  • Report:  #3316

Complaint Review: MCI WIRELESS - Nationwide

Reported By:
- monroeville, pa,

Nationwide, U.S.A.
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I have had bad experience with MCI and its service. I got a wireless phone last year and was told about a plan that was different from the one that I was signed for. I could not get to their customer service line - had to wait 20 minutes everytime to get thru to a person. The phone stopped working after a few months and they would not help me in any way. The nearest office was in New jersey and they asked me to take the phone there ( travel a few hundred miles) . Finally before my contract expired , I called MCI after a 20 minute wait to cancel my service but was told to call on that day to cancel because they could not do it before the day.They are totally unprofessional and unethical in their dealings. Please advise everyone not to get conned by MCI and get ripped off.

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