  • Report:  #68939

Complaint Review: NCO Financial Servies - Philly Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- mineral bluff, Georgia,

NCO Financial Servies
Philly,pa Philly, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had a Capital One credit card 5 yrs ago with a $200 limit,i mailed a $50 payment and before i mailed another payment,i recieved a bill for over $700,then Capital One harressed me for yrs then charging it off on my cridit report now for the last year(2003) i have received more harressing phone calls from NCO Financial servies many times a day plus at 9pm at night over and over again.....these crimnals need to be put in prison and if the Govt continues to allow such mobster/gangster style tatics to continue.

i will myself step in to stop NCO Financial servies and if the people who have been harresed by this company were to walk in their offices and confront them maybe we could end this criminal activites by this company who should NOT BE ALLOWED to do business anywhere....The state of PA allows such companies to operate in they're state then it doesn't say much good about the state of PA....maybe the state of PA condons such mobster/gangster style of opersting,doesn't say that the state of PA is worthy od being a state,the Govt in the state of PA needs to re-examine who they allow to do bussiness in their state....


mineral bluff, Georgia

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