  • Report:  #766005

Complaint Review: Lewis Brackin Flowers & Johnson - Dothan Alabama

Reported By:
Shiloh - Dothan, Alabama, United States of America

Lewis Brackin Flowers & Johnson
265 West Main Street Dothan, 36301 Alabama, United States of America
(334) 792-5157
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I'll just start out by saying that I have chronic seizures. The doctors really don't know what to call it since it isn't epilepsy, and I don't have any idea what's wrong with me physically. And since I'm on Medicare and Medicaid, they refuse to treat me generally or even BEGIN to TRY and find out what is wrong...especially SOUTHERN BONE AND JOINT. Just sayin'. ;)

Generally, the doctors in the area of Dothan, Alabama are jerks. It is a very wealthy town with these (delusional) upper-crust fraks running the town, the politics, and unfortunately, the medicine. They refuse to treat anyone who isn't their "omg like bff!!!!!", and yeah, that's just exactly how things work in this part of the south...known as the Wiregrass. IMO, just a*s.

Seriously, DON'T EVER MOVE HERE!!!!!

So. I had some medical bills which I was unable to pay. Obviously, I'm an intelligent individual...probably much more so than those who "claim" to want to aid the weak and weary....whatever.

I had an ongoing relationship with a local police officer for a period of four years, after which he dumped me in a rather nasty and abrupt manner. I didn't complain, in fact, by my own choice, never had contact with him again. Unfortunately, he knew, and still does know, the EMT's, rescue squad, sheriff's dept, and other officers in my area. I've been constantly harassed since the "break-up" by all of these service members, culminating in a horrible event in which not only ERS, but also the Enterprise Fire Department, and Enterprise Medical Center refused to help me.

I had a Grand-Mal seizure which resulted in my cracking open my skull. Not ONLY did the EMT's threaten to let my pets out of the house, but they laughed it up at me, and teased me when they arrived on the scene. Though the gash went all the way to my skull, they found humor in the event, and offered to apply butterfly stitches to my wound...while snickering.

I ended up having a friend drive me to the hospital with a gushing gash of a wound on my head, and had to wait in the lobby while people pointed and stared incessantly. Eventually I receieved a four layer closure, and was promptly sent home.

Fast forward about a year later:

I also am cane reliant, and have severe hip and back problems. I AM indigent. I AM disabled. And when I say that, I mean it. I go to a Medicare participating hospital because I fell down the stairs at my apartment and was unable to walk. I finally chose to have my current husband drive me to E'prise M.C due to the general behavior of the EMT's here.

Once at Enterprise Medical, we waited eight HOURS!!!! After which time I was informed that I had been taken off the waiting list and would have to like, "re-register" in order to be seen...in other words....at least another eight hours. When I questioned the receptionist, she smirked at me and claimed ignorance of the situation. Finally I took off to Flowers Hospital (a private hospital mind you) in Dothan, AL to receive treatment, where the service was not only prompt, but thorough and courteous.

Now, a few years later....I find I have Enterprise Rescue of all places sending me a bill!!!!!!! And I'm talking about the day they showed up laughing their butts off at me! In the end, they did nothing!!! Not only that, but the day they're claiming to have come over was incorrect! The day they DID come, they did nothing but laugh it up with their buddies from the fire station! They served NO function, and I didn't even call them!!!!!

YET, not only have they generated a false claim that they rushed me to the hospital on a major holiday when there were plenty of people around me....they've sent it to a collection agency!

And just let me tell you about these hmmmm....asshats. So I disputed this bill with the ambulance company right? MANY TIMES. YET, they had the balls to sell the claim to a collection agency known down here as Lewis, Brackin, Flowers, and Johnson. Well, I tried to patiently work out something with the company cheerleader Kathy, regarding the legitimate bill (which is actually much higher). But as far as the smaller amount...what am I paying you for?????? GAS? SERVICES UN-RENDERED????? PROVIDING YOU ENTERTAINMENT?!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY?!!

Anywho, I suppose Kathy had her pissy pants on, because she was rather aggressive with me, even though I was doing my best to calm HER down. Then, while speaking to her superior, (name unknown) she took it upon herself to hang up on both my husband and myself; leaving my husband with the cryptic message that, "We might have to go further then!" REAL PROFESSIONAL CHICK! Learn some customer service skills!!!!!!

OMG, just please avoid the WIREGRASS, ENTERPRISE M.C., ENTERPRISE RESCUE, AND LEWIS, BRACKIN, FLOWERS, AND JOHNSON!!!!!! This area is nothing but a playground for rich bitches, and basically, they want to drive all us "undesirables" OUT. I just hope I can survive long enough to get the hell out of here.

This is just fair warning for all of you looking to move to Dothan or Fort Rucker, Alabama. Be prepared for what you get...oh, that's right, unless you're like OMGz SUPER RICH!!!!

Good luck with that.


Report Attachments

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Be Nice

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 07, 2015

While you certainly have had a horrible experience from the get go, calling people names and "screaming" online is not going to help you in any way. I understand that you are disabled. I also know, from experience, that you can get both Medicare and Medicaid at the same time because you are disabled and also because you are low income. Indigent? How so? Does your husband work? Any income in the household is counted. I am not saying that you are not indigent, I am just asking since you put it out there in your post.


Why has Medicare or Medicaid not picked up any of the bills? After all, what Medicare doesn't pay, Medicaid will. And if these medical providers take either or both insurances, then usually your bill will be paid in full from whatever they agree to with the government (both federal and state). If you are indigent or very low income, you probably would have even have to pay a deductible because they will offset each other. Just trying to get a feel here for what you are saying.


I understand how maddening this can be having experienced my own set of medical bill collection. Stacy may not be up to date on having both insurances, but calling her ignorant is not going to garner you any sympathy from anyone who reads your story. And you do have a good one. 


Have you tried to get with an attorney that would help you for free or very little cost? Has the law firm filed for a judgment? You may be able to tell your story in the court room. I would, if I were you, calm yourself before you do. If you rant and rave like you have on this site, they will chalk you up to a nutcase and find for the medical place. I think that you probably have a good head on your shoulders, you just need to use it in a constructive way.


Good luck to you. Fighting these collections is not easy, but if you keep a cool head and press forward, I think maybe you may be able to win it.


BTW, I do live down here in the Wiregrass area. 


Take care of yourself.


United States of America
RE: Lewis Brackin Flowers & Johnson

#3Author of original report

Wed, August 17, 2011

This was actually supposed to precede the former statement, but some reason, was not posted. I'm going to post it anyway, just so I can have my say in response to the previous comments, and in all honesty, closure. I don't HAVE  to pay for ANYTHING. And as a matter of fact, I don't think I will...just to prove a point. ;)

Wow...okay, I didn't expect to receive so many responses in so little time which just shows me that this firm is trying to crush my spirit. Good luck with that considering I don't back down from a challenge! Additionally, the more you post on this, the better. It will push the report up further on search engines, so hey, thanks! You're doing a great disservice to all the rip off artists in question, and actually helping my cause. Epic. ;)

In response to Stacey - Dallas (U.S.A.), uhm, In regards to your first question, I'm on Medicare and Medicaid because I am disabled....that's how it's possible. I'm not denying that I owe some monies to Enterprise Rescue....not at all.
There is a legitimate charge in question, and I'm attempting to pay that off. Now, the one to which I am referring (the fake charge) is why I'm filing a report on the RoR. There are two completely separate incidents here. One was real, and one was a completely fraudulent scam generated by Enterprise Rescue in conjunction with Enterprise Medical Center. At the time the LEGITIMATE debt was incurred, I was NOT yet on disability. Yes, I have medical bills I'm unable to pay, thus the term "indigent", though I have no problem with the firm of  Lewis Brackin Flowers & Johnson attempting to collect THAT debt. I even tried to work out a payment plan to pay it off.. Though I must admit, their nasty attitudes, and downright unethical behavior doesn't make me want to give them squat. My husband is the one who stepped in and tried to put a stop to the harassment. I am all about paying when it's warranted. No reason to attack and harass me, hon. I'm only here to show the world that these people are complete vultures. ;)

In all honesty, Stacey from Dallas, just because you're disabled doesn't mean you don't pay your bills. Again, ignorance at its finest. Perhaps you should relocate here...you would mix well with the natives. ;P

In reference to the review left by anonymous - Bethlehem (United States of America), thank you for your response! I will certainly look into these possibilities. Certainly, a written letter sent certified mail will be my very next step. Then I'm going to have my cousin, who is an attorney, look into this matter for me. He WILL wipe the floor with these people and laugh while he's doing so. :D

Again, thanks for the inquiries and advice. Even if we don't see eye to eye on some aspects of this issue, I'm quite sure that this can remain civil. No need to attack someone with a disability, or for that matter, anyone at all. Keyboard courage is a shameful thing, Stacey. Thanks. :)


United States of America
RE: Stacey

#4Author of original report

Wed, August 17, 2011

Another thing hon, you MUST be confused, as your title stated. I HAVE formed a payment plan regarding the legit bill I owe to ERS. I don't even comprehend half of what you're talking about. I DO pay my bills to the best of my ability, which, other than the very occasional medical bill, IS ALL OF THEM! Did you even READ my post? Or did you just jump the gun, thinking I'm some arrogant nasty snot that lives off of welfare? I assure you this isn't the case. I'm on disability, for a VERY legitimate reason. Otherwise I would be working. Trust me, sitting up in your house all day long gets REALLY old!

Not to mention the fact that I have a very strong work ethic. Otherwise, I wouldn't be getting any money now. Do you even get that? If you don't have any work credit hours or whatnot, then you CAN'T receive disability! I have no children. I'm not some piece of white trash popping out babies like there's no tomorrow lol. In fact, I've I spent a great deal of my life paying into the system and avoiding babies!!! Now that I'm unable to work, yeah, I expect to get some of that (if not all) back! That's how our system is set up doll! What do you think Social Security is?!? What do you think disability is?! It's there to keep us safe in case of such emergencies!

I am married. My husband has an extremely bright future ahead of him, and I hope we can get off the government's tit just as badly as you wish we would. But GOD, I HATE people like you! I'm a decent, hard-working individual...but our healthcare is completely out of control! What? You think because you have more money than I do, then you have the right to medical care and I don't? I should just die right? M'kay, well let me tell you something doll, Medicare and Medicaid don't work quite like you think they do. I can't get help for any of my ailments anywhere, because no one wants to take a cut in what they're being paid! Southern Bone and Joint of Enterprise, AL is a shining example of such hypocrisy!! Along with Enterprise Medical Center, which is SUPPOSED to be a Medicare participating provider!


You seriously need to educate yourself because you obviously have conservative views so embedded in your brain that you fail to realize that your little clump of molecules is no better or worse than my own! Freakshow. Go troll another site.


United States of America
Sounds Like a Small Town Scam

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, August 17, 2011

  First of all, it sounds like a horrible ordeal.  From having a police officer in the family- I know exactly what she means.  They think they are above the law and can get other services involved in inappropriate activity. First of all, what you need to do is contact his chief and complain about his behavior.  Then you need to contact the mayor and city council and tell them about your issue with the county services.  If they are crooked too, you may have to go as far as your state representative.  (KEEP WRITING LETTERS!!)  --  as far as being charged for services that the EMT's did not perform.  That is illegal.  Write a letter to this collection agency (if not already) explaining that these services were not performed and you will not pay for the charges.  Copy the letter and send that copied letter with your other issues to the Emergency Medical Services Agency.  Get as many higher ups involved in this as possible.  People will start asking questions about the behavior of the public servants!



I am confused

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, August 17, 2011

You are on Medicare and Medicaid?? How is that possible?  You have medical bills you cannot pay yet you complain about them being sent to collections? You incurred the bills so you are responsible for those bills.  Most Hospitals are for profit - the only Hospitals that are not are County Hospitals which Taxpayers pay for ie: Property taxes.   When a Hospital has to eat the bad debt then the paying patients/insurance companies eat that bulk. 

Do a payment plan and put the "rich" people crap aside - has nothing to do with you not paying your bills.

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