  • Report:  #2617

Complaint Review: LL Wireless Communication Inc. - Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Reported By:

LL Wireless Communication Inc.
1813 South 9th Street Philadelphia, 19148 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On March 27, 2000, I gave Robert Lyons, the owner/manager of LL Wireless a cash deposit of $100. After several weeks, he secured in my possession a mobile telephone. The make and model was Motorola Startac 7760. We agreed that this was not the correct model that I had ordered through his company. He indicated that on my receipt, which has his signature to verify it.

Then, on April 5, 2000, I signed a Bell Atlantic Mobile cellular service agreement at the store, and gave him a check on that date for $914. The phone he initially gave me was supposed to be a loaner until the model I had ordered came in. His false promises and misleading information could not cover up his failure to ever obtain the model I asked for resulted in my waiting several months with no results. The run-around he and his employees gave me every single time I called to inquire about my phone's arrival was very disturbing.

Months after trying to order the phone through LL Wireless, I purchased it from another vendor, and signed a new Bell Atlantic Mobile cellular phone contract. After speaking with Robert Lyons over the phone on June 2, 2000 and again several times after, he gave me assurance that I would receive a check back for the amount I had paid him, and upon arrival of this check, I would return the loaner phone.

More than a month now since our first discussion, I have yet to receive my money. After attempting to call his store on numerous occasions, I was treated with the utmost impudence by the employees. I was told again and again that he was out of town, which I am not contesting. The bottom line is that LL Wireless owes me full payment in the amount of $1,014. After receiving it, I would gladly return the phone they secured me with. I have written proof of all payments made and monies owed.

Robert's evasion of my phone calls, along with his failure to ever contact me is definitely disturbing. Additionally, according to a Bell Atlantic representative, I have reason to believe that LL Wireless tried to sell me a stolen phone. I recall asking Mr. Lyons about whether or not this phone was stolen, because a Bell Atlantic representative who I spoke to told me that it was. In any case, the phone they originally tried to leave me with was clearly used by somebody else before me, because there was some service bill on it from last year.

The fact that LL Wireless owes me $1,014 is reason enough for me to file a legal claim. The lawyers fees and other headaches have prevented me from doing so up to this point. I have all legal receipts, cancelled checks and documents proving the money that is owed to me. I just can't believe that a business is operated in this manner.

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