  • Report:  #25754

Complaint Review: Rent-A-center - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Duncannon, pa,

4830 Carlisle Pike Suite 126 Mechanicsburg, 17055 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been dealing with Rent-A-Center for 2 to 3 Years, they don't do what they say they are going to do. I was renting a computer from them, there contract sayes they fix what they sell and that is a lie. they don't fix what they sell.

Rent-A-Center is not certified to work on anything they sell mainly their computers, The computer I was renting had problems with it and they would not fix it just because it had windows xp on it and it was a COMPAQ. I had to put alot of money it the computer to get it working and could not pay on the computer. Plus they would not work with me.

Rent-A-Center was also called all of my relitives and friends who was on the list. which is against the law in the state of "PA", I took everything back and told them to shove it up their "a*s". (not in there word). the Person that was having problems with there is Amaury Rodrigues (Mario)( Exective Mamager)is his title. and would not work at all with me. I have turned them it to Comsumer Protection Bureau, Microsoft, and the Better Business Bureau. and I am ready to get a lawyer if nothing is done about this problem.

I would like to be contacted about this problem and get my computer back free and clear and this other one to that belongs to JIM BLACK. If not a lawyer is going to be stepping in with oin 1 week. and will cost Rent-A-Canter a furtune. and to get ride of the person I am complaining about. thank you for your time And I better Get a Reply with in 1 week .


Duncannon, Pennsylvania

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