  • Report:  #370278

Complaint Review: Suntan Supply - Avon Ohio

Reported By:
- YM, Ohio,

Suntan Supply
Avon Ohio Avon, 44011 Ohio, U.S.A.
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I am a witness to the previous complaints about suntan supply, and yes they are all true. But there is another main problem with the company that no one has discussed yet. There is no professionalism in the office and the things that occur on a daily basis is unheard of. The biggest problem the company has is its "national sales manager". She is uneducated . ruthless , and overall bad for business, and the scariest part about it is that the owners have no idea. I First hand witnessed her do things to hurt the interest of the company as well her coworkers, and the worst part is she openly brags about doing so to her "close" co-workers.

When I started at suntan supply , I almost quit my very first day. I heard nothing but the most terrible things about the company and especially the owners (mostly from this person they call their "national sales manager") But i was a big fan of the tanning industry , and the "upper-management" seemed OK to me, so i decided to give it another try. Everything was OK for the first few months and although i was constantly complained too about how terrible the people and company was i just thought... well it wasn't bad for me and i was never one to "follow a crowd" . Nobody trained me at all and i was forced to teach myself everything. I started to notice as time went on and i was doing well , that things started to turn for the wost. And they did , employment became terrible with suntan supply Just like everyone said that it would. The national sales manager had made comments that if anyone was ever as good as her that she would have to get rid of them. She bragged about how she had the one owner wrapped around her finger , and constantly made fun of him, i never really got to know the owners because she had always made it very clear after my first few months that they disliked me and told me that they were saying terrible things about me . She stated that she never wanted anyone to get close to them, she needed that control. She even tried to convince everyone to make one workers( the executive assistant ) days at suntan supply miserable to get her out of there , needless to say that girl did not last long .But that's just some of the personal things she does.

As far as the company goes she bragged about selling lotion on the side to customers , running the whole "operation" , and when it was discovered , let one of her good friends that also worked at suntan supply take the entire fall. The owners have no idea that she was behind the entire thing. She stole from the company left and right bragging that was her "commission". Lets move on to the way she treated her customers , she was a "gossip' girl so she would talk to her customers about very personal things . then call her other employees over to them the personal and private things that these people had trusted her with . She made fun of them all. Also when a customers call was transferred to her she always had something terrible to say about them , especially a very good customer that was going threw a salon opening in the Avon area, and she refused to answer his calls and called him "annoying". I was forced to make up her lack of communication with these people , which overwhelmed my own work load. She considered it funny to pretend like she was other people in the office when answering the phones (to avoid customers ) and when she acted rudely on these calls we were forced to deal with the consequences. She cares more about her romantic life then her job duties . Her motto is she has been there so long she shouldn't have to answer to anybody. The turn over of employees in that company is incredible. She openly takes credit for a lot of them leaving. They have lost some pretty good people that i have seen due to her , and it saddens me that they have lost so many good to keep one bad apple.

I seen her sabotage myself and heard the stories form other employees of her doing the same to them. She has done this to help herself and also to save herself. She will put her name on invoices to look like she had more sales than others and i had also witnessed her put a different name on orders when there were mistakes. She would forget to take care of customers all the time and then make us lie for her , we would take the fall and she would lie and say she defended us to the owners and , when others had caught her badmouthing us and her letting us take the fall for her mistakes. I had been given a special sales task at suntan supply and worked so hard at it , well i had come to find out that she was taking credit for all the good i was doing , and then when she did step in and destroy everything , i took the fall for that. Also there was a show we put on and her being my assistant manager , gave me no direction for the event what so ever. She wanted to make me look bad . Well at this time i was very proud to work for suntan supply and really wanted to show the company how hard I worked . I asked her what i could be assigned too and she gave me the cold shoulder. Well things went terribly wrong especially with the entry to our show. i couldn't help but sit back and take it all in... because she refused to let me help or give me direction everything was getting all screwed up. i finally became stern with her and demanded she let me join in , she was trying to be the super star , but it was not in the best interest of the company or the event. She ended up sitting at a table and taking orders all day , which a five year old can do at a lemonade stand, and received a bunch of credit, for selling product she really took no part in selling (it sold its self) Well I on the other hand ran the entire day ... helping where ever i possibly good , working the mock salon, helping the Admin. assistant, I literally don't believe I have ever worked so physically hard before I was sore for two days. Well somehow she convinced the owners that i didn't do anything and took all the credit as usual , when all she did was complain the entire time and put down the company for making her participate, and I on the other hand was excited to be there , and wanted it to be a success for suntan supply.

Just when you think its bad it gets worse. She had an affair with a coworker there for over a year , and boy was she thrilled when the company moved to Avon. She bragged about having so many "hiding spots" where they could have FUll contact encounters, and they did ... very often until the company installed cameras then it was brief "touching'" in her office... she considered it exciting , i was disgusted but had no one to tell or to bring it to a stop because she had upper management so manipulated that no one would believe me anyway. i tended to get walked on alot , because i knew there was nothing I could do. I'm sure some will think i just have a grudge against this person but the sad part is it is all true. And when I had finally had enough of the drama , the manipulation and everything , i stuck up for myself , and of course when i did she made my life miserable there and i was gone too. As far as suntan supply goes it is a terrible place but i have seen some good , its a shame things are the way there are . I loved my "job" and my customers . and there were some very good people there But the gossip , scandal and drama is just too much for any decent person to handle. And honestly if she was gone that would be one big step in the right direction for the company, they might be able to keep more quality people , and build a staff that had the company's best interest in mind. I can say that the one owner didn't seem so bad and seemed to have a good head on his shoulders and I really cannot say too much about them because i never really got a chance to know them . For the survivors at suntan supply , all i can say is things can only get better... good luck!


YM, Ohio


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