  • Report:  #23453

Complaint Review: LeaseComm Corporation - Woburn Massachusetts

Reported By:
- Baxter, mn,

LeaseComm Corporation
10-M Commerce Way Woburn, 01801 Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Leased a credit card machine through Leasecomm, via suggestion of local salesperson. Lease was 48 months at 30.89 a month. When we found out we could buy our own machine for about $350.00, we tried to cancel the lease. Response was laughter from the Leasecomm rep who said we had a none cancellable lease. Who has ever heard of a non-cancellable lease.

We are just a small business and do not have the resources to fight a larger company, so we have paid the lease. The lease has now expired, however we still had to pay an additional $132 in order to keep the machine. Total paid for a $350 machine was over $1615.

I know this has happened to several other unsuspecting business owners.


Baxter, Minnesota

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