  • Report:  #21563

Complaint Review: MBNA - wilmington Delaware

Reported By:
- chicago, ill,

100 delaware st wilmington, 76543 Delaware, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

seems this company has got quite a negative following on the internet.

i too have been a victim of their famous

"letter" stating your interest rate was going to be

either doubled or tripled.

i have an excellent credit rating,never late

and have done several dealings with them etc etc...

still they insist on raising rates,one guy reported

they extended his monthly payments by 22 months to the tune of an extra $5,000 because he missed a 10.00 home repair center payment...that is absurd!

my question is with so much anti-MBNA sentiment

on the internet, why isnt the federal trade commision

or one of the government agency's whose job it is to protect the consumer from getting ripped off investigating this bank?

wheres the better business bureau???

surely someone has got the guts to step in and say that

the blatant ripping off of everyday working class people

has to stop and should be illegal.


chicago, Illinois

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8 Updates & Rebuttals


Crackpot legal theories...

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2003

"Debt termination" constitutional theories like David is trying to sell are a scam; attempting to use them is worse than useless. No judge in the country will find in your favor on them, and the Supreme Court won't give you the time of day. People who have used similar theories to justify not paying income tax have been branded "tax protestors" by judges. They were then hit with heavier penalties than similar people who had just refused or neglected to pay taxes for no particular reason. But David isn't trying to convince a judge here, he's trying to convince anyone with about 3000 "unconsitutional Federal Reserve Notes" to their name, borrowed or not. He's convinced they'll remain constitutional long enough for him to spend them. It is certainly true that many laws can be used to obtain relief from various debts. But if there were the major precedents that David claims, e.g. "all credit card interest is illegal", bankruptcy and debt lawyers would be citing them every day to help their clients. There is no reservoir of secret information in the legal world. Every competent lawyer in the field is going to be aware of various laws and decisions that apply to your situation. Or, it can all be learned for free at a library or on the Internet with enough time. Do not pay money to non-lawyers for legal advice! That's really just common sense when you think about it.


San Diego,
Educate yourself on the banking laws

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 06, 2003

MBNA is one of the worst to deal with, but the reality is that all credit card companies are violating U.S. lending laws. It boils down to a simple principle. Debt = Slavery: The Borrower is a Slave to the Lender Now, the following information will seem almost unreal. We have all spent our lives learning what we know about money, banking, government, etc. That's our whole life...and yet I'm expecting you to understand what you are about to discover in just a few minutes? I'm expecting you to believe me? No and No. Many people want and should do their own research to overcome the false data that they've been taught about money, about banking, about debt, and about the government's role in all of this. How is it possible that the UNITED STATES IS BANKRUPT!?! Almost 100 years ago, the government agreed to pay the debts of all americans! They had to do this because they had just outlawed lawful, constitutional money! Years of college will not teach you the truth. Not a single professor I ever met could answer the question: How was the "Federal Reserve Act of 1913" ever passed? It's unconstitutional according to Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 5, which gives Congress the power "to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin...". How was "HJR 192 - to Suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate the Gold" ever passed by congress in 1933? Yet the Federal Reserve Banking System exists, and it's not even part of the government, it is a cartel of banks. Well, I finally know, after over a decade of looking and researching, and asking supposedly qualified people, including myself. Based on U.S. Supreme Courts decisions, Title 15 United State Code (USC) section 1692, the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, section 1601, the Fair Credit Billing Act, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), section 203, and numerous Banking and Lending laws . There are many cases that have already been decided on when it comes to the issues of "money," "credit," and "banking." The collection of interest on credit issued by a bank or a credit card company is in direct violation of all usury laws! The laws are very specific concerning the corporate authority of banks and credit institutions. THEY CANNOT LAWFULLY ISSUE CREDIT! When you tell them you discovered their fraud, THEY HAVE TO LISTEN AND RESPOND! It is your LEGAL RIGHT to have them certify a lawful debt exists. They can NEVER DO THIS!!! You should dispute your debt, based on the law. You could hire an attorney to do this, or you could hire someone who won't charge you as much to help. I am aware of a company that will do this for about $3 grand. (not really worth it unless you have more than $10 grand in unsecured debt.) The company is Debt Solutions International. You can call 800-815-2629 and get a short recorded message explaining what they do. This is much better than using a debt counselor, or going bankrupt, or negotiating.


Fort Worth,
MBNA and me

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 26, 2003

Currently I am having problems with MBNA and have tried to work things out but now am a victum of their collection agency. My advice to those out there is to know your state law on what a credit card company can and can not do when contacting you. Did you know that you can write a letter to the credit card company asking them to stop calling you? Here in Texas your property and wages are protected from a creditor. Only home inprovement loans, student loans and such can a creditor threaten (which they are not suppose do anyway) to put a lein on your propery or garnish wages. Also as far as MBNA is concerned if you sign your name you agreeing to arbtration, so be ready to lose any arguement or perhaps if you recieved a letter from them stating that you can opt out of this. So be prepared and know your rights as a consumer.


Fort Worth,
MBNA and me

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 26, 2003

Currently I am having problems with MBNA and have tried to work things out but now am a victum of their collection agency. My advice to those out there is to know your state law on what a credit card company can and can not do when contacting you. Did you know that you can write a letter to the credit card company asking them to stop calling you? Here in Texas your property and wages are protected from a creditor. Only home inprovement loans, student loans and such can a creditor threaten (which they are not suppose do anyway) to put a lein on your propery or garnish wages. Also as far as MBNA is concerned if you sign your name you agreeing to arbtration, so be ready to lose any arguement or perhaps if you recieved a letter from them stating that you can opt out of this. So be prepared and know your rights as a consumer.


Fort Worth,
MBNA and me

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 26, 2003

Currently I am having problems with MBNA and have tried to work things out but now am a victum of their collection agency. My advice to those out there is to know your state law on what a credit card company can and can not do when contacting you. Did you know that you can write a letter to the credit card company asking them to stop calling you? Here in Texas your property and wages are protected from a creditor. Only home inprovement loans, student loans and such can a creditor threaten (which they are not suppose do anyway) to put a lein on your propery or garnish wages. Also as far as MBNA is concerned if you sign your name you agreeing to arbtration, so be ready to lose any arguement or perhaps if you recieved a letter from them stating that you can opt out of this. So be prepared and know your rights as a consumer.


Fort Worth,
MBNA and me

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 26, 2003

Currently I am having problems with MBNA and have tried to work things out but now am a victum of their collection agency. My advice to those out there is to know your state law on what a credit card company can and can not do when contacting you. Did you know that you can write a letter to the credit card company asking them to stop calling you? Here in Texas your property and wages are protected from a creditor. Only home inprovement loans, student loans and such can a creditor threaten (which they are not suppose do anyway) to put a lein on your propery or garnish wages. Also as far as MBNA is concerned if you sign your name you agreeing to arbtration, so be ready to lose any arguement or perhaps if you recieved a letter from them stating that you can opt out of this. So be prepared and know your rights as a consumer.


MBNA is a PREDATORY lender like the rest of credit cards that use the same tactics.

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2003

The reason they are the biggest credit card co in the world is they target lower wage earners. The game goes like this..... They send you a pre-approved card in the mail or application. They OVERLOOK any negative items on your credit report until you have a balance high enough to where it would be next to impossible to pay it off anytime soon after DOUBLING your interest rate. They are very eager to transfer balances so they can set the hook in your mouth. If you get application preapproved by this evil co throw it away and RUN. THEY FORGOT IT IS THE CUSTOMER THAT MAKES THEM SUCCESSFULL.


Please learn to read terms and agreements for applying for future loans.

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 04, 2003

Everything is spelled out for you nice and slow. Save yourself the heart attack. Rates vary with your spending patter/credit exposure/potential risk. Obviously you use credit alot. Mistake #1. It doesnt matter WITH ANY CREDITOR if you making minimum payments monthly if your credit balances are rising, accounts start falling past due, or you beging requesting additional lines of credit (increasing credit exposure). Granted, I'm not blaming you about anything. I don't know you nor have I seen your account. I can tell you that everyone feels they are the best customer in the world and, believe me, everyone feels they have perfect credit. My advice to you: learn to read a credit report... and start reducing your unsecured debt. Learn to use cash so that you no longer have to worry about rates rising or additional fees. Remember, credit is not FREE money. Refer back to my first statement.."Please learn to read terms and agreements for applying for future loans."

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