  • Report:  #464481

Complaint Review: Philip Harris Representing My Realty Yvonne Dowland - Los Alamitos California

Reported By:
- Redondo Beach, California,

Philip Harris Representing My Realty Yvonne Dowland
3502 Katella Ave, Suite 206 Los Alamitos, 90720 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My Realty abandoned our location after working with reducing her rent and opened at another location down the street. She has a lease that she is still obligated to pay and we have a judgment against her for the damages and past rent she owes.

We go to collect from her and all we are hearing is she is filing Chapter 7 - but we cannot get proof of the filing. Again, I feel we are being strung along, giving her the advantage of time and us trying to do things legal. Again, I hear from this l lawyer that another two week, how many time must I hear this and is it just another stall tactic?

When do we get the truth of it all?


Redondo Beach, California


5 Updates & Rebuttals

Yvonne Dowland

Know Your Facts

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 12, 2013

I was going to respond to your crazy report...but after reading it several times, I realize how rediculous you sounded...I never called back possing as Krista...my partner and daughter is Krista...you spoke to her. Also, our client contacted us and asked us to contact you to stop bothering her. Anyone that has ever been a client of ours knows that we give them 100% of upmost care. 

We did sell her home but only after explaining to her and her family all of her options ... I know that sellers have the right to talk to anyone they like but when they are in a bad situation and don't want to be hounded by people like you trying to cash in on their situation...I will step in and do what is asked of me... I can give countless numbers of thank you letters from my clients, students that I have mentored and real estate agents that I have helped! Just ask and I will send them to you!!

I understand that people have the right to express their opinions but this forum is very frustracting for individuals, like myselft,  who try very hard to give great service to their clients. Nothing that is written is ever verified, so people can just write what they want. I contacted a company that clear my reputation from people like you but I was quoted that the cost will be between $10,000 to $15,000...so I guess I will have to check my name every so often and just send my own rebuttal! Isn't that a shame!



Long Beach,
United States of America
Yvonne Dowland is completely unprofessional

#3General Comment

Sun, September 30, 2012

I believe you ripped off your landlord after the fiasco you pulled off Saturday September 29th. I went by a home you are suppose to be selling for the owner to attempt placing it under assignment for a offer for real estate purchase. The poor old lady clearly does not know her rights or what's going on and I lef her a card to contact me if she wanted to opt out of the so called option you offer. You called my phone almost immediately. You tried to bombardment me with over jargon and bully me hoping to scare me asH because your obviously a nefarious character and after I Hung up with you peacefully, you called back from another number claiming I had just talk to someone different and your name is "Christa" and Yvonne isn't the Agent representing the property...I spoke with you civilly, and relayed the specs to a consultant regarding the impermissible "converted carport" in the house that has been illegally made into a bedroom and bath, and you flipped out. Hurled insult calling me an idiot and ugly. I found your lack of integerity and unprofessionalism disgusting and I will be keeping the text messages as proof when I report you to the ethics board.

I wish everyone reading this could know how disgusting your communication really is because you are a sociopath to say the least. You should know that when your selling (or trying because you will never desk that house because no investor will touch it and you said so over the phone yourself) a home that is being foreclosed on that it is public record therefore people will contact the homeowner offering quick sales...you claimed you have a contract with the homeowner that gives you the right to prevent people from attempting to contact the owner directly...you are either insane or a looney booney..there is no contract that gives you the power to stop solicitations, you need a recorded deal to prevent another deal from another party. But you can't stop solicitations...its the owners right to seek other options and I have yet to see in recorded contract with the recorder on file between you and the homeowner.


Redondo Beach,
If he would have only taken my calls...this could have been avoided

#4Author of original report

Wed, July 29, 2009

The law offices sent me a letter outlining the alleged defamation of Yvonne, one portion was because of this site. Thankfully, they also told us who's name our claim was under and why we didn't receive any notice. We met with out lawyer, who file for Notice of Appearance and Request For Notice to get this situation corrected. Now we officially know she filed bankruptcy and have been notified. That is all I was asking for but could not find.

Yvonne Dowland

There is always two sides to the story!!

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, July 09, 2009

First of all Sheila, why don't you use your real name...secondly, try telling the whole story! My total rent payment for an office of just a little over 1300 square feet was almost $6000 a month. You constantly raised the cam charges (2xs per year) and when the 5 tenants asked to see the receipts for all of the charges that we were paying for...the response we got was that if you had to do that then you would raise our cam charges even more because you would have to get a CPA. It was a never ending cycle. I am a small real estate office that opened in November 2006 when the market crashed. I have not taken a consistent pay check in the last 2.5 years trying to keep the doors open. When you raised our payment again, the 5 tenants asked for another meeting with the owner. We all again express our concern over the high rent. When the meeting was over, the owner, not you, said that he would be willing to meet each tenant individually. When the owner and I met, I showed him all of my books and everything to do with my businesswe finally came to an agreement that he wrote in his hand writing and we both signed that my charges would be lowed $500 per month and I would not have to extend my lease another year. When I received the formal agreement that you typed, you changed everythingmy charges would be lowed by $250 per month and I had to extend my lease another year! I would not sign it so your temper, again, got the best of you and you sent me a nasty email. I explained to the owner that I would not sign. I have worked my whole life trying to do the right thing. I was the only tenant that met with the owner because of my desperate situation, hoping to get some help but instead I was served a 3 day notice to pay or quit even when my rent was not even lateand you filed an unlawful detainer on the 17th of the month. After numerous meetings and trying to do things right, I finally consulted not only 1 attorney, I contacted 2, trying to come up with some solution so I could keep my doors open. The only solution was to break my lease. If you think I did this without a heavy heart you are wrongI am not as brash as you. I am just a small business trying to survive. I too have tenants and in these hard economic times, I have worked with them on their payments. If anyone would like to see the proof that I have, you can contact me through this website and I will furnish documents and references. I am a realtor in good standings with California Association of Realtors. I am on the Board of Directors at my local Board of Realtors and will be Vice President in 2010. I am also on the ethics committee, the housing committee, and on the education committee. It is sad that this website will allow anyone to write damaging comments without finding out the whole story.


New York,
Do yourself a favor...

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

If you don't know how to handle this, you shouldn't be renting property. Sell all your real estate property and get out of the business. Get your butt down to the courthouse, file against her in small claims and get your money back.

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