  • Report:  #77658

Complaint Review: Lifekey Healthcare - Berkeley Nutraceuticals - Cincinatti Ohio

Reported By:
- Fort Lauderdale, Florida,

Lifekey Healthcare - Berkeley Nutraceuticals
4914 Cooper Road Cincinatti, 45242 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I've read the complaints and cleverly-worded responses that were supposedly from the company. This company's getting enough people riled that Lifekey's probably goin' down at the hands of credit card companies and the Feds.

I'll dispute the 10-day policy a supposed company rep noted here. My receipt says, "customers...will receive a new 60 day supply...approximately 5 days before their current supply runs out." Mine was 10 days. Though this alone was a complete contradiction of their own published policy and I'd cancelled well before any estimated ship date, they refused a return or refund.

The issue is that the consumer has no recourse with the Company. The Company moves quickly to ship before the consumer has any chance to assess the product or cancel refills.

I've filed complaints with BOTH the FTC and Internet Fraud Complaint Center since this involves a website transaction. Further, you can always dispute the charge with your credit card company.

SOMETHING ELSE YOU CAN DO: Since they share advertising on the NASCAR 54 car, you can also MAKE COMPLAINTS TO BUSCH AND SPIKETV about their association with these slimeballs.


Fort Lauderdale, Florida

6 Updates & Rebuttals


I just feel that the company in general is unethical

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 15, 2004

Emily, In all honesty, I do not feel I am better than anyone else... in fact I have worked VERY HARD to get where I am today. I am proud of the fact that I have had the opportunity to have the education I have. Not everyone is lucky enough to have the opportunities that were given to me. I happen to be very open-minded whether you believe it or not. What I am really concerned about is that the company you work for is scamming people. Personally I could not work for a company that lies to its customers as well as its employees. I was lied to and maybe that is why I have a chip on my shoulder. However, I also feel that by knowingly working for an unethical company, I am contributing and by doing so, acting unethically. I guess morality and treating others with respect is very important to me. I would also like to voice my concerns so that people who are potential victims of this scam can make an educated decision about making a purchase. I do realize that many people don't feel the same way I do and have differing opinions and you know what, I respect that. If you are working to get you through until you find what you are looking for, more power to you. Believe me I understand having a job just to have one, and survive. Been there done that... I just find a lot of people blindly defending this company, who blame the consumers for their stupidity. And honestly in my experience the ignorance of the customers is the company's fault since the representatives of the company are the people with the information. If the information is not understood by a majority of the customers then the fault lies with the company because they are not communicating in a way that is getting across. I am sure you had one of those professors in college that couldn't teach and most of his students did poorly. That isn't the fault of the students... it is the professor not getting his point across in a way that is easily understood. At least that is another way to look at it. And finally, I come from a scientific/medical background and do have basic knowledge of how scientific studies are conducted. During clinical trials when they test the effectiveness of drugs, any side effects that are reported are considered side effects and are required to be listed as a possible side effect. Even if only a few people report them it is still listed as a possible side effect. And your products actually increase blood flow so tachycardia as a side effect isn't so far off or odd... it is entirely likely to occur in a compromised person. So cardiac, hypertensive or diabetic patients could actually be risking their health by taking your products. Also I am not a doctor. I am a nurse actually, so I cannot make a diagnosis, at least not officially. Only a doctor can do that. So your little comment about Diagnosis 101 is a little off. I do wish you well and am willing to agree to disagree on this topic. I really hope that Berkeley can either change the way it does business, or that there is an intervention to prevent more people from being taken advantage of. There will be a day sometime in you life time when you will experience this type of fraud and you will understand the fury when you realize that your account has been inappropriatly debited and causes checks to bounce and put you in the hole... and then find how even more infuriating it is to call up the company and they refuse to help you and hang up on you. It is a miserable feeling because it has happened to me in the past with my former internet company. Good luck and take care.


I am young and havent quite figured out what to do with my life

#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, March 14, 2004

Good to hear you are not working at mcdonalds. You can keep replying to words as much as u like but, dont ever critisize me for working to make a living. This isnt my chosen career path, and i too have a college degree. I chose this job because it showed the highest potential hourly rate. I am young and havent quite figured out what to do with my life, and a job like Berkeley seemed perfect. A laidback atomosphere with a lot of other hardworking associates. Are the only hardworking because it makes their paycheck? I cant tell u the story for each individual, but unless u are doing exactly what u wanted in life, you treat each and every other job u take as a paycheck and thats it. I am not a bad employee or a bad representive because that is my primary goal. In fact, in most cases it makes the person more drivin to help the person. Yes, maybe because they want the sale, but the public knows we work on commission for the most part. Am i happy with the changes the seem to happen quite frequently? I dont really care, because i dont see it as a problem yet. When i directly effects me in a way that i feel mistreated or misinformed then yeah i will jump on the band wagon of hatred for this company too. To me, lucy, u sound like an educated person that thinks they are better than everyone else out there. Who thinks everyone should believe the way u do, or u are brainwashed. I dont insult customers. The people i called idiots are not customers they are used to be's. People i did not deal with, and if had, never would have been on this site. I treat my potential customers with respect, and take each individual problem and try to help as best as i can. If i customer says that they are worried about taking the product because they are on other medication, i tell them that to our knowledge there are no know drugs that cant be used in conjunction, but they should always consult their physician first. I know eventually i will get the sell from someone, but i dont go after every caller like a bloodthirsty, money hungry inconsiderate human being. I know people are wary about shelling out money for an herbal product not givin out by their doctor. All i can tell them is what i know. Before you start acting like a few people with some odd side effects are enough to delare that a side effect for one of our products, go back to med school, because i dont think they taught u diagnosis 101.


Actually I am college educated and licensed in my field

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 14, 2004

Emily, First of all I am not working at McDonalds, which is actually not a bad job for uneducated individuals. It can open many opportunites for those who are not college educated or who have not finished high school. In fact I am college educated with a Bachelors Degree and an Associate Degree. I am a stay at home mother and worked at Warner Health Care while in between jobs. At the time it seemed like a good opportunity until I realized how they truly do business. In fact during my years as a student I had several jobs and am very aware about how a legitimate business conducts itself. Warner Health Care was lower than I ever expected a company could be, and to be truly honest I am surprised that they have been getting away with it for so long. I heard all the excuses of how it was a new company and changes are inportant for growth. However, such radical changes in such a short period doesn't necessarily mean it is ok. In fact, customers require some amount of stability to count on and feel secure about doing business. A company that changes its name so many times in such a short amount of time seems like it is hiding from something, making it hard for consumers to trust in the business. If you can't gain long standing trust with your customers you will not maintain customer loyalty. You are out for the quick buck and you basically have admitted it by saying that "my primary goal is to make money". However these practices will not encourage long term growth for your company, it will eventually fizzle out and be non-existant, if the feds don't catch up with your higher ups first. I still find it amazing that you continue to criticize your customers and insult them as being idiots. Do you really think that the customers you are so honest to on the phone would like to hear you call them idiots. I would be infuriated if I heard someone ridiculing me if I had just turned over my credit card to pay for their product. And also if you had read all of the comments made about the products you sell, there are more than a few people who have said it either doesn't work or they had adverse side effects to them. And it is funny that you tell your customers that there are no side effects at all! If only one person has a bad reaction even if it is just a head-ache or worse tachycardia (an increased heart rate for you medically uneducated) it has to be listed as a possible side effect. But then again there hasn't been one legitimate medical study done on any of your products to back up your claims. Go figure. Well you may not be brain washed and that just means that your are conscious about what you are doing, I am not too sure which is worse. And, even though I may not be frying up your french fries at the drive thru, I am working as a licensed professional in my field taking care of patients. It is very rewarding and I am making more than twice the salary I made at Warner Health Care and am very fulfilled in my position. However I am very concerned about the potential of consumers being taken advantage of by my former employer, and I am making my voice heard and telling my experience to hopefully help even one person from getting suckered into debt by your company's business practices. You may provide an excellent product to the public. It may do wonders to change peoples lives. There is no evidence through research to prove or disprove these claims. However, when the marketing strategy allows customers to feel slighted, or robbed in anyway, it is not a legitimate business. There are more than 1000 complaints on the BBB to show many dissatisfied customers. That is proof enough that your company is not doing something right. At least it isn't ethical. I hope that you realize that profiting this way is very unethical and I think eventually enough people will file claim against your company. I know that there are already several pending. I wish you luck in the future. I hope that you become enlightened.


no lucy i am not brainwashed!

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 12, 2004

no lucy we dont say anything or avoid being very honest about the mcd program. in fact i make money by explaining the program very thoroughly. yeah things change frequently about berkeley, but that is because it is growing. the company has only been around for 2 years, so obviously minor and major changes are being made daily. hey i am making good money and having a good time with my co-workers. everyone's primary goal in work is to make money, so for future reference i dont want to hear some "you're just all money hungry idiots." i take pride in my work because i know what this product can do for the customers. nowhere on this site is there a complaint about the product. kinda weird huh. basically to be frank it is just a bunch of idiots who dont know how to read or listen. lucy, your problem is with the company so dont give me a rebuttal about how brainwashed i am cause i make my money by being honest with my customers. you must not know much about the sales business, because consistent changes in a workplace typically are good for business. where u working now? mcdonalds?


Emily you are very brainwashed by this company

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 12, 2004

Emily, I would like to say that I was employed by Warner Healthcare, which I guess is now Berkeley, for about 6 months. In those 6 months there were so many changes made with Warner Health Care, which was called Lifekey Inc before WHC. They not only changed the employee policies every other week, they also changed the product policies every other week. With so many changes it is difficult for anyone to keep up with anything especially the consumers. If they ordered 4 months ago, it is conceivable that what was company policy then, is not policy now. For instance, you say that they have 7-10 business days to cancel managed care direct. Well 4 months ago, they had 20 days from the time of their order to discontinue. I can also say that there is not much enforcement of uniformity among sales reps. Basically sales reps can say, or not say whatever they want to get the sale. And for many co-workers being vague about the MCD policy was one way to guarantee a sale. I also believe that so many changes in such a short amount of time makes it seem a shady business, especially since they have changed their company name more than 3 times in the last year. Seems like the CEO's are trying to avoid being caught. Berkeley Neutraceuticals isn't listed on the BBB although Lifekey and Warner Healthcare have Unsatisfactory Ratings. Makes it hard for consumers to be informed about the company they are doing business with. I think you need to open your eyes a little wider and really see how this buisness is run. It isn't a very decent or honest way to do business. You are there to help customers understand what you are selling and how it will help them. You are also there to take complaints and rectify mistakes. It is the responsibility of your company to do whatever necessary to make the customer happy. If you have a reputation for dipleasure among current and past customers you are not going to maintain a longterm profitable business. You are not there to blame customers for their own stupidity. The general public is very wise to the ways of the world. However, you cannot expect them to be experts on your product. It is after all, a fairly new product with little or no study done to prove or disprove the claims you make on the product. The only information available to your customers is provided by your company, whether it be from a sales rep, a brochure, or the company web site. Besides that the only other information available about your product is from current and past customers. I am sorry to say that most of the feed back I have seen in general is not positive. The number of complaints on this site alone is staggering. The BBB is considered a reputable organization for information on companies and there are over 1000 complaints combined associated with your employer. Not to mention other web communities that have posted comments about your product, most of which are negative. You cannot insult your customers. They got their information from your company. If they did not listen to you or didn't read the fine print, the responsibility still lies with your company. If you cannot fix your mistakes or refuse to, that reflects badly on your company. One solution would be to remove managed care. You all state that it is for the convenience of your customers, however it seems to be more inconvenient to them. That is where all the complaints come from. If it causes so much misunderstanding then stop continuity shipments unless it is specifically requested. If Avlimil is really the quality product that you claim, and that women truly did call back and rave about its results, you wouldn't have to be sneaky and enroll every customer into continuity shipments. Women would call back to reorder. That is the magic of a truly high quality product. It sells itself. However I believe that the main reason your company will not stop automatic MCD is because that is how they make their money. The biggest problem with this policy is that eventually all the "suckers" you draw in will wise up to the truely deceitful way your company does business and the phones will slowly begin to stop ringing. Please stop insulting your customers. They are the people who provide you with a paycheck. If you insult them, eventually it will come back to you in one way or another. You may be laid off since there won't be any money for your paycheck


not a crock at all!

#7UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 08, 2004

in response to "berkeley, lifekey nutraceuticals is a crock," the statements made are ridiculous! as an employee in the sales department i know very well that when we read the disclamer and the information about our managed care direct program, we specifically give information to the consumer that if they are not interested to discontine the program when they receive the free 30-day trial. we say 7-10 business days for the new supplement to arrive if not discontinued. how are we to be faulted for the consumer not calling before that 7-10 days? i tell my customers to call almost immediately to avoid any other charges. most of them either cancel the free sample immediately or they say okay with full knowledge of what they should do. if this consumer was unhappy cause the shippment still arrived then he shouldve called earlier. its that simple. our websites specifically say there is no obligation to this program and to call to discontinue. then goes on to say this product will be arriving 7-10 business days prior to the end of the new supplement. for the most part with any new program or free-samples there is always a catch. either the consumer doesnt think they should have to pay shipping or they think managed care direct is a crock and are not willing to give one simple call to cancel. for all the potential consumers, our company is not a crock, and our products are very reliable as is our customer service. if they have further questions or are wary about purchasing over the internet dont hesitate to call and get more extensive information.

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