  • Report:  #172580

Complaint Review: Mr Carl Sanford Brown Ultrasound Diagnostic Cec Aiu Gibbs And The Incredible Dimploma Mill Scandles! - Landover Maryland

Reported By:
- landover, Maryland,

Mr Carl Sanford Brown Ultrasound Diagnostic Cec Aiu Gibbs And The Incredible Dimploma Mill Scandles!
8401 Corporate Drive Landover Md 20785 Landover, 20785 Maryland, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Where do I start???!!! Sanford brown institute is a for-profit school. This should be obvious to anyone investigating this SCAM. There is so much going on there, I will try to be detailed as possible.

First, I was attracted to the job because of the money. For someone WITHOUT a college degree, $45,000.00 is a great starting salary. Look guys, more than 95 % of the sales people who call you Do Not have a degree And of course they will tell you they have one. Once youre hired you go through 1 wk of training where you learn your scripts, and guys there is more than one.mr carl claims he is a f***ing doctor when selling this shir school to dumb a*s students calling in after seeing a cheap commercial during springer re-runs.

There is the 1st call script; all the first call is for is to sell the 2nd call. It sounds like you're talking to an admissions counselor when they call, doesn't it? They want to know a little about you, your educational background, how long have you been thinking about getting your education, what does success mean to you, are you employed. The main reason for this call is to find your pain. Because they will use this in their 2nd call.. if they start to loose you. They will also use it against you when you TRY to drop out. This happens when buyer remorse sets in before school starts and after you have already signed your Sallie Mae. God forbid you're a single mother working for minimum wage. There is your pain. Of course you want a better life for your child, who doesn't and going to college and getting that degree is your ticket to success. Remember they( mr carl) asked you what success is to you and you probably said something about a better life for your family.

Let's take a look at this a little closer. Once you open yourself up like that you are vulnerable, you let your defense down because you feel like the person on the other end of the phone who, you don't even know, is your friend. He/She is not your friend, they never will be, they only want the enrollment/start. The first call will last 7 to 15 minutes. The second call will last 45 to an hour. Then there is stich-in. Stich-in is the process of getting the funds from financial aid and more importantly, Sallie Mae. Sallie Mae is the student loan the only Student loan you're allowed to get. It's because they pay faster and SBI has a system set up with them. Sallie Mae is prime + 10 to 14%.

For those of you who do not know what that means I feel sorry for you- but you're the student SBI is looking for. What kind of student is SBI looking for? Well,according to the half-ton man AKA mr carl....aka "unckle ruffie" aka "doctor" carl.. we are told we are a second chance, third chance, fourth chance College. That means you have probably flunked out of college the first or second time around you're probably poor, and you have no idea how the educational system works. You don't know that you can get your education a lot cheaper than SBI. Mr carls cubicle smells like urine. i heard he likes very very young males to "visit" him at his house. other than that...these jobs dont help anyone...most kids coming out of the ghetto have no other chance than schools like these..and these reps know it and use this to their advantages. without a 'certificate from these scum bag schools...you may not be able to work for any kind of real income...Or you're in a job that will only promote you if you have a degree and you are looking for an easy way out. SBI is a cerificate mill that is approved by SACS.and mr carl is a child molester who feels up young boys in his spare time. he is a peeping q***r. The students I admit don't have a clue what they're doing. They are supposed to write an essay and they turn in 3 lines and most of the words are missed spelled, no punctuation. So I end up rewriting their essay, who's really going to know anyway. It's about the numbers anyway. and then there is the issue of the big rep calling himself "mr carl" this guy molested me or violated me in the mens room while i was recovering from a bad case of the green squirts.other than that,I would turn you away if I was at any other school but this is AIU. It's all about the numbers.

When I first started you had to get 16 enrollments a month. Today all the reps need to get are 12 enrollments. Isn't it nice to know that you are truly a number? Once I get you through orientation, I'm done with you. Here's another bit of info- the formula for a good day at AIU if you're where a sales rep would be the power of ten. That means I should walk out of there with at least 8 appointments and 2 cows (Contract On the Way).

It's all about Filling your Pipeline. In sales, the more qualified appointments you get the better the odds of making you quota at the end of the month. There are better programs out there online for someone like you to get your education, you just have to look Try the site they give you to show that they are approved by SACS. www.chea.org. Start by checking out a real college like a state or other NAME schools. Odds are they have an online program and you will save a lot of money. Look- they tell you that you should not put a price on education. Look at your own economic situation. I currently attend DePaul University in Illinois and my student aid pays for everything.

Yes, it will take me 2 years but if you and I were at a job interview and the deciding factor came to what schools we both attended I would be walking out with a new job. Don't let sales people tell you it's not about what school you went to; it's about the accreditation. All they want is a sale. I would like to touch on one more thing. C.S.I. This show has become a phenomenon.

Unfortunately there are people who think they can get into forensics by getting their degree online. You need to have special training and you CAN NOT do biology labs or Anatomy & Physiology labs online. Guys, it's a great show but remember its Hollywood and in the real world getting your degree in criminal justice from AIU is not going to get you even close to that kind of work. In reality getting your criminal justice degree from gibbs will put you in debt because you probably wont finish but you will have to finish paying your bill to this CEC scam school. CHECK out your states school programs.The average time someone works for CEC schools is about 3-4 months. They go through more people than you can imagine. They get fired or quit. That's why they use temp employment agencies. Part of the atmosphere there is the fear of getting fired if you don't hit your quota and it happens all the time. It's all about the numbers and if you become an over-achiever you get to go to what they call HIGH ACEIVERS. This is like a bonuses or your year end commission. Due to SACS a college is not to offer a commission on the enrollment but this is a sales environment and YOU DO GET A COMMISSION on your sales. They pay for everything, your hotel room, meals, open bar, airfare, and a lot more. I'm not sure why SACS turns their back on this; I mean it's in their rules. I have spoken to numerous universities and have asked what kind of bonuses they get and they tell me its illegal. I know I'll be there next year. I believe its in Florida. Earlier this year they went to Vegas. I am currently looking for another job but it's hard to find a job that pays $45,000.00 without a college degree but I am looking. Until then I will tell you that your essays are great, or I will rewrite them for you. (what ever it takes to get an enrollment, right Rich?) I will tell you that C.S.I. is a great show and you can be just like them. I'll hide the fact that the only financial aid you will get wont cover the cost and Sallie Mae is the only way. I won't tell you that the odds of you graduating with out adding on more classes is very, very slim. I will tell you what you want to hear. I will find your pain and use it against you. I will be you friend, your confidant, until one week after school starts then I will be gone. I doing this because I am ashamed of what I do. This company has SACS eating out of its hand. This online education phenomenon needs to be regulated. (what is SACS for?) Guys if you want to get your education the Government has programs out there for you but it will take some work, nothing comes easily. If it's too good to be truethen it is. www.chea.org. Investigate!!! as far as CEC schools are concerned the only thing that matters?...It's is Accreditated by SACS. (which is a paid accredition by a private (SACS)company owned by CEC)sanford brown and CEC schools have a severely aggressive sales tactic! all reps/sales people/telemarketers do the same thing(lying to get enrollment #'s higher! The downside to sanford brown is that with such an aggressive sales environment they let lots of things slip through the cracks. There is a blantant discrimination issue there. I read a post about an ex-advisor who used to work there who was getting paid $45K without a degree. I have yet to hit that salary range without overtime. The shame in that is why would someone without a college degree get paid more to work in education than someone with a degree. Some of it makes no sense at all; the rhyme or reason is just not there. Promotions are few and far between there also. There are very few minorities that get promoted as quickly as their non-minority counterparts! Believe me it's true! While for some this is a great salary AIU Online hires some so quickly that when the background checks come back they have to terminate those employees. Lot's of issues have been printed in the papers regarding AIU Online's Boiler Room tactics.

FYI: The sales environment there is exactly like the movie Boiler Room and that should let you know exactly what type of company this place is. AIU Online is the thinking outside the box at it's finest!!!

I WILL POINT OUT KEY THINGS TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT WITH THIS SCHOOL AND DO YOUR RESEARCH AND YOU WILL SEE. Go to Yahoo Finance and Look up CECO (Note: AIU Online is owned by Career Education Corp). Well a couple of years back the head of CEC schools was John "Jack" Larson! Nick Fluge was also another key player! Neither of the two head the schools the alledge story is they went on to head up other schools under CEC (yeah probably) after they were cited for insider trading.

The SEC was investigating their activity (meaning they were selling stock at an alarming rate too much so that the SEC was notified and had to investigate).

Checking into that would be a start for anyone not sure of where to get their research started at. They are a company that operates in the education business. They were doing what Enron executives had done and gotten in trouble for. So they had to replace the CEO and key officers. Now the one thing they don't tell the general public and this would have taken a GREAT DEAL of research is that they just got off of "WARNING" with SACS! Because of padding the numbers and falsifying enrollment numbers they were on a WARNING! Not much was explained but it was serious. Employees were coached on what to say and what not to say. The KICKER is when SACS came in to inspect the various facilities well all "SALES" material was torn from each sales reps cube! The REASON is because in education you are not supposed to operate as sales organization. The verbage in scripts has been changed to reflect more of an admissions department and less of a "DYNAMIC SALES ORGANIZATION" (this used to be in the mission statement for admissions). Now what does that spell out... Well the first thing is AIU Online operates as a sales organization not in an educational advisory capacity. Which should not be taking place! SACS (their accrediting organization) gives them ample warning that they will be on thier schools premises. Also the one thing or main reason Accrediation is SO DEARLY IMPORTANT to this school and many others is MONEY? With education this is how it works for the school (company in this case). When you go to school and you complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid all the money you get (at AIU Online at least) goes directly to the school. So if you get $4,000 for a Pell Grant that goes to the school! If you take out the $10,500 in Federal Loans (where the interest is low) that goes directly to the school. The money you take from Sallie Mae (considering you get approved) goe you guessed it to the school and you will still have to redo some of your financial aid (which means taking out more loans) to fininsh financing later on in the program (everything is not covered right away). The bottom line is the school gets paid right away because you (the student) borrowed the money! You end up having to pay it back with interest! Think about how many companies (non-school related) would love to get paid by a lender that never runs out of money (the government in this case). Well the revenue would be flooding in!!! And that's the beauty of being a company (AIU Online) that operates in the educational industry. They get their money up front and on time! Oh and as an admissions advisor if you retain a total of let's say 5 students (if your career is short lived there) on average tutition is about $25,000 per student. Well you just made the company $125,000 and that more than pays the $38,000-$48,000 they decide to pay you! If you didn't convert a lead (meaning they didn't enroll or left school before the 1st week is over) then well after you are gone someone will call them off of a cancels list and get a shot at it down the road. And no they do not have very many criteria on being accepted. It's still the standard application (however now SACS is requiring better essays) and the $50 application fee and guess what you will be a college student! The question is will you know it or not? I hope this was helpful to those who aren't sure why this is considered a scam. Oh and make sure to watch The Boiler Room if you have never seen it, it is a very good movie! And you will have a better idea of how the admissions department runs.Insidesales?This place is a joke.Everyone that works at cec schools, in admissions atleast, hates it. Even the "DOAs". But they all have to pretend like they like it. Everyone has to pretend to be upbeat and happy, and focused on "changing lives of students" i.e.getting enrollments. They have these stupid a*s things called "Rah Rahs" every d**n day for 15 minutes to go over sales numbers and basically blow each other. Everyone has to clap and be happy and cheery like a bunch of f***ing care bears, it makes me want to s**t myself. It's funny to see the so-called outsiders post here pretending to not be affiliated with the scum bag company. For instance the poster earlier that stated they went to AIU online, yet for some reason had all this inside information on the school that only someone that works there would know. Or the so-called students that use all this company jargon, and company speak. You know who you are, you know you hate the place, and you know it's a joke. Enjoy the $$$ while you have a job there, because that company will not be around for much longer.mr carl is found sucking the swollen puckers of nigel and greta.by the way? is janelle a man? she sure as f*** acts more like a man than a women. and while i am at it..this company screws us out of OT. they say its ok to work it and b***h when we do. f*** them!.have a Good day, and suck my balls.Bill - Vernon Hills, IllinoisU.S.A.

Carl Landover, Maryland

4 Updates & Rebuttals


this crack house of a company is falling fast under the watchful eye of the feds. goodluck with your "degrees"

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 24, 2006

Sanford Brown Ultrasound Diagnostic Cec Aiu, Gibbs University Career Scams Under Fed Investigation i voilated young men in the toliets to keep my J.O.B. as a salesrepAKA my worst day as a rep was better than my best day in prison. Landover Maryland Ultrasound Diagnostic School Tampa AKA Sanford Brown Institute deceit, lies and misrepresentation of everything.Have you found an attorney to handle your case yet?? Ultrasound Diagnostic School aka sanford brown insitutes tampa,landover,atlanta,newjersey,newyork Address: 5701 East Hillsborough Ave. Tampa Florida 33617 U.S.A. Phone Number: 813-621 0072 I also have been duped by ultrasound diagnostic school. They lied to me about transferability of credits, and they said they would transfer to USF, and that they worked closley with them. I withdrew with a 3.5 average and just in time not to get my money refunded, which they neglected to tell me till it was too late. To get your money back for the med assistant in 2004 you must attend less than 450 hours.I'm at 480 OUT OF 900 and they wont give me a dime. This school is very unethical and should be put before a review board. Ive read articles above, and need to know whch law firm the current suits are being handled by. They also gaurenteed me admn to the cardio program lying bastards! Im looking for legal rep but live in sarasota, hard to find a lawyer who travels. CINDY from riverview please help.. I paid up front all in cash!!!!! I'm screwed!!!! please post soon.....Have you found an attorney to handle your case yet??I spoke to an employee regarding my "personal" student loan that was taken out on my behalf by UDS/SBI (which I was un-aware of) She suggested to me that I do some more research and see if the states attorney general had any class action law suits against the school.mr carl violated a yound student in the mensroom in 1997 he had to move between schools becasue he was unable to hold down a job cuz of his homosexual needs for young males.however, I have found a few fliings against the school dating back to 2004 here is a copy of one of the most recent that I could find:I seriously think all of the UDS and SBI students who were SCREWED out of thousands of dollars should get together and file another suit!!!!!(CEC)WHITMAN EDUCATION ( OWNERS OF SANFORD BROWN/ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSTIC) : Sandals Langer Announces $7M Settlement Of RICO Suit.Class counsel, Sandals Langer & Taylor, LLP and Golomb & Honik announced a settlement of $7.3 million had been reached in a class action suit brought under the Racketeering Act (RICO) by former students of the SANFORD BROWN AKA Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools owned by (CEC)Whitman Education Group Inc. (Amex: WIX). The settlement was preliminary approved in federal court in Philadelphia by The Honorable Anita B. Brody. The recovery is believed to be the largest ever against a vocational school.The company in question operates fifteen schools under the name "Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools AKA Sanford Brown." CEC (career education corporation)owns sanford brown too!!! Schools are located in New York City, Philadelphia,Dallas, Houston, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa,Atlanta, Landover, Md., Springfield, Mass.The suit alleged that Whitman(CEC owns this school..look in the lobbys of every one of them they all say ultrasound diagnostic school!!!) ran the schools as a complete sham tosecure funds through the federal government's guaranteed student loan programs. In its 1999 class action opinion the Court described plaintiffs claims:The heart of [plaintiffs'] theory is that UDS failed to meet even the most minimal and basic standards for an ultrasound program.Plaintiffs claim that the UDS administrators were unqualified, the teachers were unqualified, the school lacked meaningful admissions requirements, students were permitted to graduate without proving proficiency, externships were unsupervised, and training was inadequate. By holding themselves out as an ultrasound vocational school, plaintiffs argue, defendants were committing fraud. The settlement provides for a Court appointed ombudsman to oversee the schools' admissions practices over the next four years."Whitman represented to the Court that it paid the maximum it could without running afoul the Department of Education's solvency requirements," said Howard Langer, co-counsel for the class. "I thinkthat says it all. Fortunately, Judge Brody's management of the suit made it clear that the students would ultimately have their day in court."His co-counsel, Ruben Honik explained that, "by providing for a federally guaranteed student loan and financial aid program, while not providing adequate oversight of the schools authorized to receive the federally guaranteed loans and financial aid, the federal government provides the funds for those who would otherwise lack the means to enroll in the deficient -- and what we alleged here to be sham --programs. Absent the federally guaranteed loans, the scheme we alleged in the suit could never have been undertaken." the large rep who calls himself a doctor..."dr carl" actually has a dimploma mill BA thumb tacked to his cubicle (thats pride for you!!) lying about having a masters (becasue he likes the sound of "masters") Mr carl as he likes to call himself. maybe at best closet child molester and at worst the devil himself. his bizzare behavior in the office has led many to wonder if he is nothing more than a drunken flame boy with made up creditials and a friend (nigel) to cover his a*s for him. mr carl seems drunk so often that many staff members are concerned about speaking with him about anything of import, becasue they know he "forgets" thihngs. nigel on the other hand has what is known as "selective amnesia" this guy is nothing better than a f**king liar. he claims all kinds of bullshit. but the fact of the matter is ....get on some f**king MEDS if you cant do your job!!! his office is full of f**king cobwebs that were there before he was hired. unf**kingbelieveable. now his office smells like urine.nigel makes all kinds of promises and NEVER follows thru..not even f**king once for good measure!!! he is THE WORST MANAGER EVER!! HE IS BY far the most immature acting employee(other than carl) in the whole office.he whispers constantly..which by the way so does Janelle (our VP) laughable that a VP and a DOA find it "neccessary to whisper" that should tell you EVERYTHING right THERE!!!! the office politics is as bad as I have ever seen it.the hire process is a joke. "compentancy" is not an essential skill CEC (parent company)holds dear. again all anything comes down to it the bottom dollar. numbers=money.to this company NOTHING else and i mean N O T H I N G else matters. this house of cards is beginning to fall.


this crack house of a company is falling fast under the watchful eye of the feds. goodluck with your "degrees"

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 24, 2006

Sanford Brown Ultrasound Diagnostic Cec Aiu, Gibbs University Career Scams Under Fed Investigation i voilated young men in the toliets to keep my J.O.B. as a salesrepAKA my worst day as a rep was better than my best day in prison. Landover Maryland Ultrasound Diagnostic School Tampa AKA Sanford Brown Institute deceit, lies and misrepresentation of everything.Have you found an attorney to handle your case yet?? Ultrasound Diagnostic School aka sanford brown insitutes tampa,landover,atlanta,newjersey,newyork Address: 5701 East Hillsborough Ave. Tampa Florida 33617 U.S.A. Phone Number: 813-621 0072 I also have been duped by ultrasound diagnostic school. They lied to me about transferability of credits, and they said they would transfer to USF, and that they worked closley with them. I withdrew with a 3.5 average and just in time not to get my money refunded, which they neglected to tell me till it was too late. To get your money back for the med assistant in 2004 you must attend less than 450 hours.I'm at 480 OUT OF 900 and they wont give me a dime. This school is very unethical and should be put before a review board. Ive read articles above, and need to know whch law firm the current suits are being handled by. They also gaurenteed me admn to the cardio program lying bastards! Im looking for legal rep but live in sarasota, hard to find a lawyer who travels. CINDY from riverview please help.. I paid up front all in cash!!!!! I'm screwed!!!! please post soon.....Have you found an attorney to handle your case yet??I spoke to an employee regarding my "personal" student loan that was taken out on my behalf by UDS/SBI (which I was un-aware of) She suggested to me that I do some more research and see if the states attorney general had any class action law suits against the school.mr carl violated a yound student in the mensroom in 1997 he had to move between schools becasue he was unable to hold down a job cuz of his homosexual needs for young males.however, I have found a few fliings against the school dating back to 2004 here is a copy of one of the most recent that I could find:I seriously think all of the UDS and SBI students who were SCREWED out of thousands of dollars should get together and file another suit!!!!!(CEC)WHITMAN EDUCATION ( OWNERS OF SANFORD BROWN/ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSTIC) : Sandals Langer Announces $7M Settlement Of RICO Suit.Class counsel, Sandals Langer & Taylor, LLP and Golomb & Honik announced a settlement of $7.3 million had been reached in a class action suit brought under the Racketeering Act (RICO) by former students of the SANFORD BROWN AKA Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools owned by (CEC)Whitman Education Group Inc. (Amex: WIX). The settlement was preliminary approved in federal court in Philadelphia by The Honorable Anita B. Brody. The recovery is believed to be the largest ever against a vocational school.The company in question operates fifteen schools under the name "Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools AKA Sanford Brown." CEC (career education corporation)owns sanford brown too!!! Schools are located in New York City, Philadelphia,Dallas, Houston, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa,Atlanta, Landover, Md., Springfield, Mass.The suit alleged that Whitman(CEC owns this school..look in the lobbys of every one of them they all say ultrasound diagnostic school!!!) ran the schools as a complete sham tosecure funds through the federal government's guaranteed student loan programs. In its 1999 class action opinion the Court described plaintiffs claims:The heart of [plaintiffs'] theory is that UDS failed to meet even the most minimal and basic standards for an ultrasound program.Plaintiffs claim that the UDS administrators were unqualified, the teachers were unqualified, the school lacked meaningful admissions requirements, students were permitted to graduate without proving proficiency, externships were unsupervised, and training was inadequate. By holding themselves out as an ultrasound vocational school, plaintiffs argue, defendants were committing fraud. The settlement provides for a Court appointed ombudsman to oversee the schools' admissions practices over the next four years."Whitman represented to the Court that it paid the maximum it could without running afoul the Department of Education's solvency requirements," said Howard Langer, co-counsel for the class. "I thinkthat says it all. Fortunately, Judge Brody's management of the suit made it clear that the students would ultimately have their day in court."His co-counsel, Ruben Honik explained that, "by providing for a federally guaranteed student loan and financial aid program, while not providing adequate oversight of the schools authorized to receive the federally guaranteed loans and financial aid, the federal government provides the funds for those who would otherwise lack the means to enroll in the deficient -- and what we alleged here to be sham --programs. Absent the federally guaranteed loans, the scheme we alleged in the suit could never have been undertaken." the large rep who calls himself a doctor..."dr carl" actually has a dimploma mill BA thumb tacked to his cubicle (thats pride for you!!) lying about having a masters (becasue he likes the sound of "masters") Mr carl as he likes to call himself. maybe at best closet child molester and at worst the devil himself. his bizzare behavior in the office has led many to wonder if he is nothing more than a drunken flame boy with made up creditials and a friend (nigel) to cover his a*s for him. mr carl seems drunk so often that many staff members are concerned about speaking with him about anything of import, becasue they know he "forgets" thihngs. nigel on the other hand has what is known as "selective amnesia" this guy is nothing better than a f**king liar. he claims all kinds of bullshit. but the fact of the matter is ....get on some f**king MEDS if you cant do your job!!! his office is full of f**king cobwebs that were there before he was hired. unf**kingbelieveable. now his office smells like urine.nigel makes all kinds of promises and NEVER follows thru..not even f**king once for good measure!!! he is THE WORST MANAGER EVER!! HE IS BY far the most immature acting employee(other than carl) in the whole office.he whispers constantly..which by the way so does Janelle (our VP) laughable that a VP and a DOA find it "neccessary to whisper" that should tell you EVERYTHING right THERE!!!! the office politics is as bad as I have ever seen it.the hire process is a joke. "compentancy" is not an essential skill CEC (parent company)holds dear. again all anything comes down to it the bottom dollar. numbers=money.to this company NOTHING else and i mean N O T H I N G else matters. this house of cards is beginning to fall.


this crack house of a company is falling fast under the watchful eye of the feds. goodluck with your "degrees"

#4UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 24, 2006

Sanford Brown Ultrasound Diagnostic Cec Aiu, Gibbs University Career Scams Under Fed Investigation i voilated young men in the toliets to keep my J.O.B. as a salesrepAKA my worst day as a rep was better than my best day in prison. Landover Maryland Ultrasound Diagnostic School Tampa AKA Sanford Brown Institute deceit, lies and misrepresentation of everything.Have you found an attorney to handle your case yet?? Ultrasound Diagnostic School aka sanford brown insitutes tampa,landover,atlanta,newjersey,newyork Address: 5701 East Hillsborough Ave. Tampa Florida 33617 U.S.A. Phone Number: 813-621 0072 I also have been duped by ultrasound diagnostic school. They lied to me about transferability of credits, and they said they would transfer to USF, and that they worked closley with them. I withdrew with a 3.5 average and just in time not to get my money refunded, which they neglected to tell me till it was too late. To get your money back for the med assistant in 2004 you must attend less than 450 hours.I'm at 480 OUT OF 900 and they wont give me a dime. This school is very unethical and should be put before a review board. Ive read articles above, and need to know whch law firm the current suits are being handled by. They also gaurenteed me admn to the cardio program lying bastards! Im looking for legal rep but live in sarasota, hard to find a lawyer who travels. CINDY from riverview please help.. I paid up front all in cash!!!!! I'm screwed!!!! please post soon.....Have you found an attorney to handle your case yet??I spoke to an employee regarding my "personal" student loan that was taken out on my behalf by UDS/SBI (which I was un-aware of) She suggested to me that I do some more research and see if the states attorney general had any class action law suits against the school.mr carl violated a yound student in the mensroom in 1997 he had to move between schools becasue he was unable to hold down a job cuz of his homosexual needs for young males.however, I have found a few fliings against the school dating back to 2004 here is a copy of one of the most recent that I could find:I seriously think all of the UDS and SBI students who were SCREWED out of thousands of dollars should get together and file another suit!!!!!(CEC)WHITMAN EDUCATION ( OWNERS OF SANFORD BROWN/ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSTIC) : Sandals Langer Announces $7M Settlement Of RICO Suit.Class counsel, Sandals Langer & Taylor, LLP and Golomb & Honik announced a settlement of $7.3 million had been reached in a class action suit brought under the Racketeering Act (RICO) by former students of the SANFORD BROWN AKA Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools owned by (CEC)Whitman Education Group Inc. (Amex: WIX). The settlement was preliminary approved in federal court in Philadelphia by The Honorable Anita B. Brody. The recovery is believed to be the largest ever against a vocational school.The company in question operates fifteen schools under the name "Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools AKA Sanford Brown." CEC (career education corporation)owns sanford brown too!!! Schools are located in New York City, Philadelphia,Dallas, Houston, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa,Atlanta, Landover, Md., Springfield, Mass.The suit alleged that Whitman(CEC owns this school..look in the lobbys of every one of them they all say ultrasound diagnostic school!!!) ran the schools as a complete sham tosecure funds through the federal government's guaranteed student loan programs. In its 1999 class action opinion the Court described plaintiffs claims:The heart of [plaintiffs'] theory is that UDS failed to meet even the most minimal and basic standards for an ultrasound program.Plaintiffs claim that the UDS administrators were unqualified, the teachers were unqualified, the school lacked meaningful admissions requirements, students were permitted to graduate without proving proficiency, externships were unsupervised, and training was inadequate. By holding themselves out as an ultrasound vocational school, plaintiffs argue, defendants were committing fraud. The settlement provides for a Court appointed ombudsman to oversee the schools' admissions practices over the next four years."Whitman represented to the Court that it paid the maximum it could without running afoul the Department of Education's solvency requirements," said Howard Langer, co-counsel for the class. "I thinkthat says it all. Fortunately, Judge Brody's management of the suit made it clear that the students would ultimately have their day in court."His co-counsel, Ruben Honik explained that, "by providing for a federally guaranteed student loan and financial aid program, while not providing adequate oversight of the schools authorized to receive the federally guaranteed loans and financial aid, the federal government provides the funds for those who would otherwise lack the means to enroll in the deficient -- and what we alleged here to be sham --programs. Absent the federally guaranteed loans, the scheme we alleged in the suit could never have been undertaken." the large rep who calls himself a doctor..."dr carl" actually has a dimploma mill BA thumb tacked to his cubicle (thats pride for you!!) lying about having a masters (becasue he likes the sound of "masters") Mr carl as he likes to call himself. maybe at best closet child molester and at worst the devil himself. his bizzare behavior in the office has led many to wonder if he is nothing more than a drunken flame boy with made up creditials and a friend (nigel) to cover his a*s for him. mr carl seems drunk so often that many staff members are concerned about speaking with him about anything of import, becasue they know he "forgets" thihngs. nigel on the other hand has what is known as "selective amnesia" this guy is nothing better than a f**king liar. he claims all kinds of bullshit. but the fact of the matter is ....get on some f**king MEDS if you cant do your job!!! his office is full of f**king cobwebs that were there before he was hired. unf**kingbelieveable. now his office smells like urine.nigel makes all kinds of promises and NEVER follows thru..not even f**king once for good measure!!! he is THE WORST MANAGER EVER!! HE IS BY far the most immature acting employee(other than carl) in the whole office.he whispers constantly..which by the way so does Janelle (our VP) laughable that a VP and a DOA find it "neccessary to whisper" that should tell you EVERYTHING right THERE!!!! the office politics is as bad as I have ever seen it.the hire process is a joke. "compentancy" is not an essential skill CEC (parent company)holds dear. again all anything comes down to it the bottom dollar. numbers=money.to this company NOTHING else and i mean N O T H I N G else matters. this house of cards is beginning to fall.


this crack house of a company is falling fast under the watchful eye of the feds. goodluck with your "degrees"

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 24, 2006

Sanford Brown Ultrasound Diagnostic Cec Aiu, Gibbs University Career Scams Under Fed Investigation i voilated young men in the toliets to keep my J.O.B. as a salesrepAKA my worst day as a rep was better than my best day in prison. Landover Maryland Ultrasound Diagnostic School Tampa AKA Sanford Brown Institute deceit, lies and misrepresentation of everything.Have you found an attorney to handle your case yet?? Ultrasound Diagnostic School aka sanford brown insitutes tampa,landover,atlanta,newjersey,newyork Address: 5701 East Hillsborough Ave. Tampa Florida 33617 U.S.A. Phone Number: 813-621 0072 I also have been duped by ultrasound diagnostic school. They lied to me about transferability of credits, and they said they would transfer to USF, and that they worked closley with them. I withdrew with a 3.5 average and just in time not to get my money refunded, which they neglected to tell me till it was too late. To get your money back for the med assistant in 2004 you must attend less than 450 hours.I'm at 480 OUT OF 900 and they wont give me a dime. This school is very unethical and should be put before a review board. Ive read articles above, and need to know whch law firm the current suits are being handled by. They also gaurenteed me admn to the cardio program lying bastards! Im looking for legal rep but live in sarasota, hard to find a lawyer who travels. CINDY from riverview please help.. I paid up front all in cash!!!!! I'm screwed!!!! please post soon.....Have you found an attorney to handle your case yet??I spoke to an employee regarding my "personal" student loan that was taken out on my behalf by UDS/SBI (which I was un-aware of) She suggested to me that I do some more research and see if the states attorney general had any class action law suits against the school.mr carl violated a yound student in the mensroom in 1997 he had to move between schools becasue he was unable to hold down a job cuz of his homosexual needs for young males.however, I have found a few fliings against the school dating back to 2004 here is a copy of one of the most recent that I could find:I seriously think all of the UDS and SBI students who were SCREWED out of thousands of dollars should get together and file another suit!!!!!(CEC)WHITMAN EDUCATION ( OWNERS OF SANFORD BROWN/ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSTIC) : Sandals Langer Announces $7M Settlement Of RICO Suit.Class counsel, Sandals Langer & Taylor, LLP and Golomb & Honik announced a settlement of $7.3 million had been reached in a class action suit brought under the Racketeering Act (RICO) by former students of the SANFORD BROWN AKA Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools owned by (CEC)Whitman Education Group Inc. (Amex: WIX). The settlement was preliminary approved in federal court in Philadelphia by The Honorable Anita B. Brody. The recovery is believed to be the largest ever against a vocational school.The company in question operates fifteen schools under the name "Ultrasound Diagnostic Schools AKA Sanford Brown." CEC (career education corporation)owns sanford brown too!!! Schools are located in New York City, Philadelphia,Dallas, Houston, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa,Atlanta, Landover, Md., Springfield, Mass.The suit alleged that Whitman(CEC owns this school..look in the lobbys of every one of them they all say ultrasound diagnostic school!!!) ran the schools as a complete sham tosecure funds through the federal government's guaranteed student loan programs. In its 1999 class action opinion the Court described plaintiffs claims:The heart of [plaintiffs'] theory is that UDS failed to meet even the most minimal and basic standards for an ultrasound program.Plaintiffs claim that the UDS administrators were unqualified, the teachers were unqualified, the school lacked meaningful admissions requirements, students were permitted to graduate without proving proficiency, externships were unsupervised, and training was inadequate. By holding themselves out as an ultrasound vocational school, plaintiffs argue, defendants were committing fraud. The settlement provides for a Court appointed ombudsman to oversee the schools' admissions practices over the next four years."Whitman represented to the Court that it paid the maximum it could without running afoul the Department of Education's solvency requirements," said Howard Langer, co-counsel for the class. "I thinkthat says it all. Fortunately, Judge Brody's management of the suit made it clear that the students would ultimately have their day in court."His co-counsel, Ruben Honik explained that, "by providing for a federally guaranteed student loan and financial aid program, while not providing adequate oversight of the schools authorized to receive the federally guaranteed loans and financial aid, the federal government provides the funds for those who would otherwise lack the means to enroll in the deficient -- and what we alleged here to be sham --programs. Absent the federally guaranteed loans, the scheme we alleged in the suit could never have been undertaken." the large rep who calls himself a doctor..."dr carl" actually has a dimploma mill BA thumb tacked to his cubicle (thats pride for you!!) lying about having a masters (becasue he likes the sound of "masters") Mr carl as he likes to call himself. maybe at best closet child molester and at worst the devil himself. his bizzare behavior in the office has led many to wonder if he is nothing more than a drunken flame boy with made up creditials and a friend (nigel) to cover his a*s for him. mr carl seems drunk so often that many staff members are concerned about speaking with him about anything of import, becasue they know he "forgets" thihngs. nigel on the other hand has what is known as "selective amnesia" this guy is nothing better than a f**king liar. he claims all kinds of bullshit. but the fact of the matter is ....get on some f**king MEDS if you cant do your job!!! his office is full of f**king cobwebs that were there before he was hired. unf**kingbelieveable. now his office smells like urine.nigel makes all kinds of promises and NEVER follows thru..not even f**king once for good measure!!! he is THE WORST MANAGER EVER!! HE IS BY far the most immature acting employee(other than carl) in the whole office.he whispers constantly..which by the way so does Janelle (our VP) laughable that a VP and a DOA find it "neccessary to whisper" that should tell you EVERYTHING right THERE!!!! the office politics is as bad as I have ever seen it.the hire process is a joke. "compentancy" is not an essential skill CEC (parent company)holds dear. again all anything comes down to it the bottom dollar. numbers=money.to this company NOTHING else and i mean N O T H I N G else matters. this house of cards is beginning to fall.

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