  • Report:  #1326

Complaint Review: Sun Pontic GMC - Scotsdale Arizona

Reported By:
- Mesa, AZ,

Sun Pontic GMC
15333 Hayden Rd Scotsdale, 85260 Arizona, U.S.A.
480367 1234
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We went in to a auto dealer, made a deal for a new Pu, signed the paper work and left our auto ther and went home.

Three weeks or so later we get a call; we need to go back in and sign more papers for a new lender, they had gotten a differant one. So we went back in and resigned all the paper work. took the truck back home, thinking every thing was ok and we would be getting the paper work from the bank for the loan payments. We waited almost 3 more weeks; got another phone call. Now they need andother $1500.00 for the loan that had been aproved twice befor.

We have not been back, have not paid any more but now our loan on the car we gave them is 7 weeks late and they are calling us. This is messing up our credit, and making us very angry.

Can you help?

Rose Johnson and Keith M. Brooks Sr.

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