing that Robin-Bluedragon can bank on is that all of you are going to keep quite because you all hate each other, and you are all scared that he will go after you further either on Kasamba or the other websites you work on but Strange as it may be you all seem to know someone who knows one of the others, they say that every person in the world is linked by only 5 other people and in this case only one or two people. Sue this clown!



#45UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 01, 2008

Charlotte58 : I usually agree with what you have to say but your last post I don't You have started to cross a ugly line with that one. You may not agree with the use of Publish America But other people find it okay and they have a right to publish where they want. Just as you do. The Books are indeed copy right and logged at the Library of congress so that does make these people Authors. Advertising: Advertising is advertising. Lets face it. Most of the products you buy you would not if it wasn't for ads. Do you really think Gain cleans clothes better then Tide? Look at the ingredients. They are exactly the same. I don't know if PCB has lied or not. I don't know her, but she wouldn't be the first to lie in advertising if she is. That doesn't make a person a fraud as far as psychics go. A fraud in the psychic world is a person who sells spells for outragous prices. Who lies to a client to prey on their sadness in order to keep gaining their money. Which I haven't heard she has done any of things things out side of the lies told by Erik/Robin. If she went to a on line school, credited or not well I say Good for her! At least she did something . Do you know how many people each year soak up our tax dollars getting welfare because they are to lazy to even go to a on line school. To better ones self is a great thing no matter what the means of it . Look at Erik/ Robin he sits around collecting SSI and has no motivation.( yes his wife told me this so I know it as fact!) So we shouldn't knock someone who does just because we don't agree with the school they went to. effort is effort! If you'd like to email the people from the dog the bounty hunter show and ask them if they know her I did.. the email is dogshawaiianhuntress at msn thats the direct email for Beth Chapman and she told me that she does know her and she was a fan who did some stuff for them. I left it at that. Trying to touch base on scammers is great but I do feel you should be looking at their abilities as readers also. You have to keep in mind that getting such research published, if any one would accept it , opens a slander law suite on you so I hope you and your friend have your bases covered and at least have some extra cash in the bank. Because any place that publishes what you write will contact the people it is written about and ask for their side also. I;m not downing what you are doing I just want to make sure you know what your doing. Doing this work and boasting about it on a site like this will not help you when it comes to getting the word out. Even if you claim it as he;lping the public and because you have posted this here very few people will beleive what your claim to be your findings. Keep that in mind also. Again I usually agree with you but I feel with that last post you are way out of line. Informing people is one thing but just in a small two minute search and email I have already found that most of the stuff you are claiming about PCB just isn't fact.

Debbie Bridges

Kamsas City,
So Glad I came back in!

#46Consumer Suggestion

Sat, March 01, 2008

For People who claim to do alot of research you have no clue about what your doing. Kaplan college is where PCB did get her associates degree in criminal Justice. She has never claimed that she received her other ones there. so your assumptions are just wild. If you go to her my space you will see she studied early childhood education at Green Mountain college in Vermont. And Nursing she went to school in Albany New york. But you already know this right? As far as Published America goes, no one said they were Double Day So knocking any one who has books there is just moronic. Lets point a few things out here. We are to feel that your so wise in the publishing game that have contacted all these magazines world wide and they just answered you? That's a load of crap They would have better things to do. And if you were so connected you wouldn't waste your time here! You come on here and spout about this big list your compiling and how you are just going to blow the lid off scams yet you just showed you can't even do the basic research. Research that any monkey at Ringling Brothers could do! No one even believes your little research scam. Your posts just give every one abig laugh. Yes I will stick up for PCB . I have been a client of hers long enough to know She is no fraud. But as the saying goes opinions are like arse wholes every one has one. Thanks for sharing yours I just can't agree with you because I know your wrong!


Frauds Psychics and authors at Kas

#47UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 01, 2008

PCB and others, who have used fraudulent practices and con their clients by telling them they have famous clients, friends etc...And drop it in that they are published authors are the real frauds The only place a fake psychic you can get your non factual and only half researched psychic book or autobiography at is by self publishing or going through Publish America. Publish America is well known for publishing everything that is sent to them. They are a joke throughout the publishing industry and well known for not reading the draft's of books that are sent to them, not editing the work they say they will publish. They make all the writers buy copies of their own books; they don't give free copies like other publishers. They don't advertise or market the books; they don't do any kind of public relations for writers or their published books. All they really do is print books and that's it. There are hundreds of writer sites which cover what Publish America' really is and that are a papermill. It's a con to pull in first time writers that no nothing of the writing and publishing industry. They make the writers do all the work and then they take there percentage as publisher which is more that the real publishers actually charge as a percentage. Why don't some of you google Publish America and you will find many sites that will give the truth about this so called Publishing House. Even try typing Publish America into this sites search engine and you will all see for yourself. PH has witnessed first hand on writer forum the way writers with Publish America are treated. They are not seen as real authors at all. So any psychics with books published through Publish America are, well there not worth the paper there written on. Most bookstores won't even take books from writers of Publish America unless they can promise the sales, even with that bookstores will only take in the number of books that sales can be promised with. All writers at Publish America have to write to the bookstores and do all the work to get their books put on the shelves. Many bookstores online will only take the orders, and then the writer is the one that has to send out the books and pay themselves for the P&P. Even if the writer works it out with 'Publish America' to send the books they still have to pay because it is held back from the writer's book sales percentage. All this and more is why psychics who say they are published authors are not seen or respected as an author. The only person who sees themselves it that light is themselves. As I said the books are not worth the paper they are written on. They are printed exactly as they come, there is no proof reading or editing done unless you pay someone to do it, or pay someone at Publish America to do it. This is one of the cons they tell the writer that for so much one of their editing and proof-reading staff with edit and proof-read their book. The writer pays and when the book is print the grammar errors and spelling mistakes are still there. Most of Publish America's Books are very un-professional done and the books look themselves like they were written by small kids. This is why psychic authors with them are never taken seriously in the publishing field. Many of these fake psychics go with Publish America and pay for 5 star reviews to be written on their books. Most fake psychics go to places like PR Web and other press release sites and write up their own press releases on their fake books, interviews, television and radio spots that never happen. Many fake psychics think that nobody will check up or their lies but of course eventually someone always does. One so call person who refers to herself as a psychic medium and an author of Publish America had on her profile last year that she had been on 'Larry King' this has since been checked and there is no truth to it what so ever. This person who calls herself a psychic medium has written her own press releases about fake interviews etc on free websites that let people themselves write up there own press release and can pretty much say whatever they want on it and P.R.W.E.B. will publish it. This person has told people she has been on TV not only with 'Larry King' but other people and has had radio spots for her psychic medium business and her books. The programs have not been contacted and sent written proof that they have never heard of this person, nor has this person ever been interview or had any TV or radio spots with them. We are in the process of contacting a bounty hunter show at this stage to see if there is conformation of truth or more lies. This is what we have found so far. We also found evidence that this person say that her press releases were written by a journalist from the Manchester Review. From both PH and myself's investigation we have found that neither in the U.S, UK, Europe, Asia or anywhere else in the world is there any type of newspaper or magazine that is called the 'Manchester Review'. PCB also states that she has appeared in magazines and newspapers in the US and UK. There are two writers involved with are fraud articles, on is PH and the other is a friend of PH who has done articles in the past for a few UK magazine as a freelancer. PH and her writer friend have been investigating PCB along with Robin Bluedragon and at one point over the last few weeks we got lists of magazines and newspapers in the UK, US, Canada, Europe etc. We have concentrated are efforts on the UK, US and Canada including all the little local papers and town magazines. All together so far in the UK, US and Canada we have e-mailed and written to over 300 of both newspapers and magazine in those areas and so far we have found no article, columns or spreads in any broadsheet, tabloid or magazine in the three areas. We will continue until we have written to them all, but so far this looks to be another lie in the making. PH loves her magazines too and usually buys the only six psychic, paranormal and new age UK magazines, in fact they are the only ones of that category published in the UK plus 4 of the Glossy ones, like Vogue, Elle etc.. A month etc... PH has already been in contact with her favorite magazines a few of which she has contacts with in the journalism end of things. But those ones all came up no. Her friend Diane which is the other Journalist on this project is using some of her contacts to look up the archives of the UK magazines that she has written for and so far there is no record of PCB ever been written up in any UK Magazine or Newspaper. If PCB would like to give us the names of these UK and US Magazines that she has or will be feature in, that would go a long way in her case of is she a Fraud OR isn't she a Fraud. We are also investigating whether she actually is a contributing columnist for several psychic magazines. As to her profile she states she has degrees in Nursing, Early Childhood Education, and Criminal Justice. Apparently Kaplan College is where her degrees came from. According to their website there 'Early Childhood Education' Course is an Associate degree which is half a degree - 2 years and not a full degree of four years, there is no real Nursing degree as such the Nursing course AS Nursing is merely a course that gives online coursework, some general education and some knowledge of nursing, as part of this course there is on-ground facility based clinical experience which means that you need to go to and have current everyday working experience in a health care environment . The course isn't a proper degree and it only gives knowledge to go and take the national licensed exam that if passed them makes you a registered nurse. But this half degree is not really a nursing degree as such, as you see above or on the Kaplan site. According to the site many of these courses can be completed in 94 hours. The Criminal Justice course is another half degree and takes two years and only gives foundation knowledge four areas law enforcement, courts, corrections and securities. Tuition for these courses can cost from $320 to $10,000 or more per year. The cost depends on the type of course and the hours/years needed to complete it in. That means even at the lowest end of the scale it could cost this person anywhere from $1920 that's if these 3 courses where two years long each and cost $320 per year. At the top end of the scale you're talking about around $60,000 for 3 courses each lasting 2 years. From what we have heard from people about this place as long as you pay your course fee and hand in your course work, you'll pass at the end of the course as long as you can pay the fees. Most of these online universities are known as diploma mills or paper mills. As usual on both the Robin Bluedragon and PCB research and investigation we will keep you all posted.


North Carolina,

#48Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 29, 2008



North Carolina,

#49Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 29, 2008

It will be interesting to see how Kasmba / Live Person handles this person. I am quite sure they are and have been made aware of his unethical practices. In the meantime its probably best for potential clients to avoid that site as well as present, and former clients. Their stocks are already taking a dip (article I posted in another thread supports this statement). So avoid the site and force management to realize that without the client they have no business. j Thank you Charlotte and Toni for putting Robin / Erik into the light. Keep up the good work! Great question Lucy and good input Augusta. Thanks


North Carolina,

#50Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 29, 2008

It will be interesting to see how Kasmba / Live Person handles this person. I am quite sure they are and have been made aware of his unethical practices. In the meantime its probably best for potential clients to avoid that site as well as present, and former clients. Their stocks are already taking a dip (article I posted in another thread supports this statement). So avoid the site and force management to realize that without the client they have no business. j Thank you Charlotte and Toni for putting Robin / Erik into the light. Keep up the good work! Great question Lucy and good input Augusta. Thanks


North Carolina,

#51Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 29, 2008

It will be interesting to see how Kasmba / Live Person handles this person. I am quite sure they are and have been made aware of his unethical practices. In the meantime its probably best for potential clients to avoid that site as well as present, and former clients. Their stocks are already taking a dip (article I posted in another thread supports this statement). So avoid the site and force management to realize that without the client they have no business. j Thank you Charlotte and Toni for putting Robin / Erik into the light. Keep up the good work! Great question Lucy and good input Augusta. Thanks


North Carolina,

#52Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 29, 2008

It will be interesting to see how Kasmba / Live Person handles this person. I am quite sure they are and have been made aware of his unethical practices. In the meantime its probably best for potential clients to avoid that site as well as present, and former clients. Their stocks are already taking a dip (article I posted in another thread supports this statement). So avoid the site and force management to realize that without the client they have no business. j Thank you Charlotte and Toni for putting Robin / Erik into the light. Keep up the good work! Great question Lucy and good input Augusta. Thanks


A question for Karen, Katie, Susan/MaryAnn, Freya and a few others

#53Consumer Comment

Fri, February 29, 2008

I actually don't care what you think but I was wondering why you were negative towards my attempts to do something about all this? Why were you so derogatory and abusive? Come on, tell me! You lot seem to zero in on particular people and try to trash them. I am sure you'll come up with several different justifications but it is interesting to read your posts within an historical context. The word that comes to mind is hypocritical...although stupid is also an apt description. Yes, I have complied nearly 300 pages of information and yes it is taking longer to finish than I had hoped. However, the positive aspect is that I have gathered information that scams are still going on after LivePerson have taken over. You don't believe I have that much information out together? Several people have seen it - or at least a much earlier version. Why don't you ask Susan/MaryAnn from SouthHampton or Wyoming or wherever...After all she wanted to sell it to the media....to get HER money back.. I refused and slapped an international academic copyright on it and Susan who did NOTHING towards the report-no work, not even send me information that she had promised (I mean how difficult is that) decided to exact revenge. I actually have been really busy at work on a couple of publications for the research I do in the job i was fired from for emotional problems but one has just been accepted for publication and the other is under provisional acceptance. But back to the 'Report'-yes it exists and I have been collecting information this last couple of months and filing it to add in. As for the terms of service, disclaimer, etc...well my popping in to have readings have produced emails from K support admitting they allow the experts to contravene the terms of service. Well, not in so many words, but, in answer to a question sent through my occasional continued use of Kasamba, I have an email from K support saying if they are aware that a person is using multiple profiles they are allowed to keep one and close down the others....errrrr doesn't that contravene their expert terms of service?. It is called research. As luck would have it I have broken a rib and, for the first time in weeks, I don't have any work editing to do this weekend. So I am finally going to be able to catch up on the report-i.e. add in all the info I have been collecting since LP took over. Apart from a couple of people that have posted regularly over the last few months I think the regular posters - you know who you are-are a bunch of self-defeating hypocrites. I WILL finish this report and do something about this while you lot are engaging in diatribes that talk about effecting change but just go around in circles and worse, ABUSE someone who genuinely could (and has) put the information together. Karen, you can call me a liar but I can call you pitiful, hypocritical and stupid.


Unreal but can you tell us...

#54Consumer Comment

Fri, February 29, 2008

I find it heartbreaking to read what this person has done to other experts including stalking them over the net and being cruel enough to put bad book reviews. I cannot understand why Kasamba allows such a person to stay on their site. I appreciate all you posters who have shared and I wonder if you could tell us what other readers are connected to him so we can be careful when choosing. Birds of a feather or vibration do tend to stay together - and I would like to always choose an independent confident reader. Many thanks.


Question for Kasamba/Liveperson management

#55Consumer Comment

Thu, February 28, 2008

Why do you allow this to go on? Why do you allow someone like this to stay on your site? Why do you allow just any tom, d**k and crazy harry to sign up as experts? Credibility for the Kasamba site is going down the toilet and you do nothing about it.


North Carolina,

#56Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 28, 2008

I think its time PCB and Cali get together, get a lawyer and SUE ERIK/ROBIN for harrassment and slander!! They really need to be ecouraged to do this because this guy is a real sewer rat! Keep every correspondence he has ever posted about them and to thier clients. The book reviews, everything. Get to a lawyer and SUE THE GUTTER TRASH. If he has kept this up for years its time he is forced to stop and PAY $$$$ RESTITUTION!! Then add Kasamba to the lawsuit for allowing this to continue and allowing this man to access thier website for harrassment purposes!! I know I would in a flash if it was me.

Debbie Bridges

Kamsas City,
I just can't take this any more!

#57Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 28, 2008

The people posting here have no clue just how demented this man is! I know some of you may have a problem with PCB But I have been her client since 2001! I met here in a pogo games chat room. She did a free reading for me there and I have been going to her ever since on her site and even on kasamba! I saw the recent post some one posted from Robin BlueDragon where he insults her. Its a load of @#$%^. She has connect me with family that has passed and has always had details no one else would know. She has helped me through alot of rough times in my life. And I have always known if I can't contact her on her site I can reach her on kasamba. I was so down once I even asked her about spells. She told me and I quote: " Spells work on the persons intent and they are not always 100% their basicness is actually more connected to the law of attraction then it is magic itself. I do not do spells myself but if you feel you must have a spell I can send one to you with exact details on how to do it. Because again its your intent behind it so it would make no sense for me to do it for you. " When I asked how much she would charge for that she said " 10 bucks for the time it takes me to type it! Does that sound like she was taking advantage of me!? no! So he lies about that. In 2004 I get a email from Pennys account in yahoo. It was signed " Erik and friends" here is the email : From: [email protected] To: angelkisses******* Subject: Information that will change your life! Debbie: Did you know you Are being scammed! We are sorry but it is true. Penny Clark Babson is not a real psychic. All this time she has been praying on your fears and telling you what you want to hear just so she can take your money. Haven't you noticed that the things she tells you doesn't even happen! This woman is very sick and twisted. She allowed her husband to molest her kids while she played video games . When they screamed for help she would do nothing and then she stuck up for him and is still married to him! We know that you are a client on kasamba.com and we recommend that you report this woman for her actions and help us rid her kind of scamming innocent people like you! Erik and Friends ** I went to Penny's web site and called her as soon I got this and apparently I wasn't the first to get one! Everything she has always told me has happened. I have recommended her to other people and those people loved her so much they recommended her and so on! I found this to be so sick. First he is such a ego driven swine that he put his name on the email and when I traced the IP it went right to mass! Since I have been a client of Hers for so long I returned the favor of being there to support her like she always has me. After all we did start off as friends in pogo games! I know what happened in her life. Her ex husband drugged her and did that awful stuff to her kids! I actually saw the medical reports they did on her that showed what drugs he used on her to knock her out! She wasn't on his side. And she did divorce him also. After this email I kept getting more emails with links to papers about the court case on him. The papers made it look like she was on his side. But I read the full court transcripts She didn't say anything for or against him. She just didn't say anything at all. Penny and her kids were put through alot and even though any of us could sit here and say what we would do in this situation we really do not know what we would do because it wasn't us! . So how can any one say what she should have done or felt in such a major trauma! One of the emails even said " if she is so psychic she should have seen this coming" that is such a line of bull! Erik and his little friends felt it was wonderful to just keep abusing this family. And when her children returned home he started to stalk them. I went to see Penny over xmas vacation this year. I try to see her in person twice a year. She has a wonderful small farm on a lake , her children are very happy and has a great man in her life who just adores her! She is happy and yet Erik still stalks her! And why? why does he stalk any of the others on kasamba. Because he is jealous of them! he is lazy and wants the world handed to him while others like Penny and the people he has abused and forced kasamba to remove work hard! They work hard to get things and we are just expected to hand things over to this abusive liar! A abusive liar who is on some ego driven power trip! Oh Penny is a fake, she can't spell she let her husband molest her kids.... Oh cali is a child abuser she meditated during our reading... Vision is a fraud she shares information on clients.. Isis lied to me . She gave me false hope and took my money.. Dr. Love used a female name and now a male.. Lets her rid of fake phots while i keep and lie about mine! Why is he saying all those things about these people.... Because they passed him in the ratings... because they were doing good on kasamba and he can't see his way out of that septic tank he calls a life. So since he is so lazy he attacks those who have drive! Not only is he lazy but he is also a fool... Because he torments these people and torments them and they are just like one of those punching bags from pre-school.. He punches them his hardest and they just pop right back up and get right back to work. After about 6 years of stalking someone and trying to harm them and seeing that it doesnt work you would think the egomaniac would just give up! But he doesn't. why?? because he isn't at all smart. So lets recap a little .. Erik better known as Robin BlueDragon is a fraud, liar, stalker, egomaniac, he commits felonies, we are to think he is god and has powers to harm us, is psycho because he feels he has FBI connections and is a jealous blow hard. As a client of psychics, many of who do work on kasamba, and have been abused by him, I have to ask the other clients reading this: does this sound like someone you can trust to help you. Its about time kasamba does something about this joke! Because even though his stupidity is amusing he just isn't funny!


Thats not all! I would love to see him answer that one and this one!

#58Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 28, 2008

It seems when it comes to the world of stalking people Erik/robin has a thing about PCB and another experts named cali. He uses different names but the locations are always mass. He went into amazon and rated PCB and cali ( melodie frye's ) books. These books came out through a place called "Publish America" , which may not be a big time publisher but at least they were published. Since he insulted both of these books I bought them through my local book store just to see what he was talking about . He used a name he sometimes uses here! "Realist In Life "Realist" (EastFalmouth,Mass" For PCb book he said "Psycho babble and justification for her actions,or lack of them. Self published and reads like it...textual and spelling errors a plenty. Also it seems she has written most of the reviews here herself,which isnt surprizing since she is a master of self serving promotion for herself. This person is trying to profit from the death of a supposed love one...dont allow this to continue by buying this book...instead spend some quality time with your own loved ones and leave this poor deluded 'author' to her self grandizing. " Now after reading this book myself I can tell you its nothing like that. PCB doesn't talk about psychic ability , doesnt promote herself, and there is no " Psychic babble" as he says ( great spelling by the way Erik!) It plainly talks about growing up in Vermont, her father dying of cancer and how the family did deal with that before, during and after. Here is what he said about the book that Cali wrote more new age nonsense and profiting from the misery of others, February 5, 2006 By Realist In Life "Realist" (EastFalmouth,Mass) - See all my reviews this book is a load of rubbish,not worth 5 cents,much less what the author asks. Slef published,and looking it,poorly written,sounding more like one of those tug at the heart movies from Lifetime television then anything approaching reality. I would say that the treatment of the child borders on abuse,and to allow them to go around thinking they can see angels and talk to spirits because thier apparently mentally imbalanced mother thinks she can is an act of neglect. Dont encourage someone like this and dont buy this book either...a waste of time and money. In this book, which again I bought and read, all it does is talking about a childs ability to see spirits. And how the family has been able to deasl with that. Even though it doesnt say this in the book this little girl was featured in a article in a rag mag I think it was called " weekly world news" the story was written by a woman from the UK who calls herself " Jackie the angel lady" . She is a very well know angel expert in the UK. She also featured this little girl in one of her books. So you see it seems Eric/ robin or what ever he wants to call himself this week. Has a thing about chasing these two woman. That he sits on his widing butt and feels he should have things happen for him . " I guess he thinks he is so greast that his greatness should be " discovered" I was also in a wiccan on line group in msn where he bad mouthed these too. on of his post is below: Erik: I guess the big blue blabber mouth isn't a total liar. I email Beth Chapman , since she claims to know Everyone at the Dog the Bounty Hunter show to find out. Beth said that she has done some stuff for them but didn't say what. When I tried to warn her about Penny she emailed me back telling me how great they thought Penny was and such a good friend and that if I emailed her again I would be arrested! A few people I know emailed her saying the same thing and each time she stuck up for Penny and gave them threats too! But if you have ever watched that show you know those people are trailer trash anyways. He also wrote: Erik: I feel this book that cali an expert on kasamba wrote is child abuse! She is encouraging her child to say she sees ghost and hears voices. She writes like she is from the beverly hill billies and exploites her child! she should be in jail! After those two post Eric was removed from the group.. I also was given a post from when his KU group he was laughing about how he made a psychic scam site and had it all about PCB and others. it was under a site owned by another kasamba expert that he is in thick with on " go Daddy" when they signed up where the other experts site was they didnt change the info so in a search i guess the other experts name came up as owner and they were forced to take it down. On it they had about 7 kasamba experts but they mainly focused on PCB and Cali. And he has bragged about hacking into 3 different experts email accounts in yahoo. His soon to be ex-wife even told me that he hacked into an experts yahoo email,( using their zip codes to change their pass words!) filed for lost pass word for one kasamba account got into their kasamba account found a old email in the history form a client that had tried to contact this expert oput side of kasamba but couldnt and sent it to kasamba claiming this expert stole kasamba clients and got her fired! But she was only gone for two days. It was found by kasamba that this person was a client this expert had brought to the site so she hadnt stole them from kasamba. His ex wife has even said that he was starting new email address and sending kasamba emails saying experts had tried to take him off site and how upset he was about their actions. possing as a client! Apparently he did this mainly to pcb and cali.( she told me she is sending kasamba all the information about this herself witha copy of a police report. She said he was up at all hours of the night trying to find ways to get those two and others out off kasamba totally. And if she said anything to him he would get abusive to her. Telling her that he would stop them if it was the last thing he did. When she pointed out to him that he had been doing this for two years and was getting no where that he should just leave these people alone. He told her she must be friends with them. Alot of this is actually written in the police report she made up against him when she tried to leave him and he tried to force her to stay... So as you can see Erik/robin is a big control freak and everyone is just supose to do what he says! I think its about time this piece of drift wood grows up!


Thats not all! I would love to see him answer that one and this one!

#59Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 28, 2008

It seems when it comes to the world of stalking people Erik/robin has a thing about PCB and another experts named cali. He uses different names but the locations are always mass. He went into amazon and rated PCB and cali ( melodie frye's ) books. These books came out through a place called "Publish America" , which may not be a big time publisher but at least they were published. Since he insulted both of these books I bought them through my local book store just to see what he was talking about . He used a name he sometimes uses here! "Realist In Life "Realist" (EastFalmouth,Mass" For PCb book he said "Psycho babble and justification for her actions,or lack of them. Self published and reads like it...textual and spelling errors a plenty. Also it seems she has written most of the reviews here herself,which isnt surprizing since she is a master of self serving promotion for herself. This person is trying to profit from the death of a supposed love one...dont allow this to continue by buying this book...instead spend some quality time with your own loved ones and leave this poor deluded 'author' to her self grandizing. " Now after reading this book myself I can tell you its nothing like that. PCB doesn't talk about psychic ability , doesnt promote herself, and there is no " Psychic babble" as he says ( great spelling by the way Erik!) It plainly talks about growing up in Vermont, her father dying of cancer and how the family did deal with that before, during and after. Here is what he said about the book that Cali wrote more new age nonsense and profiting from the misery of others, February 5, 2006 By Realist In Life "Realist" (EastFalmouth,Mass) - See all my reviews this book is a load of rubbish,not worth 5 cents,much less what the author asks. Slef published,and looking it,poorly written,sounding more like one of those tug at the heart movies from Lifetime television then anything approaching reality. I would say that the treatment of the child borders on abuse,and to allow them to go around thinking they can see angels and talk to spirits because thier apparently mentally imbalanced mother thinks she can is an act of neglect. Dont encourage someone like this and dont buy this book either...a waste of time and money. In this book, which again I bought and read, all it does is talking about a childs ability to see spirits. And how the family has been able to deasl with that. Even though it doesnt say this in the book this little girl was featured in a article in a rag mag I think it was called " weekly world news" the story was written by a woman from the UK who calls herself " Jackie the angel lady" . She is a very well know angel expert in the UK. She also featured this little girl in one of her books. So you see it seems Eric/ robin or what ever he wants to call himself this week. Has a thing about chasing these two woman. That he sits on his widing butt and feels he should have things happen for him . " I guess he thinks he is so greast that his greatness should be " discovered" I was also in a wiccan on line group in msn where he bad mouthed these too. on of his post is below: Erik: I guess the big blue blabber mouth isn't a total liar. I email Beth Chapman , since she claims to know Everyone at the Dog the Bounty Hunter show to find out. Beth said that she has done some stuff for them but didn't say what. When I tried to warn her about Penny she emailed me back telling me how great they thought Penny was and such a good friend and that if I emailed her again I would be arrested! A few people I know emailed her saying the same thing and each time she stuck up for Penny and gave them threats too! But if you have ever watched that show you know those people are trailer trash anyways. He also wrote: Erik: I feel this book that cali an expert on kasamba wrote is child abuse! She is encouraging her child to say she sees ghost and hears voices. She writes like she is from the beverly hill billies and exploites her child! she should be in jail! After those two post Eric was removed from the group.. I also was given a post from when his KU group he was laughing about how he made a psychic scam site and had it all about PCB and others. it was under a site owned by another kasamba expert that he is in thick with on " go Daddy" when they signed up where the other experts site was they didnt change the info so in a search i guess the other experts name came up as owner and they were forced to take it down. On it they had about 7 kasamba experts but they mainly focused on PCB and Cali. And he has bragged about hacking into 3 different experts email accounts in yahoo. His soon to be ex-wife even told me that he hacked into an experts yahoo email,( using their zip codes to change their pass words!) filed for lost pass word for one kasamba account got into their kasamba account found a old email in the history form a client that had tried to contact this expert oput side of kasamba but couldnt and sent it to kasamba claiming this expert stole kasamba clients and got her fired! But she was only gone for two days. It was found by kasamba that this person was a client this expert had brought to the site so she hadnt stole them from kasamba. His ex wife has even said that he was starting new email address and sending kasamba emails saying experts had tried to take him off site and how upset he was about their actions. possing as a client! Apparently he did this mainly to pcb and cali.( she told me she is sending kasamba all the information about this herself witha copy of a police report. She said he was up at all hours of the night trying to find ways to get those two and others out off kasamba totally. And if she said anything to him he would get abusive to her. Telling her that he would stop them if it was the last thing he did. When she pointed out to him that he had been doing this for two years and was getting no where that he should just leave these people alone. He told her she must be friends with them. Alot of this is actually written in the police report she made up against him when she tried to leave him and he tried to force her to stay... So as you can see Erik/robin is a big control freak and everyone is just supose to do what he says! I think its about time this piece of drift wood grows up!


Thats not all! I would love to see him answer that one and this one!

#60Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 28, 2008

It seems when it comes to the world of stalking people Erik/robin has a thing about PCB and another experts named cali. He uses different names but the locations are always mass. He went into amazon and rated PCB and cali ( melodie frye's ) books. These books came out through a place called "Publish America" , which may not be a big time publisher but at least they were published. Since he insulted both of these books I bought them through my local book store just to see what he was talking about . He used a name he sometimes uses here! "Realist In Life "Realist" (EastFalmouth,Mass" For PCb book he said "Psycho babble and justification for her actions,or lack of them. Self published and reads like it...textual and spelling errors a plenty. Also it seems she has written most of the reviews here herself,which isnt surprizing since she is a master of self serving promotion for herself. This person is trying to profit from the death of a supposed love one...dont allow this to continue by buying this book...instead spend some quality time with your own loved ones and leave this poor deluded 'author' to her self grandizing. " Now after reading this book myself I can tell you its nothing like that. PCB doesn't talk about psychic ability , doesnt promote herself, and there is no " Psychic babble" as he says ( great spelling by the way Erik!) It plainly talks about growing up in Vermont, her father dying of cancer and how the family did deal with that before, during and after. Here is what he said about the book that Cali wrote more new age nonsense and profiting from the misery of others, February 5, 2006 By Realist In Life "Realist" (EastFalmouth,Mass) - See all my reviews this book is a load of rubbish,not worth 5 cents,much less what the author asks. Slef published,and looking it,poorly written,sounding more like one of those tug at the heart movies from Lifetime television then anything approaching reality. I would say that the treatment of the child borders on abuse,and to allow them to go around thinking they can see angels and talk to spirits because thier apparently mentally imbalanced mother thinks she can is an act of neglect. Dont encourage someone like this and dont buy this book either...a waste of time and money. In this book, which again I bought and read, all it does is talking about a childs ability to see spirits. And how the family has been able to deasl with that. Even though it doesnt say this in the book this little girl was featured in a article in a rag mag I think it was called " weekly world news" the story was written by a woman from the UK who calls herself " Jackie the angel lady" . She is a very well know angel expert in the UK. She also featured this little girl in one of her books. So you see it seems Eric/ robin or what ever he wants to call himself this week. Has a thing about chasing these two woman. That he sits on his widing butt and feels he should have things happen for him . " I guess he thinks he is so greast that his greatness should be " discovered" I was also in a wiccan on line group in msn where he bad mouthed these too. on of his post is below: Erik: I guess the big blue blabber mouth isn't a total liar. I email Beth Chapman , since she claims to know Everyone at the Dog the Bounty Hunter show to find out. Beth said that she has done some stuff for them but didn't say what. When I tried to warn her about Penny she emailed me back telling me how great they thought Penny was and such a good friend and that if I emailed her again I would be arrested! A few people I know emailed her saying the same thing and each time she stuck up for Penny and gave them threats too! But if you have ever watched that show you know those people are trailer trash anyways. He also wrote: Erik: I feel this book that cali an expert on kasamba wrote is child abuse! She is encouraging her child to say she sees ghost and hears voices. She writes like she is from the beverly hill billies and exploites her child! she should be in jail! After those two post Eric was removed from the group.. I also was given a post from when his KU group he was laughing about how he made a psychic scam site and had it all about PCB and others. it was under a site owned by another kasamba expert that he is in thick with on " go Daddy" when they signed up where the other experts site was they didnt change the info so in a search i guess the other experts name came up as owner and they were forced to take it down. On it they had about 7 kasamba experts but they mainly focused on PCB and Cali. And he has bragged about hacking into 3 different experts email accounts in yahoo. His soon to be ex-wife even told me that he hacked into an experts yahoo email,( using their zip codes to change their pass words!) filed for lost pass word for one kasamba account got into their kasamba account found a old email in the history form a client that had tried to contact this expert oput side of kasamba but couldnt and sent it to kasamba claiming this expert stole kasamba clients and got her fired! But she was only gone for two days. It was found by kasamba that this person was a client this expert had brought to the site so she hadnt stole them from kasamba. His ex wife has even said that he was starting new email address and sending kasamba emails saying experts had tried to take him off site and how upset he was about their actions. possing as a client! Apparently he did this mainly to pcb and cali.( she told me she is sending kasamba all the information about this herself witha copy of a police report. She said he was up at all hours of the night trying to find ways to get those two and others out off kasamba totally. And if she said anything to him he would get abusive to her. Telling her that he would stop them if it was the last thing he did. When she pointed out to him that he had been doing this for two years and was getting no where that he should just leave these people alone. He told her she must be friends with them. Alot of this is actually written in the police report she made up against him when she tried to leave him and he tried to force her to stay... So as you can see Erik/robin is a big control freak and everyone is just supose to do what he says! I think its about time this piece of drift wood grows up!


Thats not all! I would love to see him answer that one and this one!

#61Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 28, 2008

It seems when it comes to the world of stalking people Erik/robin has a thing about PCB and another experts named cali. He uses different names but the locations are always mass. He went into amazon and rated PCB and cali ( melodie frye's ) books. These books came out through a place called "Publish America" , which may not be a big time publisher but at least they were published. Since he insulted both of these books I bought them through my local book store just to see what he was talking about . He used a name he sometimes uses here! "Realist In Life "Realist" (EastFalmouth,Mass" For PCb book he said "Psycho babble and justification for her actions,or lack of them. Self published and reads like it...textual and spelling errors a plenty. Also it seems she has written most of the reviews here herself,which isnt surprizing since she is a master of self serving promotion for herself. This person is trying to profit from the death of a supposed love one...dont allow this to continue by buying this book...instead spend some quality time with your own loved ones and leave this poor deluded 'author' to her self grandizing. " Now after reading this book myself I can tell you its nothing like that. PCB doesn't talk about psychic ability , doesnt promote herself, and there is no " Psychic babble" as he says ( great spelling by the way Erik!) It plainly talks about growing up in Vermont, her father dying of cancer and how the family did deal with that before, during and after. Here is what he said about the book that Cali wrote more new age nonsense and profiting from the misery of others, February 5, 2006 By Realist In Life "Realist" (EastFalmouth,Mass) - See all my reviews this book is a load of rubbish,not worth 5 cents,much less what the author asks. Slef published,and looking it,poorly written,sounding more like one of those tug at the heart movies from Lifetime television then anything approaching reality. I would say that the treatment of the child borders on abuse,and to allow them to go around thinking they can see angels and talk to spirits because thier apparently mentally imbalanced mother thinks she can is an act of neglect. Dont encourage someone like this and dont buy this book either...a waste of time and money. In this book, which again I bought and read, all it does is talking about a childs ability to see spirits. And how the family has been able to deasl with that. Even though it doesnt say this in the book this little girl was featured in a article in a rag mag I think it was called " weekly world news" the story was written by a woman from the UK who calls herself " Jackie the angel lady" . She is a very well know angel expert in the UK. She also featured this little girl in one of her books. So you see it seems Eric/ robin or what ever he wants to call himself this week. Has a thing about chasing these two woman. That he sits on his widing butt and feels he should have things happen for him . " I guess he thinks he is so greast that his greatness should be " discovered" I was also in a wiccan on line group in msn where he bad mouthed these too. on of his post is below: Erik: I guess the big blue blabber mouth isn't a total liar. I email Beth Chapman , since she claims to know Everyone at the Dog the Bounty Hunter show to find out. Beth said that she has done some stuff for them but didn't say what. When I tried to warn her about Penny she emailed me back telling me how great they thought Penny was and such a good friend and that if I emailed her again I would be arrested! A few people I know emailed her saying the same thing and each time she stuck up for Penny and gave them threats too! But if you have ever watched that show you know those people are trailer trash anyways. He also wrote: Erik: I feel this book that cali an expert on kasamba wrote is child abuse! She is encouraging her child to say she sees ghost and hears voices. She writes like she is from the beverly hill billies and exploites her child! she should be in jail! After those two post Eric was removed from the group.. I also was given a post from when his KU group he was laughing about how he made a psychic scam site and had it all about PCB and others. it was under a site owned by another kasamba expert that he is in thick with on " go Daddy" when they signed up where the other experts site was they didnt change the info so in a search i guess the other experts name came up as owner and they were forced to take it down. On it they had about 7 kasamba experts but they mainly focused on PCB and Cali. And he has bragged about hacking into 3 different experts email accounts in yahoo. His soon to be ex-wife even told me that he hacked into an experts yahoo email,( using their zip codes to change their pass words!) filed for lost pass word for one kasamba account got into their kasamba account found a old email in the history form a client that had tried to contact this expert oput side of kasamba but couldnt and sent it to kasamba claiming this expert stole kasamba clients and got her fired! But she was only gone for two days. It was found by kasamba that this person was a client this expert had brought to the site so she hadnt stole them from kasamba. His ex wife has even said that he was starting new email address and sending kasamba emails saying experts had tried to take him off site and how upset he was about their actions. possing as a client! Apparently he did this mainly to pcb and cali.( she told me she is sending kasamba all the information about this herself witha copy of a police report. She said he was up at all hours of the night trying to find ways to get those two and others out off kasamba totally. And if she said anything to him he would get abusive to her. Telling her that he would stop them if it was the last thing he did. When she pointed out to him that he had been doing this for two years and was getting no where that he should just leave these people alone. He told her she must be friends with them. Alot of this is actually written in the police report she made up against him when she tried to leave him and he tried to force her to stay... So as you can see Erik/robin is a big control freak and everyone is just supose to do what he says! I think its about time this piece of drift wood grows up!


Erick/Robin does nothing but lie, cheat and steal while selling false hope to desperate people. Erik/Robin Frauds Like You Disgust Us

#62UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 28, 2008

Karen, I think you are dead on with all that you say. It is very clear to all of us here and to many other real psychics that Robin/Erik is not Real or Genuine in anything that he does or says. I mean those childish responses of everybody's talking about me, they all must love me' is like so junior school that it is purely laughable. Also to admit that you keep a picture of yourself by the computer says sooo much about your ego. Wow, you really do love yourself Robin/Erik. I'm sure you kiss your own picture every night you go to bed. You are seriously delusional and so much in need of a padded cell and a straight jacket, that some day you will open the door to the men in white coats. The men in white coat's who are coming to take you to the nearest mental institute. Like I said before and I hate repeating myself I am Charlotte, well Teresa Charlotte if you want to be technical this is who I am. PH is who she is and we are not pretending to be anybody but ourselves. PH, is currently researching for the articles that I spoke of that she is writing on you Fake Readers, she has been given deadlines, so she is working on this and I am here keeping her up-to-date on this site. You seem to be so obsessed with Frauds and people having multiple profiles when you are the offender that is both a fraud and has multiple profiles and personalities. Here at rip-off report and at Kasamba everybody has seen your different personalities from domineering to manipulative to just plain crazy. You are a Fraud that is out of control. Both PH and I fear for the people you are reading, because many who come to readers online are desperate and unstable, if you are not Geniune then you are telling these people fantasy stories. When this fantasy stories don't come to pass these desperate people who are at the end of their wits with situations can end up doing drastic and possible endanger there own persons because of information a fake has given them. PH told me something about when she was at Kasamba, it was about 6 months before she chose to leave. One time this lady came and wanted a reading from PH, said the lady was really depressed because another reader had told her that she and her ex-husband were going to get back together but it had been a year and nothing had happened. She had tried to send message through kasamba to Robin Bluedragon but all she got was that she had to be patient but a spell might quicken things up. She took the spell and it was supposedly done, but the lady was with me four months later and the spell hadn't worked and the predictions had not come true. PH told me the thing disgusted her the most was that this lady had been fed false hope for over a year when any Real Psychic would have known that the ladies husband was not coming back to her. PH felt so she had to tell her the truth and as you can imagine the woman was devastated. I mean this woman wasted a year and four months believing in false hope that she would get her man back because of the ratings he had and the profile that said he could do this, that and the other thing. When the truth was that half of these rating were fake anyway. You see PH, remembers another time when it was Robin/Erick's birthday and he had not been to Kasamba long, but had manipulated his way into the old msn group. It was at the time that you only at to spend $1 to rate, and some of his friends on Kasamba, or should I say some of the other fakes decided that they would each spend the $1, go into his Kasmba chat and talk for a bit when it got to the $1 or just over it the came out of the session and rated Robin/Erik 5 star ratings for nothing. Many of them wrote about a paragraph on a non-existent reading they never had praising his skills as a reader. These friends or other fakes came to the group and said what they were doing and that everyone in the group should go and rate him 5 stars as a birthday gift. I mean does this sound ethical, would an ethical and Genuine reader even allow this to be done for them, the answer is no, a Real Psychic would never approve of anybody, or any friend doing this for them because it is false and untrue, it is also extremely immoral and unethical. This is how he started on Kasamba with lies and cheating, both PH and I feel that if this is how he started then there is no limit to the unethical practices that he would be willing to do. I myself also heard from one of our informants that in the past he has manipulated clients in to leaving him 5 star ratings. As for Robin/Erik saying that he has not posted things about PCB well, PH and I beg to differ with you and will show PROOF that you have posted and told lies about PCB, not to mention other readers online. This is a post that PH found on this place called Ancient Magic Spells why does a section on psychic frauds and spell scams. Although neither PH or myself are big fans of PCB, this post below shows exactly what Robin /Erik is, and that would be a liar and a cheat who slanders, writes fake fantasy stories with no facts to back it up and will try to blacken you if he takes a notion too. Penny ***** ******* ***** It gave her full name, state, postcode, country and Phone Number etc. I left in all his grammar errors, as it's not my job to make his writing look good. Erik Wrote: I had this person read for my on her private site,and then on Kasamba...the two readings were totally opposite,as different as night and day, and frankly, neither made any sense...actually tried to tell me she picked up a dead relative,who had died of 'heart and lung problems'..doesnt everyone, more or less? I had also spoken to a friend of hers she advertises on her site,from Kasamba, Cali...wow,these two must talk to each other while reading because one knew exactly what I had told the other. This Cali kept leaving for meditation, and then asking me to come back, apparently a ploy to keep me rating her,which could explin her vast amount of ratings from clients,though it does seem some come 10 times a day...she must have to meditate a lot. Penny Babson was an awful typist and a worse speller,and her grammer was like something out of the Beverly Hillbillies,or maybe kindergarten. She also tried to sell me spells and potions to take care of my issues and talked more about how 'famouse' and her books and TV appearenfces ( I found out later that most of that was lies,she apparently just says what she want snot expecting anyone to actually look it up) she was then about my questions.In the end I was left puzzled and confused,at how these obviously untalented people could be making a living ...and a darn good one from their prices.. off false promises, wild guesses, phishing for information before the reading, and frmo spells and magic...avoid them both. Erik L**********, M**************(this had the Erik fake Identity and state that he uses here) So, Erik/Robin what was that you were saying about not posting anything about PCB, or anyone else. Again you have been caught out in another lie. People who continue to tell lies can never been trusted. Your lies and your deceitful nature is been shown here again and again. Nobody believes your lies anymore and all you are doing is showing people that you are One Big Fraud. KarenAs for the questions I gave him, the answers won't be on the internet or in any books...lol.Unless he has studied his 1'st, 2nd and 3rd degree of Wicca from a Coven, he won't know the answers as this is part of the studies that you learn for your degrees to becoming a High Priest or Priestess. I guess seeing as he has avoided the question in his last posting that he can't answer the two little questions which mean's that he doesn't know the answers. The bigger meaning is that it means he hasn't went through the Wiccan degree system and therefore isn't a High Priest. Erik/Robin you keep saying that you will pray for us, but if you knew anything about Wicca you know that Wiccan's don't refer to prayers or praying in the Christian wording and sense, that Wiccans have a different way of doing things. So again more lies, one after another and another these lies are piling up on you, Erik/Robin. I mean how long did you think that you could con people and get away with it? It just goes to show us all that his ego is so big that he though he would never get caught. That he believed he could steal and cheat people out of their hard earned cash with his fairy fantasy stories and his false hope. Peddling his wares like a gypsy fortune teller, reading tea leaves and palms and conning people one after another. The Truth is out about you, YOU are a FRAUD, so why don't you crawl back under whatever stone or sewer you crawled out of and leave the Professional Psychic Reading to the Real, True and Honest Psychics. Four words you obviously know nothing about!

Screetchin' Hippy

North Carolina,
Photoshop's not that good. Backed into the corner with his stolen pic!

#63Consumer Comment

Tue, February 26, 2008

Robin you used potoshop to crop your pic from the stolen one. They didn't do it to you. The full hair on the mullet site exactly matches your pic down to the fuzzy hair sticking out that goes full lenth down the hair of the ridiculous looking person you stole your pic from. Photoshop doesn't come out that seamless even in the ones the tablioids have used for fake celeb photos. Wet Hair, in your drawer, the more you post here the more desperate you sound. Yet you can't stay away and dig yourself deeper into your hole of lies. It's so easy for you to prove yourself and update the pic, but since it's an obvious fake you can't unless you can track down mister romance mullet. This wouldn't be so amusing if you hadn't waved the flag demanding Kasamba clean up the fak piks on there site. One more time in case you missed it, people in glass houzes should not throw stones.


North Carolina,
Trust and believe

#64Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 25, 2008

Trust and believe this con artist Robin Bluedragon has mulitiple profiles already set up on Kasamba. I have told him that whats in the dark always comes to light. The underhanded things he has done to other experts is now coming back to haunt him. If you read my previous posts about him I would say I had him pegged pretty good. Now he is being dragged by his fake mullet hair into the light and now is burning and turning to dust like the nasty vampire that he is. Greed has gotten the best of him and now it surely will be his downfall. Thank you Charlotte for your posts and now those who were so adament to defend this guy and go against anyone who spoke to him in a ill manner will now see that it was very very necessary. Clients, potential clients, and experts alike should avoid that Kasamba site like the plague because greedy frauds and greedy/poor management have taken over that site and its time for them all to crash and burn! Keep spreading the word and keep this site and threads right up at the top of the search engine list. Hit them in the pockets. Force change. This is making a difference more than any so called piled evidence, data, etc that the woman Janice was supposedly compiling. This is the way to get things done. Keep it out there fresh and new and the house of cards shall fall accordingly! But seriously, the yelling of proof from this parasite bluedragon is getting old. Oh wait, haven't heard him yelling about FBI, Slander, Sue, etc lately. LMFAO! This man has done nothing but pick up his con from the internet. The questions Charlotte put forth to him will definately make him run and research the answer via the net. LOL. KASAMBA NEEDS TO THROW THE BUM IN THE STREET! START THE CLEAN UP WITH HIM! BOYCOTT THAT RIDICULOUS SITE UNTIL THEY DO!


I am sorry you ladies are so lonely that you obsess about me.

#65UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 25, 2008

I really am...I am married though and dont fool around so you will just have to forget it. And as for that post attacking Penny...look at the address. Is it the same as mine? Nope not at all. Like I said,someone took my name and used it. I find it really amusing how brave yall get when you gang up on someone....but then you are scared little critters I guess,and dont have anything better to do then hound,slander,lie and stalk me. I dont know how you all got so into me....I certainly didnt encourage it...but anyone who stalks me isnt going to win my heart. And Toni,you told some one who you are and they told me...besides,your writing style is definately unique to you. Find something else to do ,girls...not a one of you is showing their face ,and you have seen mine. You want to claim it is on some mulllet site,fine,knock yourself out,but I have the original photo right here in my desk. I didint have a mullet...my hair is normally much straighter in fact,but it was wet,and just pulled back. Now since I know you will all pounce out here with some new BS,I will let you know in advance I really dont care. You havent done anything to me at all,but you have made yourself look like idiots for stalking me and slandering me all over the internet....and that is a crime,several times over. Grow up,find something else to throw your energies into...like maybe a partner or something...and get a life. Still praying for your recoveries.


La Beach,
woohoo go girl !!! charlotte58 you couldnt have said it better lol

#66UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 25, 2008

yeah mr erik so honest reader ....lol shows us your real face .. Charlotte58 you couldnt have said it any better !!!!!!!!!!


La Beach,
i wish kasamba head off office live person would ban the scammers but they dont care its about the money !!!! now erik show your real face

#67UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 24, 2008

augusta ..you make a good point but kasamba liveperson really dont care , many times many people have complained about various experts who are scamming and still they are there ... so us people , clients ex experts , current experts are left to resort to this site to expose the scammers unfortunately . now back to mr ego head erik robin bluedragon you used this silly excuse that someone stole your picture and photoshopped it on the expert forum of kasamba to detract from the truth . get real ??? you think we are that stupid ???? you stole this pic from the mullet website that is it and your excuses that someone photoshopped your pic dont work . do us all a favor and show your real face ..will you ???????? looks like toni already knows your face she knows a bit too much she even sat with you at your table hey ??? mr erik .. mr mullet inpersonater time is running short on kasamba for you . i wonder how many multiple profiles you have set up hey ?


Robin/Erick Where is Your PROOF That you are a Real Psychic and High Priest

#68UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 24, 2008

Robin/Erik is always screaming about wanting PROOF from everyone that knows he is underhanded an unethical with his practices. But you know that can work both ways, where is your PROOF that you are Genuine. I mean I think you protest your innocence too much. I mean just take your profile and I not talking about your picture but the qualifications you say you have. I mean you say you are an ordained minister so where were you ordained if you were Genuine you would have no problem in giving that information to us, but I know you won't want to say where. Then you say you are a High Priest, I'm assuming that means you believe yourself to be a Wiccan High Priest, as that is the only belief system within Paganism that has a degree system. If you're a real Wiccan High Priest then give us some Proof, if you where a real High Priest you would easily be able to answer a few questions that are learned through study of the Craft and not through books or the internet. Like name the Hierarchy of the Wiccan belief system and explain where this fit in and what does it mean? Why is Mugwort illegal to sell in many countries and what was it used for during the 17th and 18th centuries? Those are just two questions that if you could answer them correctly may hold some weight in whether you're so called High Priest title is real. PH gave me those question as she teaches Wicca, Witchcraft, Spell Craft and Paganism both offline and online with Groups and Individuals. We'd both love to know where the PROOF is on whether you are the real deal or just one of the thousands of other scammers and con artists that are using the Psychic industry as a Get Rich Quick Scheme. You Challenge others all the time Screaming PROOF, PROOF, PROOF. Well where is your PROOF that you are not a fraud. It seems to both PH and myself that you are pointing way to many fingers at other people, you attack others and scream scammer and everyone who knows way to much about you, and what you are really out for at Kasamba. The TRUTH is Money is your God and Frauding Others is your Game. I have openly told everyone my real name here and that Charlotte is my middle name, I have also mentioned PH here, and that is not hard to work out who she is if any of you have been on Kasamba for a few years. See I don't see nor understand out you can say that people on here using names whether its there real name or not that, that alones Make Them Frauds. That just isn't logical or rationial way of thinking. And on one other other point I am quite sure that no one here is interested in you in a Romantic way, I am married and PH is in a serious long-term relationship so your luck is out there man. I mean what has all of our relationship status got to do with Kasamba, you frauds or anything else..huh? I mean from that one paragraph it just makes you out to be obnoxious and so up your own bum that you believe you are smelling roses. You have such a high opinion of yourself, you think your all that. You believe that every woman in this place wants you, that you are a world class famous psychic etc...etc...that is seriously deranged way at looking at things. Nobody wants you, all everybody here seems to want to do is out you as the fraud you are, if you think otherwise then you seriously need a shrink, or perhaps a padded cell would be better. It seems to both PH and myself that you are more than obsessed with Frauds, you are constantly sending messages to Kasamba about people, profiles etc.It would appear that from a psychologist point of view that you wanting to Fight the Frauds' and get them out of Kasamba, is your way of protecting yourself from being caught as one, as a Fraud. So whether readers are Real or Not, you point the finger and go running to Kasamba and then police Kasamba, by slandering these readers, telling lies and fantasy stories that you yourself have made up to blacken the reputation of the readers. By doing this you are making everyone including Kasamba to look everywhere but at you, your profile and what you are doing. That to me and to PH seems very underhanded and unethical and does scream that you are protesting against not being a FRAUD way TOO MUCH. A PERSON LIVING IN A GLASS HOUSE SHOULDN'T THROW STONES!!!


I just had to.....

#69Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 24, 2008

Erik you wrote "By the way ... Its obvious to all but the simpleton who worte those posts, under different names,but are you saying the site would be better without people like me who try and catch the frauds? So basically you are saying you want frauds to prosper on the site? So I guess by using a little logic here you are just one of those fraudulent readers. Now why would anyone want to do something like that unless you are part of the whole fraudulent business? Come on,tell who YOU really are,before you start casting stones at people you DONT KNOW. Wow someone coming out like that in favor of allowing fraud on Kasamba...you must be more nuts then I though." Are you even aware what you wrote here! " people like me who try and catch frauds" so you have self appointed yourself to to decide who is a fraud and who isn't but yet you are rarely logged on to do actual work! " by using a little logic" No you are not using any logic because you are showing your true "blue" ego ! " "Fraudulent Business "( did you use spell check, you normally can not spell) You are one of the biggest frauds there is! Your picture... The lies you have been called out on here. I sat with my friend at your dinning table before you moved and listen to you cry about your soon to be ex wife not letting you see your son and you have the nerve to remark about other people's lovers! She was sick of your controlling abusive dung too! So stop pointing fingers at people! How can you even think about giving other people advice when your life is so messed up!


Big Talk.. All lies!

#70Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 24, 2008

I saw your little not to me Eric.. First I have never hide who I am. I use my real name here and address. As far as being a " Top rated" expert on kasamba. Well You have my confused with sone one else. I have only been at kasamba since 2007 and I'm not in the section you are tanting. Your saying some one faked a whole site, a whole 6 page site , and put your picture up there. That is such a crock! If thats the case why is the woman who owns the site complaining to kasamba. I think you have alot of nerve using the picture of her DEAD brother to begin with! How insane is that. You say you have never insutled other experts here but you have; Penny Clark Babson impressions By Penny - Kasamba -Cali ripoff scam artist fraud and a very bad author false promises, wild guesses, phishing for information before the reading, and frmo spells and magic ..avoid them both West Pawlet Vermont Submitted: 3/9/2006 10:32:20 PM Modified: 2/4/2008 12:09:44 AM Erik Lanesborough, Massachusetts I had this person read for my on her private site,and then on Kasamba...the two readings were totally opposite,as different as night and day, and frankly, neither made any sense...actually tried to tell me she picked up a dead relative,who had died of 'heart and lung problems'..doesnt everyone, more or less? I had also spoken to a friend of hers she advertises on her site,from Kasamba, Cali...wow,these two must talk to each other while reading because one knew exactly what I had told the other. This Cali kept leaving for meditation, and then asking me to come back, apparently a ploy to keep me rating her,which could explin her vast amount of ratings from clients,though it does seem some come 10 times a day...she must have to meditate a lot. Penny Babson was an awful typist and a worse speller,and her grammer was like something out of the Beverly Hillbillies,or maybe kindergarten. She also tried to sell me spells and potions to take care of my issues and talked more about how 'famouse' and her books and TV appearenfces ( I found out later that most of that was lies,she apparently just says what she want snot expecting anyone to actually look it up) she was then about my questions.In the end I was left puzzled and confused,at how these obviously untalented people could be making a living ...and a darn good one from their prices.. off false promises, wild guesses, phishing for information before the reading, and frmo spells and magic...avoid them both. Erik Lanesborough, Massachusetts U.S.A. The last time this is provided as proof to you you claimed that someone stole your name and signed in and did this. That is a lie! One of many many lies! As far as the way I " write " your name you haven't been reading the post. Alot of people write your name that way. So your not some master sleuth! If you were then you know this is my real name. Unlike I don't lie about who I am! I also do not post any where but here Oh before I forget.. No one wants you so enough with the " I'm to sexy posts" because frankly you could make a freight train take a dirt road! You have posted on here and insulted many experts on kasamba. You do it under different names, but the same grammar and spelling mistakes are there! You have insulted new experts like Amber and older expects like PCB , Cali and Iris! You do not have any powers Erik! Nor is any one afraid of you! We are all just very glad your own big blue ego will be getting you thrown out of kasamba soon!



#71Consumer Comment

Sun, February 24, 2008

You have made a very good post and mentioned some important facts for clients as has Charlotte, MrPsycho and others. It really helps clients. The problem is we do not need experts cleaning house on Kas as that can lead to bullying and keeping their own safe - they are individual contractors and should BE the honest readers they want everyone else to be. If K would actually take the time to address clients who write to them with their issues/refunds, investigate and take action - then their would be very few ripoff reports. But because K refuses to perform good customer service, then the clients really have no recourse. I know I do not want readers handling these issues, I want the corporation to handle it. I also do not like that the posters on here are being portrayed as old experts, scammers etc. It is not true in the majority of posts and I do not think the posters need to back anything up with session numbers - they send that to K and get no results. Everyone should be putting the heat on K through these reports and the BBB to truly address clients who feel they were ripped off by particular "readers".


By the way ...

#72UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 24, 2008

Its obvious to all but the simpleton who worte those posts, under different names,but are you saying the site would be better without people like me who try and catch the frauds? So basically you are saying you want frauds to prosper on the site? So I guess by using a little logic here you are just one of those fraudulent readers. Now why would anyone want to do something like that unless you are part of the whole fraudulent business? Come on,tell who YOU really are,before you start casting stones at people you DONT KNOW. Wow someone coming out like that in favor of allowing fraud on Kasamba...you must be more nuts then I though.


So someone knows how to use Photo shop...

#73UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 24, 2008

...this isnt the first time you clowns have taken my picture and done something with it...need I remind you about that Myspace page you set up with my picture? You people think too much about me,I guess if any of you have husbands or lovers they are really jealous. Until you have some real proof of anything I have done wrong or illegally....and there are 1000s of experts on Kasamba who DONT use their real picture like I do. That picture is way old,my hair is wet,and I was a little hungover...but it is me back then. You folks are just pitiful and pathetic,you cant do anything to hurt me so you fabricate and make up silly stuff like this. ..which again doesnt show if I am genuine or not. Why dont some of you skanks put YOUR pictures up here,or even have the intestinal fortitude to say who you are on Kasamba? I didnt think so.... Get a life,show some PROOF of my doing anything wrong,and shut up.


La Beach,
robin bluedragons kasamba expert forum posts ..what a double faced liar !

#74UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 23, 2008

HERE IS WORD FOR WORD ERIK ROBIN BLUEDRAGON POSTS ON THE KASAMBA EXPERT FORUM WHICH ANYONE CAN ACCESS IF THEY SIGN UP AS A EXPERT WHICH IS SO EASILY DONE . ************************************************************** HERE WE GO GUYS HAVE A READ .....LOL ... POSTED BY ROBIN BLUEDRAGON ON THE 13 OF FEBUARY ON THE KASAMBA EXPERT FORUM Any of the crap posted on RoR is just that...crap...and it does hurt the site and in turn readers. I recently found out that each time someone replies to something there it moves it up on the rank at Google,etc....so I have bowed out. I know who most of the people are attacking me there anyway....several are still on the site here at Kasamba. Some others were scammers who got the boot and think they can make it all better by accusing me of the same crap they were doing. Basically RoR is a site of slander,and unproved allegations. Not ONCE have I ever seen a complaint from a real cllient there that was backed up with any FACTS OR PROOF...they cant provide session numbers or any relavent facts about the so called readings they have had,etc. This shows that the ones posting are doing it to attack soem one else spitefully and maliciously. It hasnt hurt my business but it annoys me to see someone lie so bald facedly again and again,and think they are clever or smart. They arent...they are less intelligent then my cat...but I was dumb enough to post back for a while,because lies like this do make a persons positivity and light diminish. Its interesting how some of the people who were so tight there have apparently un-bonded,and are at last look fighting among themselves.... Your better to avoid that trash wallow and find something more educational to puruse....like the funny papers or Sesame Street. ************************************************************** NEXT POST POSTED ON 13 OF FEBUARY . THIS POST IS INTERESTING HERE WE HAVE ROBIN BLUEDRAGON COMPLAINING ABOUT EXPERTS WHO USE FAKE PHOTOS .. GOD YOUR A DUALISTIC SLIME ERIK .. HERE WE GO GUYS HAVE A READ OF THIS ONE LOL ... I certainly agree that people shouldnt use 'fake' pics like Monks,ancient chinese people,or those of an opposite gender because it is extemely decietful. I saw one recently who had been a male about 3 times and a different woman about 4 times...this is wrong and fraud as far as I am concerned. Now we know this person didnt have 7 sex change operations... The ones which portray wrong genders and absurd 'ethinic' shots ( such as amazon jungle dwellers or Indian mystics...) should be removed and not allowed to return in my opinion. My pics a few years old,so mine isnt exactly what I look like right this moment ( I have since grown a beard and put on a few pounds...) but it is me. And if it wasnt for the fact it is well graded,I would change it to something a little more up to date ( I dont like getting my picture taken truthfully). ************************************************************** NEXT POST ...13 FEBUARY 2008 Re: "EXPERTS PHOTOGRAPHS"...Does it really matter Lol? I think its all about decieving the clients...if they will decieve them right off the bat how will they decieve them once money is involved? ************************************************************** NEXT POST .....12 FEBUARY 2008 BY ROBIN BLUEDRAGON Re: "EXPERTS PHOTOGRAPHS"...Does it really matter Lol? I hope you report them to Kasamba as using someone elses likeness isnt allowed... ************************************************************** NEXT POST .......8 FEBUARY 2008 Re: Experts Changing Sexes Daily, why is it allowed? I have had the same name since day one on here 5,6 years ago,and the same picture too,except for when I first started and used a nice piece of art I had showing a dragon. Since Kasamba decieded to penalize us for using art,I kept the same picture,because when I had someone bring the picture out and make it lighter,the RATE went down on it,even though it WAS THE SAME PICTURE. Guess someone didnt like my looks when they could see me more plainly,lol. There isnt a good reason for a succesful reader to change names either...it is just a way to hide so angry clients cant find them anymore...or to dup ethose they have already had in the past. As to changing sexes and names,I have a list of 100s who have changed names AND PICTURES to correspond with the sex they feel like portraying to the client,and yes,it is decietful and dishonest. If you cant be honest with your clients about your own gender,how are you going to be honest with them about anything else??? Kasamba should stop this highly UNETHICAL practice,and reqiure verifiable pictures whose name and face corresponds with some type of ID. Some of these people are able to really dupe clients this way,since they have read for them under another gender,and can really 'WOW' them with how much they know about thier situation. This is fraud,and again shows what little ethicas and morals these scammers have. I have sent the list I have into Kasamba support but havent seen anything done to rememdy the situation. Should I print it here so that they can see it perhaps? ************************************************************* NEXT POST ON THE 23 OF JANUARY 2008 Re: Picture next to your name The only reason NOT to have a personal picture is if you have something to hide. Kasamba should go to a real picturs only policy,and stop all these glamour shots of models,weird amazon women and rainforest headhunters and monks. They look silly and fake and detract from the crediability of the site in general. ************************************************************** SO HERE WE ARE EVERYONE THESE POSTS ARE WORD FOR WORD BY ERIK .. ROBIN BLUEDRAGON . IF YOU WANT TO CONFIRM IT JUST SIGN UP AS AN EXPERT ON KASAMBA AND YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO THE EXPERT FORUM BOARD WHERE YOU WILL SEE THIS FAKE HAS POSTED OVER 196 POSTS ON THIS FORUM . THE PROOF IS THERE ! ERIK LOOKS LIKE KARMA HAS COME AROUND TO BITE YOUR UP THE BACKSIDE LOL . ID LOVE TO SEE YOUR EXPLANATION ON THIS ONE IN A COURT OF LAW LOL ...YOU WOULDNT STAND A CHANCE LETS SEE YOUR REAL FACE IS YOU ARE REAL ????????????


La Beach,
try and explain yourself now Erik Aka Robin Bluedragon ..how come this photo your profile pic is on this mullet website ???? go on give us your truth

#75UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 23, 2008

your a joke Erik .. why dont you do us all a favor and really explain yourself in regards to this photo on yourmom65.tripod.com/id10.html your the fake who stole this picture from this website . The owner of this website has forwarded a complaint to kasamba about your illegal use of this picture . its about time you change your profile picture on kasamba to the real picture of you mr hero !!!!!!!!!!!! your nothing but a scammer who sells spells which never work . and you call yourself an ordained minister lol lol lol lol lol

Screetchin' Hippy

North Carolina,
Robin dances around his own issues and points fingers as usual

#76Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2008

This confirms that his pciture is a fake. Robin does not address his own issues regarding his phoney picture so it must be true. All this chest puffin about getting rid of scammers is just to detract attention from the fact that he's one too. Be careful Robin because if you pushin them to clean up the sight you'll be on the curb with the rest of the trash. The very first rip off post on here about Kasamba is from Robin/Erik pretending to be a client and attacking another reader. What a cheek. By contstantly attacking other readers and dragging Kasamba through the mud you've done more damage to yourself and the website than the people you point fingers at ever cud.

Screetchin' Hippy

North Carolina,
Robin dances around his own issues and points fingers as usual

#77Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2008

This confirms that his pciture is a fake. Robin does not address his own issues regarding his phoney picture so it must be true. All this chest puffin about getting rid of scammers is just to detract attention from the fact that he's one too. Be careful Robin because if you pushin them to clean up the sight you'll be on the curb with the rest of the trash. The very first rip off post on here about Kasamba is from Robin/Erik pretending to be a client and attacking another reader. What a cheek. By contstantly attacking other readers and dragging Kasamba through the mud you've done more damage to yourself and the website than the people you point fingers at ever cud.

Screetchin' Hippy

North Carolina,
Robin dances around his own issues and points fingers as usual

#78Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2008

This confirms that his pciture is a fake. Robin does not address his own issues regarding his phoney picture so it must be true. All this chest puffin about getting rid of scammers is just to detract attention from the fact that he's one too. Be careful Robin because if you pushin them to clean up the sight you'll be on the curb with the rest of the trash. The very first rip off post on here about Kasamba is from Robin/Erik pretending to be a client and attacking another reader. What a cheek. By contstantly attacking other readers and dragging Kasamba through the mud you've done more damage to yourself and the website than the people you point fingers at ever cud.

Screetchin' Hippy

North Carolina,
Robin dances around his own issues and points fingers as usual

#79Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2008

This confirms that his pciture is a fake. Robin does not address his own issues regarding his phoney picture so it must be true. All this chest puffin about getting rid of scammers is just to detract attention from the fact that he's one too. Be careful Robin because if you pushin them to clean up the sight you'll be on the curb with the rest of the trash. The very first rip off post on here about Kasamba is from Robin/Erik pretending to be a client and attacking another reader. What a cheek. By contstantly attacking other readers and dragging Kasamba through the mud you've done more damage to yourself and the website than the people you point fingers at ever cud.


La Beach,
finally the truth comes out about Eric Robin Bluedragon and his gang .

#80UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, February 22, 2008

yes the mullet man !!! lol i remember when someone posted this link on the new kasamba expert forum and I have been waiting now for someone to mention here on ROR . GOOD on Ya Girls CHARLOTTE58 ,TONI, AUGUSTA , MISTER PSYCHO I COMMEND YOU ALL . robin bluedragon finaly the truth about you comes out to expose that you are the head huncho of scammers on kasamba . you are dualistic double faced . you have expressed on kasambas expert forums which the posted was deleted for inappropriate content that you yourself and others from kasamba should not post on ROR but here we have you doing the opposite , posting here defending yourself which really shows how evil low life you are , and moving ROR up in the google ranks . You must look like a ??? to kasamba support who do read this site . I dont know how much longer you will last on kasamba . Especially now that this site that depicts you as the romance mullet man ..lol ... which obviously means you stole this pic from this site and you have been using it as your own on kasamba on your profile and there you are slamming experts for you fake pics .. are you all right in your head Erik ..what drugs are you on ? gee they must be out of this universe .. I know of experts who have thought you were a decent expert and gone to you for help but infact you have stabbed them in the back and had them taken off kasamba . thats what a slime you are and finally these people here that post are doing a great job of exposing the slimes that exist on this site . keep the good work up guys keep exposing these slimes ...


I would love it if you could get all the fake readers off the site,and every where else too....

#81UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 22, 2008

...I have been trying for years to achieve this,so good luck with it. This profession is hard enough without trying to defend yourself from unproven allegations, scammers who want to screw you over, ideas based on other's experiences, where THEY got screwed over,etc. I would truly like to see that happen,so please, good fortune to you.


I would love it if you could get all the fake readers off the site,and every where else too....

#82UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 22, 2008

...I have been trying for years to achieve this,so good luck with it. This profession is hard enough without trying to defend yourself from unproven allegations, scammers who want to screw you over, ideas based on other's experiences, where THEY got screwed over,etc. I would truly like to see that happen,so please, good fortune to you.


I would love it if you could get all the fake readers off the site,and every where else too....

#83UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 22, 2008

...I have been trying for years to achieve this,so good luck with it. This profession is hard enough without trying to defend yourself from unproven allegations, scammers who want to screw you over, ideas based on other's experiences, where THEY got screwed over,etc. I would truly like to see that happen,so please, good fortune to you.


I would love it if you could get all the fake readers off the site,and every where else too....

#84UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 22, 2008

...I have been trying for years to achieve this,so good luck with it. This profession is hard enough without trying to defend yourself from unproven allegations, scammers who want to screw you over, ideas based on other's experiences, where THEY got screwed over,etc. I would truly like to see that happen,so please, good fortune to you.


You are such a Liar Robin/Erick Wouldn't Know the Truth If it Bit you in the Butt

#85UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 21, 2008

Robin FYI, my real name is Teresa ****, I am using my real middle name for my nick here. Neither myself nor my friend PH got kicked off Kasamba for scamming, we both left by our own choice and well you know it. Kasamba knows too that we are not the frauds you say we are - they as in kasamba have that PROOF that we left of our own accord and NEVER SCAMMED. You are the scammer, you are the fraud and a very devious liar and a very dangerous man. You talk of libel and slander but you have just commited that very crime. Both PH and myself are very well respected Psychics both on and offline. What you have shown here once again is that you will tell lies and try to blacken other readers for your own purposes. You cannot blacken anyone who is able to prove what they say they can do. On the other hand you don't have that option otherwise you would come off kasamba and read for another site that is not associated with your pals. One that tests their readers - that is an option not open to you. You talk alot of talk but mostly its all BS and neither of us is frightened of you. Maybe you'll tell us next that the FBI and the CIA is going to come and file criminial charges on us for calling you and your little friends frauds....lol...you are like So delusionial it is unbelievable. Keep talking because all you are doing is basically letting people glimpse into your mind and soul and boy do you need a Psychologist....like big time. You know Investigative reporters have informants for stories all the time, it is not against the law. It does not make that Reporter devious or a liar or anything else, and being a Investigative Reporter has nothing to do with PH or her psychic gifts. PH is an qualified and experienced Investigative Reporter she is sickened with all these FRAUD PSYCHICS running around Kasamba and the PSYCHIC INDUSTRY in General. That is why She Left Kasamba and it is WHY I LEFT KASAMBA. There is a story HERE and she and I ARE GATHERING FACTUAL EVIDENCE. I was asked to help, I agreed because YOU and KU, are a disgrace to the Psychic Industry. There is just not going to be JUST One Article, there are going to be a series of articles on Fake Psychics and Don't Worry Erik, We Will have Plenty of Evidence to Back Up These Articles. I think that you now have given us both the opportunity to ask you all, if any of you have had Genuinely BAD Experiences with Fake Psychics send your stories to STOPFAKEPSYCHICS {at} yahoo dot com. PH has loads of contacts as a reporter so once everything has been properly researched and compiled as Genuine. Then we can all Stop these Fakes from Preying on Vulnerable People. I am just glad she and another reporter friend of her's is doing the writing, because my grammar sucks...lol What we both want is for the there to be REAL POLICING AND TESTING in the PSYCHIC INDUSTRY. We and Other TRUE AND REAL HONEST PSYCHICS want the system to be that any person wanting to work as a Psychic must be Tested in-depthly, those that Pass mist be Registered and Licenced to Set Up a Psychic Business. Just like people are Licenced to drive a car or need qualifications to do different careers. Then Psychics should be Tested and Licenced to if the want to Work as a Psychic or Medium. That way the Frauds are kept out and People that Want to get a Reading are Assured that they are getting a real Honest Psychic - That Is a Real Psychic. You may think that you can try to come on here and play mind games with people and try to scare people off, with your absolute bully tactics but neither PH nor I are buying your BS. SO GO PEDDLE YOURSELF ELSEWHERE FOR YOU HAVE STRUCK OUT BIG TIME.

Screetchin' Hippy

North Carolina,
Robin can easily prove to all his attakers that he is really honest and ethical!

#86Consumer Comment

Thu, February 21, 2008

Robin's picture is a cropped version of the picture on the mullet site. Sence a pic can't be reverse cropped either Robin stole the pic from the mullet site or they both stole it from another assanine looking person. The picture on the mullit site has the full flowing hair not the cropped version that Robin uses. Robin spends all his time fighting scammers and those that use fake pics, when it's very possible that he's a big fake himself. The smoking gun is the non cropped pic on the mullet site. Robin it's simpel. If you really want to prove your innocence you should update your Kasamba profile picture. You've had the same one for years, you're falling back in the pages so time for a change. It's easy to do and since you're so honest and ethikal you should be able to do it so that all your clients that you love so much know that your not a big fake.


and by the way....

#87UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 21, 2008

Toni, I have known who you were for a long time. I wouldnt go telling too many things YOU DONT KNOW. I would hate to see a highly placed reader shown out like this. you are the only one who has ever hypenated my name. anywhere. You should spend more time focusing about something besides my lovely hair. do you want to touch it or something? I really dont understand your obsession for me.



#88REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 21, 2008

If you are saying you are sneaky enough to employ spies,I dont think that says much about your abilities as a reader. You dont know me,dont have a clue about Ku,and just one more name changer on this site slandering people. As always,I ask....show me some PROOF! I dont even think you are a reader anymore...you got popped for scamming and so came here to slander some about it,always under a new name. Next time try not screwing the clients over...maybe you can keep a job. Like I said,if you were a real client you would be emailing Kasamba not posting here. This is just boring and lame,and anyone who has ever read a post here can tell it right away. Still praying for you....



#89REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 21, 2008

If you are saying you are sneaky enough to employ spies,I dont think that says much about your abilities as a reader. You dont know me,dont have a clue about Ku,and just one more name changer on this site slandering people. As always,I ask....show me some PROOF! I dont even think you are a reader anymore...you got popped for scamming and so came here to slander some about it,always under a new name. Next time try not screwing the clients over...maybe you can keep a job. Like I said,if you were a real client you would be emailing Kasamba not posting here. This is just boring and lame,and anyone who has ever read a post here can tell it right away. Still praying for you....



#90REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 21, 2008

If you are saying you are sneaky enough to employ spies,I dont think that says much about your abilities as a reader. You dont know me,dont have a clue about Ku,and just one more name changer on this site slandering people. As always,I ask....show me some PROOF! I dont even think you are a reader anymore...you got popped for scamming and so came here to slander some about it,always under a new name. Next time try not screwing the clients over...maybe you can keep a job. Like I said,if you were a real client you would be emailing Kasamba not posting here. This is just boring and lame,and anyone who has ever read a post here can tell it right away. Still praying for you....



#91REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 21, 2008

If you are saying you are sneaky enough to employ spies,I dont think that says much about your abilities as a reader. You dont know me,dont have a clue about Ku,and just one more name changer on this site slandering people. As always,I ask....show me some PROOF! I dont even think you are a reader anymore...you got popped for scamming and so came here to slander some about it,always under a new name. Next time try not screwing the clients over...maybe you can keep a job. Like I said,if you were a real client you would be emailing Kasamba not posting here. This is just boring and lame,and anyone who has ever read a post here can tell it right away. Still praying for you....


I have to ask

#92Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 20, 2008

Erik : You say over and over that you have never did anything to any other expert yet before when you have yelled " proof" the posts that you created before it was known that you were Robin Blue Dragon , post saying you went to kasamba experts and had readings that you never had and saying they were frauds. Every one has seen them here....Where posted and under this name and address you use! Now you go on all this different forums saying that people should be removed from kasamba for changing photo's and having photos that lie but look at yours! Everyone needs to go to that link.. if you go down the page the picture is marked " Mr Romantic Mullet" I emailed the owner of the site. This is her brother and is not Robin blue dragon ( Erik) yet he took the picture. She has complain to kasamba and now her family has contacted a lawyer and is sending proof that they did not give him the right to use that picture. So he will be forced by kasamba to remove it soon! We all knew by the way you shoot your mouth off that you'd dig yourself a whole sooner or later. And we are glad to start to see it happening. Before you make direct remarks about other people getting kicked off the site you better make sure that you have job security at kasamba.. They already think your a fool and wont listen to you! So just keep stepping in it!


Kasamba - RobinBlueDragon/Erik Delusional and Nasty Little Man - You will never change Robin The Liar Bluedragon

#93UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 20, 2008

I left Kasamba because of frauds like you Robin. Kasamba is filled with con artists like yourself now and I didn't want to be classed with you frauds. Unlike you Robin, you have to stay at Kasamba, because if you go to any other site that is not connected to one of your friends, you would have to do a psychic test. A real psychic test to test your abilities and that is the last thing you would want to have to do because you may be a delusional man who believes himself to be psychic, but the FACT is that you are about as psychic as a glow worm and couldn't pass a real psychic test if you tried. I prefer now to read on sites that test their psychics that way at least I know that my working environment is not filled with frauds like you, and others at Kasamba. I have compiled a file of juicy and damning FACTS on what you and your cronies get up to and the unethical practices that you and your friends have been doing for years. Yes, I have PROOF, but I want to get a little final information from my informant's that are right in the middle of your sordid little group and sending me alot of interesting posts from your little so called groups. What I intend to do with it well that would be telling, but just lets say there are a lot of options open to me and personally I feel that yours and the other frauds should be publicized for your bad behavior, believe me it would be easy. You see I am not compiling a file on Kasamba, just on the frauds psychics of this world and your third on the list, in all there is a list. One or two could be called your enemies the others are your little friends who do the sharing of client information and writing up the client black list with the names and date of births of those clients love interests and what questions they ask. You see I was once in the msn group for several months in the early days of the group and I copied and pasted a lot of interesting posts from you, sage, pcb, rs and many more. I saw first hand your bully tactics on group members and your manipulative and domineering attitude that poured into every post you wrote. You are a bully and a user and what many of your little friends don't realize is that you would throw them to the wolves if you though you could save your own skin. But then truth be told those so called friends often talk to other readers about you, and before you know it there is alot of Chinese whispers with your dirty laundry all over the place. So you could say that your little friends are no more than a bunch of smiling assassins, they will smile at your face and would knife you in the back just as quick to save their own skins. So you could say like attracts like. In your group Robin/Erik and I have about four informants from your group that are constantly sending me information and let me tell you, you would probably be real surprised at those that are informing on you. I have a lot of information that I need to sift through and catalogue, so than when the time comes I can write a very interesting piece that can be sent to several of my contacts that can publicize it. You are not very educated in the terms of libel or slander if you were you would know that it is not slander if you can prove what you say to be true, neither is a person libel for merely speaking or telling the truth. I have at least 3 people who have been and are in your group that would be willing to write and avadavat on the posts they sent me and what they saw and heard about all the unethical practices that go on. You can huff and puff and try to bully and insult me but there are many people readers and clients that were wronged by you and the other frauds at Kasamba, who will have the last laugh. You show your un-spiritual attitude and your self absorbed personality in every post you right. It is clear to everyone who reads your posts that your reason for doing readings is not about helping others, guiding and advising people. For you and others like you it's all about the money. Well all I can say is enjoy it while it lasts, your time like the frauds my report/article speaks of grows very short. You and the others like you have conned so many people and you sit on your Little Hitler' throne and think that you can make people afraid to speak out against you, or let the truth be known on your lack of ethics and morals. I for one am not afraid of you or your friends and as long as there is freedom of speech I and others like me will clean up the psychic industry of frauds like you and your pals. The type of pals who do there own advertising, write up their own articles and publish them on free news sites. The type that write psychic books that are written like a continual praise to the author, books that are published by paper mills that are well known for not editing nor reading the manuscripts and are seen as a joke in the writing field. The type that get their friends to rate them five stars and write a 3 paragraph's of praise for their so called skills on their profile. The type that call themselves an ordained minister after being ordained by e-mail and buying a fake certificate and setting themselves up as Drs of Divinity, Metaphysics and Wicca. The types that tell continual lies to their clients to get them to come back 3.4.5 even 6 times in the one day because of special information they have for that client. The types that manipulate there clients with false hope and then tell them to rate them 5 stars or they will never read for them again, even though there are interesting things they are picking up on their situation. Those that self appoint themselves into positions of policing sites when all they are doing is getting rid of the real psychics, so the frauds can continue to take money from the truly vulnerable and emotionally unstable clients desperate for answers. Why don't you go and try to use your bully tactics and your un-educated BS, on someone who doesn't see you for what you are a gypsy scam artist and a criminal in many eyes. You bore me Robin/Erik as I am sure you bore others on this site with your school yard bully antics.


As usual not a word of truth to any of this nonsense.

#94UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 19, 2008

Show some proof on anything you say....PROOF. Do I need to define it and show you the difference between allegation and fact? Stop slandering me and stop lying,you arent hurting me a bit,and probabaly are boosting my clients. I guess what they say about any advertising is good advertising are true...maybe because you never show any FACTS. If you really wanted to make a difference...but you dont so I am wasting time here typing...email Kasamba with some PROOF that I have ever done a thing wrong or unethical. there isnt a tad of proof to show. The day you have done as much FOR clients as I have is the day I will stop reading on Kasamba. I started KU with 2 other readers,after belonging to another group that went down the tubes thanks to people who DID want to dominate it and run it in the ground. KU has never been what any of you clowns say it is...we dont share info or anything else...but it is a support group,where readers can talk without worry about things being repeated, a 12 step group would do the same sort of thing. There are millions of private groups on the internet and see no diifference between the two. You people atatck it because you cant be in it and it takes away your power. Find some other thing to slander or acuse for your troubles. It is a shame so many good people have been slandered by your attacks when you dont have aclue as to what is really going on. As for me attacking anyone,show me some PROOF. Not once have I attacked anyone on this site or any other. I have one account,thats all,here (under this name) or on Kasamba,and thats enough for me to take care of my family. I dont need bogus accounts like you scammers did and do...I do things on the up and up. No I am not married to a reader on the site,not that that is your business. I do have many friends on the site though who are ethical and honest...maybe you should talk about them some too. You slanderers and frauds are nothing but an annoyance...this site is stupid to let you post like you do,but then its not the brightest place anyway,as nothing is required to show PROOF. You allegate,slander,libel,lie....but when its time for proof to be shown you are not able to provide anything real. Real clients see this and KNOW better then to believe a word any of you say. You are ruled by a mob mentality too...one of you cant attack me without your pals doing it too. thats just the coward's way though isnt it,probably runs in your families. By the way,how do you like not being on Kasamba any more? Noticed your profiles dont work anymore...to bad. Two more scammers bite the dust....

Anchovy M. Imbalances

France, Metropolitan
a few questions for robin erick

#95UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, February 19, 2008

robin-- erick-- what ever your name is, ive been reading your posts here for over a year--first you are not the victim you keep claiming you are. youve gone after other readers and oftentimes you dont have any proof they are even scammers. maybe they are, maybe they arent, but you arent the judge and jury. youve complained alot too on the public boards and on the new expert boards about ranking and page placement-- and youre not on page 2, you are more like on page 4. thats gotta have you bothered Im sure. i wont post anything from the new kasamba forums that youve written, but im sure someone else would would be more than happy to do that. it also seems that you maybe using someone elses photo on your kasamba profile. its actually been known for awhile now and in fact someone just posted a link to the photo on the public board not too long ago. for those who missed it, since links cant be posted here : yourmom65 dot tripod dot com backslash id10 dot html - if its deleted then rip off report has deleted it but thats the web sight. since your so eager to set the record straight can you please explain this? the owner of the sight that has the pic says it belongs to her brother and that that person is not you. also can you answer once and for all about whether you live with nicola?? enquiring minds wanna know.


Robin Bluedragon What A Cheek

#96UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, February 18, 2008

Robin Bluedragon has a cheek to say that anyone is harassing him when he has always been the one doing the harassing. I have seen Robin's tactics firsthand on Kasamba for many years and he is the biggest con artist and bully there. For those who are working in kasamba, and for those of you who have left will know, that his tactics and his form of policing comes down to the common bully tactics that are mostly seen in high school playgrounds,. He tends to follow certain patterns like trying to shout others down, with threats, harassment, vile e-mails and so much more. He has the utter cheek to attack people in the vilest and most un-spiritual way and then talks of fraud psychics when he is one of the main frauds in Kasamba, as most of the people who work there already know. A group outside kasamba was started by another reader and he quickly and slyly became a friend to this reader so that he could put himself in the position of moderator. He made his own self pro-claimed throne and from there demanded worship. Those who saw right through him where swiftly booted from the group, by using his trademarked lies, he blackened the reputations of those he booted for they could see that he was an utter fraud. Those that had more experience and real qualifications especially when it came to Wicca, Witchcraft and the degree system where blackened the most, because for anyone who had studied extensively on this path it was very clear to see that he knew little of the craft. It became very clear to those who had studied the Craft that much of his knowledge came from a few books that he read to try and make his con look real. Half his ratings he got by underhanded means. I have heard more than two different stories on how he has gotten many of his ratings and these can not been seen as ethical practices, in any way shape or form. He blackened the reputation of many of the real psychics to the clients and they were given a list of names of who not to go to and why. There is proof of this and I'm sure Robin will attack me for this. He only knows how to be negative; there isn't a spiritual or loving iota of energy or feeling in his whole body. As to the proof, well like the old say goes keep your cards close to your chest until its time to show your cards, there is a time and a place but it is not here and it is not now. He says on his profile that he is an Ordained Minister; many of the fake psychics on Kasamba say that they are Ordained Ministers. Some even put the place that they where ordained. Many of these fake psychics are ordained at the Universal Life Church; the funny thing about this online church is that it is a well known paper mill. If you go to there site they perform Free Ordinations Online and it takes about Five Minutes to become an Ordained Minister. All you have to do is go to the site and click on the button that say you want to be ordained, it will take five minutes to fill in your real name, address, state, country, zip code and of course e-mail, click submit and before you know it you have an e-mail waiting in your inbox congratulating you on becoming an ordained minister. If you want a copy of your certification you can pay $29 to become a Dr of Divinity, Metaphysics, Master of Wicca, your ordination certificate or credential. If you choose to, you can even pay $7.99 and get your own Jedi Knight Certificate. Once you get your paper mill certificate you could set up your own Fake Ministry, or Wicca Group or even your own Jedi Knight Schoollol Kasamba has gotten worse and worse over the years; I only spent few years there, but I have many friends still there who keep me up-to-date. I left because there where so many fakes like Robin peddling there false hope to desperate and vulnerable people who where desperately looking for real answers to there questions. I am sure that all many of them got was one false hope and another. I have written all this because I have been reading these kasamba boards for some time, and I am sickened by the attitude and the words that spew from Robin/Erick. He should be ashamed of himself, this board is supposed to be used for this company Kasamba and its readers, and information on those readers. It is not for you Robin/Erik to talk about how people live or bring up there children. You are a vile, nasty individual that has so little self esteem and confidence that you need to strike out, and make others feel bad to make you feel big. You are what is commonly referred to as a Little Hitler', there is nothing good or spiritual about you and your posts show you for what you truly are.


Ile Dupas,
be careful.

#97Consumer Comment

Sun, February 17, 2008

Be careful the GIFTED GUIDER is one of Robin BLuedragon Ericc Ford new Kasamba account. Is it the same bullshit he will answer with his low psychology answer and say bad things about everybody who post. This guy is pathethic he has no life seriously. WHy is he sitting behind a computer working on kasamba. Opening multiple account to work a advanced scam and steal people money. Then he open up his own group and try to get other readers off kasamba and say bad things about readers in other groups. Does not that look like a school playground. Is he not supposed to be a grown man working a real 9 to 5 job earning a honest living raising a family. No he has to be working at home trying to take control of kasamba. Is he not pathetric ? is he not having no life ? Is he qualified to give life advice when he can't get his s**t in order himself ? He is also dilusional he belive he gets all the woman all the girl find robin attractive. Talk with him some time and you will want to jump off a bridge seriously. You will be completly drawned out of energy.


Of course you were scammed

#98Consumer Comment

Tue, February 05, 2008

You have to remember that Emily Rose started on Kas through the help of Mirror of Life - they were friends and Mirror referred clients to Emily to help her get started. NEVER TAKE REFERRALS FROM READERS EVER!!! Anyway, whatever falling out occured...Emily turned to bluedragon/KU and betrayed the person who helped set her up on Kas - so regardless of mirror's double dipping - Emily was a betrayer, a lousy predictor (nothing came true) - and obviously if a so-called fraud set her up in Kas, what does that make Emily? Read the bios carefully - dont use any reader recommended by another reader...search through google, yahoo, anywhere for info on these readers (they do on you).

Overly Trusting Psychic Client

New York,
New York,

#99Consumer Comment

Wed, January 30, 2008

i understand what you are going through with those kasamba psychics. i didn't go to those specific psychics, but have paid for many, many psychics on kasamba about a similar situation to yours. i'm a woman who admittedly fell in love with my female college teacher. so many kasamba psychics told me that she feels the same and will contact me, but nothing has happened. nothing. i have often felt suspicious when the kasamba psychics keep you waiting while they supposedly meditate or concentrate. i have often felt that they're reading a past conversation i have had with another kasamba psychic... or that maybe they're the same person using two different names. i actually caught kasamba psychics "psy davis" and "barbara adams" as the same person using two different names. i reported him/her to kasamba, and now both of those profiles have been taken down. one kasamba psychic i hired gets positively glowing reviews about so many of his predictions coming true. i just emailed him tonight that i trusted him so much, and gave him so many chances to change his predictions about my lovely teacher. but he kept insisting all along that his predictions haven't changed... that my teacher will contact me within the month of january. nothing has happened. nothing. i haven't hired a kasamba psychic for a price over $3.00. some of the psychics charge ridiculously high per-minute prices. i recently emailed "amphorablue" about why she charges $20.00. she was extremely rude in her email reply, and then told me that she reported me to kasamba. who cares. let her report all she wants. if you have been suspended by kasamba, you are entitled to get all your money back that is left in your account. email [email protected] and demand that your money be returned. kasamba is based in israel. i know that because i emailed them with email notification. the email notification came back to me with their location: israel. good luck!


North Carolina,
Jailhouse con

#100Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 28, 2008

All that crap you just posted before this isnt anything but a bunch of hogwash. Jailhouse con BS! No one is stalking your lying butt! Perhaps they are just sick of you lying through your teeth out here and wish you would just shut up and get some real ethics about yourself. Its not possible though. Once a con always a con. I doubt if anyone is jealous of you. Thats a bit stretching it! Thats what cons do though. They deny deny deny. They try to switch the blame onto thier victims. They start yelling all over the place about proof, lies, slander, lawyers, libel, stalkers, session numbers, need of meds, etc. Classic con BS! Those readers that you lashed out at need to get together and SUE YOU for slander, etc. Your just a dirty little con. No better than those you say your strongly against. You are seriously transparent but are too stupid to realize it because you THINK your smarter than the average bear. You fashion yourself above average in intelligence when in actuality your below. You fashion yourself a cut above the rest when in actuality your two inches from the gutter. Like I said before wouldn't it be a hoot if that site did a clean up and YOU were one of the one's to go. LOL. Maybe the clients should add your name to a petition to send to that company. You are no better than the other fakes on that site.


And by the way....

#101UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 27, 2008

To assume I am jealous of other readers,envious of their positons or whatever is just stupid...I am fine on Page 2 or 3 where I have been since Kasamba redid the rank system so that scammers could benefit more from it. I havent ever griped ONE SINGLE TIME about my own placement,because the clients who come to me are the ones supposed to come to me..and that would be the reality no matter what page I am on. I dont have an ounce of jealosy in me,for these people who stalk me or anyone else. All I have ever wanted to to take care of my family and do right by them. To show my kids that standing up for what is right is the thing to do,not cower and hide from adversity. You stalkers think you know so much,but you really know noting about me and what I believe in or feel about people.


Thats my story and I am sticking to it...

#102UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 27, 2008

I didnt attack anyone on here,and dont think I started any threads either...I have only responded to any threads once I got attacked myself. As long as the readers dont screw over the clients or other experts,then I have no issue with them at all...do as you will. I didnt start a thread attacking any experts and though I am accused of it,it appears someone used my name,because I sure didnt do it. Hell if I did I would say so,it isnt like I am shy or soft spoken.I dont care that you believe it or not,but some of you people use so many names,I wouldnt be surprized if it wasnt one of you trying to make me look like I did do something wrong,especially since you have no other proof that I have. I feel it is someone trying to make me look bad,just like all these other posts put out by you sick stalkers. I guess this is the only way someof you were to be able to come up with something...fabricate it just like you do so many other things you have said and done on thhis site. No wonder no one takes any of this crap seriously. This could have been a place for real clients to air out real complaints,but it turned into another bitchfest and some of you sickos just feed off that kind of energy,dont you? Blessed be take your meds and get a life.


North Carolina,
What about you?

#103Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 26, 2008

What about you Mr. Bluedragon? What about the posts YOU started slandering and lying on other experts from the Kasamba site under the very name you are claiming this lawyer business under? Why don't you answer to that in a honest manner instead of the classic "someone used my name" business. Why don't you apologize to those ladies for what you have done to them out here? Why don't you just be a man about it and apologize and move on from there. When you do dirty things to people it will always come back to haunt you. I am amazed how you continue to keep up this righteous front of yours. You know what you have done to these women. You know there are lots of people ( from what I see here) that are former members of your group and have copied text and emails from that group that can expose you for what you really are. Wrong is wrong Mr. Bluedragon. You have viciously slandered and lied against these women for personal reasons. You have made up posts about them for personal reasons. YOU have used this website as a weapon against others and now have the audacity to come out here talking about lawyers, slander, lies, etc. YOU really have a hellova nerve! Perhaps its time you just be quiet and learn a lesson from what you have done to others out of malicious spite, anger, jealousy, and control! Kasamba is not your personal playground! You are not its gatekeeper nor are you a part of the customer support team. Not EVERYTHING said on this site about and against you is a LIE and YOU KNOW IT


All that does....

#104UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 26, 2008

All that does is show everyone what a sick and twisted stalker you are to waste your time trying to find my address and so forth ....are you thatmuch in love with me?


Mainly because it is a private group...

#105UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 26, 2008

Much like other support groups who use the word 'anonymous' in their titles,KU is and will continue to be a private group. If you have a problem with that, take it up with MSN,which allows us the option. It also keeps unethical readers out of the group. Why not see if EAK or Allpsychicmasters will let you in...or are you already a member there? And by the way,as my lawyer says,the wheels of justice move slowly but deliberately...I have already done something about it,it just takes time for lawyers and judges to do their things. But it all comes around in time,and these stalkers will find that out eventually.....and some will go to jail.And for your information,you dont have my address in any way shape or form...you have some poor guy who you have also slandered and libeled on this site. My addy is not available to the public as I prefer my privacy. You may THINK you have it but I assure you you do not. Keeping you in my prayers,and please,get some help and back on the meds.


Ile Dupas,

#106Consumer Comment

Fri, January 25, 2008

I am the one who claimed to have robin Bluedragon email adresse and i do have it. If you are interested. But in't it funny that what i said that he would use his fear tactin that he would contact his lawyer to fill a lawsuit about the slander that is going on here about it. But he never does anything. Now he is up with the FBI. He is just like a broken record. I have a offer for you Robin bluedragon if you are so clean and you don't share clients information. You want to close the mouth of the people slandering you right. So why don'T you make the Kasamba Upthopia group public for a week so we can all look and peek at it. You know what they say seeing is believing and you have nothing to hide so why not let us look and see for a week of what is actually going on in there. You will come up with i don'T want to let anyone that will cause troubles in. You will never have access to the group. Is it a proven fact that experts on kasamba does share information in between themself.

Got Me

There she blowsssssssssssssssssss

#107Consumer Comment

Thu, January 24, 2008

There she blows....one accounted for, 2 more yet to spew


North Carolina,

#108Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 24, 2008

Whats vile and ugly Oz/GotMe/Erik/Robin and whatever else you are calling yourself on this site, is the fact that you have been on this site posting as ripped off clients slamming, slandering, and lieing about other psychics. Then when you are exposed as the scamming fraud that you are everyone else becomes vile, angry, dark, bitter, etc. Give me a break! Another one of your feeble attempts at psychology. I bet you use alot of that mumbo jumbo BS on your clients. And S, who the hell is talking to you anyway? I did not know that this thread was about you or written by you. No one mentioned S nor is anyone talking to S! Sighs. Always shooting off your mouth about Karen! Geessh I must really piss you off huh. Everytime you see the name Karen you get instantly angry huh. Grrrrrrr. Gotta post something about KAREN. KAREN! KAREN! Do you see me going behind you posting to what you write out here? NO! YOU DON'T! I really wish you and Lucy would stop stalking me now! My goodness! I bet this paragraph will get your blood boiling enough to post some more stupid #$@#. Here we go again. KAREN, KAREN, KAREN!

Got Me

Karen, Toni, Iris the messenger dog and pony show

#109Consumer Comment

Thu, January 24, 2008

I agree, you might not all be the same on the outside but boy your identical on the inside, vile, evil, ugly, venting, spewing, attacking, ripping and very very dark. It doesnt matter what any of the threads are about. They all turn into the same exact thing..........the Karen, Toni, Iris the Messenger evil vile dog and pony show. Iris I notice you only rear your ugly head on certain posts about you? Seems the posts that give very cutting, real life info, or out you in any way you totally ignore and hope they will die? You have been kicked out/banned from most forums so I guess you have found your perfect platform here........they dont throw out anyone no matter what they say or do. Spew away it will all come back to bite you.



#110Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 24, 2008

Iris. Gotme is Robin Blue Dragon. he also uses his name of erik as well as mimi, katie, and a slew of others. Its all the same bad grammar and same ole' finger pointing bull crap. if he worked half as much as he *itches and accuses he would be a rich man! Just ignore the little toad he isn't worth it!


Beverly Hills,
GotMe, please find a new obsession

#111Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 23, 2008

GotMe you are a broken record. Karen is not Janice. Karen is not me. Janice is not me. I am not Karen. I am not Janice. We all have clearly different writing styles. You will notice that my grammar/spelling tends to be pretty darn impeccable. For example, I would not mistake "your" for "you're." You really need to get a life. You've been obsessed with me ever since I blocked you a year ago. How ironic that you wrote, "It has always been amazing to me how little useless people become such agressive big mouths when they think their safe hiding behind their computers." You misspelled "aggressive" and used the possessive "their" instead of the contraction, "they're." GotMe, YOU think you're safe hiding behind YOUR computer, which is why you use the ridiculous pseudonym of "GotMe" in a fictional place called Oz. Why not use your real name? Could it be because you are a hypocrite? Stop trolling ROR and get over your fascination with me. Amazing as I am, I simply don't have the time (or inclination) to manufacture multiple identities and post ad nauseum here. If you have an issue with me, email me privately at Kasamba. Otherwise, drop it.


Beverly Hills,
GotMe, please find a new obsession

#112Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 23, 2008

GotMe you are a broken record. Karen is not Janice. Karen is not me. Janice is not me. I am not Karen. I am not Janice. We all have clearly different writing styles. You will notice that my grammar/spelling tends to be pretty darn impeccable. For example, I would not mistake "your" for "you're." You really need to get a life. You've been obsessed with me ever since I blocked you a year ago. How ironic that you wrote, "It has always been amazing to me how little useless people become such agressive big mouths when they think their safe hiding behind their computers." You misspelled "aggressive" and used the possessive "their" instead of the contraction, "they're." GotMe, YOU think you're safe hiding behind YOUR computer, which is why you use the ridiculous pseudonym of "GotMe" in a fictional place called Oz. Why not use your real name? Could it be because you are a hypocrite? Stop trolling ROR and get over your fascination with me. Amazing as I am, I simply don't have the time (or inclination) to manufacture multiple identities and post ad nauseum here. If you have an issue with me, email me privately at Kasamba. Otherwise, drop it.


Beverly Hills,
GotMe, please find a new obsession

#113Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 23, 2008

GotMe you are a broken record. Karen is not Janice. Karen is not me. Janice is not me. I am not Karen. I am not Janice. We all have clearly different writing styles. You will notice that my grammar/spelling tends to be pretty darn impeccable. For example, I would not mistake "your" for "you're." You really need to get a life. You've been obsessed with me ever since I blocked you a year ago. How ironic that you wrote, "It has always been amazing to me how little useless people become such agressive big mouths when they think their safe hiding behind their computers." You misspelled "aggressive" and used the possessive "their" instead of the contraction, "they're." GotMe, YOU think you're safe hiding behind YOUR computer, which is why you use the ridiculous pseudonym of "GotMe" in a fictional place called Oz. Why not use your real name? Could it be because you are a hypocrite? Stop trolling ROR and get over your fascination with me. Amazing as I am, I simply don't have the time (or inclination) to manufacture multiple identities and post ad nauseum here. If you have an issue with me, email me privately at Kasamba. Otherwise, drop it.


Beverly Hills,
GotMe, please find a new obsession

#114Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 23, 2008

GotMe you are a broken record. Karen is not Janice. Karen is not me. Janice is not me. I am not Karen. I am not Janice. We all have clearly different writing styles. You will notice that my grammar/spelling tends to be pretty darn impeccable. For example, I would not mistake "your" for "you're." You really need to get a life. You've been obsessed with me ever since I blocked you a year ago. How ironic that you wrote, "It has always been amazing to me how little useless people become such agressive big mouths when they think their safe hiding behind their computers." You misspelled "aggressive" and used the possessive "their" instead of the contraction, "they're." GotMe, YOU think you're safe hiding behind YOUR computer, which is why you use the ridiculous pseudonym of "GotMe" in a fictional place called Oz. Why not use your real name? Could it be because you are a hypocrite? Stop trolling ROR and get over your fascination with me. Amazing as I am, I simply don't have the time (or inclination) to manufacture multiple identities and post ad nauseum here. If you have an issue with me, email me privately at Kasamba. Otherwise, drop it.


United Kingdom
The Karen and Toni show!

#115Consumer Comment

Tue, January 22, 2008

Karen...you are clearly getting a lil over exited on here now. But keep it up, it's plain for everyone to see. You are absolutely nuts. Unfortunately for genuine people who have genuine complaints about fake psychic scammer's who ripped them off. They come here to report, and share their experiences and have to contend with a demented little demon like you lurking on EVERY THREAD. You switch from one view to another and another and another..........but yes you are right. You can post what you like when you like....WE KNOW!!! Good for you girl. Still you got yourself a buddy, so all is good. My advice for anyone reading and posting here that is a) not a psychic scammer out to use this board to trash the names of other psychic scammers, or people who complain that they got scammed and b) not a demonic pain in the a*s with no reason to be hear apart from to be a pain in the a*s, is IGNORE the posts. Don't feed the troll.


North Carolina,
What they need to do

#116Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 22, 2008

What these readers need to do is be ethical and real in regard to their skills. If they were then they would have nothing to worry about. There would be no need to defend themselves because they know they have ethics. Simple as that. Yes, Lucy enough said. Please rest your case. You should of kept your fat nose off this thread anyway. Totally ignoring what the thread is about but instead choosing to single me out and go through my paragraphs JUST to have something to say. Toni, who the hell makes up a bunch of names just to post to this site? Crazy sociopath's that's who. I think I may have spoken to you before. Not going to mention anything here due to the sickos. I will leave it up to them to guess and speculate about what the hell I am talking about right now.


I rest my case

#117Consumer Comment

Mon, January 21, 2008

Enough said.


I rest my case

#118Consumer Comment

Mon, January 21, 2008

Enough said.


I rest my case

#119Consumer Comment

Mon, January 21, 2008

Enough said.


I rest my case

#120Consumer Comment

Mon, January 21, 2008

Enough said.


Wow Erik1

#121Consumer Comment

Mon, January 21, 2008

Okay first. what on earth are you babbling about Robin/Erik.. What does any ones kids have to do with the fact that your a scammer and unethical liar! I don't have to worry about my son. He is a big Boy His wife takes care of him! What I do worry about is seeing that every time you post here and insult an expert and get caught you come right back with: " I didn't do it!" and we all know you did. So you really need to stop being such a liar! This is my real name and my real state You can't even be honest about where you live! Let me guess The stalkers will get you! The only stalkers you have are the ones that created. You have hurt people and now they are calling your bluff. How does it feel! Oh by the way Karen.. that post from " gotme " of what ever the name was is Erik if you haven't noticed. He used that name and the name squid on another message board until he got caught there too!


North Carolina,
Lucy.. Gotme ..Now everyone has to be one in the same. wow.

#122Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 21, 2008

(Lucy why dont you just read the original post and understand the following comments before you go JUST focusing on ME please. Can you STOP STALKING ME AND MY POSTS PLEASE BUT OF COURSE YOU WON'T. YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING BY COMMENTING ON ME ALL THE TIME. YOU SHOULD KNOW BY NOW THAT I PAY NO ATTENTION TO ANYTHING YOU SAY) LMFAO. I have followers now! People following me from post to post trying to gang up on me. Like I care what they say. NEVER DID AND NEVER WILL. What is it about that that you people do not understand?! I will post to any thread I feel like it and when I feel like it. Regardless of what is posted about me. Lucy cant seem to mind her business when it comes to me. Its not like I am talking to her anyway. Oz has a nerve to talk about ANYONE posting on the site in lew of what he/she has posted about others. So please check out your own posts before you make a attempt at trying to come at me. If you read my posts then you will surely know that I do not care about any negative things you post about me. That it has no reflection on me whatsoever. It changes nothing in regard to when, where and how I post to this site. Why are you wasting your time trying to bash me when you know for a fact that I dont give a d**n what you are talking about?! I could see if it made a difference in regard to how I do things but it has not and it never will for I am VERY SECURE in who I am as a person. Stop trying to psychologically assess me because you will never get it right! Stop using bubble gum psychology when you have no skill or training in that regard in the first place. Why dont you actually try taking a college course in psychology and the study of human behaviors before you come out here shooting your mouth off about what you THINK you KNOW about ME. I assure you that you are 100 percent WRONG! I am amused at the choice of words you use. Vile, Bitter, Angry, Obsessed, etc. lol. Why dont you actually STUDY what those behaviors are and how they work in human mind and behaviors before you go using those words in the wrong context. I am serious when I say that because none of you who use those terms have no clue in what they are in humans who ACTUALLY have those traits. Get a college degree before you try diagnosing someone! Get certified before you assume you know what I am about. You people are laugable when you say those things about me. You really are. I sit here and laugh after I read those posts. I have to admit you are keeping me extremely amused. Now I will await my next laugh. Ha Ha Ha. Yes, you are keeping me extremely entertained. They should put a disclaimer on this site. "For entertainment purposes only". Now you word twisting fools NO, I am NOT saying that legitiate clients who have been ripped off by psychics are entertainment. So dont go running around l like "yes, I got her saying she likes hearing clients getting ripped off" I think that psychics who blatantly and knowing rip off clients with bogus spell work for hundreds and thousands of dollars need to be exposed and reported. What I dont condone is those clients who keep giving psychics money knowing that thier predictions did not come to pass and then coming out here complaining instead of taking personal responsibility for their actions. At some point your common sense kicks in and tells you this psychic is full of beans and you DON"T go back paying them more money to tell you that the timing is off, etc.


North Carolina,

#123Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 21, 2008

LMFAO. I have followers now! People following me from post to post trying to gang up on me. Like I care what they say. NEVER DID AND NEVER WILL. What is it about that that you people do not understand?! I will post to any thread I feel like it and when I feel like it. Regardless of what is posted about me. Lucy cant seem to mind her business when it comes to me. Its not like I am talking to her anyway. Oz has a nerve to talk about ANYONE posting on the site in lew of what he/she has posted about others. So please check out your own posts before you make a attempt at trying to come at me. If you read my posts then you will surely know that I do not care about any negative things you post about me. That it has no reflection on me whatsoever. It changes nothing in regard to when, where and how I post to this site. Why are you wasting your time trying to bash me when you know for a fact that I dont give a d**n what you are talking about?! I could see if it made a difference in regard to how I do things but it has not and it never will for I am VERY SECURE in who I am as a person. Stop trying to psychologically assess me because you will never get it right! Stop using bubble gum psychology when you have no skill or training in that regard in the first place. Why dont you actually try taking a college course in psychology and the study of human behaviors before you come out here shooting your mouth off about what you THINK you KNOW about ME. I assure you that you are 100 percent WRONG! I am amused at the choice of words you use. Vile, Bitter, Angry, Obsessed, etc. lol. Why dont you actually STUDY what those behaviors are and how they work in human mind and behaviors before you go using those words in the wrong context. I am serious when I say that because none of you who use those terms have no clue in what they are in humans who ACTUALLY have those traits. Get a college degree before you try diagnosing someone! Get certified before you assume you know what I am about. You people are laugable when you say those things about me. You really are. I sit here and laugh after I read those posts. I have to admit you are keeping me extremely amused. Now I will await my next laugh. Ha Ha Ha. Yes, you are keeping me extremely entertained. They should put a disclaimer on this site. "For entertainment purposes only". Now you word twisting fools NO, I am NOT saying that legitiate clients who have been ripped off by psychics are entertainment. So dont go running around l like "yes, I got her saying she likes hearing clients getting ripped off" I think that psychics who blatantly and knowing rip off clients with bogus spell work for hundreds and thousands of dollars need to be exposed and reported. What I dont condone is those clients who keep giving psychics money knowing that thier predictions did not come to pass and then coming out here complaining instead of taking personal responsibility for their actions. At some point your common sense kicks in and tells you this psychic is full of beans and you DON"T go back paying them more money to tell you that the timing is off, etc.

Got Me

Ranting, Raging, Insane Crazymaking Karen, Janice, Iris the Messenger?

#124Consumer Comment

Mon, January 21, 2008

Karen cant leave just one post, obsessive, ranting, raving, insanity, vile, evil spewing over and over again. They either all follow the same pattern, Janice, Karen, Iris the Messenger or their the same person. Boy you would think with this much pent up anger and vile they would self combust?? But no, they always come back and spew somemore. It has always been amazing to me how little useless people become such agressive big mouths when they think their safe hiding behind their computers


Not posting about how great Robin is

#125Consumer Comment

Mon, January 21, 2008

But am posting to say your rants all over this site are becoming boring Karen. You appear to thrive on aggression towards others and there doesn't seem to be any bias - clients and experts alike. Give it a rest.


North Carolina,

#126Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 21, 2008



North Carolina,

#127Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

Classic sociopathic behavior!



#128Consumer Comment

Sun, January 20, 2008

Psychics? haha Scam artists. Did you also win millions in a lottery that you never played? Does someone have a dying relative who left millions and all you have to do is help that person get access to it? Does any of this sound like a screw job? It should. BECAUSE IT IS!! You are extrememely naive and gullible if you give any money to a psychic. But if you're stupid enough to do it then you deserve to be broke!


Just more lies from someone who doesnt know jack about anything or how to do anything else...

#129UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 20, 2008

I am tired of hearing nonsense and seeing lies about myself,and people I care about,none of whom deserve it. You folks can babble on about this all you want to. Not ONCE has anyone shown any PROOF that I have done anything wrong,either illegal or immoral or unethical. All that has ever been shown against me is a bunch of hateful overweight woman who seem to only get pleasure from trying to hurt others can attack me or anyone else,including each,with no sustainable evidence,just more 'he said'she said' nonsense. I am not wasting any more of my time on this with you people...I could care less what you say personally as I know the truth of what I do and so do my clients. Maybe if some of you took care of your kids instead of spending time badmouthing people who try to help people the things that have happened to them wouldnt have. You were never in KU if you were you would show your real name instead of hiding under so many fake names. You people have my pity,you truly do...you are so self centered and focused on your greed that it doesnt matter what any says...you attack them like rabid jackels. This site further shows its ineptitude by continuing to post the unsubstantiated attacks,making them as culpable as you are. You are gutless,sad little people who can only feel good about yourself by lying about others,mostly to point the finger in other directions,but remember,when you point fingers,look how many point back at yourself. Grow up,get a life,and stop harrassing people all over the internet. Only stalkers and idiots do that. Oh and by the way,I dont get disability...I have no idea where you dredged up that 'fact'...even though I have a lot of health problems,I pay my way and support my family,and pay my taxes. And served my country in the military too. You wouldnt have the imagination to think up the things you have accussed me of,so it must be knowledge gained first hand from you own experiences...meaning you try to pawn off on others your own scamming tricks. None of you are worth this annoyance and aggravation,because to be so you would need to be worth something to start with. I will however continue to pray for you and hope that you all get the psychiatric help you so desperately need. Blessed be!


Then again

#130Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

Are you sure you aren't psychic yourself Karen ha ha! Because you sure called that one! Now Robin/Erik, You asked who I have helped. Remember, I may not work in the same area at kasamba as you but I do work there, and I have helped a lot more people then you according to my ratings. You claimed some one else wrote this, But when the experts that you insulted in that post claimed the same things about a post that You yourself wrote and put her name on you were the first to say: "Oh NO she did it" and we were suppose to believe that some one faked being you but didn't fake being her? You are always yelling Proof this and Proof that. I guess Proof is in the eyes of the beholder. You have no proof of anything you claim against others but yet swear you do. What Proof?, a few fake post and a few fake emails your people created. And in response to a remark you made about the KU group taking over kasamba , I don't feel you are. First the members together have a combined IQ of 50 I am pretty sure you have to be a lot smarter for world domination even if it is an Internet world! Second: You guys have no life. people with no life aren't usually the most creative in the world. So you have no lives and low IQ against you! If you had either one of these things you would see that your stalking of other experts doesn't work and give up. But your guys aren't that smart! I have the KU post where you stated in the KU group the same things about this expert Cali that you did in this post! You also are noted for piss poor ("Grammer") Grammar. Yet pick on this Penny woman. That's kind of Ironic isn't it!! You also were in KU complaining that you have to pay taxes on the money you make. Why would that be a problem? Because you receive SSA! ( you know disability for people with out a work history) And that is why you do not work a lot on kasamba. Because on SSA your only allowed to make up to what $500 or $600 a month. Before they take it out of you. Yes you better check yoru group someone has been feeding me post from there since the start of your site. And oh the file I have! Yes I know your real address and I checked and trust me people he doesn't live in Mass! If you are going to yell total ethics then be totally ethical! You lie, you create lies about others and try to get people to attack them, you fraud the government and yet people are just suppose to come to you, sight unseen, and trust that you are ethical. If you aren't ethical in your everyday life How on earth can a client trust you to be ethical in your work. You said you want to help people and rid kasamba of scammers, frauds and cheats. ( which by the way takes us back to the original statement about you ) well guess what. It isn't your place. If kasamba is so bad for you and such a bad place JUST LEAVE! If i worked at a place that was so bad I wouldn't stay there. Now we wont bad mouth psychic ability, we wont say all psychics are frauds, or that everyone on kasamba in the psychic arena is a fraud because I do believe there are some wonderful psychics there But we can't have someone like you telling us who we should see and who we shouldn't. Karen I agree people get scammed all the time but not one of the post on this site are from an actual person being scammed by kasamba. Those are from " Erik" " robin" and his little friends in KU. Real reports will go to the BBB. Whats wrong Erik someone get way ahead of you in the ratings again! You have been known to stalk experts! Psychic vision was a victim of yours, Cali and Penny have been victims of yours for several years from what I am told. And what about Poor Queene. Remember her. You sent her a email telling her if she talked to any psychics on a list you sent her she would be thrown out of your group! I have seen the email people it was unreal. That's a third grade thing " If you talk to so and so you can't be my friend!" Oh grow up! Before you try to take control over people maybe you should write Charlie Manson first and find out how its done ! You just keep tripping over your huge ego! You and your group came to this site and started all of this about kasamba, Erik, so don't go claiming the guy who runs it is running from the law! Thats kind of like biting the hands that feeds you in a masochistic kind of way isn't it! And if he is I guess that would make you two peas in a pod! You know like attracts like right! Because you are always here yet your rarely logged on at kasamba! now the members of KU and yourself can shower in tomato juice all you want but your still going to smell like skunks! And the bottom line is who cares! You need to stop your lying and stop stalker people yourself. If you write something and get found out its " oh I didn't do it " Like people are blind. The writing in that post is the same, with the same spelling mistakes and grammar issues, as all your other post! But of coarse you have attempted to do a a lot of damage to others and don't have to say your sorry at all. I guess being right ALL THE TIME means you never have to say sorry! Are you manic or what? Are you on medication! I know you are going to try to come back with something nasty to post to me.. I say " try" because we all have seen you and your ill logic so It will just be a great laugh when you do! And oddly I don't care. You and yours can't hurt me! I'm not afraid of you nor will you EVER control me! So bring it on Chubs! Hit me with your best shot! Karen is waiting for the laugh!


North Carolina,
Had to reread and.....

#131Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

I had to reread the robin post again because he is so transparent its not even funny. The classic con artist psycho babble. Go in total defense mode even if it makes no sense. Like a magicians slight of hand trick. Distract from the actual issue at hand. This is futile attempt at mind control and misdirectiion. Classic sociopath psychobabble. This man is a sociopath. Spent little time addressing the real issue at hand which is his past post bashing and lying about other experts on that site. Instead he chose to inform us of things we were not addressing. Like the owner of this site is running from the law. Who cares about that. What the issue is in case you forgot is THE FACT THAT YOU POSTED LIES AGAINST OTHER READERS ON THAT SITE OUT OF GREED, JEALOUSY, AND SPITE! Let's try to stay on topic here. The classic "try to distract from the real issue". Seems to me he considers himself above average in intelligence. Smarther than most. Sociopaths usually think this way. This man has a warped sense of thinking. This man is offering psychic advice to people. This man is performing non working spells. This man is using the oldest gypsy con in the world to fool his clients. Now he did not get this way without research. He researched his con and most likely spent a great deal of time perfecting it. Yes Mr. Bluedragon I have seen right through you. Now I suspect you will come back with some more nonsensical babble. Because you type 3 to 4 paragraphs does not make the text truthful. Its just a distraction from what you really are. You should know by now that your cash cow business is coming to a end. Enjoy it while it lasts Mr. Bluedragon for when it dries up so will you. Then you will have to think of another con to perpetrate against innocent people. **WITH THAT SAID I STILL STAND BY SOME OF THESE CLIENTS TAKING PERSONAL REPSONSIBLITY FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS.** had to put that in there like a friggin disclaimer because of the not too bright folk who like to twist my words.


North Carolina,

#132Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

Toni, what did I tell you! Robin Bluedragon would come out here after that post and claim it was not him that it was someone out to get him and that the post was doctored up. Lol. How typical and predictable he is. All that long psycho babble he is speaking is just that. PSYCHO CON ARTIST BABBLE. He posted those things against other readers and he knows it. What a loser. Well one day his kasamba cash cow will come to a screeching halt. ANY CLIENTS WHO HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN RIPPED OFF BY ANY OF THESE PEOPLE FILE A ACTUAL COMPLAINT WITH THE BBB AND TRUST ME THEY WILL INVESTIGATE. Keep in mind that the key words here are: "actual complaints". No one has done that because they are a bunch of liars. Many psychics coming out here advertising themselves for free. Like Robin. Bunch of non psychic losers who think they hit on a way to pay off their trailors. Now I STILL believe in personal responsibility!


And of course that couldnt be someone using my name,now could it...the security is so good here...

#133UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 20, 2008

...and though I do know those readers,I dont wish them any harm as long as they are following the rules on Kasamba and not hurting their clients. But I know I didnt post that,it doesnt sound like me nor was it me. Some one just took that name and posted it having seen me post on this site before. Boy you must sure be living an empty life if you dont have anything better to do then try and make it look like I am the bad guy here. You dont know me, havent been to me for a reading, dont know how I work, dont know anything about KU.. I dont know what you do know but it sure isnt about Kasamba either. Not all readers are crooked. some are some arent. But the ones who are defrauding client need to go somewhere else to do it. Go ahead and post whatever nonsense you want, make all the false allegations you want. but what it comes down to is you have no proof I posted tha,just that someone used my name to do it. Just like the person who started this thread didnt have any proof of their session, else they would have posted a session number. Thats the bad part about this site. they dont do ANY checking out,they allow people to post whatever they want and no questions are asked. That makes it no better then the businesses and people it allows to be attacked here. Last I saw the owner of the site was on the run from the law, for those very reasons. I am not the bad guy here no matter how you want to paint the picture and have done more to benefit clients then this site,and you same old stalkers,ever have. or ever will. I care about my clients, and bend over backwards to help them. what have YOU done to help anyone? I will still pray for you and hope one day you remove the blinders you wear, and see the world as it really is, instead of some paranoid fantasy.


And of course that couldnt be someone using my name,now could it...the security is so good here...

#134UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 20, 2008

...and though I do know those readers,I dont wish them any harm as long as they are following the rules on Kasamba and not hurting their clients. But I know I didnt post that,it doesnt sound like me nor was it me. Some one just took that name and posted it having seen me post on this site before. Boy you must sure be living an empty life if you dont have anything better to do then try and make it look like I am the bad guy here. You dont know me, havent been to me for a reading, dont know how I work, dont know anything about KU.. I dont know what you do know but it sure isnt about Kasamba either. Not all readers are crooked. some are some arent. But the ones who are defrauding client need to go somewhere else to do it. Go ahead and post whatever nonsense you want, make all the false allegations you want. but what it comes down to is you have no proof I posted tha,just that someone used my name to do it. Just like the person who started this thread didnt have any proof of their session, else they would have posted a session number. Thats the bad part about this site. they dont do ANY checking out,they allow people to post whatever they want and no questions are asked. That makes it no better then the businesses and people it allows to be attacked here. Last I saw the owner of the site was on the run from the law, for those very reasons. I am not the bad guy here no matter how you want to paint the picture and have done more to benefit clients then this site,and you same old stalkers,ever have. or ever will. I care about my clients, and bend over backwards to help them. what have YOU done to help anyone? I will still pray for you and hope one day you remove the blinders you wear, and see the world as it really is, instead of some paranoid fantasy.


And of course that couldnt be someone using my name,now could it...the security is so good here...

#135UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 20, 2008

...and though I do know those readers,I dont wish them any harm as long as they are following the rules on Kasamba and not hurting their clients. But I know I didnt post that,it doesnt sound like me nor was it me. Some one just took that name and posted it having seen me post on this site before. Boy you must sure be living an empty life if you dont have anything better to do then try and make it look like I am the bad guy here. You dont know me, havent been to me for a reading, dont know how I work, dont know anything about KU.. I dont know what you do know but it sure isnt about Kasamba either. Not all readers are crooked. some are some arent. But the ones who are defrauding client need to go somewhere else to do it. Go ahead and post whatever nonsense you want, make all the false allegations you want. but what it comes down to is you have no proof I posted tha,just that someone used my name to do it. Just like the person who started this thread didnt have any proof of their session, else they would have posted a session number. Thats the bad part about this site. they dont do ANY checking out,they allow people to post whatever they want and no questions are asked. That makes it no better then the businesses and people it allows to be attacked here. Last I saw the owner of the site was on the run from the law, for those very reasons. I am not the bad guy here no matter how you want to paint the picture and have done more to benefit clients then this site,and you same old stalkers,ever have. or ever will. I care about my clients, and bend over backwards to help them. what have YOU done to help anyone? I will still pray for you and hope one day you remove the blinders you wear, and see the world as it really is, instead of some paranoid fantasy.


And of course that couldnt be someone using my name,now could it...the security is so good here...

#136UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 20, 2008

...and though I do know those readers,I dont wish them any harm as long as they are following the rules on Kasamba and not hurting their clients. But I know I didnt post that,it doesnt sound like me nor was it me. Some one just took that name and posted it having seen me post on this site before. Boy you must sure be living an empty life if you dont have anything better to do then try and make it look like I am the bad guy here. You dont know me, havent been to me for a reading, dont know how I work, dont know anything about KU.. I dont know what you do know but it sure isnt about Kasamba either. Not all readers are crooked. some are some arent. But the ones who are defrauding client need to go somewhere else to do it. Go ahead and post whatever nonsense you want, make all the false allegations you want. but what it comes down to is you have no proof I posted tha,just that someone used my name to do it. Just like the person who started this thread didnt have any proof of their session, else they would have posted a session number. Thats the bad part about this site. they dont do ANY checking out,they allow people to post whatever they want and no questions are asked. That makes it no better then the businesses and people it allows to be attacked here. Last I saw the owner of the site was on the run from the law, for those very reasons. I am not the bad guy here no matter how you want to paint the picture and have done more to benefit clients then this site,and you same old stalkers,ever have. or ever will. I care about my clients, and bend over backwards to help them. what have YOU done to help anyone? I will still pray for you and hope one day you remove the blinders you wear, and see the world as it really is, instead of some paranoid fantasy.



#137Consumer Comment

Sun, January 20, 2008

*sigh* How many people are going to continue to be scammed by these so-called "phychics"? They are nothing but con artists and phonies. Period. Every one of them. If you are gullible enough to pay good money to these parasites then you deserve to get ripped off!



#138Consumer Comment

Sun, January 20, 2008

*sigh* How many people are going to continue to be scammed by these so-called "phychics"? They are nothing but con artists and phonies. Period. Every one of them. If you are gullible enough to pay good money to these parasites then you deserve to get ripped off!



#139Consumer Comment

Sun, January 20, 2008

*sigh* How many people are going to continue to be scammed by these so-called "phychics"? They are nothing but con artists and phonies. Period. Every one of them. If you are gullible enough to pay good money to these parasites then you deserve to get ripped off!


North Carolina,
Great post Toni

#140Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

Now he will come out and say that it was not him. That is was some imposter claiming to be him. That he was cloned. That the text was doctored up in some shape or form. What a shame. The unfortunate thing about it is he is still scamming clients. It just boils down to one thing. He is a con artist, scammer, liar, and decietful person with no concious who can sleep well at night for the time being.


North Carolina,
Great post Toni

#141Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 20, 2008

Now he will come out and say that it was not him. That is was some imposter claiming to be him. That he was cloned. That the text was doctored up in some shape or form. What a shame. The unfortunate thing about it is he is still scamming clients. It just boils down to one thing. He is a con artist, scammer, liar, and decietful person with no concious who can sleep well at night for the time being.


To prove a case.

#142UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 20, 2008

Before you get on your. high horse about standards Robin/Erik I wanted to make a point here. Before people realized who you were ( Erik/Robin) you were posting on these boards about experts and telling lies. Below is one of the post you made here about a two psychics that works on kasamba. You claimed you went to them at kasamba and went to one ladies site. When the truth is, none of that happened. You came here for the single purpose of telling lies about these experts. Now you come here under several different names since you have been found out to be Erik. And you send your group members here. So here is a lesson for all to learn. Your group comes here insulting other experts and making up lies pretending to be clients. You can't be trusted . As a human or a psychic! You accuse people of harassing you on ROR but by you doing this, like the post below, aren't you the one doing the harassing. This is why no one puts any merit to what you have to say any more. Here is the post that you made: Erik Lanesborough, Massachusetts Submitted: 3/9/2006 10:32:20 PM Modified: 1/14/2008 4:53:22 PM I had this person read for my on her private site,and then on Kasamba...the two readings were totally opposite,as different as night and day, and frankly, neither made any sense...actually tried to tell me she picked up a dead relative,who had died of 'heart and lung problems'..doesnt everyone, more or less? I had also spoken to a friend of hers she advertises on her site,from Kasamba, Cali...wow,these two must talk to each other while reading because one knew exactly what I had told the other. This Cali kept leaving for meditation, and then asking me to come back, apparently a ploy to keep me rating her,which could explin her vast amount of ratings from clients,though it does seem some come 10 times a day...she must have to meditate a lot. Penny Babson was an awful typist and a worse speller,and her grammer was like something out of the Beverly Hillbillies,or maybe kindergarten. She also tried to sell me spells and potions to take care of my issues and talked more about how 'famouse' and her books and TV appearenfces ( I found out later that most of that was lies,she apparently just says what she want snot expecting anyone to actually look it up) she was then about my questions.In the end I was left puzzled and confused,at how these obviously untalented people could be making a living ...and a darn good one from their prices.. off false promises, wild guesses, phishing for information before the reading, and frmo spells and magic...avoid them both. Erik Lanesborough, Massachusetts U.S.A. Oh But wait Erik.. You have the right to do this to others but they do not have the right to fight back. And it's funny that you also speak here in this post about a persons spelling and grammar. When every post I have seen by you would not even get a passing grade in a high school English class! You have insulted the two women in this post and lied. You owe them an apology. Though we know you feel you don't that you have some right to do this to people. Guess what. When you look in the mirror there is a reflection of a man. Not Much of a man But a man just the same! No More and No less. You are not some supreme being who gets to make the rules .


Yeah yeah,I guess someone put YOU in charge .........

#143UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 20, 2008

I want to work in a scam free and 'clean' environment and do all I can to help clean it up. just like folks who want clean roads adopt a highway and pick up trash. Thats so awful of me. What if your place of employement was scamming people,or the employees were. would you stand idely by and let them keep doing it? If so thatmakes you no better then the crooks. People who constantly change their photos to different ones are certainly fraud as they are decieiving the clients. I have seen at least 100 readers change gender for goodness sake. so either Kasamba is the home of the transgendered or something is out of whack. I have seen experts with pictures of old Tibetian monks. headhunting cannibals. old granny ladies who talk like 18 year old valley girls. How is that not fraud and deciet? Same with those who keep changing names. it is usually done when Kasamba,or the clients, start catching on to their scams,and they think they are fooling someone but they arent. once they start that Kas KNOWS something is amiss. Kasamba is in charge of correcting these wrongs that much is so. I dont remove anyone from the site myself. But like a good community watch,I keep my eye out and report the ones I catch or who are brought up to me by clients. I trust thier word most of all,because they should be able to come to a scam free and safe site. Of course none of you actually care about the clients,or you would see that by readers helping to police the site it makes Kasamba beter able to follow through and do what needs to be done to remove the scammers and frauds.. You continue to show an ignorance of what KU is. and thats fine since you arent now or ever will be a member. We like the group,we enjoy the fellowship and support from like minded ethical people. Other professions have similar groups,doctors,lawyers,etc. so I see no reason we cant enjoy our group. It is a support group,and nothing more. As to what we discuss it is private because it is for members only. not because there are anything secret going on but because we prefer the anonymity. There are lots of groups that do things which are wrong. there is another thread about one,but since most of you attackers and stalkers belong to it,that thread doesnt get posted to. you are just too busy trying to hurt me with slander and lies. If more people would stand up to the crooks and scammers, and stop letting them get away with it,the site would be better off. Kasamba cant read your minds. neither can readers,psychic ability is much different from that sci fi stuff. so if any of you have a real gripe,email Kasamaba, they have new people in there and they are trying to clean out the bad weeds. What happens too often though is a client is threatened,or made the mistake of giving out their contact info,and the scammer uses that to basically do what they want. the client is afraid to turn them in themselves,and since this forum has shown me to be someone who wants to help the client and get the scammers off the site, they email me on Kasamba and tell me about it. I in turn send it to Kasamba. I didnt ask to be cast in this role, but in a profesion that is already suspect due to the frauds and scammers,I do all I can to be there for these people. If you dont like that,then tough,because you are no better then the scammers in that case. I dont know of a single person I have attacked on this site,and certainly havent made up IDs to do so. I have tried to bring some light and some FACTS to usually sladerous and made up stories though,like this one. I knew there was no session number because I never had a client like this one claimed to be. Unlike some of you,I know who my clients are and if they have an issue they can usually find resolution by bringing it up with me. not posting on a joke of a forum such as this site,which posts any lie that is typed. If they posted something as PROOF, then it might be crediable to assume they are being honest. but they arent, and they cant, because no such events happened. So thanks for your advice, what was worth listening to I did, what was not was discarded. though it is such a shame that people would rather believe the lie then search for the real truth to things. Blessed be and as always, I will pray for you.


North Carolina,

#144Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 19, 2008

Why is robin bluedragon complaining about being stalked and harrassed when he clearly put reports on this site under the name Eric against other kasamba readers. Now he comes out with this FBI crap and that HE is being harrassed? If he was so worried about frauds on that site why then come out here and start a bashing post about other experts on the site. He really should refrain from responding and defending himself when he himself has written on this site slandering and harrassing other readers just like he is accusing them of doing to him. What comes around goes around. He is no angel. He is decietful. His attempts at defending himself are really pointless. Great posts Toni. Well said.



#145Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 18, 2008

Listen to you Eric and what you are saying. You are a man possessed. Who are you to say who is right and who isn't right. No one has asked you to do this. Not one Person has a vote and nominated you the Kasamba police. I am an expert on kasamba But not in the psychic area. I have ever right , be I an expert or not, to voice my feelings are well as you do. I didn't want to point this out but I must. You make flaming statements here that you also make in your profile on kasamba. Making such statements as " People who change their photo's are frauds" no they are not. Sure, if they change it to a younger one of when they were 19 when they are 40. or if they change it to a different sex . I would agree. But redoing your photo doesn't make you a fraud if you up grading to a more recent photo. You asked what I would do if I was being stalker and harassed. Well if I saw unethical things at my work place I would go to my boss( like you should kasamba) and let them handle it the way they will. You are not in charge at kasamba and I am sure that your lawyer is not connecting with the FBI. where is your proof of this! i'm sure you can not afford, from what I have heard, a lawyer that high powered! And no lawyer would mess with something of this nature any way. It's kasamba's job to handle all of the wrong doing on " Their" site . Not yours. If working there around other people bothers you so much. Leave and start your own site! No one is forcing you to work there! You have other income, (and yes I have heard all about that too) Business is ever changing. You must keep up with the business to stay a part of it and that is all that kasamba does. They are not doing any thing illegal. They even claim taxes now and make their experts do the same! As far as KU goes. No one really cares about that stupid group. I mean really. experts who strive at a higher level of standards. That is a bunch of crap and you know it. That is no different then the term " Master Psychic" we both know there is no such thing. You either do a respectful job or you don't! What you feel is right or wrong is not the opinion of every one else. and you have no right to stalker, harrahs, bash and flame against any one who works at kasamba because you are not the boss at kasamba. You are more pages in because you do not work. You are not logged in most of the time and do not work the hours that people on the front page do. So because they work harder does that make them frauds? No! It doesn't. Nor does it give you the right to go stalking them out of working. They don't work for you. They work for themselves and for kasamba. There is no point in arguing any more about this. You will not smarten up and I refuse to allow you to bully me like you have to so many. You have been found to have come on this site and start bad reports about other experts because you are jealous of them! Plan and simple and that speaks volumes about you!


If you care so much Robin/Erik

#146Consumer Comment

Fri, January 18, 2008

If you're so keen to rid Kasamba of the fakes, here's a suggestion. Suggest to Kasamba they implement a test of the abilities for people who sign up as experts in the spiritual section. If they don't pass the test, they don't get to use their platform. It's not like they have university degrees in psychic development, you can say what you like with nothing to prove your ability unless you are tested. Why don't you also suggest that Kasamba take note of client complaints instead of passing the buck all the time. Kasamba clearly demonstrates they do not care about the clients, they only care about the money generated. You might want to work in a scam free environment, however Kasamba obviously couldn't care less so it seems you are fighting a losing battle. And I have to agree with you on 1 point. If the person who posted this thread could offer some proof of their sessions with you, it would give validity to this story. However, they seem to not have taken you up on that. This does make the story questionable. And I'm not defending you, it's just an observation. High time people put up or shut up I think.


I wish I could just go to work..........

#147UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 18, 2008

However,in an ongoing effort to do what is right,I take on these scammers and stalkers to help protect the people I serve. the clients on the site. If more people had my attitude and less people hid their hands in the sand,the site wouldnt be covered with con artists and scammers. It is my right to work in a scam free workplace,and my cleints deserve to be able to come to one too. I cant take a path of apathy toward such circumstances. Thats wrong,and all it does is allow the cons and scammers and crooks to further denegrate an occupation I have years of experience in ,and enjoy doing. Why should I give up my rights,and the rights of my clients,to accomodate these crooks? I cant believe anyone would be so silly as to even suggest that. As far as the FBI goes,my attorney has contacted them because what is being done here is a crime,and a federal one. What you believe about whether or not I could care less. You know even less about KU,as you seem to think it is some secret organization and we are taking over Kasamba. far from it. It is a support group for readers who have shown themselves to be of a higher caliber. We are honest and ethical readers so we dont suddenly appear on the front page. heck I think I am on the third or fourth page, myself. Thats fine,I know that the people who need me will find me,they always do and always will. These attacks on me and others who know me dont hurt us though. I get as many people come to me saying they read my posts on RoR and thought I sounded like a good person as I do from Kas' advertising. Aside from calling crooks crooks,and scammers scammers,I dont think you will find me calling anybody anything. And there are plenty of groups out there which do do all the things KU gets the accusations for,but since people from that group are the ones posting so much of the negative stuff here,you dont hear much about that one. Maybe you are the one who should be minding your own business. are you a reader on Kasamba,or an offended (or suposedly ripped off ) client ? And what if you are...do I have to give up MY RIGHTS to appease you? All I want to do is work in a place where clients can come without worry,and do their business,and hopefully be better off for it. What if someone assaulted you where you work with a lot of verbal garbage and not one single piece of evidence to back it up? Would you crawl away and huddle in a corner or would you stand up to those who are trying to wrong you? I chose the latter,because it is the right thing to do. These internet stalkers and their false reports and claims are nothing more then another form of terrorism. hence the FBI's involvement. If you dont like what I do that is fine. but I dont need your comments on how to live my life nor run my affairs. If more people stood up to these creeps and less time worrying about what they could do to them,then there wouldnt even be a thread here,because Kasamba would be a safe place and no one would be making up lies and stories. I would never have imagined that supposedly spirtual people could carry on and lie and slander and defraud all that they have on this site. No wonder the scammers are all getting fat.


Listen to yourself.

#148Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 17, 2008

Eric, I am not trying to sound like I'm against you. I am not against ,nor am I for, you. But When you come on here and dive into this bull it make you look foolish, uneducated and just plan stupid! Before you get all hot tempered let me explain what I mean. In your statement you mentioned the FBI. That is psyco babble. The FBI isn't helping you. If people with money can not get the FBI to help them with stalker who are trying to take their money why would they help you get rid of someone chasing you around the net in these rip of reports? So when you say that it just makes you look worse then these fools are doing. Now You reap what you sow. There are tons of reports started on this site by you insulting and accusing other experts. You did that before it was found out that are in fact Robin Blue Dragon. So now you are upset because some are feeding you back your own medicine/ That is counter productive isn't it? I realize that you and your KU group feel they have to be the kasamba secret police, Though no one asked you to and that includes kasamba prospers. I also realize that people working in the same place are not going to all get along. I hate to be the voice of reason here or even the voice of intellect. But hasn't all this crap gone on long enough. We all know these reports aren't real on this site. We all know that they aren't reported to the BBB because then people would get found out to be the liars that they are. People can hide here and lie here. These post are an uneducated liars paradise! Why Robin, do you keep feeding into it? Why post anything. All these kasamba post were dying out and then just because one of your people from KU saw a post on another board about another psychics site that was started they came back out. I want every everyone to keep in mind that the information super highway, better know as the Internet, is massive and not even one forth of the internet population see these post. Let them roll off your back and do not re-post or post to them. They are nothing and have little to no connection to your work. I can understand you wanting to fix what you think is broken Robin ( Eric) and want to " fix" or even "rid" the world of what you feel are " bad psychic experts" on kasamba But it isn't your place to do so. So, for the love of all that is holy and right, can you please just go to work.. Stay away from these post and leave other experts alone! Just do your work and mind your own business okay. Kasamba doesn't have a union but if they were to make one they would choose a leader who has been there longer then you and comes with less drama so just stop okay.. Enough is enough.


If this post is true then please tell me this...

#149UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 16, 2008

If this post is true,let's see some proof. Why dont you tell us the session number? Because I dont for a second believe you have had a reading with me.So you and your two little buddies can keep posting nonsense and slandering me,and I will keep letting my attorney and the FBI look into this and many other crimes you have committed on this site and across the Internet.


Ile Dupas,
Do you want his real email adresse ?

#150Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2008

Well first please please stop giving money to Robin that Geek. Let him find a real job a real 9 to 5 job. If you want Robin Bluedragon Eric Ford real email address so that you can still contact him. Let me know my lawyer got it for me. He will probably says that you harrass him and that you slander him and if you continue to slander him with no proof that he will contact his lawyers and file slander charges against you. this is his typical response. Don'T be afraid this is just fear tactis from him. Actually i think that none of the readers on Kasamba are there to help you. There are all there for your money. They say this is not a free site when you ask for free reading. Seeing the reading i got and some of you got i am glad i did not pay a dime for them.


Sorry to hear your story

#151Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2008

I can't believe Kasamba protects these scammers and punishes the client? Everytime someone gets ripped off they come here and write a report about it. Great publicity for Kasamba. Really, how dumb are they? They are NOT entitled to withhold your funds. And suspending your account? For what? For refusing to be abused and scammed? Good luck with recovering your money.


Same lies from the same people

#152UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 15, 2008

1..I never had a client by that name. 2... I never charge more then 100 dollars for spellwork,and people are told that it is NOT instant,and may not work at all. 3.. I Never charge a client for the materials I use,which are herbs and flowers... 4...I would never reply to client in that tone or in that manner. Once again this site proves it is worthless and allows anyone to say whatever they want without showing ANY FACTS> why dont you post the session number if you actually had a session? You are sadly either a jealous reader ,or the same group of stalkers who continue to bother and slander me and others on this site. My attorney is working on seeing you prosecuted so this nonsense stops,and just because you dont live in the US isnt going to stop him. This site already seems to have enough legal matetrs going on,why would it want more from slander and other libel?


Contact LivePerson

#153Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 15, 2008

Firstly, please send a letter to LivePerson - their CEO in New York City and to their public relations department. Print this page and attach it to it so they know what you went through. Re-contact Kas in writing and let them know you are contacting LivePerson, and that you want the funds still in your account sent back to you, and an explanation of why your were suspended. Secondly, I do not know what went on however, Emily Rose and Robin belong to the same group of readers. I cannot factually say they share information however that sort of thing is always a red flag. I also had tried Emily a couple of years ago on the reference of Mirror of Life who was helping her get started on KAS. I only had one read but it never in anyway manifested so I never used again. The thing that makes me angry is that they block you after taking your money instead of explaining WHY their reads were off, and totally wrong. At least if they were legitimate they would offer a refund or a new read for free based on the complete inaccuracy of their service. They didn't - and instead blocked you which is disgusting. You should be able to put some note in their feedback that they were wrong and did not take responsibility for it, and you spent a nice chunk of money for falsehoods. It is a scam, no doubt about. Until Kas makes these "experts" take responsibilty for their service - then it is a scam company and Live Person should feel the heat of numerous complaints to their CEO. PLEASE everyone who experiences this - write to LivePerson in NYC.


Contact LivePerson

#154Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 15, 2008

Firstly, please send a letter to LivePerson - their CEO in New York City and to their public relations department. Print this page and attach it to it so they know what you went through. Re-contact Kas in writing and let them know you are contacting LivePerson, and that you want the funds still in your account sent back to you, and an explanation of why your were suspended. Secondly, I do not know what went on however, Emily Rose and Robin belong to the same group of readers. I cannot factually say they share information however that sort of thing is always a red flag. I also had tried Emily a couple of years ago on the reference of Mirror of Life who was helping her get started on KAS. I only had one read but it never in anyway manifested so I never used again. The thing that makes me angry is that they block you after taking your money instead of explaining WHY their reads were off, and totally wrong. At least if they were legitimate they would offer a refund or a new read for free based on the complete inaccuracy of their service. They didn't - and instead blocked you which is disgusting. You should be able to put some note in their feedback that they were wrong and did not take responsibility for it, and you spent a nice chunk of money for falsehoods. It is a scam, no doubt about. Until Kas makes these "experts" take responsibilty for their service - then it is a scam company and Live Person should feel the heat of numerous complaints to their CEO. PLEASE everyone who experiences this - write to LivePerson in NYC.


Contact LivePerson

#155Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 15, 2008

Firstly, please send a letter to LivePerson - their CEO in New York City and to their public relations department. Print this page and attach it to it so they know what you went through. Re-contact Kas in writing and let them know you are contacting LivePerson, and that you want the funds still in your account sent back to you, and an explanation of why your were suspended. Secondly, I do not know what went on however, Emily Rose and Robin belong to the same group of readers. I cannot factually say they share information however that sort of thing is always a red flag. I also had tried Emily a couple of years ago on the reference of Mirror of Life who was helping her get started on KAS. I only had one read but it never in anyway manifested so I never used again. The thing that makes me angry is that they block you after taking your money instead of explaining WHY their reads were off, and totally wrong. At least if they were legitimate they would offer a refund or a new read for free based on the complete inaccuracy of their service. They didn't - and instead blocked you which is disgusting. You should be able to put some note in their feedback that they were wrong and did not take responsibility for it, and you spent a nice chunk of money for falsehoods. It is a scam, no doubt about. Until Kas makes these "experts" take responsibilty for their service - then it is a scam company and Live Person should feel the heat of numerous complaints to their CEO. PLEASE everyone who experiences this - write to LivePerson in NYC.


Contact LivePerson

#156Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 15, 2008

Firstly, please send a letter to LivePerson - their CEO in New York City and to their public relations department. Print this page and attach it to it so they know what you went through. Re-contact Kas in writing and let them know you are contacting LivePerson, and that you want the funds still in your account sent back to you, and an explanation of why your were suspended. Secondly, I do not know what went on however, Emily Rose and Robin belong to the same group of readers. I cannot factually say they share information however that sort of thing is always a red flag. I also had tried Emily a couple of years ago on the reference of Mirror of Life who was helping her get started on KAS. I only had one read but it never in anyway manifested so I never used again. The thing that makes me angry is that they block you after taking your money instead of explaining WHY their reads were off, and totally wrong. At least if they were legitimate they would offer a refund or a new read for free based on the complete inaccuracy of their service. They didn't - and instead blocked you which is disgusting. You should be able to put some note in their feedback that they were wrong and did not take responsibility for it, and you spent a nice chunk of money for falsehoods. It is a scam, no doubt about. Until Kas makes these "experts" take responsibilty for their service - then it is a scam company and Live Person should feel the heat of numerous complaints to their CEO. PLEASE everyone who experiences this - write to LivePerson in NYC.

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