  • Report:  #973429

Complaint Review: Luxury Replicas - Internet Internet

Reported By:
bob - , California, United States of America

Luxury Replicas
Internet, Internet, United States of America
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This company "Luxury Replicas" has been advertising "fake rolex" watches using the name "Rolex" to their link, as well as other products using the brand names. They have been e-mail spamming using MY e-mail address in the headers for over 3 weeks now, and I have filed HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS, of complaints to ISPs. They have changed their web address many times. The spammer who sends mail for them uses the same web site, but with different domain names. Also since it is using 'nginx' it is likely a FRONT for a REAL COMPANY of the same name. 'Luxury Replicas' has web sites in the USA, but they conceal their physical address. I have attempted to contact them in order to send a 'cease and desist' letter but unfortunately could NOT prove to their ISP sufficiently to get the physical location. Their e-mail spam is violating the 'CAN SPAM' act of 2003 with 'faked headers' and routing through 3rd party servers. I send as many complaints via 'spamcop' as is possible, but these people CONTINUE TO ADVERTISE THEIR 'fake rolex' WEB SITE IN ADDITION TO OBVIOUS PHISHING SITES AND 'Male Enhancement' SITES (specifically 'Viag Ultra'). Most of the web sites are at . A list of domain names they have used are: fumpy.ru, tusis.ru, upley.ru, lefed.ru, rowley.ru, greas.ru, outee.ru, raing.ru, snaun.ru, and now dodor.ru . Additionally they have used talol.ru and neang.ru ( and cnbc-business-news.com at . I know it is the SAME people because of easily identifying information in the e-mail headers that connects them all together. I also have copies of the THOUSANDS of non-delivery reports I have received, MOST of which have full copies of the e-mails, and I 'spamcop' report EVERY! SINGLE! ONE! I! CAN!. And yet, the ISP 'bora.net' (in korea) does NOTHING to shut them down!

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