  • Report:  #65896

Complaint Review: Ocwen Federal Bank - West Palm Beach Florida

Reported By:
- Somewhere, New Jersey,

Ocwen Federal Bank
1675 Plam Beach Lakes Blvd.W. West Palm Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
What is being done with the Ocwen Federal Bank class action law suite? I have read many similar stories to mine, but I hear nothing about what is happening about the law suite in Hartford CT. We all can complain as much as we want to but it will not change one thing. Ocwen will still be in business.

We all need to be able to contact one another and take this story either to the federal banking commissioner or to a national news program. They hold us all captives because they know we can not afford indiviually to take them to court. We are all just trying to hang on to our homes. With excessive late fees, forced insurance ( even after the fact you sent them a copy of your insurance) payments not be recorded etc. What can a individul do. Absolutely Nothing! But in numbers, a whole lot. I do know that this is what the gentleman in Hartford is trying to do but why is it taking so long? .... AND why can't we try to do both. The more attention Ocwen gets ... maybe something will be done.

If people are interested in this idea, please post it on this rip-off report. If I think we have enough people I will set up a post box where you can send me your story with your real name and address. I will then contact the federal banking commissioner and all the national news program. I would believe at least one program would be interested in investagating Ocwen Federal Bank.

I hope you will all be interested in this idea.After all this is America and we should have freedom of speech and be protect from predatory banks.

An OCWEN victim somewhere on the east coast

and scared if they find this,,,,

15 Updates & Rebuttals


PACER= Public Access to Court Electronic Records

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, September 10, 2003

Link to PACER home page: http://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/ There is a small fee per page of accessed documents. I have printed out nineteen pages and I think my bill is $1.82. PACER will not send you a bill until you have $10.00 in viewed pages. I figure this case may be over before I reach that mark, as I have printed out all fourteen months of activity so far. It is worth looking at, although I sometimes wish there was a bit more detail in the descriptions of the activities. Sometimes one sort of has to guess. But there IS a lot of activity in this case, so it is moving on (slowly). Register with PACER and they will snail mail you a login and password. We can all watch and wonder how many cases a Federal Judge can hear in a career (not many if they all progress so slowly)! Donna, how wonderful for you that you were able to slip the noose and escape Ocwen. Care to share?


Lucky enough to escape the jaws of OCWEN

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 09, 2003

On my third attempt I got refinanced and away from the JAWS OF OCWEN,yet I still want justice. How do you join Pacer? What is pacer? I joined the Class Action with Kweku and sent him my affidavit and proof of Ocwens illegal acts already. I am praying for everyone else to be able to find a way to escape Ocwen's Jaws too. May God be with you, (Escapee!!)


Miserable (I Hate),
I Can't be in CT

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2003

Kweku, I sent you my paper work long, long time ago, and we have emailed on occassion. I believe I mentioned to you that my husband has prostate cancer, and there is no way I can come to CT. I would LOVE to. (not only for the cause, but it is beautiful country and is far better than Texas) If I can do anything, please let me know and I will try to help. I loved you latest motions on Fed R. Civ. P rule 11 and 35. What, Ocwen not sign the Writ of Mandamus?? Just goes to show how much of an idiot they all are... Hope you get the sanctions you are asking for... Yes folks, you can too watch what is going on by subscribing to PACER... Kweku, let me know what I can do to help, and I will, but I can't go to Ct.


Miserable (I Hate),
I Can't be in CT

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2003

Kweku, I sent you my paper work long, long time ago, and we have emailed on occassion. I believe I mentioned to you that my husband has prostate cancer, and there is no way I can come to CT. I would LOVE to. (not only for the cause, but it is beautiful country and is far better than Texas) If I can do anything, please let me know and I will try to help. I loved you latest motions on Fed R. Civ. P rule 11 and 35. What, Ocwen not sign the Writ of Mandamus?? Just goes to show how much of an idiot they all are... Hope you get the sanctions you are asking for... Yes folks, you can too watch what is going on by subscribing to PACER... Kweku, let me know what I can do to help, and I will, but I can't go to Ct.


Miserable (I Hate),
I Can't be in CT

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2003

Kweku, I sent you my paper work long, long time ago, and we have emailed on occassion. I believe I mentioned to you that my husband has prostate cancer, and there is no way I can come to CT. I would LOVE to. (not only for the cause, but it is beautiful country and is far better than Texas) If I can do anything, please let me know and I will try to help. I loved you latest motions on Fed R. Civ. P rule 11 and 35. What, Ocwen not sign the Writ of Mandamus?? Just goes to show how much of an idiot they all are... Hope you get the sanctions you are asking for... Yes folks, you can too watch what is going on by subscribing to PACER... Kweku, let me know what I can do to help, and I will, but I can't go to Ct.


Miserable (I Hate),
I Can't be in CT

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2003

Kweku, I sent you my paper work long, long time ago, and we have emailed on occassion. I believe I mentioned to you that my husband has prostate cancer, and there is no way I can come to CT. I would LOVE to. (not only for the cause, but it is beautiful country and is far better than Texas) If I can do anything, please let me know and I will try to help. I loved you latest motions on Fed R. Civ. P rule 11 and 35. What, Ocwen not sign the Writ of Mandamus?? Just goes to show how much of an idiot they all are... Hope you get the sanctions you are asking for... Yes folks, you can too watch what is going on by subscribing to PACER... Kweku, let me know what I can do to help, and I will, but I can't go to Ct.


Stone Mtn,
The "Ocwen Experience"

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2003

Marcia, I printed off a copy of your remarks because, in one paragraph, you have so perfectly described the "Ocwen experience" that so many of us have endured. I try not to focus on my horrendous past with Ocwen,preferring to stay focused on the upcoming victory.However, feeling alone in this battle, caused the most distress for me. Thank you for your comments, and thank God for Mr Hanson!


Lake Placid,
New York,
We will be there, Kweku-Even if we have to walk!!!!!!

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 21, 2003

Ocwen can run, but they can't hide. We will come to Hartford whenever you say, Kweku. This is our chance to stand up and be heard. Those of us that have endured all that Ocwen has done; the years of forced poverty while Ocwen lined their pockets with illegal fees; the emotional upset from their collection methods; the hundreds of letters and phone calls made, trying to find an agency that would listen; the tears borne of fear while they threatened our homes; the sleepless nights, trying to find a way to pay money we didn't owe to keep the vultures from our doors. Oh, yes, we will be here, Kweku. For many months, I fought this battle alone. But you are not alone,Kweku. We will be there when the time comes, with our records, with our character references; with the truth. God bless you.


Lake Placid,
New York,
We will be there, Kweku-Even if we have to walk!!!!!!

#10Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 21, 2003

Ocwen can run, but they can't hide. We will come to Hartford whenever you say, Kweku. This is our chance to stand up and be heard. Those of us that have endured all that Ocwen has done; the years of forced poverty while Ocwen lined their pockets with illegal fees; the emotional upset from their collection methods; the hundreds of letters and phone calls made, trying to find an agency that would listen; the tears borne of fear while they threatened our homes; the sleepless nights, trying to find a way to pay money we didn't owe to keep the vultures from our doors. Oh, yes, we will be here, Kweku. For many months, I fought this battle alone. But you are not alone,Kweku. We will be there when the time comes, with our records, with our character references; with the truth. God bless you.


Lake Placid,
New York,
We will be there, Kweku-Even if we have to walk!!!!!!

#11Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 21, 2003

Ocwen can run, but they can't hide. We will come to Hartford whenever you say, Kweku. This is our chance to stand up and be heard. Those of us that have endured all that Ocwen has done; the years of forced poverty while Ocwen lined their pockets with illegal fees; the emotional upset from their collection methods; the hundreds of letters and phone calls made, trying to find an agency that would listen; the tears borne of fear while they threatened our homes; the sleepless nights, trying to find a way to pay money we didn't owe to keep the vultures from our doors. Oh, yes, we will be here, Kweku. For many months, I fought this battle alone. But you are not alone,Kweku. We will be there when the time comes, with our records, with our character references; with the truth. God bless you.


North Haledon,
New Jersey,
Join Hanson vs Ocwen

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, August 21, 2003

Sorry to hear you are a victim. The information you are seeking is posted on this sight. You should contact all the agencies and as I wrote before, read the posts. The info to join the suit is here and sign up for pacer. I still strongly believe the people should trust the person who has earned it(Hanson vs. Ocwen/Kweku Hanson) and not someone who is "afraid" to even identify themselves yet wants to represent all of us. Thanks but No Thanks! Go get em' Kweku...see you in Connecticut!!!


Contact info

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2003

Here is the information for Mr. Hanson: Contact: Kweku Hanson 487 Main Street, Suite Two Hartford, CT 06103-3007 email:[email protected] Make sure when you type in the email address that you type it correctly. If it still does not work, the physical address should. Write a letter. Hurry! This suit is in full swing now; I do not think that it will be necessary to try to start another one at this time. Good luck!


New Jersey,
I understand why you would be suspious .... sorry

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 19, 2003

I have been a victim of Ocwen not once but twice. When I refinance the first time my mortgage company sold my loan to Ocwen. It cost me $15,000 to get out of this loan because there was a prepayment penalty. When I finally got away from Ocwen and refinanced with another mortgage company, 2 months later they sold my loan again to Ocwen. Needless to say it has been an absolute nightmare ever since. I will share my story with Mr. Hanson once I get his address or e-mail. Why I commented on this rip-off report was not to question Mr. Hansons intentions but to maybe try to do something myself. I have been reading all these sad stories with no happy endings including mine. I do beleive God helps those who help themselves. There is power in numbers and I am fed up with just sitting around and not doing anything as Ocwen gets fatter and richer by the minute with my husbands and my hard earned money. Once again my attentions here was not to offen but to try another avenue. Another Ocwen victim


OCWEN - - Kweku Hanson Says Class Action Ramping Up

#15Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 19, 2003

Fellas: Frustration has been my middle name for the better part of the past fourteen months. As a lawyer absolutely committed to seeing justice done to the thousands of Ocwen victims, over 150 of whom have entrusted my lawyers and I with their confidential financial and family information, I am absolutely sick to my stomach to see Ocwen still stealing shamelessly. I am even more dsigusted to get emails in recent weeks from some of the folk who submitted Affidavits to the Class Action Lawyers, reporting that they have lost their homes to Ocwen. However, simply because terrorism strikes seemingly at will, should we give up the fight? The Class Action Lawsuit is absolutely the BEST method to destroy Ocwen and its tentacles. Hundreds of victims have already complained to governmental agencies without any real result. Hundreds have individually complained to the newspapers and TV stations in their towns and cities, yet Ocwen continues to gorge itself with our monies like a python swallowing guinea pigs. Why do I think, despite all the above observations, that the Class Action Lawsuit is still THE solution? Because, I am ABSOLUTELY committed to fighting Ocwen, day and night, until we win. Because, my lawyers have collected and carefully secured in FIVE SECRET LOCATIONS, thousands of pages of records proving Ocwen's lawlessness. Because, the FBI is also going after Ocwen. Because, 100s of victims have joined this fight and their records will help win the war. Because many victims have notified their Attorneys General and federal elected officials and state banking and consumer protection officials. Because, Marlene, Robin, Alice, Dale, Firooz, Bob, Sandy, Julie, Bill, Amie (not the computerized autodialing harrasser from Ocwen), Steve, Carol, Debbi, James, Ben, Shirley, Diana, JoAnn, Maureen, RaeAnn, Lynn, Pearlie, Sherry, Lynda, David, Tony, Jimmy, Cynthia, Greta, Ron, Don, Jayne, Jill, Barbara, Mildred, Sylvia, Lisa, Kristi, Nancy, Gwendollyn, Reena, Jennifer, Marcia, and HUNDREDS of others are absolutely determined to destroy Ocwen's naked robbery, cost what it may, and they have ALL joined our crusade! But most important of all, BECAUSE THERE IS A REAL GOD, WHO HAS SAID "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" I HAVE HEARD THE CRIES OF MY OPPRESSED PEOPLES AND I SHALL DELIVER THEM FROM BONDAGE TO OCWEN. I am a lawyer: I have been involved (with other lawyers) in fighting big businesses in court until they settled for MILLIONS of dollars to their victims. I am a FIGHTER, not a QUITTER. My lawyers have promised to file some damning documents in Court BEFORE THE END OF THIS WEEK. Lawsuits by their very nature take time, and only the Judge can control the speed of this lawsuit. But no matter what, this case is going to be heard in Court in mid-October, 2003. FOLK, MARK YOUR CALENDARS, AND START SAVING FOR THE AIRFARES TO HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT TO COME AND CONFRONT THE DEMONS. NO COURT CAN SEE THE FRUSTRATED FACES AND LET OCWEN GET AWAY WITH MAKING US HOMELESS. WE ARE ALL SCARED, BUT WE SHALL BELL THE CAT IN SPITE OF IT. Kweku Hanson PS: Starting Spetember 1, 2003, my email address shall change. I shall post the new email here then (and not on day earlier, eat your viruses out, Ocwen)!


North Haledon,
New Jersey,
And You Would Be???

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2003

The information about the lawsuit is on Pacer. The updates are available to anyone. If you read what is posted here, as well as numerous other sites, you would already know that other organizations/fed. etc. are already involved (52000 pages of HUD complaints etc.). No one is alone here and the courts are proceeding accordingly. As far as giving you, whoever you are(someone afraid?), all of our names and addresses ... I don't think so! The people who needed our information have it and those who wish to join the lawsuit can without fear. Kweku, Hanson vs Ocwen has given us all a chance to fight. I agree, we are strong when we stand together, but I believe we need to stand with someone who has put themselves on the front lines for us...Hanson vs Ocwen, Kweku Hanson, has done this for us. The more who come forward and stand together in the Hanson vs Ocwen suit the stronger we are. I truly do not know your situation and I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt, but experience has taught me well, Trust is something you earn and frankly you have NOT earned anything...but Kweku Hanson has. Thanking Hanson again for a chance my family would not have had without him. God Bless!

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