  • Report:  #332583

Complaint Review: Kirby Aka Dyro Productions - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- Houston, Texas,

Kirby Aka Dyro Productions
16920 Park Row Houston, 77084 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
$500 Dollars a week Lie

$2250 a month LIE

You get paid for training LIES

This company is owned by Warren Buffet LIES

These lies and many more were told to me and 15 other individuals during the training at Dyro Productions. I was hired on the spot by some sly lying deceitful lawyer, claming that I was going to be working in customer relations for at nothing lower than $2250 a month. This company hires young people and just flat out lies to them. I was told that I would "average" $500 dollars a week. I was also told that it is possible to make money similar to a doctor or engineer, buy selling Kirbys door to door. Kirby's are good vacuums, but not worth $2000. I was skeptical about this statement. However, for a "guaranteed" $2250 a month what's the worst that can happen? How about not getting PAID!!! This job is a SCAM/ PYRAMID SCHEME. The lying b*****d told me that I would "average" $250 from every Kirby I sold and that I would have at least 3 scheduled appointments with clients a day who would like to view a demo.

This con artist refused to answer any of my questions during training such as:

Since I am signing a W-9 do I get income tax?

I understand that the "average" is 250 per sale, so what is the LOWEST amount that I will make?

So what time do I get back?

He claims that my questions are negative. WHAT!?!? Inquiring about the time I return from work is negative?

Another problem with this company is never during training does he mention the work hours. Which by the way are 12 HOURS!!!

During training I was told that I would be paid. After training I was informed that I would not be paid until the completion of two tasks. Remembering 20 stupid questions, and making 15 appointments. Making 15 appointments is not as easy as this lying lawyer will have you believe. "45sec is all it takes" B.S. More like it's not going to happen. Think about it. These people live in MILLION DOLLAR HOUSES. When knocking on doors you hear one of five responses. I have a maid, I have wooden floors, I already have a Kirby and the interest is ridiculous, my neighbor has a Kirby and feels like a sucker for buying one, or (my personal favorite) I am not interested. The area that my "Team Leader" dropped me off has a NO SOLICITING policy. So while I am knocking on doors at 5 and 6 o'clock trying to complete my training I get a sixth response.... I am calling to cops. So I immediately leave and call my "Team Leader" and he tells me to roll with the punches and sell sell sell.

My first and LAST day on the field, I learned just how deceitful Kirby was.

The way sales people or DDK get into houses is to BLANTLY LIE to consumers by offering a "Free carpet cleaning". Once inside the house, they just start pulling out attachments and explaining about the Kirby. Customers are often times stunned that you are with Kirby, they thought I was a carpet cleaning service.

While riding back with 6 people crammed into a truck I did basic arithmetic on my cell phone and discovered it is nearly IMMPOSSIBLE TO GET PAID!!!!


In order to get the $2250 I have to perform 60 full demos in a 30 days. I get to work at 11am sit in some brainwashing KIRBY propaganda for an hour. Leave at 12pm arrive at the destination at 12:30pm. The "Team Leader" finds a sell at about 1pm. In order for my demo to count towards my pay I must stay at that house for 2 hours. Yes 2 Hours. However, I will not have an immediate booking as claimed during training. Instead you knock on doors for hours. If lucky you get 3 full demos a day, most days it's 2, sometimes you only get 1. If you work 6 days a week that leaves 24 days to acquire 60 demos. They are closed on Sunday so it impossible to work 7 days. 60/24=2.5 So it seems plausible that this quota is possible if working 6 days a week? NO NO NO NO. If you manage to get 3 full demos 10 days, 2 full demos 14 days the resulting number is 58. So I get no pay. I work extremely hard, walking in extreme HOUSTON HEAT, talking to people who are expecting just a free carpet clean, being insulted, cops called, chased by dogs, walking in the rain... and for what NOTHING.

The average $250 mentioned per Kirby, is effected by the actual price it is sold to the costumer. I get $250 if it is sold at sticker price, which is about $2325. My Team Leader wont hesitate to drop the price to about $1480 to make a sell. So now my cut is about $160, however most people still turn this down because they were actually only interested in the free carpet cleaning. So now my cut is $0. If a customer does purchase a KIRBY and pays full price, but has bad credit my resulting commission is $10.


-Ex. Kirby Dealer-

Ex-Kirby Dealer

Houston, Texas


29 Updates & Rebuttals


Down The Shore,
New Jersey,
The OP is right!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 28, 2009

Yes, Kirby does suck. I worked for them many years ago and this is how the day goes... - You start out in a big room with all the other "dealers" and sing songs (popular tunes with the lyrics changed to reflect Kirby) - Announcements made about people (person) who sold one the day before - After the "meeting" upstairs to the "phone room" to make calls from a phone book to set up "demos" - Off to your appointment(s) - getting yelled at by the person due to the high pressure that you need to put on them (usually with your leader on the phone giving you "pointers") - Leaving without a sale I gave this place (located in Bloomfield, NJ) about 1 1/2 months before wised up and quit. Now, last week.....I get home about 7:00PM from a REAL job and I see the Kirby van on my block and about 6 people jump out and see me and start drooling at the chance of a sale (yeah, right). I now sooner get into my house when my doorbell rings. I answer is and was greeted by a Kirby dealer (my wife didn't want me to answer the door, but I had a stressful day and wanted a little fun). He said that I was "chosen" to have my carpet cleaned at no cost. I told him I wasn't interested, but that was not good enough. He called his leader over and that's when the pressure really started. I kept telling them that I wasn't interested and to leave, which the would not due. Finally I said "let me see if my wife would be interested" and went inside and closed my door, from my peephole I saw the leader give a high-five to the dealer. I did not see if my wife was interested, I immediately called the police. When they got there I explained what happened and kirby zombies told them that I called and set up an appointment. I them told the officer that I wanted them removed from my property. The officer asked them for their identification and it turns out that the leader had a warrant for his arrest a few towns over, when they checked the dealer, he had one for failure to pay child support. So at least those 2 were not going to be a problem anymore (at least for that evening). When I pointed out that the leader was the one who was driving the van the officer also found that his license was suspended, the leader tried to convince the officer that he was not driving, but since I have a security system with a video surveillance of my entire property, one of the cameras caught the leader getting out of the drivers seat of the van when he parked on the street on the side of my property. The officer then decided to tow the van since the person in control of the vehicle was being arrested. When officers left and the van was towed, the other people started coming back from their "demos". They looked all over but the van was gone. I kind of felt bad for these poor souls, first having been scammed by Kirby into taking the "job" then to be left abandonded in an area which they were obviously not familiar with. Oh well, I guess when Kirby tells you that you will be going places they weren't lying, they just never tell you how you will be getting back - LMAO!!!! I just thought that I would share my experiences with Kirby from both sides.


Ya'll are crazy...

#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 28, 2009

Ok look. I love Kirby and I make a ton of money. And by the way those appointments that you have to complete, I happen to be the one that sets those up for you. And the one of five responces are so simple to overcome. But acctual "trying" is required. And guess what... no one thinks I'm a carpet cleaning service because I tell them I'm a rep for the Kirby company. And I still get in houses. It's not hard at all you just have to be willing to put some effort into it. Why sit here and make up excuses and blame people that are not afraid to work for what they want. I "do" knock on doors all day and I "do" knock doors in extreme heat. Guess what I even did it pregnant. Whoo Heww so hard. And yes you do get payed, otherwise I don't think I would be driving the 5 series sitting in my garage. But anyways that's all I have to say. I love Kirby and I love Dyro... It's indeed a GREAT company...


In case you were wondering

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 07, 2009

I found this site when i recently took a job offer from this company. I answered an ad from a newspaper "Customer Service/Front Office Help. Position involves greeting clients, and refilling supply orders". It was in the May 1, Greensheet. Well this job description was vague to me, so when i called the number i asked about what the job was. The woman told me she had moved here from california yesterday and wasnt sure and put me on hold to ask "exactly". She came back on and told me something to the effect of, helping customers who buy from them put their products together, "you know, just kinda help them out". At this point im thinking the place sells furniture or something. She asks me if i can make it by 3:30 for an interview before they close. I said no im sorry, its 3 now and im in the middle of something, so she says, well what about 4. I was thinking but i thought you were closing, but anyways i just moved here and needed a job. I go down there, fill out the application, guy calls me in for an interview. During the interview since i still literally had no clue what this company did I asked again, and he asked me if I had ever heard of the kirby. I had purchased one 2 years earlier i told him(which to this day im very ashamed of). Anyways he explained to me that i would be answering phones, talking to people who were calling either because they owned a kirby and had questions, or because they were interested in a kirby. So now im thinking, oh i see... telemarketing, i did that when i was 17, no big i need the job that bad. Im promised 2k per month and 350 extra when a kirby is sold because of me. This in my head meant if one of the "interested" callers ended up buying one. They tell me to call back tomorrow and see if i got the job, i called back, congrats i had the job come in saturday for training. It was at this point i was thinking, i still have no idea what this company does even though ive just been hired at it. The telemarketing was just a guess of mine, so i googled the company, first search result was from a site called www.ripoffreport.com, and now im thinking oh no, curiosity forces me to click the link, then im just blown away. Im reading a pages worth of typing that describes the exact same thing that ive just dealt with. At this point ive got time on my hands, normally I would have just been thankful for finding the report and blown them off, but i figure, what the heck, i dont know for fact that they have scammed me, even though so far they have done exactly the same thing to me as this guy, ill go to the training. Longer story short, this company has a tactic, one thing in mind, that works very well. You dont advertise in a newpaper, go door to door selling vacuums. No one is gonna call you wanting that job. So they will tell you whatever they have to to get you to that training, and its at this point you find out that your gonna be selling vacuums door to door. Seems like you should be upset at this point right? Well not in their eyes, they have done no wrong because why wouldnt you want to do it when it can make you rich, or so they would have you believe. Its like a pyramid scam in that the pieces are all there to make you rich. Its just not gonna happen. You "could" go out and sell a kirby to every person you ever talk to ever, and become rich. Anyways im getting carried away, i just wanted to help contribute because i moved here with quite a bit of savings, and im having a hard time finding a job. I just imagined this same thing happening to a person who was broke and really needed work to pay their bills, This entire thing would be kicking them so hard while they were down. Its horrible that a company can act like this and get away with it. I see these other posts from people claiming, hey the company is good for me, im rookie of the year etc, opening my own franchise soon and all this. Listen, no one is telling saying that you cant make money with this company. If i didnt care at all about other people I myself might have made alot, i just dont have it in me to be so horrible to people and take advantage of them to make myself a small profit. So if your happy with the company then fine, but i dont think its fair to come on here and defend them just because it doesnt bother you to lie to people. I bought a kirby, and it was just like everyone else has said, they tell you some story to play on your emotions to get in the door. In my case they told me i was the last one for the day and if they didnt do the one last demo they wouldnt get paid. Once you use that emotion to get inside, you stare the demo, which aims at the part of you that wants to live in a clean environment. They pull all this dirt out of the floor and just make you feel sick about your carpet. They do just a small square by the way, they dont do your whole carpet like they say they will. They also offered me a discount of i traded my old vacuum in. The purpose of this is to leave you with one vacuum so that it will be difficult to cancel within the 3 days if you so choose, not to save you money. I will say the kirby is a great vacuum, you cant purchase one at wal-mart that will compare to it. In the demo the machine speaks for itself, and if you are wealthy and have some money lying around go ahead and buy one. You will be happy with it, but at the same time you know you got jacked cause you just spent over 1k on a vacuum cleaner. If you dont want to buy it, prepare one of the highest pressure sales attempts you have ever seen, because they will go until you throw them out, if its not a sale its not a sale, buy they wont leave until you make them. I know typed alot, i wanted to speak of some of my real life experience and hopefully save some people some hearthache. These people are just upset employees ranting. This is all very real.


Kirby Salesmen, in my experience, are uneducated scam artists suckered into making easy money

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2008

My girlfriend got an unsolicited phone call regarding a free carpet shampooing. Yea, cool, come on over! Haha. So, this guy shows up with his Kirby and right away tracks mudd onto our floor and carpet. Immediately I'm like what the heck buddy? He cracks a smile and says, "no worries - I'm here to shampoo anyways!". LOL. He first goes over his sales pitch showing how great the Kirby vacuum is. Solid construction, better suction, wider suction, customer service, warranty, etc. This whole time I'm sitting there on my computer working on some stuff just listening in while my girlfriend is loving it. He goes on to demonstrate how powerful the vacuum is and compares the kirby to our regular vacuum. Now, don't get me wrong, the Kirby is a stronger vacuum then our $15 vacuum. I was impressed at how much more it was picking up over ours. He spends the next hour going over all the different uses, blah blah blah, etc etc. Now the amusing part. "you want it?" he asks. My girlfriend of course says, "yes!" - how much? $1,200. Ouch. No worries! Payment plan of $40/month for the next 4 or 5yrs. Are you kidding me? LOL. She is very impulsive and says, "yea - let's do the payment plan." I immediately step in. I mention that while I was overhearing your sales pitch I couldn't help but notice that used Kirby vacuums could be had on Ebay for $175-$300 for similar models. He had no clue what to say to that and was obviously flustered. Those are older models, not covered under warranty, etc BS, etc. I then tell my girlfriend, "no...I'm not allowing you to buy this vacuum cleaner." I told her if you really feel so strongly about it, we'll do some more research on it and make an informed decision. There will be no sale today, sorry kirby boy. He got real mad at this!!! LOL. starts to say, it's not my decision, it's hers, blah blah. I tell him to leave his card and we'll call him if we want to purchase it. He then ignores me and tells my girlfriend this financing deal is only good for this appointment today. The entire process he was back in forth on his cell phone with "headquarters" about if they can do this deal or not. At this point I kindly tell him to leave as he's wasting his time and our time. He ignores me and continues his push my girlfriend for the sale. I again tell him to leave. My girlfriend finally realized I wasn't going to allow her to make this purchase and apologized to him and said she'll call him back in the next few days with her decision. Now he was mad as all heck!!! A few more minutes of arguing and he finally asks if he can clean his Kirby and then be on his way. We both agree and let him do his thing. It takes him 45mins to clean his vacuum. He starts asking me questions like what do you do for a living and did you go to school trying to make himself feel better by putting others down. I tell him yes, I did go to school and I have 2 degrees. He didn't like that one bit. Starting making fun of me for wasting my money saying how he makes $100k a year working 5hrs a day. Right buddy. This guy was no older than 22 or 23 - a fresh community college dropout who was just kicked out of his parents house was my assumption. Anyways, 20mins into his 45min cleaning i said enough was enough. I told him you have 5 more minutes to clean that POS vacuum or else I'm throwing it, and your punk butt, out on the street. He tries to man up and stares me down while walking over. My god, at this moment I was hoping so dearly he'd throw a punch at me. If I could have I woulda have given him a bat or crowbar to entice him. My girlfriend then, finally, says something intelligent. I'm calling the cops. He picks up the pieces of the vacuum and makes his way out the door holding everything in his arms, LOL. I just wanted to share my story as I still look back upon it and laugh from time to time. Kirby salesman are nothing but door-to-door salesman with high pressure techniques and guess what - you've been replaced by - drumroll please - EBAY. Afterwards my girlfriend and I did some research which consisted of typing in "kirby vacuum" on google search. Countless pages of horror stories regarding these POS vacuums and POS door to door salesmen gave us some laughs and we were glad to have passed the "kirby relationship test". Don't be a sucker. Don't ever buy a $1,000 vacuum. Don't ever be suckered into working as a door to door salesman.



#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 27, 2008

i love it when people say kirby lies... "A free carpet shampooing" That's what we do, how is that a lie? Please tell me I'm drawing a blank... we advertise the machine while we clean for free, and you consumers out there have a problem with that? Please, you self ritchous people make me sick. I've been selling kirby's for 7 months and have made 12 grand selling people a machine that will last forever. To the last poster, Karma, you have purchased a machine that will last forever, your uncle is a bitter old idiot. That machine will last forever and save you hundreds of dollars, and you bought it for rock bottom price. Take a look at that thing for a minute, its made out of die cast aluminum, how is that an ordanary vacuume?


Questions about the actual Kirby Machine

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

Ok, so I have read all of the responses here and I fell for this demonstration almost 5 years ago. What sold me on the Kirby was the dirt and stuff that came out of my carpet, being that my carpet was not even a year old. We do not wear our shoes inside the home and we are extremely clean people. This amazed me. The other perk was the shampoo system. My fiance is a flooring installer and we do not believe in steam cleaning because of what we have seen it do to carpet backings (steam cleaning strips the carpet backing right away from your carpet)! So, any way, this carpet cleaning system is amazing. I love it. However, I feel like I paid a bit much for the kirby. We paid $1,000.00 plus the tax (in a check). Although I did purchase the kirby, them salespeople were very, very agressive. I'm not sure that they would have left the house without a sale having been made. My real question here is for all these kirby employees. Is this vacumme really worth the price? Are you told to say things that are not true? What exactly is the "deception" factor discussed above? I ask you all this because my dad sold Kirby's about 25 years ago and he told me I was crazy for purchasing it and it was nothing more than a regular vacumme. I was a little uneasy after his comments because he worked for them for about 2 years. Please give me some insight here! Thanks.


Questions about the actual Kirby Machine

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

Ok, so I have read all of the responses here and I fell for this demonstration almost 5 years ago. What sold me on the Kirby was the dirt and stuff that came out of my carpet, being that my carpet was not even a year old. We do not wear our shoes inside the home and we are extremely clean people. This amazed me. The other perk was the shampoo system. My fiance is a flooring installer and we do not believe in steam cleaning because of what we have seen it do to carpet backings (steam cleaning strips the carpet backing right away from your carpet)! So, any way, this carpet cleaning system is amazing. I love it. However, I feel like I paid a bit much for the kirby. We paid $1,000.00 plus the tax (in a check). Although I did purchase the kirby, them salespeople were very, very agressive. I'm not sure that they would have left the house without a sale having been made. My real question here is for all these kirby employees. Is this vacumme really worth the price? Are you told to say things that are not true? What exactly is the "deception" factor discussed above? I ask you all this because my dad sold Kirby's about 25 years ago and he told me I was crazy for purchasing it and it was nothing more than a regular vacumme. I was a little uneasy after his comments because he worked for them for about 2 years. Please give me some insight here! Thanks.


Questions about the actual Kirby Machine

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

Ok, so I have read all of the responses here and I fell for this demonstration almost 5 years ago. What sold me on the Kirby was the dirt and stuff that came out of my carpet, being that my carpet was not even a year old. We do not wear our shoes inside the home and we are extremely clean people. This amazed me. The other perk was the shampoo system. My fiance is a flooring installer and we do not believe in steam cleaning because of what we have seen it do to carpet backings (steam cleaning strips the carpet backing right away from your carpet)! So, any way, this carpet cleaning system is amazing. I love it. However, I feel like I paid a bit much for the kirby. We paid $1,000.00 plus the tax (in a check). Although I did purchase the kirby, them salespeople were very, very agressive. I'm not sure that they would have left the house without a sale having been made. My real question here is for all these kirby employees. Is this vacumme really worth the price? Are you told to say things that are not true? What exactly is the "deception" factor discussed above? I ask you all this because my dad sold Kirby's about 25 years ago and he told me I was crazy for purchasing it and it was nothing more than a regular vacumme. I was a little uneasy after his comments because he worked for them for about 2 years. Please give me some insight here! Thanks.


Questions about the actual Kirby Machine

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

Ok, so I have read all of the responses here and I fell for this demonstration almost 5 years ago. What sold me on the Kirby was the dirt and stuff that came out of my carpet, being that my carpet was not even a year old. We do not wear our shoes inside the home and we are extremely clean people. This amazed me. The other perk was the shampoo system. My fiance is a flooring installer and we do not believe in steam cleaning because of what we have seen it do to carpet backings (steam cleaning strips the carpet backing right away from your carpet)! So, any way, this carpet cleaning system is amazing. I love it. However, I feel like I paid a bit much for the kirby. We paid $1,000.00 plus the tax (in a check). Although I did purchase the kirby, them salespeople were very, very agressive. I'm not sure that they would have left the house without a sale having been made. My real question here is for all these kirby employees. Is this vacumme really worth the price? Are you told to say things that are not true? What exactly is the "deception" factor discussed above? I ask you all this because my dad sold Kirby's about 25 years ago and he told me I was crazy for purchasing it and it was nothing more than a regular vacumme. I was a little uneasy after his comments because he worked for them for about 2 years. Please give me some insight here! Thanks.


I OWN A KIRBY...........

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

GUESS WHAT, I DID NOT HAVE TO BUY IT FROM THE BONE HEADED DOOR TO DOOR SALES MEN. THAT PRACTICE SHOULD BE OUTLAWED ANYWAY BECAUSE ITS DANGEROUES TO GO INTO THE HOUSE OF A STRANGER. You might as well close up shop now, with the economy the way it is you are not going to sell any thing to anyone in Spring Branch anyway.


I OWN A KIRBY...........

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

GUESS WHAT, I DID NOT HAVE TO BUY IT FROM THE BONE HEADED DOOR TO DOOR SALES MEN. THAT PRACTICE SHOULD BE OUTLAWED ANYWAY BECAUSE ITS DANGEROUES TO GO INTO THE HOUSE OF A STRANGER. You might as well close up shop now, with the economy the way it is you are not going to sell any thing to anyone in Spring Branch anyway.


I OWN A KIRBY...........

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

GUESS WHAT, I DID NOT HAVE TO BUY IT FROM THE BONE HEADED DOOR TO DOOR SALES MEN. THAT PRACTICE SHOULD BE OUTLAWED ANYWAY BECAUSE ITS DANGEROUES TO GO INTO THE HOUSE OF A STRANGER. You might as well close up shop now, with the economy the way it is you are not going to sell any thing to anyone in Spring Branch anyway.


I OWN A KIRBY...........

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

GUESS WHAT, I DID NOT HAVE TO BUY IT FROM THE BONE HEADED DOOR TO DOOR SALES MEN. THAT PRACTICE SHOULD BE OUTLAWED ANYWAY BECAUSE ITS DANGEROUES TO GO INTO THE HOUSE OF A STRANGER. You might as well close up shop now, with the economy the way it is you are not going to sell any thing to anyone in Spring Branch anyway.

Bluetoad The Product Tester

I know Danial Blalock and listen your anger is misdirected, please read

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 18, 2008

I read your post and the other Danial Blalock post and everything you both said is perfectly true about Daniel "The Machine" Blalock but it should NOT be directed at Kirby. Basically... this is very laymens terms: Daniel Blalock bought kirby's from the factory and sales them his way. Kirby would NEVER endorse such sales measures. Thats Daniel Blalock's office, not the company Kirby. Though I think Kirby should have a revise of their sales offices, they make the best vacuum and it does so so so much more then being the most effienct vacuum in the world and it's American made. I heard a new president/CEO or whatever took over and he runs s**t like s**t nowdays. That guy doesn't care as much as the past CEO's have. He is all about sales and so the office push for more sales any way they can. Though that last part is pure rumor, it could be true

Bluetoad The Product Tester

I know Danial Blalock and listen your anger is misdirected, please read

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 18, 2008

I read your post and the other Danial Blalock post and everything you both said is perfectly true about Daniel "The Machine" Blalock but it should NOT be directed at Kirby. Basically... this is very laymens terms: Daniel Blalock bought kirby's from the factory and sales them his way. Kirby would NEVER endorse such sales measures. Thats Daniel Blalock's office, not the company Kirby. Though I think Kirby should have a revise of their sales offices, they make the best vacuum and it does so so so much more then being the most effienct vacuum in the world and it's American made. I heard a new president/CEO or whatever took over and he runs s**t like s**t nowdays. That guy doesn't care as much as the past CEO's have. He is all about sales and so the office push for more sales any way they can. Though that last part is pure rumor, it could be true

Bluetoad The Product Tester

I know Danial Blalock and listen your anger is misdirected, please read

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 18, 2008

I read your post and the other Danial Blalock post and everything you both said is perfectly true about Daniel "The Machine" Blalock but it should NOT be directed at Kirby. Basically... this is very laymens terms: Daniel Blalock bought kirby's from the factory and sales them his way. Kirby would NEVER endorse such sales measures. Thats Daniel Blalock's office, not the company Kirby. Though I think Kirby should have a revise of their sales offices, they make the best vacuum and it does so so so much more then being the most effienct vacuum in the world and it's American made. I heard a new president/CEO or whatever took over and he runs s**t like s**t nowdays. That guy doesn't care as much as the past CEO's have. He is all about sales and so the office push for more sales any way they can. Though that last part is pure rumor, it could be true

Bluetoad The Product Tester

I know Danial Blalock and listen your anger is misdirected, please read

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 18, 2008

I read your post and the other Danial Blalock post and everything you both said is perfectly true about Daniel "The Machine" Blalock but it should NOT be directed at Kirby. Basically... this is very laymens terms: Daniel Blalock bought kirby's from the factory and sales them his way. Kirby would NEVER endorse such sales measures. Thats Daniel Blalock's office, not the company Kirby. Though I think Kirby should have a revise of their sales offices, they make the best vacuum and it does so so so much more then being the most effienct vacuum in the world and it's American made. I heard a new president/CEO or whatever took over and he runs s**t like s**t nowdays. That guy doesn't care as much as the past CEO's have. He is all about sales and so the office push for more sales any way they can. Though that last part is pure rumor, it could be true

Friends Of Bark

My name is adam and i work for the company

#19UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 01, 2008

I was hired as a club eleven two and a half years ago. Those of you who paid attention in class should know what that is. It is true that alot of people have come and gone but it is mainly personal choice. I happen to like my position here and can say that i have not ever had to lie to complete a sale or set my own appointment. In fact, those that know how to tell the truth at the door and in the house often have the best success. I am 22 and am about to open up my own franchise. Call it what you will but i can't say that i know too many people my age that have the income potential i am facing at my age. Slave labor, craziness, failing at college; call it what you will but hard work will always get you farther than being lazy. As far as the retirement comment, the company retires you at 80 million; find me a 401k that will do that. Don't say silly things just to have something to type. I will be better off than you and that is a promise because i know how to simply knock on a door and sell a vacuum. I guess what upsets you so much is you don't understand how one can become financially stable from selling vacuums and it boggles your mind. Oh well, we are the most successful direct sales organization. Warren buffet bought the company for a reason. If being an idiot makes me millions than count me in. So what if you can't find our success rate on line; we only give that information out to the people in the company because the normal person would not understand the business, which is now very apparent. Brainwashed, yup. Didn't graduate from college, correct. Very well off because i work harder than everyone else, so very true. Call me what you wan't, because you dont run my life, I DO. Negative people blame others and positive people find a way. Even if you aren't successful in warren buffet's fortune 500 company, go find your own thing to do and excell in it. Have a great day!! I know i will!


What Lies?

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 01, 2008

Excuse me, to the moron that wrote whats wrong with these people in here. First off, they lie about everything. Look, I only worked there three days but when I went in to apply, they danced around the job itself. THey said it would be a customer service job answering phones! I seriously think all of the people that get on here and post on behalf of Kirby are either current employees that have been brainwashed or they are management/ownership of a distributer. Also, please quit talking about the 90 years the "company" has been in business. The company is in business because it sells its vacuums to distributers like Dyro! So technically, it isnt so much the Kirby company itself as it is probably most of the distributers. Also, they lie about getting paid for training and about the "paperwork" that has to be done. The training person in Kissimmee Florida, her name is Elizabeth Meadly, i think thats how you spell it, also constantly lied about not having to go cold knocking on peoples doors. Lol, I'm thinking about going back to the office because from what I have heard most of these owners/managers are sort of loser type people; drugs, and things like that and Elizabeth didnt look half bad so I'm thinking I can get her in the sack.


Casa Grande,
What is wrong with you people?

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 15, 2008

I used to work for Kirby, about ten years ago in New York. I was very successful with the company, and made alot of money. However, it does not justify the lies that are told to new "employees" and customers. I just happened to be a good salesman. It is true, that for some people, Kirby can make them alot of money. But what about the rest? All of you Kirby people know that out of fifty prospects, only one or two will actually become a successful salesperson with the company. How is it fair to fill young peoples' heads with all these promises of money and wealth, when you KNOW that they will most likely fail? What about the desperate folks who are in finacial trouble and need to make money to support their families or rent/house payments? Why put them in a worse position by lying to them and sticking them in a situation where they are only going to fall further behind? Is it because of the money that one or two are going to make you in the coming weeks/months? That sound very greedy and selfish to me. What's worse is, I speak the truth. That is why I left after two years. Even with all of the money I made, I could no longer deal with the lies. How do you justify lying to customers, just to get them to look at the d**n thing to begin with? You know the pitch: "you don't have to buy anything" or "we are not selling anything" or "this will only take about 15 minutes". And don't lie to me, and say that you don't tell people these things at the door- I know better. I know all of the tricks of getting in the door, and all the tricks to get them to buy as well. I guess Kirby is a great way to make alot of money, if you don't mind being ruthless to folks you don't even know. I was actually taught to stay in a house until I sold the machine, or I was physically asked to leave. That is not acceptable in my book. Really, I would like to hear your rebuttles to my statement... and remember- do not try to lie to me, I already know the game.


Gig Harbor,

#22UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 08, 2008

I feel sorry for anyone who still works for the company. Money is not made the way they tell you it will be and people that do work for the company any longer than a few days know EXACTLY what they're doing. LYING, CHEATING, AND DECEIVING. Those are the only people that exceed in the business. I worked there for 2 days after the 3 days of training I feel sad that I didn't quit after the training like 5 of the 8 other people did. It's clear Kirby is a scam, to either work for to buy. And the only reason someone may argue against that is because they are good liars, cheaters, and thiefts. To defend Kirby blows my mind, but what would the world be without deceitful people?



#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 01, 2008

Hahah, nice one Justmee. Current Kirby Dealer, who remains to be nameless, I assume, in fear the majority of people reading this will think he is just as uneducated as he writes. First step; in writing a rebuttal, one usually checks grammar because , I don't know about you, but if there are simple errors in an argument, I automatically think the person who wrote it is, well, stupid. I'm going to have to agree with the others; you are very brainwashed. I worked for Kirby as a salesperson, not at Dyro, and I took note on how every person above me either A) never went to college or B) Dropped out of college. If you say they are making their money because they aren't afraid of hard work (ten hour days, six days a week) then why, pray tell, was I told by them, in person, they simply didn't have what it takes to get through college? College is a lot of work, of course, but most days are shorter than ten hours and it's not on the weekends. In my case I would've been working from 9:30 AM until 11:30 PM. To me that's no longer hard work, but rather slave labor. Fourteen hour days; woof. I was told this wasn't a door-to-door job, and that we sold Kirbys only by appointment, but that was a lie. It was door to door. So I could knock on doors all day long, traveling from neighborhood to neighborhood crammed in a van with copious amounts of other people who were too naive to realize they were going nowhere in life, and if I didn't make the required fourteen in-home demos per week, I would get paid absolutely nothing. I was told I would get paid $10/hour. How despicable. You look at this information, read all of the ripoff reports on this website solely focused on Kirby, and then if you still have the balls to say this isn't a business based on scamming and lying and keeping secrets, then you truly are the densest person I know. Did you know 90% of Kirby salespersons quit within the first month for never receiving a paycheck, commission, promised bonuses, and so on and so forth? Weird....


I agree with ex employee

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 25, 2008

I also worked for Kirby and found them to be rip off artists. And to current employee. Wonderful for you that you enjoy your job. but "selling" Kirby's and manipulating people isn't everybody's niche. How dare you put down 9-5 jobs. I'll have you know I make over six figures working a 9-5 job. We'll see who's better off after retirement. My 9-5 with pension and benefits or your scamming con artist wages.

Ex-Kirby Dealer

Trust me.... Glad to be GONE!!!!

#25Author of original report

Wed, June 25, 2008

wow... I was right you would take a bullet for Dyro. I didn't fail at anything. I know work a 9-5 job and enjoy it. I actually get paid when I am told and I don't even have to scam anyone. I bet the owner can afford to buy many different cars and houses especially after he pulled this scam on many customers and countless employees. After the new people sell a Kirby he collets money, then gives excuse after excuse as to why not pay. After the employee gets tried of this run around they simply quit and go find a real job. Thus leaving a nice chunk of change for this con artist to have. Duh, Kirby is owned by Berkshire Hathaway. If you could read you would see that I said that DYRO is not mentioned on the site. Maybe you are not smart enough to interpret what you read correctly. Is that why you dropped out of college? Maybe classes got too hard, and you decided that selling vacuum cleaners is a little more down your alley. Or did you graduate and get a degree, but decided that the thousands of dollars and numerous hours you spent on school, to go to an actual job couldnt possible compare to selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door? If you chose to latter then it sounds to me that you need an intervention. If Dyro is one of the largest distributors in the world then why arent they mentioned anywhere on the site? Why arent they mentioned anywhere in the world? Type Dyro Productions in Google and see what comes up. NOTHING BUT COMPLAINTS!!! I bet everyone at Dyro is laughing, because what I am writing is true. They laughing about how they screw people over and make thousands and probably even millions off the people that work there and customers. Maybe you should take some of your advice and go see a SHRINK BECAUSE YOU ARE BRAINWASHED!!! Hey you said it yourself, and admitting you have a problem is the first step in a positive direction. DYRO IS A SCAM. DO NOT WORK FOR KIRBY. DO NOT BUY A KIRBY. IT IS A SCAM TO BOTH THE BUYER AND SELLER. -Ex Kirby Dealer-

Current Kiby Dealer

I'm Glad I'm Brain Washed!!! I'm glad you're GONE

#26UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 06, 2008

wow!!!! Why would get so mad because you FAILED at something. Success is often disguised as hard work! You must be the type that HONESTLY believes that 9-5 will get you somewhere. The Owner is a millionaire and he used to be a bus boy.... but I'm sure you'd say "He lied to make his money"! No: HE WORKS HARD!! The Trainer you say is a liar makes mid six figures, has 3 cars, and is building a 5,000 sq ft home. But let me guess "you have to go to school to make money"? If you visit BerkshireHathaway.com and click on Scott and Fetzer you would see KIRBY....but that's right you're to smart to click more than once....too much work..... might give you carpol tunel?......does that make the manufacturer of your keyboard a scam? We work hard and make great money...KIRBY has been around for 94 years...DYRO is one of it's largest distributors in the world..... You're probably 19 and realizing that hard work isn't for you!!!! You talk bad about a company that is LOVED by thousands and has HUNDRED OF THOUSANDS of CUSTOMERS!!!! I bet you do drugs because you don't make sense!!! All of Dyro is laughing at your silly little posting. Have fun being mad....GET A SHRINK....AND FIND SOMETHING BETTER TO DO WITH YOUR TIME....BECAUSE YOUR WASTING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! From: A current very happy, financially sound, hard working, educated (UofH), about to get promoted, and loving life KIRBY DEALER

Ex-Kirby Dealer

Dyro is "great" company... WOW YOU GOT BRAINWASHED!!!

#27Author of original report

Fri, May 30, 2008

Anybody who thinks Dyro is a great company is either the con-artist who is at the top of the pyramid scheme, a fool, or brainwashed. First of all DYRO is in no way affiliated with Berkshire Hathaway and I can guarantee that Warren Buffet has no idea that these con-men are slandering his name. This company is ran by LIARS. Go to Berkshire Hathaways website and you will find NOTHING ABOUT DYRO. Dyro is an independently owned and operated business/SCAM that does not report to corporate headquarters. So how can it possibly be affiliated with anything? Yea its put in writing that you get 2250 a month after completing 30 demos in 60 days. But they have some many nitpicky specifications. Such as if I dont pull enough pads then it doesnt count, if I dont stay the 2 hours (even if I sell a Kirby) it wont count, if you dont phone close (even if the people are telling you they dont want it) then it doesnt count, if you miss a day out of the six day work week for a month then you are hardly going to meet that 30 demo quota. Most people are pushing you out the door after an hour, most sane and reasonable people feel that it is intrusive to be inside a COMPLETE STRANGERS HOUSE and to have them begging you to leave. You must either be insensitive to others or brainwashed to not see this as unethical. If Dyro was up front why not say "I am selling Kirby's it can do blah blah" instead of asking people for "A FREE CARPET CLEANING". If Dyro was up front why are we knocking on doors in a "NO SOLICTING" neighborhood. There are no demo appointments, it is just who ever wants a free carpet cleaning receives a long 2 hour long sales-pitch about something they don't even want. Nobody is even expecting to see a Kirby demo. They think you are working for a CARPET CLEANING SERVICE. This is not honesty towards customers, this is lying and deceitful. If it is such a good business why is the TURNOVER RATES SO HIGH. I bet you were brainwashed into believing that nobody got laid off. Well that part is true nobody gets laid off. That's because they all QUIT. If you like partaking in an adult fundraiser for a bunch of con-artist then Dyro is the best place for you. You obliviously never went to college or have any sort of education, cause if you did you would get a REAL JOB instead of RIPPING PEOPLE OFF. I went there for a summer job only. And if I had researched this company before I applied, then I would not even have wasted my time. If you been working for this "Great" company where are the benefits (i.e. insurance and healthcare). Oh this might have been your first job and didn't know that most reputable companies offer some types of benefits, don't require you to work slave hours, offer some sort of a break, and doesn't expect you to be a door-to-door peddler. Kirby team leaders down-right lie. I was told that KIRBY's are only sold door to door. Did you know that you can purchases KIRBYs from the KIRBY WEBSITE? If it is such a great job and hard workers quickly rise and open up stores of there own. Why are there no Kirby locations open other than this one? They are constantly handing out training checks to new people because people are constantly quitting. Open your eyes, you were brainwashed into believing that you are working a real job and not scamming people into buying a vacuum for 2000 dollars. It is clear that you have been brainwashed, the arguments and rhetoric you used to support Kirby is mere parroting of what that con-man told me during orientation. I am glad that you made money from this horrible company, cause most people dont. If this company is reputable then why are they constantly hiring, yet never mention the name Kirby in the ad, change the number but its the same business and have SO MANY COMPLAINTS ABOUT THEM. Does this sound honest and trustworthy to you? CURRENT KIRBY DEALER, you are a perfect example of the ignorance that is found within DYRO productions. I bet you would go to bat for Kirby probably even take a bullet for KIRBY cause you are BRAINWASHED. DYRO IS A SCAM. DO NOT WORK FOR KIRBY. DO NOT BUY A KIRBY. IT IS A SCAM TO BOTH THE SELLER AND THE BUYER.

A Friend

My Town,
New Jersey,
You're right Kirby SUCKS!

#28Consumer Comment

Sun, May 18, 2008

I, also, worked for Kirby (about 30 years ago)...I agree, do not "work" there.. You will never make any money.

Current Kiby Dealer

Dyro is a "GREAT" Company

#29UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 18, 2008

It's very sad to see that you are dissapointed in your short work history with DYRO Productions. I have read 2 reports listed on this site and am frustrated with individuals who love to point the finger at an awesome company because they're afraid of hard work! You kept using the word LIE? First you said that you were promised $2,250 mth. I went through the same training 4 months ago with the same "Trainer" which happens to be upfront, honest, and highly respected in a 94 year old company with thousands of individuals world wide. Everyone that works in the position you only "ATTEMPTED" takes home at least $2,250 mth IT'S PUT IN WRITING! If you don't complete it, then why make silly allegations? Not very smart. You also said you were told that you could make as much as a doctor. They have hundreds of weekly checks from people in the "dealer" position (the one you gave up on) posted in the break room which "proves" some of us make as much as doctors....don't get upset because you threw in the towel! You also said the company was a SCAM/Pyramid scheme. Companies don't stay in business for almost 100 years from scamming people, do they? Kirby isn't a pyramid company an any fashion....my checks come every week for the work I do with customers they a set up with who want to see the Kirby. Like YOU SAID,people who already have Kirby's...how did they get them? Osmosis... I think not. If the so called "con artist" didn't answer any of your questions then why did you stay through training?..your ignorance is not shocking anymore. You stated that you didn't understand how the pay worked, or the pay for training worked! That's hilarious considering all the time you spent typing your ridiculous statement about the pay in 'grave detailed with ratio's" Ha...you've gotta be kidding me. You obviously understood, that's very apparent. P.S Making appointments is very easy, a 5 year old could probably do it. Here are the true statements that you should re-write: You are promised $2,250 per month as long as you work and complete what is required "it's called work". People at DYRO do make very good money, the staff is great, and people are happy working there. You do get paid for training and it is explained properly and honestly and put in writing which everyone signs! (Everyone in my training class got paid for training) and they hand out training checks all the time when new people are hired and complete training. Kirby is owned by Berkshire Hathaway which is owned by Warren Buffet. But, like any company there is always a few people who love to blame other people for their incomplete work, and short comings. Anyone who reads what you wrote will figure out shortly you don't like to work. Example: You wrote "they work 12 hour days". WOW OR SHOULD I SAY WHHHAAAYYYY? "You said you're a hard worker but complain about "Weather and Hours". Your upset and want to slander a great company, but they're are tens of thousands which will go to bat for KIRBY anyday of the week. We work hard. We love our customers. We love our bosses and Trainer which you slandered... bet you didn't call him did ya? No because you know you're wrong. We hope the best for you and yours. I current Dealer in Kirby at DYRO a GREAT COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ex-Kirby Dealer


#30Author of original report

Fri, May 16, 2008

If a customer does purchase a KIRBY and pays full price, but has "bad credit" then my resulting commission is $10. However, Kirby get all there money.

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