  • Report:  #626544

Complaint Review: Peabody Vacations Jeffrey R hirschkorn / Alan L Hirschkorn - Altamonte springs Florida

Reported By:
Robert Ross , real landlord - Hillsborough, New Jersey, United States of America

Peabody Vacations Jeffrey R hirschkorn / Alan L Hirschkorn
Altamonte springs, 32714 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

It was early back in May `09 jeffrey R Hirschkorn and Alan L Hirschkorn first made contact with me , They had received word through a John Wilson 20yr school reunion that was already in the works , That same Junior High My so attended , way back .

Through the reunion comunity word was sent my home was up for rent and avail to interested parties , well Jeff and his Dad responded , They decided to rent out my home , and an agreement and lease was made , well unfortunately for me , from the first contact , Jeffrey made lies up , He claimed he was a Bail Bondsman , and also a sucess in the vacation business

He claimed also his Dad was a retired fireman , ( also a lie ) His Dad was no fireman just an employee of the fire dept ny. ( saftey Inspector )

Now Jeff was well spoken and well educated , and I made a very big mistake by passing the backround and normal screening from the very beginning , and went straight to lease aggreement . Which Jeffrey and Alan would take full advantage of over the next 9 months .

There were some repairs which would need to be done , as always when new renters come in , Locks , Paint , and maybe some other repairs , and cleaning and stuff .

So the agreement went on as any repairs would be deducted from rent , providing I know and authorize , and get original receipts , well as time went on repairs went on but the details of work were not what the actual repairs that were done or agreed or at the cost nor was the quality of that work done properly ,to quality / cost ratio I have only come to know after all the scamming  , But the damage is already done .

During this same period about sept 10`09 , as rental cost and repair meet , I get a call on a vandal who damaged my existing A/C , The cost dicticated to me was about $500.00 , to REPAIR .!

This amount is well lower than the Insurance Deductable so I did not call Ins. co just a repair that I would deduct off rent , ( A police report was filed ) with seminole PD , and so with that done we moved on , But My request for the original receipts for repairs and now a copy of the Police reports would fall on all kind of excuses and reasons not arrived to me , ( I was Getting a little curious by this time as to why the delay ) but I went on quietly for now .

Then Guess what ? On sept 20th`09 , I get another call from Jeffrey stateing that It happened again , another vandal , but this time they stold the whole A/C unit .

I was astonished that this was even possible , but Jeffrey said not to worry He did catch the theif , and he was arrested , and he did file a police report ,

So I was releived , but this time I would call the Insurance co to file a claim for the A/C , which I had done the same day,

To make a long story short , The first A/C was never repaired , It was replaced with New one , But purchased By worthless check , and on the 20t it wasent stolen it was reposesed ! but this took another few months of investigating to find out .

In the meanwhile while that was being found out , still no original receipts , or any police reports for a month , when I finally received them they were off the computor and only the first of two reports was received , But get this Jeff Did scam

Everyone , from the very start , He wrote a worthless check to the appliances , he ultimately claimed were needed , not so ! but he did it anyway , also did not even Pay the landscape guys , They would go to the neighbors to ask where they are, and gave bad checks to them also , sad but true , also as Dec rollrd around I warned jeffrey not to Delay with rent , and explained the lease and cost involved with that ,

He swore that Bal of Dec 09, and Jan2010 would be sent on time and in full , He also said he would front 1/2 the cost of A/C till Insurance check came and I would reimburst that to him , due to delays of requested police reports and documents of custudy of vandal .

well on Jan 20th I had enough and went to Florida , 1st stop was police dept , where I found out No vandal ever caught , then found a worthless check charge to other A/C co for first replaced A/C , then found Jeffrey and he started with the excuses , and I told him not to screw with me , with the Insurance co , or the rent ,

Jeffrey would take it to the limit , while I was there He had no choice but to give me the only good check I ever received  and Then I warned him It would be a big mistake to have this done again with rent late and excuses , But guess what happened in Feb`2010 , well excusses came and I was definately astonished , so when I came to florida in Feb`2010 , Jeffrey and Alsn were found to have already Abandoned the house , In a hurry I was told by neighbors ,

I also found out that Jeffrey would lie to neighbors claiming he purchased the home thru short sale , for 23,000 , and neighbors were shunned at that , pannic set in for the cost of there own homes would decrease that much ,

I did explain to them who jeffrey as I found who he was is , and the type person that they were living next to , They explained all the details to me as they saw and experienced on site what was going on in my house , I could not beleive it , but it would turn out to be all true and Alot more too .

Well about this time I would have already met others who were scammed , and also went to the various authorities and facilitys to file charges and abandoment of home , and worthless check charges etc. , so did that , and then went to the local TV and found Steve cooper as well ,who would be very happy to meet both me and eddie ,

And to tell would be to long so the link below begins , and the start of Jeffreys undoing begins

http://www.yo...utube.com/v/VOigmcqfeaoSee More

http://www.youtube.com/v/VOigmcqfeao ( click on video there are 2 seperate videos to view )

And I wouldnt stop there after I found there were even more people hurt so , I continued to find victims who , contacted me , and The next stage began

And then even more , along with Eddie .


Now ! I am still not Done and more , Jeffrey will answer to all the victime Eddie and I have guided to him , we have sucessfully put jeffrey in Jail where he belongs for now ! this was done with the help of other victims as well as Jeffrey himself ,

Who pays the bondsman with worthless check ?

Who frauds their best business contacts ?

Who frauds their Landlords ?

who moves 30 times in a month ?

Who sends worthless check to the courts for court fees ?

Who impersonates lawyers ? 

Who pays the lawyer with stolen credit card for retainers ?

 who frauds the computor stores , food stores , files false police reports , impersonates people he is scamming ,cheats Banks , commits Bank wire frauds , bank account fraud , sets people up to take blame ,

Who Does This ?

JEFFREY R HIRSCHKORN , thats who ! and if given a chance will do it again !

The minute he has a chance , so dont let him out , keep him there , for as long as you can , because he know nothing else and has no other abilities or Desires , other than to get right back to it and scam You again , one way or another . thats what Jeffrey wants . More to come ,

I am personally not Done yet , !

Report Attachments

40 Updates & Rebuttals

Equalizer !!

United States of America
Florida ( Duval ) Not Harsh Enough On REPEAT , REPEAT , REPEAT FELON ( Jeffrey R.Hirschkorn )

#2UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 14, 2013

Yes once again a criminal , ( Felon ) a three timer , at least - gets Leniency for his crimes .
As prior posts in this thread point out ,
 Jeffrey was given only 2 yrs jail time in 2010 + with an 8yr probation to follow .

Not only was this insulting to the state of Florida but also all its citizens , 
Why you ask ?
I could go on and on but just go to the very first post ( here on ROR ) read down and click the link for Youtube ,  in that post for the answers . ( and get a laugh as well )
As soon as Jeffrey was let Loose Sept 2012 after serving his minor 2 years , It took Jeffrey not even 30 days to violate his probation , in many ways , But One Major way was to scam , fraud and make suffer More Honest hard working , tax paying citizens in Duval county , Jacksonville Florida .

AGAIN !!!!!!!! 
Jeffrey did this in the very same way as in past , in Seminole county and also in Orange county as well , Not much difference there . The reason he got caught is that over the course of the past few years , past victims , which stretch ,,,, now over the past 4-5 years have created a bond with each other and continue to monitor and follow in many many ways , Jeffrey as he progresses from past lessons learned or Lack there of ........ ( as forecast above in other posts as well )

In and out  , of Jail there is a steady stream of Info being spread about , informing what Jeffrey is doing . And Thankfully so , Because if not  , ! Even You the innocent reader of this post , or a family member of yours would or could have been a victim as easy as the rest . 

Now He had a court hearing last week Duval county court , and for a few of the recent crimes maybe all of them ( about 14 ) charges , they seem to add 20 months to his Jail time . But its not clear if this is concurrent , or what , But never the Less its also not enough time for his reoccurring criminal activities , He is a three time Felon with the same Identity theft , wire fraud , Bank Fraud Scams , 20 months should be raised to fit the crime  to at least 5 - ten in addition to his 8 years from the violation of his recent probation .

Also As Bob put it ( ABOVE POST ) , The Bankruptcy court foolishly , somehow  relieved once again some of Jeffreys past Debt and most restitution , Judgements , against Jeffrey that had been ordered to repay by the Judges who heard testimony and viewed documents ( Proof ) 

Cant say I know why , but this is a known process / scam , ploy - Jeffrey follows and has for the past 14 years at least , with success I might add ?  and no doubt will try again in the allowed time of 7 years , ( sept .2019 ) ( Remember I write this now !) Believe me ! Im here not only now but during the next at least 7 years as well to post . along with others that still follow .

Funny Jeffrey will be 38 yrs old this Jan,25 2013 , now to get out  , about the year 2022
( 47 yrs old )  Million dollar question is , How Long do you think "Jeffrey" from the day he gets out . of Jail this time goes back to Jail . 
14 Days
30 days or less
30 - 45 days
an even 60 days
or 1 year  or more

a check / with a vacation reservation will be sent to the person who guesses correct . From Jeffreys vacation business . 

Report Attachments

Robert Ross , real landlord

New Jersey,
United States of America
DUVAL county Florida ( Jacksonville FL )... Jeffrey Hirschkorn ,did it again.( SCAM SCAM SCAM )

#3Author of original report

Tue, January 08, 2013

Yes , Unfortunately the legal system let jeffrey out of Jail to early ! 2 yrs time done 8 yrs. probation , to soon
as I warned them all to the best of my ability !
 when He was released this past sept 2012 , It didn't take long from there to find he scammed and frauded in the same way as he has done since before 2003 thru 2009.... only Now he has been getting caught (2009 thru present 2013 ). Because of the vigilance of the victims ( Congratulations to all victims )
But the banking system , Bankruptcy courts , are still allowing Jeffrey to make fools of the systems and this still costs the tax payer , State , counties , and also the victims get victimized twice over , and pay two times as well ... Figure it out .( Not right )

Any recent victims of Jeffrey could have been avoided !  and I welcome them to a very large pool of victims , of which I and a few other past victims have been able to communicate regularly together and gather most crimes Jeffrey Hirschkorn has violated against us over the past 3 going into 4 years now . you are welcome contact , share or write a post .Some of us are close friends now ... 
READ THE Posts above , or Google Jeffrey Hirschkorn , check out YOUTUBE !
  http://youtu.be/LMGXFY01P5Q    , scamjammer1 videos ,
for the Clips from jeffreys past crimes on TV , in seminole ( altamonte springs ) and also in Orange county ,
Jeffreys past fraud company names are posted , and all the past posts Have a present reality and foresight written within , seeing that jeff is back in jail we were absolutely correct then about now ....  Jeffrey called me again in sept 2012 upon his release telling me of his innocence , and of his honest new ways , I guess the Judge , Dade county Florida ( Jacksonville ) once again thought otherwise , No dout Jeffrey will try to appeal and cast some sort of distraction through paperwork and continue to attempt to raise the Injunction against him from his own father who jeffrey has really hurt in the past 4 + years at the least , But this will not work .
 ( check the clerk of court orange county FL. ) also( Clerk of court Seminole county FL. ) 

Dont let Jeffrey out , Not now Not in the year 2021 . He will hurt more victims , Lie Cheat , scam . steal , Forge , Bank of america and most other banks were frauded , wire , checks , Loans etc Dont let Jeffrey use the Bankruptcy courts when he gets out , ( He will ) as 2 or 3 times past - Sucessfully I might add . 

simple hard working tax paying citizens weather they are disable , homeless . single Moms or Dads , Small business ( Mom and pop ) or any Business are prey for Jeffrey ( EVERY ONE !!!! NO BULL )LOL. 

Report Attachments

Equalizer !!

United States of America
Jeffrey Desperately reaches out from Jail !!!!

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, November 12, 2012

From a fly on the wall at the Jail where walls are very thin , comes word that Jeffrey has reached out to some past victims , for a little help with his attorney fees .

Jeffrey gave Lawyer firm in Altamonte springs / Seminole county some phone numbers jeffrey had  and asked them to call and try to get much needed money for their retainer to Defend Jeff in his up coming Trial / Hearing . 
So I know that everyone knows Jeff is Innocent right ! (LOL)  If you would like to contribute to jeffreys legal fees , call the seminole county jail . or jeffrey is stuck in legal limbo till 2020 for now
( 8yrs more ) for probation violations / Plus ....

Also jeffrey has not yet been able to scam any roommate convicts , but will pay you back as soon as he gets out . He claims to be a great lawyer to other inmate victims and gets them to pay his commissary indirectly ( which by the way is a violation of itself inside there )

Jeffrey does it anyway and tries to hide it , but otherwise he cannot get any snacks or mouthwash ... or paper etc , so donate . its tax deductable too .se hablo hebrew / Master card and Visa and Debit and Bank cards accepted ( prefer cash no checks unless very necessary ) On behalf of Jeffrey I would like to say ( " Get out of my office " ) " Call My Lawyer ".....

Report Attachments

Equalizer !!

United States of America
AS Predicted New victims in ( Duval county Florida ) ! Why ? ...you ask - .......

#5UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 15, 2012

Well , fellow victims , as been predicted and written in prior posts here in R.O.R , Jeffrey Hirschkorn was and still is , as he has proven , a Life long criminal , sick and demented of course , But the State of Florida seems to think otherwise .

The State attorney General , The local courts in and around Florida have been sent complaints , evidence for those complaints as well , Other institutions that have been notified are the Federal reserve , I.R.S. , D.C.F. , central florida Bankruptcy court trustee , Individual banks across many states , and most all of the information was sent along with pictures and proof , as also are here on the many reports , made by the victims themselves and posted .

The victims of these crimes Jeffrey continues to commit can be blamed on those allowing Jeffrey to commit them over and over and over . Yes Jeffrey got caught again and as of Today has another court hearing in Seminole county at 130pm ( Oct 15,2012 ) for violation of his probation and to be served with warrants from Duval and his new victims and crimes thereof.

Also as Jeffrey gets caught , the restitution ordered by past judges to repay to Jeffreys past victims continues to be eliminated by Jeffreys tactic of filing Bankruptcy every 7 yrs. He plays the system like a fiddle , and they dont even know it . He screws the whole system up for 7 yrs ( appeals , motions , and other legal tactics to delay whatever he can , then files Bankruptcy screwing all the past victims of what is not even 1/2 of what Jeffrey owes them and The Bankruptcy court allows him to do this . ( They would rather ask the victims for a nominal fee additional to what they were screwed out of , to contest the filing and then still not dismiss it ) Meanwhile Jeffrey claims Indigent , and pays no fees at all , Why the government is losing money and broke. Hmmm I wonder why .

Well The only good thing is that Jeffrey is now again in Jail , Due to those still keeping close eye . Today we may find out for how long he will do for his violations of probation and shortly any more time that may be added for his latest criminal activity in Jacksonville fl.

Its again very sad that the enablers are the state courts and the Bankruptcy courts , They wont wake up to these scamers and cheats , they allow them to abuse the system and punish the victims twice by their leniency to Jeffrey and others alike . And this has been done by Jeffrey for the Last 28yrs , Jeffrey has screwed over the People , schools , landlords , financial aid , Fed Gov , IRS , Dept of Agriculture , food stamps , Judges , His own Lawyers , Business men and Women , Home owners , Friends , Ill seniors , single moms , Homeless , His Father and recent convicts also , Businesses , financial institutions ,  in person and over the Net , the phone and by wire fraud , and frauds of all sort . There are many more as well !!!!

And When Jeffrey Gets out ( 2020 ) as listed presently , in seminole county supervised population web site , He will do it again , because they allow him to , instead of making him Pay . 

Now in reality anyone ever granted any form of restitution or repayment may not ever see a dime anyway , thats not the point .
Jeffrey should not ever be allowed to get away from his debts to repay ordered by the courts in any past decisions .( AT ALL ) None  Let him know he must repay ...... Judges need to put their gavels down and retire if they cant figure this one out ... LOL ... He will continue even from his Jail cell . This also has been proven , over and over .... Authorities need to make it stop. or does the media need to get involved and have people embarrassed ? 

Jeffreys Picture album is pictured above as posted by ( Just Interested ) in prior post .

We the past victims will continue to Follow and Post new Info as we get it , and welcome the New Victims also . Sorry for the losses .

Just Interested

He surely prefers violations of parole!

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

He surely prefers violations of parole! (VOP)

Report Attachments

Just Interested

>>>> Partial Pictorial History

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, October 02, 2012

Will he EVER learn? Stay tuned for further adventures of Hirschkorn Man!!!

Report Attachments


United States of America
Jeffrey Hirschkorn ( A Disney world Scamer ) Back Behind Bars !! Guess who to thank !!!

#8UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 11, 2012

Hello every one , past victims , and recent ones as well !
Yet again a Thank you goes out to a very very close ( close ) friend of mine ( Bob Ross ) for the now present Jeffrey Hirschkorn going back to where he belongs ! IN Jail ! (8 more years) 2020! so far !

Jeffrey from the beginning was a no good individual who went into Business in a vacation scam against one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world ! Disney world vacations !!!

Jeffrey was very sucessfull in scamming many people around the globe and ruin their vacations , tap into their credit and savings in a variety of fraud methods that were found out and addressed by  none other than Bob and Eddie , and then they dealt with that accordingly . as past posts state in ripoffreport . Then thru their own Investigating found even more victims who may have helped their cause to salvage any more potential victims and Get retribution for their own losses as well and salvage and prevent more scams and fraud from being perpetrated on others as they could to the best of their ability . ( Very Good going Boys )

As Jeffrey was frauding Landlords in and around Florida ( Orange county , Seminole county ) for a long time , Their was One Landlord who didn't stand still for Jeffreys BS , This Homeowner gave Jeffrey every opportunity to come clean ( get straight ) stop and be right with everything and everyone landlord found by him who were wronged in Jeffreys frauds .

Jeffrey promised Mr. homeowner and Mr. businessman he would ( stop scamming ) But they ( Bob and Eddie ) would only believe their own instincts , and follow Jeffreys going on`s as they, led him (Jeff) to believe he was believed in their Lies.( NOT )
They understood they may not ever get repayment for their losses but also New that they could prevent any further Harm to Many Many others by their contact and persistence .

And this is very very Big , because Jeffrey in his past has scammed ( the elderly , sick , cancer victims young and old ) also many who had saved a very long time to go for a family vacation to Florida Disney , and or take a voyage on Disney cruise ship , he screw up vacations that were hard gotten from unsuspecting individuals who work hard and only get one chance at a decent vacation with their families.

Yet this was not the only area that was saved from Jeffreys continued frauds . Jeffrey as even a small time criminal was able to Add to the Economies Hurt !
Thru fraud Bank accounts at Bank of America , Wells Fargo , PNC , Chase Bank , and many others Like Regions bank , TD bank etc . The issue is not one of these institutions went after Jeffrey as even as they were warned and told about Jeffrey . They just passed the costs to all of us. Shame on them ! and screw us the , honest citizens !
Well Jeffrey went to jail on these frauds and scams for only two years and it really was not enough for the amount of theft and hurt that was done . 
Jeffrey as he posted above was talking to Homeowner and past Landlord was not aware of the further investigating being done by past scammed Landlord along with his new Probation officer , and past business partner victim  And as predicted Jeffrey went at it again , Yes he Did ! This time trying to Drag his former Jail roommate as Jeffrey also mentions above as well , Yup again in a Vacation Business scam to obtain credit card information from unsuspecting vacationers , and He did in fact begin writing again worthless checks to obtain a Chevy Vehicle from auto Dealership in Jacksonville , and also frauded Bank of America with a frauded back account ( How they the bank continues to throw our money away with a past fraudster is beyond me ) They really need to update their methods if Jeffrey was allowed to do it to the same Bank with even the same scam again and again and again .

Jeffrey is now back behind Bars for at least 8 more years thanks to the diligence of a few , Every one really needs to Thank those few Disney should send the family of the former landlord and Businessman and partner and their Families Free Admittance for Life for their Efforts and the Saving of Millions to their Business and future reputation that has been salvaged because of their persistence and Honor to the citizens of not only the State of Florida but the world Globe that Jeffrey had his eyes on scamming further .

Jeffreys scams go further also , The legal system , bankruptcy court ,lawyers , public assistance , the rehab houses and after jail help organizations ,  auto dealers , food stores , pizza joints , take outs , Man o man the list is so big you wouldn't Believe .   Thank You Bob !and friends , I will never forget .
Single mom employees , old and sick , vacation seekers , business men , Banks , legal institutions , small Business , Big Business , airlines , credit card co , Judges , public defenders and state prosecutors .

Also I Know some people who were looking forward to appearing in court against Jeffrey and some past issues , Well Dont worry Jeffrey may have no choice to appear now , once again he is now at the mercy of the state , He may even enjoy loosing in court , this will be his only way to get out of his cell. A road trip if you want to call it . 

Jeffrey will also have to account for his current charges that were filed in Dade county eventually along with his violation of probation , maybe even more time added to his present time of 8 yrs. 

A question was Posed to Bob by Jeffrey here it is .  

Who are The Bounty Hunter , Equalizer , NVR Forget , artic zero , angry church lady , no bull ,  Who are they Bob ?
Bobs reply was why Jeffrey , But if you want to know I can tell you who all these victims are , but only if you stay out of trouble for a while will I tell you .

Guess Jeff will not know for a while now will he . HA Ha LOL . Hey Bob , Ed , Celeste , Thanks a bunch and More . Tay.w , you even had a large part helping too I know the instuff too , nothin went unnoticed this time around . only 30 days out of jail ! and now back to school (jail) for Jeffrey again . 

This , and More to Follow , I am sure , Every one can go to facebook ( Scamjammers and join the effort as well ) or just follow the good and or report the bad . See yall and will Be in touch . 

Report Attachments


United States of America
You Should Know the Truth First

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, September 04, 2012

NVR FORGET should know all of the facts beforehand. The allegations against me will be dropped as the situation has nothing to do with me other than the fact that my previous roommate Keion Nettles did try and do something related to the facts you had stated in your last report. I had nothing to do with it and will be vindicated for once. At the time of the alleged incident, I was working and camera footage can provide evidence to that. I have honored all of the terms of my probation - to the fullest. The bankruptcy is proceeding. I cannot say or state what the outcome maybe, but I will respect it nonetheless.

I know many people were hurt and I'm doing what I can to help payoff these enormous bills, but money only goes so far. And, the Court's have placed a priority on payment of court costs, which I am abiding by.

As of now, I'm at a crossroads and have several big decisions to make. And, I'm ready for them! It is just a matter of time before I know which way I want to go. But, nonetheless, the individual reported above, Keion Nettles has been in the DCJ since 8/1 on two sale of cocaine charges w/in 1,000 feet of a place of worship and RWOV. So, he can be dealt with easily, but being on probation everything gets complicated from here. This time, there will be no transition home - I want something better.

I cannot pick up my life and constantly worry that a roommate (who I did try and put on the right path to find employment) will do something stupid and cause me grave harm. As you all know, my issues are deep and found some good solace in Robert Ross last night. He, for once feels for me! Why? I have kept him abreast on all of my developments since release from DOC on 7/1. He knows the headaches and blips I go through daily including battling the local buses to get to work - three buses each way.

I have no choice but to deal with the present problem that someone else has caused. The only problem: more time has to be spent dealing with these crap and it takes away from my main concentration: working hard to pay some of the vicitims back. Perhaps, Matt McKinley and Edgar Albandoz would step up to the plate and start doing the right thing! It is wrong! And, everyone knows (or, at least the people who worked for PV LLC) that each of them had a big part into what went on. I cannot change the past, but can work hard to change the future.

I will leave everyone with that. It is time to deal with yet another situation. This time, not by my doing or choice. Before you issue judgment; know the parameters first!


United States of America
Jeffrey Now out of Jail - Attempts Fraud in Duval County, Florida ( Jacksonville ) Gets CAUGHT AGAIN!!!

#10UPDATE Employee

Mon, September 03, 2012

To All Beware , Jeffrey Hirschkorn is at it again as expected !!!! , He is now presently in legal limbo as his latest issue becomes very clear and concise. Jeffrey is now in the clasp of the Law in Duval county florida ( Jacksonville ) as he is there doing his supervised probation or supposed to anyway and now once again in trouble.

The trouble comes after Jeffrey gets kicked out of his first residence prisoners of christ , and gets a new group home place in the best of neighborhoods ( 14st ). We now find Duval county dealing with Jeffreys new attempt of dealing with stolen property , or the sale of , or false ID of such stolen or sold to a Pawn shop or attempted at the least .

As Jeffrey was warned the old scams and crimes he is used too have been updated and they rarely work like they used too. So Now he is in Deeper trouble as he tries his hand at it again. Jeffrey the truth will set you free , as some others have told you in the past , I now tell you . Your probation is now violated , You will face those charges and answer to the seminole county parole system as they are very strict with regard to this type of criminal behavior. They dont stand for BS.

You will face more jail time but only after dealing with the Jacksonville legal system of which you know very little and have little experience with their courts and Judges. ( No Leniency here ) . Then Face the court house music ( Yiddish court house Dance again ) in Seminole county as your probation has now been violated .

Also your Bankruptcy case will be thrown out as many pages of proof and conflict of your claims have been sent to the court clerk for the Judge to see and review by october  and more has and continues to be sent in from the many victims you seek relief from for your recent crimes against them. You would be better off dealing with the few who you really owe and really need to pay back or All claims and judgements will need to be repayed to everyone that makes a claim against you.

Your attempts at appeals and more motions will and have been Denied and will be the same in the future . So PAY UP !!! to those who Deserve restitution .

You have not been out of Jail for more than 3o days and in the frier again . This is not a good thing . You are a has been of crimes and you need to come clean and be an honest tax paying law abiding citizen that really does the right thing for others to others as well as for yourself . We know that jail will not rehab you , but you will have to do the time so be prepared ... and Do the right thing in the future so your return to jail after this wont be either so soon or ever again ( unlikely ).

Forgiveness is not Cheap !
NVR Forget this.

Report Attachments


United States of America
People Still Do Not Realize Truth

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 28, 2012

Just to brief and nothing more! The rumors of no employment, no DL and issues pertaining to the pending bankruptcy are nothing more than an unobliterated smokescreen.

First off: I have been steadily employed and got paystubs to prove it! So, for the Equalizer, get your facts straight! Secondly: my DL is completely valid in the State of Florida and an abstract from FL DMV is attached:  From the DMV web site:

As of Aug 27, 2012, at 10:53 PM driver license number H626-436-75-023-0 is VALID. This license is a Class E.  Restrictions are A.  Endorsements are (NONE ON RECORD).  Motorcycle endorsements are (NONE ON RECORD). Expiration Date is Jan 23, 2020. You may purchase a driver history via mail or electronically.

And, issues related to the pending bankruptcy in US District Court (MDF - JAX) are false too! If one logs into PACER they will see that the last entry herein was the meeting of the creditors which was convened and concluded. And, for those who still think that I have monies stored overseas -- bad luck got you! And, for a couple of other issues: Injunction case with my Dad (10DR13994) from Orange County is set for hearing on my motion to revoke and terminate such; hearing set for 9/4 @ 10AM before Circuit Judge John E. Jordan

And, with specific regard to the massive load of criminal cases in Seminole County; I cannot wait to see you at the 9/18 confab (set for 1:30PM) before Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson. Much to be done at the hearing.

Can anyone get a break? Everyone is entitled to a new chance! Equalizer doesn't know much, but rambles to the tee. Perhaps, you and Taylor Ward have a lot in common. Or, what about the maggots of Matthew McKinley and Edgar Albandoz. I am not done with each of you. And, see you in October Taylor -- cannot wait to see you. Got a big surprise in store for you. Must run! Got much to do! Peace and harmony!

You are eligible for Driving School Election. Information regarding Driving School Election can be found at the HSMV Home
Page Driver License Driving Courses.

Your Personal Information in Florida motor vehicle and driver records is blocked in accordance with the  Driver Privacy Protection Act.

Your Social Security Number has been verified. Thank you.

When you check your license by entering the number above, if it shows "VALID" it simply indicates that the department has already received information and cleared your record. You may disregard any notice you received and print the response as your latest official receipt from this agency.

Equalizer !!

United States of America
Jeffrey Hirschkorn Continues to Scam !!!

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 28, 2012

Since Jeffrey got out of Jail july 1st 2012 from some of his past crimes , a big question has been asked to past victims  on belief if Jeffrey is rehabilitated ?

The answer is No !

Jeffrey continues to Lie , and will continue to do so .
1- Does Jeffrey have a VALID ! Drivers License ? NO ( But he will claim as such .
this means also ,
2- NO CAR ! (another Lie claimed )
 3- Will Jeffrey pay restitution to his awarded victims ? Absolutely ! as dictated by the courts !

4- Jeffrey will have you attempt to believe he will have all his fees , court costs , restitutions clear by court order. ( Non truth )

5-Did Jeffreys Bankruptcy get its discharge as requested and filed by Jeffrey , July 17th, 2012 ?
NOPE ! And the way it looks it wont be granted by the Judge either .
Letters and statements , Affidavits made and copes of items /Amounts of ( Forged , false , and fraudulent documents ) sent to USDOJ , Clerks of Court , for the Judge to review will halt all bankruptcy.
Why would Jeffrey Hirschkorn continue to risk a VOP. you ask ? NO COMMON SENSE.
Jeffrey has been riding busses , walking , and getting lifts when possible to his locations .
He will claim as always he is doing wonderful , and has a busy schedule with his work and all.
But as always Jeffrey twists very few truthes in with all his lies ,

If you have been contacted by Jeffrey or see him in the neighborhood ( Beware ) !
His court appearances have not been dismissed by his father for forgery , nor the Injunction Lifted against Jeffrey From Alan his father !

Court will proceed also with his false claims regarding GVT as well. also a lost cause that will probably land Jeff back in Jail based on proof .
The residence at which Jeffrey is now temporarily Housed , and the Director of such needs to Beware as well , (Alexandria) Jeffrey will Be your Best boodie , But cheat and scam and fraud the first avail opportunity he gets .
He probably has made comments to some people as to his New found Honesty .  Well its like this !
Jeffreys famous saying !  To all that may be involved ( The Proof is in the Pudding )

Did Jeffrey show you his Valid Lic .
Did Jeffrey give you any Money .
Did you see Jeff Driving his car .
Did you see Jeffs pay stub from any employment .
Why Does jeffrey Lie , I Dont know. but if you talk or see him , ask him , just dont expect a truthful answer . ( LOL) Just Be careful.  Jeffrey may also have access to a cell. smartphone/ computer /someones car - so watch your personal information with Jeffrey , ( He will steal or use your Identity to suit his needs.
Jeffrey does not own his own company , not a partner in a company , and is goin nowhere quick other than back to Jail . ( More to follow ) as truthful info is being investigated by honest watchful persons. 

Report Attachments

Leave me out of it.

JEFFY, is that YOU....?

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 14, 2012

Holy Cow?   Guys, it is none other than the SCAMKORN again.   Who let this guy near a computer?  Why would I go to court when the motion for dismissal has a contract that contradicts your claim bearing your signature JEFFY?  You really are some kind of mental case.  JEFFY I will be clear.  You are in no position to make threats.  I am going to go ahead and forward a threatening message I have from you to your probation officer.  Thats right Jeffy,  I save everything.  If you thought that two years was bad,  wait until the state sees the evidence that has no statute of limitations.  You really are pathetic JEFFY.   So at that I bid you a peminant ADO ........Eat Tyrone for dinner Jeffy you sideways wack job.   PS I heard you converted to christianity while in prison.....Good Job.... Jesus is the only person to walk this earth capable of forgiving what you have done.  PS your previous post only proves that you are mad at me for turning you over to the police.  We caught you stealing Jeffy.  .  ..  Get over it.  You served your time ,  do not ad a law suit for defamation to the list.  You are so poor it is not really worth my time.  Do not be jealous of those that you screwed over souly because they are successful in ways that you will never be.  Keep on keeping on and stay away from my family mr.SCAMKORn.


United States of America
Sounding Off - Correcting the Record

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, August 11, 2012

Correcting the Record:

No case against Taylor Ward has been dismissed or dropped! Get your facts straight! If one does look at the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Orange County, FL, it does reveal that a hearing was set for 8/17. And, owing to an overlap, I have petitioned the Court, with proper notice, to have such reset - not dismissed!

Please report your facts! For those who were hurt, I am deeply sorry for what did take place. You must know that I was not alone in doing this. Matt McKinley, Edgar Albandoz and Taylor Ward were all involved - to the fullest. The first two used client credit cards for lavish spending on paying old landlord bills (Key Isle at Windermere) and Edgar used one credit card to pay for his race car (Eclipse).

Does s****.>
By the way, the three individuals listed herein, have extensive records - including violence and drug trafficking. They smoked repeatedly and did so in the office. It got to a point where I told each to straighten up or head out! These days I work hard and do the right thing to help repay what I can. I have a massive task in front of me, but something can be accomplished. I will do the best that I can!

God Bless You! Taylor I hope you do show up - because there are a couple of things we need to hash out!

Equalizer !!

United States of America
Another Court case Backfires For Jeffrey Hirschkorn.( He never intended on showing up or got scared the truth would put him back in Jail )

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 11, 2012

 LOL LOL - It seems Jeffreys stories of ( others ) that are as responsible for actions in the past as he was are all ( as in the past ) Untrue !
Jeffreys recent scheduled court appearance was Dismissed by Jeffrey , DONE ,
Taylor Ward is clear and free of all  claims , and accusations , made through Jeffreys past lies ,
 I do think that there may be a counter suit made against Jeffrey with a wage Garnish attachment to Jeffreys new occupation , shortly after this newest Bankruptcy case Jeffrey is launching gets dismissed . ( Again ) 

This dismissal will be occurring shortly as the trustee ( Greg ) has and will continue to get very specific proofs as will the clerk of Bankruptcy ( LeeAnn ) as to the specific areas of both their interests where it applies to Jeffreys false claims .
Any and all creditors have till October 16th 2012 to send in to Clerk LeeAnn any proof they have to get a dismissal from Jeffreys misguided claim to bankruptcy.

This only Brings back some hilarious true stories , Like Jeffrey and his dead Grandpa George cooper Being sued , ( But the kicker is Jeffrey only used grandpa coopers name to scam the poor steel co. ( SE or SW steel ) Whatever ?  Fraud is Jeffreys game and he will use any name . ( Even dead people )

LOL , Remember that ! Well while where on the topic , Jeffrey You Need to Remember everyone you owe money too and better list all , because after this You will Pay the Debts you forgot to list .
( LOL )  Also , Way to go Taylor , just to bad Jeffrey never showed up , He was very busy ( you know at the new job and all ) LOL 

Jeffrey needs to come clean and drop claims , charges excuses for everyone and own up to his crimes and frauds to everyone , Stop the Bull and be a man . You also should withdraw from this bankruptcy willingly or face possible new criminal charges when they find your not an honorable person , not honest , and Abusing the institution for the benifet of scam and fraud ( Past and Present ) .

Equalizer !!

United States of America

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 02, 2012

As I am Just back from a fabulous vacation , I was Made aware that Jeffrey R Hirschkorn with many other names and Identities ( convicted and admitted Felon along with many other criminal terms ) such as Identity theft , credit card theft and unauthorized use of such , worthless check writer and abuser of that program , forger , liar , bank wire and internet fraudster Thats just to name a few !

Jeffrey was released from Prison July 1st 2012 after serving only 2 yrs of a sentence that should have been 12 to 20 .
Jeffrey is now on Probation / supervised supervision in the state of florida ( Jacksonville ) till the mighty year 2020 , unless he gets put back to serve the rest of his term .

Jeffrey has already put his first foot back into the cell By fraudulently claiming bankruptcy on his restitution and ordered payments through the court for his past crimes .( Now in some instances this may be perfectly legal but for jeffrey No No !   

Jeffrey has claimed Bankruptcy many times now , the Last time he tried it by Knowingly applying through his Fraud business name Peabody research / Peabody Vacations , and as jeffrey does know aspects of the law ( especially being a President of a company) or ( treasurer of another ) he knew perfectly , that it would be dismissed due to #1 ( He didn't have money for the fee or lawyer ) #2 It takes a Lawyer to file through a business capacity for this form of financial relief. It was only a Ploy to fake out or shake off  or Delay anyone from gettin any cash from him immediately.

The warning is for the surrounding states and the state of Florida , If you have seen the Youtube clip ( Link Below ) You must , check it out !!   You will know why everyone needs to beware and stay vigilant ( and let everyone Know ) or Jeffrey also a clinical pathological liar will not hesitate to scam you or your little ole grandmother who may even be very ill , Yes its sad but Jeffrey has been here before.

Jeffrey scammed everyone he ever knew and that includes his Father who also has pending charges against jeffrey , as well as charges his dad filed in the past , These new charges are forgery of financial documents , along with some others in orange county florida . The List of warnings is too long to go through . 

But If anyone is interested read the past postings and or google Jeffrey Hirschkorn
and see what you would need to do to protect yourself and your Family . I need to contact some other victims who are victims in past scams and collect the proof to send to the proper authorities to stop Jeffrey from abusing resources in our state for his frivolous and abusive scams . 

Jeffrey was convicted for many crimes and needs to repay his restitution , to the many law agencies courts , landlords , computer businesses stores , and more , by order of the court , All his deliberate legal Delay cannot continue along with loosing appeal after appeal for the same decisions already heard and decided on over and over . Deliberate Delay proven is a definite no no in a court preceding of this type thats just the tip of the Iceberg . 

some of the documents pictured within these ripoffreports such as ( Checks ) addressed all to Jeffrey Hirschkorn in many different forms , His autos , bank statements , lease agreements , some Letters , and within some postings there are even more proofs of Jeffreys frauds and scams , Names , places , All time stamped with account Numbers etc. 

Jeffreys past addresses and how long he stayed at any particular address ( which was no longer than three mos. in any specific address , this tactic was to keep or fend off any legal action or to avoid any prosecution or to Delay any court claim or complaint from actually reaching his doorway , Or He Just never Paid His rent and had to skip or abandon any given residence with no notice. 

Also Jeffrey had to watch his Back
, many people and many of us employees were really taken and laid out to literally dry and die , with no remorse or regret , no care or ethic within him for anyone , Not even single Moms with infants to feed , ( Can you believe ) Well This is Jeffrey ! And he is back to fraud the Banks and the stores and the people too , as he is showing , with this fraud and deceitful attempt at Bankruptcy , which I do believe after all proof is sent in may even put him back in jail , Violation of probation is a serious issue , there are detailed rules he must follow , I do know someone who I can contact who would be delighted to help , as he did in past assistance . 

BOUNTY HUNTER , He will get anything for the cause , he was very instrumental in helping catch and stop jeffrey the first go around along with a few other dedicated victims and a few special individuals I could incorporate to assist , also victims . Its good to read and see some of my recent comrades that have a continued interest in keeping this state clear of Scammer and frauds and cheats . 

Get the Proof and send it in
, everyone save our state from this Madolf wannabe .  Watch the Clip , Check it out Below !!!

scamer Beware ! - YouTube   
caught out and about ...
opps = SHUT DOWN in this TOWN !!!!!!! - YouTube  
Alert icon. Uploaded by scamjammer1 on Apr 8, 2010. Finally some justice , and Altamonte springs , Orlando FL . gets scamer closed down for good !

Report Attachments


United States of America
" Banckruptcy " Fraud in Florida.( TOTAL ABUSE OF THE SYSTEM )

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 31, 2012

Yes , There is Definitely not only a presumption , but the definite calculating fraud and scam factor of ridding ones ( Jeffreys )Debt from past frauds perpetrated on those same victims , court ordered restitution , judgements , fines , penalties judged and decided already once by the court ,appealed and still upheld by the court and appealed again in some cases still upheld by the court and those who were able to get some minor relief of those crimes ( Legally ), and with past bankruptcies filed incorrectly and deliberately with intent to defraud , were all dismissed ,( Jeffrey Cheated , frauded , scammed , Lied and did get found and admitted Guilt in these crimes and with those same familiar listed creditors as this time , that were then , filed in His peabody Bankruptcy , as now again ! even a few more added in this time , even though Jeffrey Hirschkorn Deliberately attempted to Defraud the Bankruptcy court , and Knowingly applied without the proper representation or funds to pay for the procedure last time ,

He Already Knew that it would be Dismissed ( " KNOWINGLY " MIND YOU ) intended and Hoping he could Delay , scare off , and or thin out the creditors and victims of his then convicted scams and frauds . This only displays more of the same attempts to fraud the same victims again , and add the Bankruptcy court  institution once again to his list of attempted Frauds Trying to use them to Legitimize his crimes and past and continued failures scams and frauds 

United States Department of Justice web site has this covered if anyone has any question of scam or fraud ( anonymous or not you can and need to write a letter ) either way , any unsecured or secured Debt included , any tenant landlord , Auto lease agreement , any credit card fraud or bank wire or institution fraud or abuse of the financial systems or Legal system ,and or  terms of these agreements , can and will be investigated in detail ( 5yrs minimum federal prison if found affirmative in the criminal intent )of Delay or abuse these crimes ( one or two may be of a legitimate listing )Maybe ! But ......
Jeffrey is wavering in shallow water again , Any intended proof of criminal fraud , scam or direct abuse with regard to his present claims or past admitted guilty felonies , can be re-admitted not only civil but also criminally . His past will fully catch up with him as Jeffrey may know some Law , to a certain degree ,  but he is unaware of the length of which they ( the Law ) will go to get an abuser of the system now , who is in their grasp ( On Probation now , for similar convictions of these same crimes )
and with todays economy in very poor shape Jeffrey has no chance to get over on the Judge , the court , or the Law this time .

The letters are going out , and an investigation will begin ! ! , Remember jeffrey filed false Tax returns while on public assist , he and his Father both on separate accounts collecting while under the same roof same address , During a period Jeffrey was also publicly the President , CEO , and financial owner of AAvf of NY and VIC , also Peabody Vac , and Global ( GVT ) vacation and travel .
( Frauded the government )

This is All public Info and avail. on numerous web sites and sunbiz , etc . ( Dept of Agriculture florida ) Kiting of , or worthless check writing and fraud Bank accounts , Using NSF , Stolen credit cards , Identities , forgery  etc ...... 

Many of these sensitive documents of Proof , are even pictured in Ripoffreport on this web site , they can be used and presented as proof of intent and deliberate fraud , as these documents would be of interest to Investigators of this criminal process of Jeffreys fraud .  
USDOJ web site , Clerk of court , trustee of Bankruptcy court , Florida atty General , would all like a letter to catch someone who wastes valuable resources scams and frauds people and the total abuse of the Justice system and then tries to file bankruptcy on any and every entity over and over adding any new claims and or creditors to his list .

Jeffrey could try to explain away to claim his innocence but the overwhelming presentation of proof will sink him as the truth will overcome his Lies and Deceit .

I have to pay my Taxes and my Debts , and So should Jeffrey . And pay everyone he cheated too or go back to Jail for another 8 - 10 years . instead of 2 yrs.

Till he learns,  Crime does not Pay.

Pay the ones you need to pay Jeffrey , Dont put yourself back in jail for no reason at all , its a waste of your Life , Better to work hard do what you can to become an honest member of society again , Last chance before you become a Life time Jail resident.

Report Attachments


Chapter 7 Again and Again

#18General Comment

Tue, July 31, 2012

It would appear that Jeff has filed for Chapter 7. There is a box on the petition that states yes or no as to whether there is any presumption of fraud. I imagine a 3d choice, always, might be the best choice for this individual. I did a cursory review of the petition and see that he forgot to include any sums due from the default judgement (not judgements) that he received against mckinney and albandoz.I'm sure it was an honest mistake on his part. Those directly involved in this as creditors might consider sharing this with the trustee.


United States of America

#19REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 22, 2012

Jeffrey Hirschkorn just gets out of Jail and the first thing on his mind is going back to Jail , Jeffrey has already got kicked out of his first residence prisoners of Crist , not even 3 weeks out of the polky. But we know this has always been an issue ... 
His misrepresentation to the court system here in Jacksonville also will no Doubt have him back in the slammer for the rest of his probation period , It seems as though Jeffrey may be starting Bankruptcy claims again , '

Dosent He understand Bankruptcy will not fly at all , only based on the simple fact its all connected with his fraud and worthless checks , and scams and as soon as the clerk investigates it will be dismissed , The first thing to look and be aware of would be the $300.00 filing fee payment needed. ( LOL )
 Then the lawyer fees ( Legal assist for Jeff Beware ) He pays with worthless checking accounts and stolen credit cards ! ( Check his background )

I dont think " Forgiveness " is gonna work out for ya Jeffrey . I will personally go down to the court and or E-file this complaint of abuse and provide the fraud evidence they need . But I think This you already know . This will be just another attempt to put yourself back in JAIL .

JEFFREY REMEMBER , You are being monitored and are on probation ( Read your packet ). Dont forget to register your new address either .
P.S. - Hows the bus service treatin ya. the walk should be refreshing for ya too you look a little heavy.


United States of America
Forgiveness Begins With Others

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 12, 2012

I have learned the hard way; but times are tough and I will survive. I am truly sorry for the hurt and pain that I (others Matthew McKinley and Edgar Albandoz) did cause.

But, I did not act alone. The law of the land will eventually hit McKinley and Albandoz. By the way, the two individuals never folllowed through and several court defaults now exist.

I will do my best to work on the reparation of victims. It will be hard, but not impossible. I will monitor this site from time to time, but limit comments to respectable responses.


United States of America

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, July 12, 2012

I am warning everyone , Jeffrey has not changed a bit , and definitely must feel real bad for Bob and Eddie because he always seems to mention them only , I dont know that Jeffrey realizes who he has robbed and to the extent he has hurt us.

Forgivness was there way before you went to Jail Jeff , help was offered , assistance was actually there But you abused it to it Maximum , yes you did do a little time but only minimum to the hurt you afflicted to the many hundreds of honest people .
There are many of us victims out here watching , I will try to contact Bob and hope he will help spread the message , I also hope he has seen your post , I wonder if there would be any forgivness with him or ed , But remember forgive is much different than forget , 

There also is an inmate ( Buddy ) of Jeffreys recent stay who really sends his best to Jeffreys wife and Kids and family . 

Jeff how could you ! Did you really shine your good Buds in the slammer too . Boy!!  Show me where the healing started Jeff , was it Now , then , last year , or will it be tomorrow... or never ...
I will neverforget you need to remember that and I am not alone with those thoughts .
 Hey Zero good to see ya out there . 



#22Consumer Comment

Wed, July 11, 2012

While I do feel bad for his victims, it is good to see Jeff (currently posting as "Forgiveness")back on ROR.A quick glance at the Orange County dockets shows activity similar to Seminole County. I think we  can resonably expect his actions to be similar to those of 2 years ago. I wonder if anyone in Florida will take a check from him?


United States of America
Everyone is Entitled to Forgiveness

#23REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 11, 2012

Time to heal must begin! The hatred must stop! The lies must stop circulating. Many people were hurt and the healing must commence! Everyone is entitled for a new start.

This sound off goes out to Robert Ross and Eddie Poirier. I leave it at that! By the way, the court appearance for Seminole today is an administrative proceeding - nothing more; appearance not required.

I will not comment anything further! Time to heal starts now! And, by the way, I do attend Jewish Services on a weekly basis. So, for those who believe that I dissented from my own religion - sorry for your wrong educated guess.

Equalizer !!

United States of America
Jeffrey is at it again , Waisting the Tax payer Money ! seminole county clerk , he has a Docket sounding 7/11/12 JEFFREY HIRSCHKORN 01/1975 FORGERY OF-ALTER PUBLIC RECORD CERTIFICATE ETC

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 09, 2012

To all victims look out here he goes again , Jeffrey is known to continue court appeals and false adjournments to try to thin out the heard over time . All charges to be heard on this day , can you believe it. Hope the prosecutors dont drop the Ball ... Restitution is probably on his mind .... LOL . he owes Alot of people including the court system of Florida and the I.R.S. ....... ALL VICTIMS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND , OPEN COURT !!!  Jeffrey also has a few court appearances for August ......

5 other charges

Equalizer !!

United States of America
Jeffrey Hirschkorn Gets Out After 2 Yrs In Jail , 7/1/12

#25UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, July 02, 2012

Hello to All past victims of Jeffrey who cant forget the Hurt and what he cost us , To eddie , landlord Bob , new landlord Steve , Gps monitor , angry church Lady , nvrforget , Bounty Hunter , Kevin Nobull , ex employee , keep me out of it , just interested , autocomp , fly on the wall , Amicus , Discusted , Brian lov, and the Many More who still keep in touch through other means :

What You may not know yet is that , Jeffrey is now out of Jail , for now !!, with supervision of course , He has paid , with two years , so far !( Hope it wasent worthless ) as all his other payments .

He is presently being assisted with prisoners of christ located in Jacksonville FL , ( Jeffs Rabbi must have gave up on him ) as he was communicating thru channels while in Jail , But oh yea it was pops Rabi. I really do hope jeffrey finds honesty and goodness and realizes that the people he hurt were mostly those closest and the ones who originally did try to help and warn him to cease and decist and admit the crimes he was commiting.

As we know jeff did not , so the Law got him , the courts got him , the IRS got him , and a few victims got him , now the Parol board got him , But from looking at the records , Orange county court and public records etc he continues to be the same and not changed .

Jeffrey , if you happen to read this , Call any friends you may still have who may help you , get straight , get an honest job , stop denials , work with honor ( dont steal or cheat or Lie ), Stay away from bad infleuince , Keep out of trouble and away from the Drugs , Do these things and no one will have any reason to call your PO. for any reasons of violation to your parol , ( FOLLOW THE RULES OF PROBATION TO DETAIL )

We are Keeping an (eye`s on you) as some , victims are very close to you now ,as you may already know, things have differed since you went away , they were not easy for a very many victims . So you must understand the hesitation in our forgetting the hurt you caused here and across the many states.

I wish You luck , and if you convered dont forget confession . seeyasoon.   

Report Attachments

Robert Ross , real landlord

New Jersey,
United States of America
Jeffrey Hirschkorn / Peabody vac. AKA Liar , cheat , thief etc ....

#26Author of original report

Mon, February 21, 2011


  MORE THAN ORANGES >>>>>> Robert Ross , real landlord - Hillsborough (United States of America)

The Battle waged by jeffrey to me ( Jeffrey Lost )

The War waged by Jeffrey at me ( Jeffrey Lost )The Judgement denied me By Jeffrey ( Jeffrey Lost )

The Freedom we all enjoy , not Jeff  ( Jeffrey Lost )

We all will See ya Jeff when you get out in  sept , 2012 , ( For Now !! ) anyway ......

Report Attachments

The Bounty Hunter

United States of America
An Eye for an Eye a Ball for a Ball

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 18, 2010

I wonder if Jeffrey realizes yet that there were 2 people who relentlessly dogged him for the pat 8 months? I wonder if Jeffrey realizes that all he had to do was pay 2 people, just 2 of them and 90% of his problems would have went away.

Jeffrey made a big mistake when he chose not to PLAY BALL WITH US.

So when Jeff wouldn;t play Ball, we did.

Payback feels so good!

Report Attachments

Robert Ross , real landlord

New Jersey,
United States of America
Judge tells Jeff to "Deal with his lawyer" ( PD )NO MORE LETTERS !!!

#28Author of original report

Tue, October 05, 2010

In the minutes of a recent court appearance , Judge orders jeff to talk to his PD instead of writing letters to Judge asking for different subpenas and to refrain from directing letters to the Judge .

It seems as though Jeff found another wat to Delay the court system from within even the jail , We will see if the state and the judges and the attorneys , and such!! fall for these time consuming tactics ,

Jeffrey Has a bunch of court hearings wed 10/06/10 , and some are pretty serious , He has been in Jail now for about 4 mos. and counting , his bond is up to 8,500 or so and his jail balance tipping 400 or there about ,

I am in the process of gathering all my evidence to file those other fine charges I Have as well as serve Alan with his portion of the hurt. I have in all kindness attempted to speak to Alan but since he has turned on jeffrey his son I have yet heard nor have I contacted him .

I would hope that He shows honor in his end of the responsibilities as he claimed he would when I last saw him in person , I realize how difficult this must have been for him and know it cannot be easy surviving the aftermath , but I think of the many many who have suffered in the past while Alan sat home with the blinders on enjoying what he very well may have thought was a sucessful son.

Even while moving 3 times a month , even though jeff being in and out of jail since NY.

even with the many changes in vehicles and plates and insurance , even after lying to DCF the first time I called them for his sake ,

So as I go and do what I have to do , my thoughts are with the past victims and not so much on Him , the vacations of many ruined , single moms , many workers who actually contacted Alan , and Alan had to know something being a graduate of college.

No one can be that Nieve or stupid ! I at one time was willing to deal outta court but at this point with Alan the law will deal its hand , as the same with Jeffrey , I can have him served while in jail, and will just because I can . So look for the outcome on more court cases , I will follow up as needed . 

Report Attachments

Robert Ross , real landlord

New Jersey,
United States of America
Yes ! OH YES , Hot off the press !! Brand New Charges , ADD`EM UP, Count Down.!!!

#29Author of original report

Tue, September 28, 2010

The new word on the credit card strip, is 2 brand new charges filed on jeff ," Larcney" ," forged Document ".  Only I am at a loss at this point as to the exact who it is that belongs to these charges , that were actually handed to jeff , today 9/27/10 , and listed on the seminole county sheriff site .

Process of deduction tells me that they may be from one of his last few scams to the furniture co. / lawyer retainer - or maybe his own Father from an attempted purchace to a computor store , with Alans forged signature by Jeff on a few checks , or maybe some new found victim who has seen the copys of checks pictured above from the Equallizer on ROR , and has joined our family.(lol)

Thanks to everyone and their updates and intrests , the state attorneys have been updated as well from me for one , and also this is funny I have still as of yet not filed the few other charges I intend to , upon my visit to Florida shortly ,

Still I receive e-mails from victims and advise of where they can send their evidence and who to contact from my information , and keep it going everyone I can , HE definately Deserves everything he gets .

As for my on the record cases of which have been heard and a review is set in march 2011 , He is not being held on those trivial few , but I am still very happy I can say I was part of a frontal force that ended him where he belongs , and now to be able to slowly contact all victims and allow them to reciprocate to jeff as they wish ...to keep him there till I decide to file is good enough for now !

I have said all along I will not loose this battle , but have already won the war ! against this miserable person , who just did not care nor beleive he would be brought down .

The truth was in the pudding and I am satisfied from my perspective to the degree he has and is still in Da Joint , that said ,. I am still not done on the personal level , and will continue forward as also stated in the past by me . Also I understand that Jeff may be a part of the trustees in polk , so as anyone who sees the inmates on the side of the road cleaning up , Jeffrey may be a part of that crew . So dont forget to Yell out as you pass ( Get Outta My Office ) . Thanks to all ! I will post more as I can ..  

Robert Ross , real landlord

New Jersey,
United States of America
Yes ! OH YES , Hot off the press !! Brand New Charges , ADD`EM UP, Count Down.!!!

#30Author of original report

Tue, September 28, 2010

The new word on the credit card strip, is 2 brand new charges filed on jeff ," Larcney" ," forged Document ".  Only I am at a loss at this point as to the exact who it is that belongs to these charges , that were actually handed to jeff , today 9/27/10 , and listed on the seminole county sheriff site .

Process of deduction tells me that they may be from one of his last few scams to the furniture co. / lawyer retainer - or maybe his own Father from an attempted purchace to a computor store , with Alans forged signature by Jeff on a few checks , or maybe some new found victim who has seen the copys of checks pictured above from the Equallizer on ROR , and has joined our family.(lol)

Thanks to everyone and their updates and intrests , the state attorneys have been updated as well from me for one , and also this is funny I have still as of yet not filed the few other charges I intend to , upon my visit to Florida shortly ,

Still I receive e-mails from victims and advise of where they can send their evidence and who to contact from my information , and keep it going everyone I can , HE definately Deserves everything he gets .

As for my on the record cases of which have been heard and a review is set in march 2011 , He is not being held on those trivial few , but I am still very happy I can say I was part of a frontal force that ended him where he belongs , and now to be able to slowly contact all victims and allow them to reciprocate to jeff as they wish ...to keep him there till I decide to file is good enough for now !

I have said all along I will not loose this battle , but have already won the war ! against this miserable person , who just did not care nor beleive he would be brought down .

The truth was in the pudding and I am satisfied from my perspective to the degree he has and is still in Da Joint , that said ,. I am still not done on the personal level , and will continue forward as also stated in the past by me . Also I understand that Jeff may be a part of the trustees in polk , so as anyone who sees the inmates on the side of the road cleaning up , Jeffrey may be a part of that crew . So dont forget to Yell out as you pass ( Get Outta My Office ) . Thanks to all ! I will post more as I can ..  

Robert Ross , real landlord

New Jersey,
United States of America
Yes ! OH YES , Hot off the press !! Brand New Charges , ADD`EM UP, Count Down.!!!

#31Author of original report

Tue, September 28, 2010

The new word on the credit card strip, is 2 brand new charges filed on jeff ," Larcney" ," forged Document ".  Only I am at a loss at this point as to the exact who it is that belongs to these charges , that were actually handed to jeff , today 9/27/10 , and listed on the seminole county sheriff site .

Process of deduction tells me that they may be from one of his last few scams to the furniture co. / lawyer retainer - or maybe his own Father from an attempted purchace to a computor store , with Alans forged signature by Jeff on a few checks , or maybe some new found victim who has seen the copys of checks pictured above from the Equallizer on ROR , and has joined our family.(lol)

Thanks to everyone and their updates and intrests , the state attorneys have been updated as well from me for one , and also this is funny I have still as of yet not filed the few other charges I intend to , upon my visit to Florida shortly ,

Still I receive e-mails from victims and advise of where they can send their evidence and who to contact from my information , and keep it going everyone I can , HE definately Deserves everything he gets .

As for my on the record cases of which have been heard and a review is set in march 2011 , He is not being held on those trivial few , but I am still very happy I can say I was part of a frontal force that ended him where he belongs , and now to be able to slowly contact all victims and allow them to reciprocate to jeff as they wish ...to keep him there till I decide to file is good enough for now !

I have said all along I will not loose this battle , but have already won the war ! against this miserable person , who just did not care nor beleive he would be brought down .

The truth was in the pudding and I am satisfied from my perspective to the degree he has and is still in Da Joint , that said ,. I am still not done on the personal level , and will continue forward as also stated in the past by me . Also I understand that Jeff may be a part of the trustees in polk , so as anyone who sees the inmates on the side of the road cleaning up , Jeffrey may be a part of that crew . So dont forget to Yell out as you pass ( Get Outta My Office ) . Thanks to all ! I will post more as I can ..  


Dad could sure have used those checkbooks

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, September 14, 2010

Good reporting on the updates and developments. Thanks.

Dad could sure have used those checkbooks. But only if there was money in one of those accounts. I guess they are all closed out or frozen?

The thing is, Mr. H. senior filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy on 9/3/10. About 55k in debts and no assets. Looks like he is trying to make a fresh start and cut the ties to Jeff in more ways than one.

I don't want to post too much of the personal details of the case here. All I'll say is the debts are a big student loan, taxes, car loans, a funeral parlor and lots of smaller collection accounts. Some of the debts are from 2006, 2007 etc. A few are joint with Jeff, otherwise it looks like legitimate personal stuff, not Peabody or any of the other businesses.

A while back I wrote that IMHO Jeff was a failure in business and never seemed to have made any real money. All the BS and scams were to cover debts and live a pretty poor lifestyle. The bankruptcy kind of confirms it.

Anyho, Jeff is not due in court for a couple of weeks, so he will probably be in the yard pumping iron, or getting some tats. He he :-)

Equalizer !!

United States of America
More evidence sent to State attorney of Florida.

#33Consumer Comment

Sat, September 11, 2010

Yes folks it seems as though the longer we go the more evidence comes up to show Just how guilty and how devious jeffrey was ,

Yes Mr no Bull as you state no end and very serious charges , I dont see how a sain person would continue or not cave by now as well ,

Latest is in Orange county court He came out and lied that he never abused his dad , and his dad lashes out and accused that "yes you did you Bit me on the finger"

You really cant make this stuff up , Jeffrey has A permanent injunction against him forever , not to contact his father . also Below as jeffrey attempts to delay and fraud court using the loopholes within the worthless check program and the criminal laws hes facing he is attempting the subpena duces tecum to reduce his possible restitution or sentence

Very Clever , His P/D must not have read that in law 101 , and a letter to the judje by jeff , allowed the request .( LOL ) Funny because I find that Jeffrey if not already a convict could possibally had a career with the P/D office . LOL , getting criminals off the block .

Well the updates are coming still and also Here is just a small collection of new evedence now in the hands of Procecutors to do with what they want .( pic . Below if it comes out ) 

Another victim I spoke to confirms the old saying " You should never Bite the Hand That feeds you "  and I agree !! LOL LOL .... Jeffreys Jail bill is going up and up , but he no longer has access to emergency fund , so how will he pay !

And The Ball keeps rolling . thanks for the updates ,everyone More to come ...EQ out


Report Attachments


It never ends

#34Consumer Comment

Fri, September 10, 2010

Now Mr. H. senior is being evicted.

Myorangeclerk.com,  case 2010-CC-013596-O under civil.

Now how many times has this happened before????

Thanks for the other updates Equalizer. Seems like Jeff is really on his own.

Yeah, these are heavy felony charges and some have jail time plus fines. No escaping that without good lawyers and hard cash to pay restitution and fines.

A sane person would crack under the strain. Actually a sane person would have cracked long ago and never have done half the things he did, as well all know.


Equalizer !!

United States of America
Dear ole Dad, hits Back Hard !!!

#35Consumer Comment

Thu, September 09, 2010

Div 44
Kest, Sally D. M.
Domestic Violence
Closed - SRS


Orange county court clerk has listed a new Item on their site , Looks like the apple fell a little to far from that their tree , So now we have Domestic abuse , boy where will it end , well being that this week is a very important Holiday , as as we all remember Jeff was a real religious guy

Maybe this week he can repent and atone to this past years sins and crimes he has committed and repent his sins ( only the ones he is guilty of  , of course ) and pray for all the people and families he has hurt this past year and prior years as well to get Justice .

Either way I do know he is a believer now , and such ..... He was heard across the jail house yelling GOD !!!!   I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE ! more to come !!! PS, It seems that a big box of check books has been rumered to be located that jeffrey had stashed away in one of his business locations for emergencies , and is said to be finding its way to the state attorneys and procecutors office soon. ( sure would like to see some of those pictures ... if your lawyers and legal advisors will allow you to release them ...   Have a great Holiday everyone .......

EQ out for now . more to come .......... 

Report Attachments

Equalizer !!

United States of America
Crime and Punishments ( for Jeffrey )FL Chart from (2000)

#36Consumer Comment

Mon, September 06, 2010

 Here are only a few of the charges committed by Jeffrey R Hirschkorn from just over the course of 1 year , and only counting the few victims that have actually had the anger , funds , time , effort to continue and relentlessly , track and corner him into his Hole  lets start with ,  >>>>> Battery - Hitting >>>>  MM - $1,000 fine &/or 1yr Jail

Driving w/susp. Lic >>> $500.00 fine $/or 60days Jail

Perscription Forgery >>>> Felony $5000.00 Fine $/or up to 5 yrs in Pen

False Pretence ( Bad Checks under $150 ) >>>> up to $500.00 fine $/or 60 days Jail + restitution

2nd offense (same ) >>>>> up to $1000.00 fine $/or 1 yr Jail + restitution

False pretence ( Bad cks over $150 ) >>>>> up to $5,000.00 fine $/or up to 5 yrs Pen + restitution


FELONY 1st Degree >>> $10,000.00 fine &/or up to 30 Yrs Pen 

            2nd Degree >>> $10,000.00 fine &/or up to 15 yrs Pen   

            3rd Degree >>> $5000.00 Fine & or up to 5 yrs pen

Forgery W/ intent to defraud of any kind >>>>(felony) $5000.00 &/or up to 5 yrs Pen

Fraud Credit card ( less than $100.00 ) >>>> 1st offense up to $1000.00 &/or up to 1 yr Jail

Fraud Credit card ( over $100.00 ) >>>>> 1st offense ( felony )$5000.00 &/or up to 5 yrs Pen

Fraud ( Foodstamps) over $200.00 >>>> $5000.00 fine &/or up to 5 yrs Jail

Fraudelent statements to Govt. >>>> up to $500.00 fine &/or 60 days Jail

Gen Misdemeanors >>>> $500.00 fine &/or up to 60 days Jail

Grand Larceny ( over $300.00 ) >>>>>( felony) $5000.00 &/or up to 5 yrs pen

Petit ( under $300.00 ) >>>> $500.00 &/or 60 days Jail

Receiving stolen Property >>>> (felony) up to $15,000.00 fine &/or 15 yrs in Pen

Malicious Mischeif (under $200) $500.00 Fine $/or 60 days Jail

Threatning Phone calls >>>>> $500,oo Fine &/or 60 days Jail

obstructing of justice >>> $1000.00 Fine &/or 1 yr Jail

Pergery ( Official Proceeding ) >>>>>Felony During trial $5000.00 &/or up to 5 yrs Pen

Threat / Intimidation By Letter >>>>.Felony $10,000.00 Fine &/or 15yrs Pen

These are only a few  !!!! The word is there will be more forth comming in the near future , like that of Filing false police reports , Bank wire fraud , Insurance fraud with intent , More obtaining prop/w worthless cks , use of stolen credit card to obtain property and also intimidation by letter , and such....... but dont know about that recent sentence of 40 Days , ( thats pretty lame of the state ) this is so far a travesty of justice -

If Jeff is allowed to attempt to repay fines / restitution of any sort after any and all jail if he ever gets out its only going to be giving him a licence to scam and Hurt some more

He Needs to get It all in Jail time , no fines no restitution , no Probation ,

Hard Time !!!!! Thats It ......and throw extra in ,  For those that got scammed and didnt even know what hit them , as well .!!!!! More court for jeff on 9/07/10.





Just sentenced to 40 days in prison, as if that matters

#37Consumer Comment

Fri, September 03, 2010

Very interesting to see these new developments. Thanks for the updates, guys.

Yesterday according to the record, Jeff pleaded no contest to multiple charges of writing worthless checks and was sentenced to 40 days. Now why would a totally innocent man do that?  I guess he needs to focus on the felony charges with their lengthy mandatory sentences???  Or did his "Orlando powerhouse lawyer" advise that.

I fact Jeff is already starting to adjust to the prospect of being an old timer and lifer.

Check out this latest pic.

Report Attachments

Angry Churchlady

United States of America
Domestic Violence

#38Consumer Comment

Thu, September 02, 2010

In and of the Circuit Court of Orange County Florida

Register of Actions - - Case No. 2010-DR-013994-O


Case Type:    Domestic Violence
Date Filed:    08/26/2010
Location:    Div 44
Judicial Officer:    Kest, Sally D. M.
Uniform Case Number:    482010DR013994A001OX


Events & Orders of the Court

08/26/2010    Petition
08/26/2010    Civil Cover Sheet
08/26/2010    Temporary Order/Final Hearing Injunction - At 12:45PM
08/26/2010    Consent - Consent for Photos (3)
08/30/2010    Affidavit of Service Served
09/08/2010    Injunctions  (12:45 PM)

Equalizer !!

United States of America
OH , How Sweet It Is , Equalization , Jeff Still In Jail,

#39Consumer Comment

Thu, September 02, 2010

Houdy , Duty Jeffrey - Well as everyone knows Jeffrey is still in Jail as of 7/02/10 to Date of this post , as a matter of fact today 9/02/10 he has a court review on Bob`s charges , that presently are misdermeanors , but may be upgrated to 2-mm and a Felony cg. to add to the many other charges , But the word is >>>>

Jeffrey has threatened his Dad a few times , His Dad in return has filed charges against Jeffrey for Harrassment , forgery , and has also filed charges with the DCF , Himself .

I commend Bob on his insight on his attempt to notify the DCF a number of months ago to bring out the abuse jeffrey caused His Dad ,  past offering to allow Alan  Hirschkorn to come out and tell the truth , I guess it wasent happening with Jeffrey Free to abuse him more ,

Alan found that Jeff took a loan out in his name for about $1500.00 , also paid the cable in alans name with a bad credit card #. also paid with fraud account the power bill also in Alans name , Alan needed to file an affadavid jeffrey used his name and all bad money so he could make payments to keep the power on .

A visit to the local favorate eatery was an experience for Alan when he walked in they asked for Jeffrey , They hadent seen him , but they were not being friendly they were owed alot of money jeffrey had not paid his past bad credit bills , So Alan could not eat there , and was totally embarrassed out the door .

Well these charges also come with an order of protection should jeffrey get out the word is he cannot be within 500 ft. of his Dad , but no worry jeffrey shouldnt be getting out for a while ,

If his stay lasts more than a year they will be shipping him out to a facility in gainsville or another area due to the fact they dont house longer than that at poke . so he will be making new friends shortly . Jeffrey still claims he is not guilty , but Somehow he paid his phone bill from jail , with fraudelent account from BOA a $400+ bill , ( Now thats dedication ) All the proof is had , the calls , the bills , and still the word that even more serious charges are yet to be filed , for Insurance fraud , theft by deception , filing of false police reports , and a few more , 

I intend to follow and update as I can as bob has , and I have been in contact with a number of past victims who still are in the wings but tell me they periodically come to ROR to get updates along with the sherif web site and the cleks site as well .

So we shall see what happens next , and remember if you cant do the time dont do the crime ...... EQ out. till next update . 

Robert Ross , real landlord

New Jersey,
United States of America
The letter of the Law , By Jeffrey Hirschkorn !!!!

#40Author of original report

Wed, August 04, 2010

Here is the letter that was recieved from jeffrey from the polk county Jail , as promised , I personally cannot understand all of the individual words but I guess that neatness is not one of jeffreys strong suits , but I am sure that as I did you will understand that :

the law made a big mistake and jeffrey is innocent , the charges will be dropped and that well the letter is below read for yourselves and figure it out ,

The victim advocate has contacted me and as of the 18th of this month the case will be moving forward with regard to the filed worthless checks I have sent in , and we will see after that what the next step is in the justice system of Florida . I will keep posting .

Report Attachments

Robert Ross , real landlord

New Jersey,
United States of America
Post Man Delivers Letter !!! From Polk County Jail Delivered to Landlord ( Bob )!!!!!!

#41Author of original report

Sun, August 01, 2010

Well to my suprise on 7/27/09 I got a letter from Jeffrey at the jail , ( I will post it in the next post I make ) but the just of it states what everyone already knows ,

Jeffrey is innocent !

Charges will be Dropped !

The whole amount / amounts , jeffrey was kind enough to pay me ( Total ) over the course of time from this last year may 09` to Present  !

Except the only charges presently allowed were not all the worthless checks or ampunts , the others were not accepted on detail and premis of wotthless ck Program , and were not accepted there , but I can and will persue civily .

and also that I need to no longer contact his Dad (Alan), it upsets him ! this I was instructed by jeff to do this , ! But My only contact with Alan was one of phone comunication on a mutual basis , Alan has called me for assistance in his despare , and I only told him what was needed to be told , to assist him in the near future with Jeffrey .

I also have given Alan an option of legal judgment against them both or an arrangement workable to both our situations , to provide and correct past issues of the claims of Alan being in on the variety of illegal activities  and crimes jeffrey was commiting to not only myself but host of others .

Also He claimed They abandoned my home for saftey reasons ! ?  

The facts now : , Jeffrey has been heard threatnining his Dad (Alan) from the jail house phone ,( They do monitor these calls too ) This due to the even more charges of fraud and Identity theft and forgery being brought about by his dear ole abused Dad ( Alan ).that Jeffrey has been advised of ,

Alan has been distanceing himself from further procecution of any claims by fileing forgery among other charges that he has come to find out jeffrey has commited in his recent refusal to open his own eyes , But now faced with all the result and proof he feels compelled to clear himself from any wrong doing or claiming he was totally unaware of Any thing at All .

And this my friends would be the best thing for Alan to try to do to get the legal issues of sorts off his plate if not be him responsible and on to where it belongs , ( ON Jeffrey ) He has , as I am sure been preying on his dad ( Alan )for a long time so these new threats are just more of the same.( and Thats why I did get DCF involved in recent past , But odviously Alan did not feel the need then to say the truth to investigators , or give any dout to them other than Jeffrey was a good boy , ( I tried and they both bulshit themselves and the investigators ) and went on.......

But Now Alan is in the Drivers seat again, and as sad or painfull as it may seem , It is the Only way Alan could even hope to salvage jeffrey his son from certain injury should he get out without an attempt of rehab. Jeffrey Has hurt far to many watching and waiting to make beleive this does not exist , 

Not to mention Jeffrey cannot hurt anyone more at this place of solitude hes in now,

Jeffrey in all his actions was actually asking for this help he so desperately needs , Even while he may not say or realize , He is in the best place possible , fore A hospital would only feed him drugs , and offer the possibility of jeffrey stealing the Identity of a doctor , and optomizing his past thefts by including a Dr Jeff Hirschkorn Cooper , to his resume of Identity thefts.

Or he may decide that the way to go is to become a nurse first ,  nurse Iris G Hirsch cooper the 1st ,  and then sign his own release out and steal the BMW out side , saying its his , or that his Lawyer loan it to him to conduct tests for (research) peabody research that is .

anyway He is confident that the seminole county legal system will let him go , due to his innosense , but he claims to realize they are very slow ,But jeff will ultimately be victorious he claims , and Seminole is not like orange cty , who are a vastly larger county and dropped his charges quickly , according to jeffreys statements in the letter they are slow ,

I have been very busy , but I will post this letter for everyone to see for them selfes in my next post here, and My worthless check charges are presently being addressed in the court and have actually been put off to aug as well , and when I get the determination or that result whatever they decide I will file even more charges on ole jeffrey and also in addition file Judgement against Alan and Jeffrey , civil and see what ever they have they can do for the past criminal acts and other worthless amounts like the Bad bank wire , the false Police report Insurance fraud , theft by deception etc.

My hope is not only money restitution , but also principal restitution and justice restitution , for I probably will not get anywhere close to the loss and Investment its taken to Nail Jeffrey and Alan , or Jeffrey and His phony companys , scams etc etc .

But bitter sweet satisfaction will do as well , that even Now as we post , Jeffrey has been incarcerated since 7/2/09 without release , and that alone is a good thing , and the more the better , and if and when he gets out , he can help Dad pay the rest.

And rest asure I will persue him for every last dime , follow to every employer , town , state , and never allow this to occur ever again to anyone by him or them , if I can help it or do that.

Whatever the case I will try . So till the next Post I bid you all well .

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