  • Report:  #901609

Complaint Review: Korey Dean Flowers - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
AtlantaEsq - Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

Korey Dean Flowers
212 16th Street Atlanta, 30363 Georgia, United States of America
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Report Attachments
Korey Flowers is a liar and thief of epic proportions.  Look no further than the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia Civil Action Numbers 2011CV203536, 2012CV209886 & 2012CV214731.  Mr. Flowers claims to be a "contractor" capable of performing structural rehabbing & remodeling of homes, conduct property management, and is a real estate investor extraordinaire.  REALITY:  This guy is a fraud.  Do not give this man money.  He will lie through his teeth and offer "contracts" for you to sign which is just his crowbar to get into your wallet.  He has already defrauded foreign investors in Israel and Australia for over $300K promising to rehab and develop homes they purchase and then fill them with tenants as investment properties from which he takes a percentage.  TRUTH:  He will never send you a dime.  He will live off your money, find tenants for homes you purchase and then subsequently keep all the rent proceeds, or sell the house from under for his own account, promise to perform rehab & renovations services which he will never intent to perform (oh and by the way he is not even a licensed contractor in that State of Georgia), and pretty much steal your money.  Then when you sue him, he will avoid service of process, and then once he is finally served, will make outlandish claims like "his name was forged on the contracts" or that "the contracts have been altered."  The only thing that is altered is this man's moral compass which is broken.  This guy is a grade A liar and scumbag.  If you cross paths with him, do not walk but RUN to the nearest exit.

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Jeremiah Jarmin wastes padres money!

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, March 05, 2014


Do you really think your constant personal attacks affect him?!  Grow up!  if you claim to be such a successful law firm then continue to do that!  Why waste your "successful time" with people you don't care about?  anyone with a brain can view legal records and see that what you claim is nonsense!  Just grow up and go about your business for god sake!  Seems a bit envious and vindictive really.  Stick to what you know and stop being a boy

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jeremiah jarmin=joke attorney

#3General Comment

Thu, February 27, 2014

 Seriously?!! If you even have the nerve to call yourself an attorney then produce proof of what you claim (slander).  In all honesty I went to school with you and you are just as big of a joke as you were then!  Stop trying to make a name off other people.  What your're doing is slander and immature.  Seriously grow up and stop hating on people for god sake!  Your family gave you a business, so just build it and stop acting like a 12 year old really!  Daddy can only take you so far buddy.  For god sake, don't you know you can be disbarred for these kind of actions? 

Justice and Truth

Justice and Truth Jeremiah Jarmin

#4UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Thu, December 12, 2013

This is a formal rebuttal to a so called “victim” or angry consumer comment on which upon reading is an obvious attempt to slander and blackmail Korey Flowers, Empire Investment Holdings, LLC and CSF Enterprises

 This so called random user is nothing of the sort.  His username overtly identifies himself by using the name “AtlantaEsq”, whom is also known as Jeremiah Jarmin Esq or Jeremiah Jarmin Esquire from Atlanta, GA .  You can find him at Jarminlaw.com.

 He made his user name and commented on the site at the same time he was not getting his way while suing  the for mentioned companies over a small renovation on his brother’s behalf due to some small confusion on a finishing date.   After all attempts to rectify the situation by either finishing the project that had already reached over 50% completion in a week or paying the difference to settle the issue that he himself agreed to be under 10k while bullying for an entire refund, decided to sue CSF Enterprises, Korey Flowers himself, Empire Investment Holdings, LLC for not only the money he thought was due but for all the companies properties and over $1.5 million dollars.  Mind you, CSF was the only company that was purported to do business with Jeremiah Jarmin’s brother.

This is not only most likely illegal but could likely get an attorney disbarred if his identity was released by the site, and able to be discovered by the Georgia Bar authorities.  Our intention is not to explain or react to the outlandish, juvenile, and outright crazy comments stated by this individual whom his easily traceable and can be identified as Jeremiah Jarmin, but to make those reading aware that this is complete blackmail and slander that was used in attempt to win a case through all out bullying and illegal activity.  The companies from what I know at the moment have no intention of pursuing the issue for it has been settled professionally and with integrity after being pursued wrongfully, forcefully, and illegally by Jeremiah Jarmin.

Korey Flowers as an individual and his company have no current or past lawsuits that have been decided against him or his partner companies.  In fact if you do your research, the ones mentioned were thrown out due to third parties scamming both Korey Flowers and his partner companies and others listed in the case out of Florida.  In no way at any time has Korey Flowers and his partner companies Empire Investment Holdings, LLC and CSF Enterprises participated in fraud or defrauding personal consumers or businesses.   “AtlantaEsq”  or Jeremiah Jarmin is an attorney who decided to use outlandish tactics not taught in law school and surely not approved by the Georgia BAR in attempt to achieve his desired results.

He should be ashamed for his actions and concerned for his integrity.  Attorneys like this should not be allowed to practice in Georgia or anywhere for that matter.  The man should be disbarred so that others  don’t have to endure suffering  when he decides his case isn’t moving in the direction he prefers and moves on to dishonorable and pathetic ways of practicing so called law.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Korey Dean Flowers aka CSF Enterprises, Investment & Real Estate Fraud

#5Author of original report

Sat, June 23, 2012

Korey Flowers is a liar and thief of epic proportions.  Look no further than the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia Civil Action Numbers 2011CV203536, 2012CV209886 & 2012CV214731.  Mr. Flowers claims to be a "contractor" capable of performing structural rehabbing & remodeling of homes, property management, and is a real estate investor extraordinaire.  REALITY:  This guy is a fraud.  Do not give this man money.  He will lie through his teeth and offer "contracts" for you to sign which is just his crowbar to get into your wallet...contracts he has no intention of performing on.  He has already defrauded foreign investors in Israel and Australia for over $300K promising to rehab and develop homes they purchase and then fill them with tenants as investment properties from which he takes a percentage.  TRUTH:  Korey Flowers is a failed businessman who lost in his a*s in the real estate down turn and how has turned to fraud to make a living. He will never send you a dime.  He will live off your money, find tenants for homes you purchase and then subsequently keep all the rent proceeds, or sell the house from underneath you for his own account, promise to perform rehab & renovations services which he will never intend to perform (oh and by the way he is not even a licensed contractor in that State of Georgia), and pretty much steal your money.  Then when you sue him, he will avoid service of process, and then once he is finally served, will make outlandish claims like "his name was forged on the contracts" or that "the contracts have been altered."  In the mean time, he will deed the properties to other business entities in a futile attempt to fraudulently transfer them out of his name and company to other companies he owns in order to be "uncollectible."  If you cross paths with him, do not walk but RUN to the nearest exit.  What he is doing is criminal.  Do not give this man any money, the only way you will get it back is through a lawsuit.  His companies also go by the names CSF Enterprises, CSF Renovations, CSF Management, Empire Investment Holdings, etc..  

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