  • Report:  #32010

Complaint Review: Mesa's head con men...city manager etc. - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
- Mesa, AZ,

Mesa's head con men...city manager etc.
20 East Main Street Mesa, 85201 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In yet another of a long series of ripoff contemptuous of

any and all Mesa's citizens, the local Nazis announced today--on the front page of the EAST VALLEY TRIBUNE, of all places--that "MESA HAS DESIGNS ON DOWNTOWN. $164.5 million could revive area, study says." Talk about theft right out in the open!

I have lived here over sixteen years now, and once upon a time, simply because it was convenient, tried to to business with vendors in the downtown area, and even worked there for a while. NO MORE!!! The various lowlife lunatic, pie-in-the-sky, lunatic plans to revive it by widening street, forcing honest businesses out to make way for local grafters, carnivorous cops stopping honest citizens, trying to make their quota, while the same useless sniveling cowards ignored the drug business all around them--ALL convinced me that downtown Mesa was not only too hard to get to and through, it was simply not a destination at all. The streets were torn up for years with the city manager's various corrupt Mormom "make-work" widening projects.

Listen to this planted collection of hallucinations, planed in the TRIBUNE by our esteemed dirtwad and resident criminal, Hutchinson, and apparently approved by his even more perverse predecessor, Luster: 1. Two six-story office bulding and a five story apartment tower near Main Street and Hibbert.

2. Construction of three further five-story office building and 400 apartments on the "mostly vacant" 30 acres on the southwest corner of University and Mesa Drive. 3. Remodeling the current idle former Bank One Building at 1 North Macdonald into four floors of "office space" and a mixture of retail and office space on the ground floor. 4. Building an 800-space parking garage near the TRIBUNE at 120 West First Avenue.

If you live in Mesa, what you know is that the downtown area is usually inaccessible due to other LDS pork barrel work--street widening, sewer "adjustments" to fix the last time some local scumbag politician's brother-in-law wasn't capable of meet the specifications, and so on.

The supporting study, obviously a fix generated by the usual criminals, was generated by a consulting firm from Annapolis, Maryland, HUNTER INTERESTS. The cost for this insanity: $100,000.

Well, Mayor Hawker and City Manager Hutchinson (Hawker is the one sitting on Hutchinson's lap, with the arm in the back of his coat), you could've done a far BETTER study for free: flatten the damned place and forget about it! Not a tenth of the population of this city ever goes there, except maybe to gawk at the Mormon Temple(the actual cause of all this loose and insane spending), which is what you SCUMBAGS are trying to beautiful.

Downtown Mesa contains maybe five interesting shops. This plan will assure that number goes down. A few more boondoggles like the preceding criminal scams from the same source and maybe even the incredibly ignorant, right-wing, conservative Republican voters of Mesa will figure out: These putrid skankbags are stealing right out in the open, and have never even been confronted with it, except in forums like this. BLOW MORE MONEY ON RENNOVATING THE AREA THEY HAVE ALREADY RUINED???

I will wager right now, they will do it, and get away with it, without even being prosecuted. Probably without even having to answer any uncomfortable questions!

This misguided and moronic Mormon pipe dream speculates that it will cost $134 million in "private funds" and $30 million "from the city"... Of course, the closed-circuit KrytoNazi filth who run this town see very blurry lines betwixt one and the other...to them it is all "their" or "Mormon" money, if it is spent within a few miles from their stinking, heretical

Temple. It makes it clearer and clearer that the relgious cult of the lunatic fringe operates with total contempt for the rest of us.

Now, having announced their vainglorious money pump, it will be about two years before the scam artists begin to steal money from you in the form of taxes to begin building it. The corrupt use of eminent domain, glad-handing, kickbacks of stolen property, and worse are what enriches these dogs.

They need to be gone, incarcerated forever.

Citizen of Mesa, if you let them, they will steal your last dime for their silly-assed, moronic ripoff schemes. It is Brigham Young become Rube Goldberg, in the name of religious and civic vanity.


Mesa, Arizona

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10 Updates & Rebuttals


Hopefully, soon, some kind of just administration will come to Arizona

#2Author of original report

Fri, December 19, 2003

I just had a crazy thought. Does anyone suppose that this ridiculous, demented, rotten, corrupt skanbags are so self-delusion and insane that perhaps they actually think they are honest? Is that even possible? All I can say is, the closeup views I have seen of this silly-assed city and the collection of slugscum who run it suggest to me that these swine actually think they have some legitimate purpose. EGAD!!! If that weren't so patently absurd, it would be hilarious, beyond belief. Hopefully, soon, some kind of just administration will come to Arizona or Washington, and put these filth onto a gallows, in front of a firing squad, or into an electric chair, or someplace else where they actually belong. Then, again, maybe it is a case of "innocent, but insane".... They sure as hell are crafty and cunning, like a cockroach or a fox, but... Hmmm. Penetrating thought.


No justice, not even an attempt to hide this betrayal...

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 09, 2003

Betrayals of the public trust and malfeasance used to be crimes. In Mesa, Hutchinson and his band of scumbag bandits and all the filth in his office CELEBRATE this kind of graft, right out in the open. Has the community no decency or conscience at all? These crooks must be gone and punished!


Didn't thieves used to be punished?

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 08, 2003

What are tar and feathers and lynch mobs for? This is a town beyond hope and where injustice is ALL anyone can count on. Bulgaria was never quite this bad, at least not right out in the open.


Didn't thieves used to be punished?

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 08, 2003

What are tar and feathers and lynch mobs for? This is a town beyond hope and where injustice is ALL anyone can count on. Bulgaria was never quite this bad, at least not right out in the open.


Didn't thieves used to be punished?

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 08, 2003

What are tar and feathers and lynch mobs for? This is a town beyond hope and where injustice is ALL anyone can count on. Bulgaria was never quite this bad, at least not right out in the open.


Didn't thieves used to be punished?

#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 08, 2003

What are tar and feathers and lynch mobs for? This is a town beyond hope and where injustice is ALL anyone can count on. Bulgaria was never quite this bad, at least not right out in the open.


More small stones. Mesa's Saints cast them, for they are without sin...THEY SAY...

#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 26, 2002

QUESTIONS WHICH MUST BE ANSWERED.... City Councilwoman Janie Thom of Mesa has challenged more than $35,000 printing multiple, elaborate versions of a twenty-year projected "transportation plan" which was shelved almost immediately. Per copy prices were as high as $142 each for the luxurious pie-in-the sky fantasies. Several of the city's committee members involved with the project spent lavishly on travel to "prioritize" more than $2.4 billion in projects, visiting Salt Lake City (what a surprise!) and Dallas. The committee then recommended raising the city's sales tax stil further to cover their pipe dreams. Putting their plan on the ballot in March 2003 would have cost taxpayers about $240,000. Vice Mayor Dennis Kananaugh voted against shelving these plans, and called critics "myopic". (condensed and summarized from REPUBLIC and TRIBUNE newspaper articles, 11-26-2002) Question: At what level of criminal corruption to the citizens of the community of Mesa become concerned enough to demand answers from their political HACKS? Question: When does the open graft end? Question: How many LDS members who have been in government for decades benefited from this junketeering? Question: When are these people going to be asked to account for their conduct?


The City Council needs to look into this, closely.

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 21, 2002

What a brilliant stroke it would be if the City Council were to throw away the past and take a careful look at this scam! What with all the lawsuits against Mesa, where damages run into the many hundreds of millions of dollars, every one more valid than the last, and their cornucopia of other bogus "improvement" projects, somebody ought to look into how many of Hutchinson's LDS cronies are profiting directly off this kind of project. I could list a dozen or so. This will fail, financiallly. The only question is how much more these rats will raise local taxes and fake fine revenues to cover their stupidity, corruption, nepotism, and crimes.


This is the way it works.

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 19, 2002

These are scum. What more do you need to know? They stole thousands from me, and when I complained, kept having me arrested. City Manager Hutchinson, Mayor Hawker, I beat you! Stick it where the sun don't shine!


Revitalization, my BUTT...it's graft, right out in the open...

#11Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 08, 2002

This is NOT revitalization. It is another pyramid scheme to enrich the small circle of 12-15 LDS families who bilk the rest of us regularly. Let downtown Mesa rot!! There have been so many traffic obstructions, dangerous intersections, makework projects, and criminal scams there, NO ONE goes there any more. To spend ten cents to revive this dead horse is NUTS.

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