This company uses pop up ads claiming that "Google is hiring a limited number of people and requires a $1.95 payment to separate the curious from the serious." However what they don't tell you is that you are signing up for a three-day trial of their overpriced services. These are written in light grey 6-point type WAY down on the signup page. You need to scroll way down past a big blank area before you fee this"
Here are the terms and conditions taken verbatim from the site. In addition to using tiny light grey type, that they don't use numerals so that you can easily miss the additional charges they are tacking on to this:
"By submitting this form, I am activating the MyMoneyPlan three day
trial. I also agree to the bonus trial of SearchProfitSystem for
fourteen days. After the three day and fourteen day trial periods, I
will be billed fifty-nine dollars and eighty four cents for MyMoneyPlan
and twenty nine dollars and seventy one cents for the
SearchProfitSystem monthly thereafter until I choose to cancel either
or both programs. I agree to the
Privacy policy/Terms and Conditions of this Web Site."
With your $1.95, you are signing up for $89.55 A MONTH unless you cancel it within 3 days.