  • Report:  #599249

Complaint Review: Oakwood Homes.. Golden West Homes.. Vanderbilt Mortgage And Finance... - albany Oregon

Reported By:
Francis - tangent, Oregon, U.S.A.

Oakwood Homes.. Golden West Homes.. Vanderbilt Mortgage And Finance...
1437 century dr. n.e. albany, 97322 Oregon, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

My wife and I purchased a home from these con artist, and have yet to get what we are paying for. It started out as a Government Loan and has spirolled out of control. hers why, they had their contractor who thinks he the best ever put on a job site, but his attitude is worth going to jail for murder. Now I know why we want to racial profile mexicans in our country. We had gotten a bid from clayton homes a legal binding contract which consists of 20 items that needed to be done. Several of these items were not, because the contractor decided that our home did not require them. After the first contract was drawn up to preform the work, we rejected it because of the costs. they wanted to charge us $38.614.00 dollars to set up a mod home, that was a very sad bid. so we told them get back to the drawing board. that was 9-11-09.

On 9-17-09 they came back with a new bid of $30.306.50 dollars. so we figured this was more in our range, so we accepted the offer and signed the contract and the work began. now things started to  rattle my cage when items on our list of were not being  done and every time it was brought the matter to the contractors attention, he seemed to get irratated with me, not the thing to do to the home owner. But he made it seem  to his boss and the fed Gov that I was the one who wanted  the changes and I was such a hardass he didnt have time to do anything right.    I was the one with a real bad attitude. And it is my right. So maybe yeah im a hardass.   So the contract we have says that the contractor has to demo the old home and put in a new 6" slab with #4 rebar, well they got the #4 rebar right, But as for the 6" of concrete he thought he didnt need it. So this info went into a file I would be using later on.     

Now this contract was signed by clayton homes and ourselves, so what's  in that contract  has to be done. Well this mexican thinks he doesnt have to do what the contract says he has too.    This contractor has picked his last fight. This is America, and the customer is alway right. Well I thought so at one time. You see my wife and I,  bought our last home and lived in it for ten years, until the problem with water caught up with the house. I hacked my lungs out because of mold buildup and my wife, had headaches for the longest time, now we seem to be fine.     Back to the contract, they failed to do five items on the list of things that they signed for, So I wrote to the Federal Government as to those five Items they did not do or complete.     

They  come out and did their bid, they opened up the underside of our trailer we were living in, and when they did they noticed that there was standing water six inches deep.     This is something I would have looked for when making a bid just to cover my a*s and bided another 20% more for the job.    

 Well this bid called for footing drains at a cost of $700.00, the contractor said we didnt need them, so we figured we didnt have to pay for it and get a credit from the Feds, then there was a credit for 2"s of concrete they failed to pour on the six inch slab, they agreed to put in.

Then we logged the $750.00 to trench for the gas line, they never trenched for, so we logged this as a credit, minus the cost of $250.00 for the contractor to test the gas.     Or we could have had this done by the gas company for free.   

 Now we found out that our city did not require us to pump our septic tank so there was anoither $575 dollars credit due us, and the fifth item I was to preform and that is to build the stairs and deck for the back of the house. So the contractor can have the final inspection done, so he could get paid.

Well this was not his day, because of what he tried to get my wife to do, After we sent a letter to the head honcho of the USDA in the next town over, e3xplaining to him what was done and what wasn't, Clayton homes decided to contor that letter with a reply, and they call this document a change order to origanal bid. after seeing this guys eyes light up after I told him we refuse to sign any change orders from them or the FEDS. and this was final. The change order has from the original bid  the cost $3250 for six inches of concrete, change to 4 inch slab a savings of $900.00 $100.00 dollars less that we quoted the credit for. Then a savings of $700.00 dollars for footing drains not being necessary, then he added at the bottom change order brought in one foot of 6" rock and six inch of 3/4 minus rock to stablize the concrete pad. The cost to him Go figure, $1.600.00 the exact amount of our credits.

Well he says this came out of his pocket and we needed to pay it, and my wife and I told him to kiss off, we will never sign that. So he got pissed off and left. this was on thursday April 29th 2010. on Fri April 30th 2010, a friend of mine and myself went to the job site to check on progress, and the contractor walks by me and to my friend and says he he we got em now, I have receipts for the four dump truck load of rock and a fifth one of 3/4 minus, so they will have to sign that doocument now.   

Before he could say any more, I walked up to him and told him we were still not going to sign any documents for him or his company, and he became very agrevated with me and began to start a fight, and said to me, then you will not get this house, so I told him then thats fine you get your truck and hitch it to that cardboard box and get it off my land. He said this is not your land it belongs to the Gov. I told him it does not belong to the feds until we close and guess what thats not going to happen. so get that peice of crap off my land now. He tells me no he did not have too, so I walked up to him and told him either he removes himself from my land or I will beat him to death. He had the nerve to tell me go f^% myself.

Ok then thats fine you will leave. I grant you that. So my friend and I jumped in my truck and drove to his office to speak to his boss the manager who thought I was the one who started the fight, i told him with a firm voice to get that man off my land, and do it now. This guy was just as crazy as his employee, and told me no. under oregon law, he was to call this guy and have him get off my property. but these people dont pay to much attention to the laws of this state.

 But I give you my word they will.

So being agitated with both this punk and his a** of a boss, dave is his name. I contacted the Construction Contractor Board, or the CCB. Where if you have a problem with the company or its employees or workmanship, they take over and do what law inforcement if afraid to do. And thats fight for you. And so the saying goes, if you pay money to someone for work, your to get that work. I've lived by that rule all my life as a contractor. When in doubt punch his lights out, of course this is not the city of chicago, but i've done it before and it wont be the last.

Thyen there is the crooked Fed who thinks his sh(* dont stink, Boy is he in for a surprise. I finally found an official who was willing to investagate this clown for wrong doing. abd his pain is soon to come. Because he didnt like the way i handled the man and said to my face I was to sign that document or give up the house, this is where he knows nothing about me.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Did you take the factory tour?

#2General Comment

Fri, May 03, 2013


God your experience sounds like a nightmare! I don't blame you for wanting to punch that guy's lights out, I would too! I wondered if you took their factory tour and if what you might have seen looked anything like the "craftsmanship" that you got. That guy who said he'd worked 30 years as a sales con is an a*hole, I totally agree with you there too! It's stupid for him to say that you are the problem, obviously you aren't! This would be apparent to anyone who's not a single cell organism like that d****ebag with his "rebuttal" emphasis on the butt part of that!


you game them 30 years of worthless service

#3Author of original report

Thu, July 15, 2010

Number one, I have put a alot of time into buying a home. going from place to place in order to get what we wanted. And when we finally find something we thought was worth the time we bought it. And what a waste it was, ever since we we're sucked into this deal, we've found that Golden west has been very helpful in the repairs that were needed to be done. now we have since been somewhat happy with the home, but the work they preformed in getting my home where it is now, has not been the best of times. since clayton homes have now been paid and refuse to repair the work they screwed up, so I will at the advice of my attorney, send them a bill for these repairs and I have already filed a formal complaint with the Or. Construction Contractors Board, w2hich they need as a wake up, seeing how it takes up to two years for them to complete their investagation. You see, they refuse to make several repairs to my property, they damaged. I have witnesses and photos of the work clayton homes had done. With that I am intitled to be compensated for the damages they caused me and my property. As for your crap remarks, I think you need a bit more schooling. you wasted 30 years in the service industry, a worthless 30 years, I take it. with a tude like yours, they should have fired you 29 years ago, just to save them money. sounds like to me, your into screwing over the public. I wish I knew who hired you. I write them and tell them a thing or two. so go fornacate with yourself and hey have a good time, con man.


South Carolina,
United States of America
You are kidding, right?

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, May 15, 2010

The biggest mistake Oakwood made was to sell you a house.  I am an industry veteran with over 30 years experience.  I do not work for Oakwood, but am very familiar with how they do business.  I do work for a competitor.  Thank God, you did not buy from me.  I would have seen warning signs with your attitude, and never sold you a house.  You would not be happy with ANY home you bought, and will never be happy with that one.  I do know that Oakwood/Clayton is very tuned in to customer satisfaction and hires 3rd party survey companies to monitor CSI (customer satisfaction index) on all their sales.  Employee pay is directly tied in to these results, and they have an excellent CSI rating, nationwide.  However, there will always be customers from hell like you that there is NO way possible to satisfy.  I bet they have overspent their budget on your home by thousands.  $30,000 to set up a modular home is cheap, not to mention slabs under the house, drains, etc.  Wow.  Poor guys.

 Do you have this type attidude with EVERYthing you buy?  Do you complain about quality of products you buy at the Dollar Tree?  Do you like to beat up people you buy from?   What's the deal with that, Big Guy??  I am sure they have tried every way to please you there possibly can be, short of paying you money.  Wait, is THAT what you are after?  Been there, done that.  Stay away, I do not want your business.  I am sure Oakwood is all over that manager or sales rep today, figuring out how they did not SEE YOU COMING and RUN!  

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