  • Report:  #3851

Complaint Review: Pizza Hut - Apache Junction Arizona

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Pizza Hut
Apache Junction, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I too was a victim of Pizza Hut in Apache Junction.

I saw the advertisements you place in the papers in Mesa, Apache Junction and Gold Canyon. I was thrilled to say the least. I also read the report on your home page. Everything the badbusinessbureau.com has reported is the truth. I could add so much more, but whats the sense? These people are scum.

I was hired as a waitress. I was so happy to get the job. Bettys grand daughter bragged to me how much in tips you can make. That would have been great if they had let me be a waitress. From the very first day I worked at the Apache Junction Pizza Hut they had me cleaning because the Pinal Health Department called and was coming in 2 or 3 days. I later found out this was all instigated by this web site! I'm so happy.

They also had me answering phones, and cooking. So what you say?

This would have been fine except they only paid me $2.00 an hour as if I were working as a waitress for tips. Even when I assisted the waitress, Area Supervisor Betty Carters Granddaughter, i was not able to get any part of the tip. This went on for more than 3 weeks till I quit as many others have.

Under aged waitresses also served beer, even to an off duty police officer. The officer was in earlier in the day with 2 others and had eaten for free.

One time I asked a police officer if he was going to pay and he just ignored me. I was told by the manager (which changed almost daily)

to mind my own business. This was the daughter-in-law of Betty Carter who told me that. What a nasty person she is.

After reading your long and informative report on this web site, I can say I personally never saw any drugs, although many people came in that were looking for Rick Carter who were obviously on drugs.

One day 3 men walked in looking for Rick Carter. They started threatening some of the employees. They wanted to know where Rick Carter was.

We were told not to say where he was working. They said he owned them $2,000. Fearing retaliation, I stepped outside and told them, he was the manager in Winslow. These people looked like the type of people that would come back and shoot everyone!

The first day I worked there another employees Mother came in to talk with Betty for shorting their daughter more than $50 in pay that week.

I heard the mother say, that she dropped her daughter off every day and picked her up. Every time the mother had to wait for her daughter to finish, so the mother knew what hours the daughter worked.

I could not believe what I was hearing. Betty Carter threatened the mother saying that her daughter was a liar and her daughter did not do her job. The mother asked why she did not fire her daughter? Then Betty Carter threatened to call the police on her for trespassing. Another employee who started work there about 2 months before said this was a weekly occurrence. She also said, I was better off keeping my mouth shut if I wanted to keep my job. She said Betty Carter has her ways.

I could go on and on. Your story on your home page of this web site is so informative. The advertisement that was placed in the local news papers looking for other victims is fantastic. You have made so many people happy. Other friends that also worked there were all jumping for joy. From the bottom of our hearts thank you thank you thank you.

I will not sign my name. Anyone reading your Pizza Hut story at the top of this web site would understand my fear.

I appreciate you not ever revealing my e-mail address.

One other thing. I'm owed well over $300. Will I ever get what is owed to me?

Others I know do not have a computer can they mail it to you?

Again-thank you.

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