  • Report:  #796739

Complaint Review: Master Pagano's Red Dragon Martial Arts LLC. - west chester Pennsylvania

Reported By:
anonymous - west chester, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Master Pagano's Red Dragon Martial Arts LLC.
west chester, 19382 Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First I would like to say that Joe Pagano is not a Humble Martial Artist. When I was training with him he would get mad and stump his feet if he made a mistake like a little kid.

He thinks he is better then everyone else and his master rank is a joke! His First school just opened not too long ago and it is operated the same way as Top Gun karate in boothwyn, pa is.

They run there schools solely on charging outrageous fee's on everything and its strictly demo team training that doesn't prepare you for the real world street smart self defense.

They only want to make money, they don't care about there students unless your on there demo team for competition then they will cater to your needs. They will push you through your belt test and promote you if you pay them the money for it.

I remember when Joe Pagano and I were sparring and I got a shot in on him he would take it personal and really try to harm me and I stopped him and inflicted pain and ever since then he never liked me and the feeling is mutual.

Funny how some people get there master instructor rank so fast but that is what happens when your favored by the Head master instructor.

I really have to say please avoid these two schools at all cost. If you want a great instructor look else where, If you want real world street smart techniques that work and aren't a flashy show skit then please look else where you won't find it at neither school.

Beware of the contracts they will scam you please read the fine print. These schools aren't about the true path of a great martial artist.

Joe Pagano is a disgrace to the Martial arts industry and he shouldn't be teaching or wearing a master instructor rank around his waist.

Everything i said here is 100% true. Please check there ratings and reviews from there own students and you will see for yourself what i'm talking about.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Consumer Comment

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, December 14, 2011

I would like to add to this conversation about Master Pagano's Red Dragon Martial Arts.

I have been a student of plenty martial arts gyms in the past 20 years and I must say Master Pagano is one of the best instructors I have met. Currently, I am not a student nor am I am close friend or relative of his. I know this information because of coming in to watch one of his classes for my younger daughter as well as myself.

Let me point out that the negative comments suggested here seem to be outrageous. The company from what I am told has only been open for about a year and it is impossible for customers to think this way about him realistically, if they have known him for the amount of time they have explained. In relation to Top Gun Karate, it seems as though there is no comparison at all. The only thing I know about Top Gun is it seems to be a pretty bad kickboxing place that is flooded throughout the internet.

Another thing I must point out with "Mr. K" is that is seems as though he is right. Master Pagano runs his facility in a fantastic manner as well as creates a great atmosphere for the students. From only being in his complex once, he has a lot of knowledge of the martial arts. 

In relation to belt testing I know how political it can get. But again, the testing here seems to be fantastic and resembles the way the original Korean grand masters would have wanted.

Future customers be aware that the negative comments here are not true at all. Yes, Master Pagano is a fantastic gentleman that caters to younger children in ways not only to martial arts such as camps and seminars as well as normal classes. He teaches with enthusiasm and respect.

Lastly, notice that the first comment (the one in bold) is marked anonymous. This is probably because he/she knows they are wrong and doesn't want anyone to know who they are, which could also correlate to jealousy of Master Pagano and his school.

Thank you for your time,


United States of America
Entitled to your opinion.......

#3General Comment

Tue, November 29, 2011

You are entitled to your opinion as is everyone else. Obviously yours and mine differ greatly, but that is OK. Your comments are nothing more than your opinion, don't confuse them with facts.

Here is a fact. Master Pagano's Red Dragon Martial Arts is not affiliated with Top Gun Karate in any way, shape, or form. It is independantly owned and not associated with any other martial arts schools at all.

We could go back and forth 100 times on what we think is right and wrong, good and bad, and black and white. But at the end of the day, who really cares what either of us thinks. Arguing on the internet is just stupid. If you feel the need to save people from everything that you don't like then so be it. The world needs another superhero.

My advice to anyone reading any of this is to go visit Master Pagano's Red Dragon Martial Arts yourself. Don't listen to what either of us have to say. Go check it out, talk to the owner, the students, and the parents who bring their kids. Make your own decisions about the school, you will be glad you did.


Chadds ford,
United States of America
I agree with the author 100%

#4UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 28, 2011

I don't wanna give out to much information but this is inside information and the author is 100% correct in his report. I've witness disturbing situations inside the school and take this as a fair warning to all the people that are serious and want a reputable school.

Check out a school that is worth your time and investment please, There are to many schools out there like this one!

F.Y.I. Mr.K is an instructor there that is why he is taking up for the master instructor and they are good friends that's the only reason.


west chester,
Response to Mr. K.

#5Author of original report

Sun, November 27, 2011

first I would like to say to you Mr. K. I don't take it personally because the facts  i stated are 100% true I was the one who saw it first hand because it was done exactly how i stated in the report!

Now I wouldn't expect you to agree with me because you are his student that's normally how it works. But let me just start by saying integrity is a huge part of a person and a martial artist if you are lacking integrity like Mr. pagano than you have no business to teach or have your own school or wear a master belt around your waist its very disrespectful to honorable martial artist.

I'm not jealous at all about his success (LOL) I am however concerned that if someone acts like how i stated in the first report i posted then how is that a good martial artist? someone that gets mad and upset if you tag him in a sparring match and takes it personally isn't a good martial artist at all.

His attitude is terrible and of course he is gonna mask himself for now because he has a business to run he doesn't want to lose any money or students but he will slip up after a while they all do.

Yes i do have credibility to judge him because i to am a martial artist for years and a 5th degree and i have  a lot of years of teaching experience. That is why I'm upset about this matter. I trained with him as well and I'm sharing what i experienced with Mr. pagano and i wouldn't recommend my worst enemy going there to train in my opinion.

Oh and by the way top gun karate look at there reviews by there own students google it doesn't say very good things about top gun they are right on with what there own former students are saying about the school.

The truth hurts i know but I'm not afraid to warn people!

ok now you want to hear what a great school is i'll tell you:

1st a great school starts by having a great instructor, now the question is what is a great instructor let me clarify for you what makes an instructor great,

integrity, street smart self- defense that works not the classical training that is provided there.
a great instructor is one that doesn't have an attitude problem like he does if someone taps him in a sparring match and takes it personally.

A solid martial artist is one that has integrity, morals and values in place, represents the martial arts in a humble and honorable way. Without these important qualities in a person one can not
run a school the way its intended to be run.

That's funny internet tough guy because I'm telling the truth! (lol)

my statements are clarified they are actual facts because i was the one that experienced it. and many others did as well.

Back to one more thing real world self defense is what works not traditional techniques try them when someone really attacks you outside and see for yourself what I'm talking about.

your right there is more to martial arts then just techniques.

In order to teach those you must be honest and practice what your preach!

A master, grand master, great grand master are just titles to make the person look good.

A master of the martial arts is one that never claims any of these titles and if they teach it they are simply an instructor not master instructor or grand master these titles are just solely for the purpose of making one look better.

I like to be called instructor not master instructor! A person can never truly master the martial arts its a life time of training even then you haven't mastered it.

This isn't the only school I debunked there are others and its based on my own experiences and investigations on these schools and people that want to learn shouldn't have to suffer because of the ignorance of self proclaimed martial artist teaching it out there.

I would highly recommended people to check out top gun karate and red dragon martial arts and seek the truth that I'm talking about here, research it, investigate it, google it online you will see what I'm talking about.

Looking forward to your response Mr. K.


United States of America
Master Pagano / Red Dragon Martial Arts

#6General Comment

Wed, November 23, 2011

I generally would not respond to comments such as these but I feel they are so off base that I needed to speak up.

Let me say that I am currently a student at Master Pagano's Red Dragon Martial Arts and a former student at Top Gun Black Belt Academy. I feel the comments made were directed at both Red Dragon Martial Arts and Top Gun BBA but I will limit my comments to my personal opinions on Red Dragon and Master Pagano.

I have had the pleasure to get to know many talented martial artists in my tenure. I have found that some of the more talented students have gravitated to teaching but not all have the ability to transfer what they have learned to the students they instruct. A good student does not always equal a good instructor. Master Pagano has amazing skills as a martial artist but his real gift is the way he can teach those skills to his students. He works just as good with pre-schoolers as he does with adults. His classes run the entire gamut of what martial arts is all about - physical conditioning, discipline, self control, self defense, forms, weapons, and history. A true martial arts school teaches alot more than "street smarts". Master Pagano's students do extremely well at tournaments and competitions. I feel this is a good way to gauge how one school compares with others.

I feel the comments made are the result of someone who is jealous of the success Master Pagano is having at his new location. I know that the person who wrote those comments is not a member of Red Dragon Martial Arts and seriously doubt that this individual has ever set foot inside this facility. If they had, they would have seen that this is one of the classiest and most professionally run schools on the East Coast. There are no unhappy members. There are no hidden costs and all the fees and requirements are discussed up front and out in the open before anyone decides to join.

I understand that everyone has the right to thier own opinion. What I don't like is that someone posted these comments with no other purpose than to slander Master Pagano's reputation. There is absolutely no credibility in someone posting an anonymous rant that contains no facts, specifics, or contact info so comments can be questioned. What credentials does the original author possess that enables him to judge who is worthy of a Master's title. I'd like to know - wouldn't you. I hope everyone takes these comments for exactly what they are - just another internet tough guy spouting off and hiding behind a computer screen.

I encourage anyone interested in martial arts to come by and check this school out for yourself. You will see exactly how much work Master Pagano has put into this school and how much the students respect and admire him. Stop in, see how the classes are run, talk to the Instructors and students and draw your own conclusions. You will be happy that you did.



United States of America
Master Pagano / Red Dragon Martial Arts

#7General Comment

Wed, November 23, 2011

Let me start by saying that I am currently a student at Red Dragon Martial Arts and formally a student at Top Gun Black Belt Academy. I will limit my comments to my personal opinion on Master Pagano and Red Dragon Martial Arts.

First off, it is hard for me to take your comments seriously without knowing if you have any credibility to judge what a Master of Martial Arts should be. I have had the pleasure of training with Master Pagano for a number of years and feel he is one of the most incredible Martial Artists I have encountered. He has unbelievable skills and the gift to be able to transfer those skills to his students. His school is top notch. He works well with everyone from children to adults and there are no unhappy students at his school. His students have always done extremely well at all the tournaments they have entered and I believe this to be an excellent gauge of how well his students compare to the other schools.

From your comments I know that you are not a member of Red Dragon Martial Arts. I seriously doubt that you have ever set foot in this facility because you would see it is not run like other schools. Master Pagano runs this school as a first rate training facility. His personal attention to each student is outstanding. There are no hidden fees or charges. He is straightforward with how the school operates and the benefits you will gain by training with him.

You sound like someone who is unhappy that Master Pagano has become so successful. It is a shame that you have resoted to being an internet tough guy and writing your opinion anonymously. I'd love to hear what you consider to be a great school and what makes a solid Martial Artist. Martial Arts is alot more than someone teaching you "street smarts."

I encourage anyone reading this to go ahead and look up any/all comments regarding Master Pagano or Red Dragon Martial Arts Academy. Better yet, come to the school and see for yourself how good the school, it's instructors and members are.

In closing I'd like to say that I hope you don't take my comments personally, although I have a feeling you will. It bothers me when people post comments about others that are only intended to harm someones reputation. If you have a real issue and want to be taken seriously state facts and leave contact information so people can contact you to clarify your statements. Until then, I hope people take your post for what it really is - one person's opinion with no merit or credibilty to back it up.

Take Care.

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