This seller is a fraud. I ordered one $100.00 and got great items. The next 2 orders amounted in over $200.00 and every piece but one or two were trash or exchanged for crap I didn't order. Some of the pieces I ordered they didn't even send. I will try to attach photos of one of the pieces they sent me, and I didn't order that mess. It is thin, feels like tin, uneven, trashy looking, and put together badly. They told me the problem was on my end. NO the problem is not on my end, but on theirs. They need to check their suppliers and the packages before they send them out. I am Angry. And have told My friends who have either placed orders or are thinking about it. I am a reliable buyer. I have had the same suppliers for years, and NONE have sent me crap like this. this is China cheap.
ON ORDER NUMBER SMGL-5469 I ordered 18 pieces. I got 17. I also got different pieces than i ordered. Not just different pieces but, thin metal, tin feeling pieces. Shotty work. NO, the issue is not mine, but yours. I have a problem because my very first order was great. These last 2 orders were not made by the same person and they are garbage. on this order SMGL-5469 Gempendant277 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1856 IS there but thin and trashy Gempendant1804 IS there but thin and trashy Gempendant1802 NOT In there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1788 is there and ok, not great Gempendant1080 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1079 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1075 in there and the best of all of them Gempendant1029 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1005 in there an not as sold to me Gempendant1002 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1161 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH GemstoneRing583 NOT he ring i ordered = but a thing trinket GemstoneRing944 THE ONLY ONE IN THAT WAS WHAT I ORDERED GemsstoneRing933 NOT what i ordered - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1364 came Similar to what i ordered GemstoneRing906 DIDN'T COME IN AT ALL IN ANY FORM. OK, ON ORDER NUMBER SMGL-5459 I ordered 19 pieces. I got 18 .
Gempendant122 In there but not as ordered Gempendant1080 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant337 In there but not as ordered Gempendant1029 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1008 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1007 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1005 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1002 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant1144 in there but not as ordered Gempendant450 NOT IN THERE IN ANY FORM Gempendant426 came as ordered Gempendant415 came as ordered Gempendant412 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant465 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant710 came as ordered Gempendant996 NOT In there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH Gempendant995 Came but was thin and trashy Gempendant999 came as ordered Gempendant1000 NOT in there - WAS EXCHANGED FOR TRASH
#2Author of original report
Tue, January 03, 2017
Did I say Fraud?? NO, I said you exchanged the pieces in my order with trash. I have even posted photos of one of the trashy pieces you sent me. I also stated you did not send all of the pieces I ordered. All true. No I will not remove my honest report on your company. If you want it gone the send me the pieces I actually ordered and send me the missing pieces. Only then will I remove this truthful post
Tue, January 03, 2017
hello Friends
Greetings from SMGL CORP INDIA.
We have come to knwo the compalint one of our buyer has filed with rippoff.
they claim that we are fraud but our buyer did not know the term of fraud.. !!!! it means we are not a comapny.
we like to intimate to our world wide custoemr that we are doing even online business since 20 years and very well know co. world wide for our best handmade 925 sterling silver jewelry.
we alaways provide life time gurantee to our customers.with perticular case we are unable understand why she did file the compalaint when we as a custoemr care always mention to our customers that they can even refund our goods whicha re not as per satisfactory.
but soem time i dont know whay they think but an honestly each one has to be understand the meaning of fraud specially when they mention at public palace without knowing the facts.
we appeal to my customer please withdraw this complaint and must come to us to resolve their problems rather they mention compalint at public .
no co. can be a fraud when they talk and mail and reply of each problem and compalint.
kind regrads