To whom may it may apply. dont work for this company ever ! they charge the carrier back two dollars for every delivery error, and.. they take 100 dollars out of paycheck if you miss a night of delivery. this is standard practice, but no one rebls for fear of reprisal, and possibly being fired.mot carriers are very afraid to speak up. because they get fired from this news route if they do.subcontract work.not hourly.and drivers supply on cars fuel oil, etc. the circulation manager is a crook, and gets away with this quazilegal practice. he is hated by all who have to deal with him..and they all find his management incompetance. and the clown wans to be a county commissioner now...dont elect this circu peanut..he has made everyones lives miserable....
rome,#2Author of original report
Tue, March 25, 2014
and it comes as no surprise that they terminate all the coscientious carriers, and lower the pay rate as the next carrier signs on to a stupid cntract that favors the company solely, with zero collectiv barganing powers. the circus clown that wns it is wasting the company profits, all the while..with a golden the bankrupt company is struggling. motorcycles, ex wives...and mcmansions..seem to be the owners choice.. a third generation idiot. meanwhile the downtrodden carriers who cant find work elsewhere are forced into this way of lfe, and suffer great financial losses at the hands of these experts of fraud, and cheating. some glad day these paper cariers will wake up and stop this madness with a complete bycott/shutdow..and make the office colwns do all the deliveries. in their nic cars while the poor..sit by and watch them experience first hand how difficult it is to 365 days working in the cold and lonely streets of floyd county with cstomers who that break dow, gas prices exorbant, and deductions deduction every blasted day for is a hated existence. and we wish we didnt even set foot here in newspaper hell...