  • Report:  #12024

Complaint Review: Priamerica - NY New York

Reported By:

NY, New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is in response to the issue of Priamerica. I am neither a supporter nor is this written as a rebuttal, but as a mediator. Sometimes when we are not interested in things we seems to gather more out of the situation to give ourselves the reason to just tell the next party no I am not interested. Attending a business meeting and hearing Amen being recited durning the taping dose not mean you are taking a part in a cult ritual.

Amen is a universal word that simple means it is so. It can be use by Jehovah Witness, or by Muslims. Who is to say that the meeting you attended or watched was not being organized by a group of Christian (whatever denomination they may have been)business men and women. Further more if President Bush can pray before every broad meeting which ends in Amen Why can't Priamerica?

I am not a Jehovah Witness nor am I am Muslim, but I do have a reverance for God, and I do not feel that I have to place my judgement on someone I do not support because they make me feel uncomfortable. I can take there differences as differences and still be able to receive some good out of it.

I have also been approach by Priamerica and several of the tatics that you mentioned are very true, but the bottom line is that I am not interested. I am in accounting and love helping people and that may be a way of doing so but it is not one of the ways I am interested in. I would like to say that if you are going to speak about a company way of running business I would place my opinons to business pratices and leave out the comments I find a rude or that make me uncomfortable.

Recently with the attacks on america and people lives and freedom remember we were all praying and said amen. The time is alway appropiate the question is are we accustom to hearing it.


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